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Presidential University


Presidential Universitys mission is to help Presidents recognize where they went wrong and the things that they couldve done better, in order to make them better leaders for the future.

Dean; Jennifer DaSilva



George Washington

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

James Monroe


Teacher Comments
George, You have really impressed me this semester! You did a great job running the new Nation. You have showed me that youre capable of being a great leader; youre very humble, openminded, youre willing to learn from others, and I like that about you. I also like the way you handled the Whiskey rebellion. But the only thing that kept you from getting a better grade was the pledge of alliance you broke with France, it wasnt the right thing to do. I thought the policy of neutrality was reasonable at first, but then I realized that it wasnt fair. Anyway, Good Job, see you next semester! George, What happened to you this semester? Im so disappointed. Why did you sign the Fugitive Slaves Act? I understand that the Congress wrote it, but you did not have to sign it. You couldve just Veto the proposal, since the Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal. Slavery is something that you shouldve tried to end, not keep and give the slave owners any more power than what they already had. You can do better than this!

Term 1


George Washington
The first U.S President 1789-1797

Term 2


Teacher Comments
John, You did a great job this semester, but I think you can do better than this. I like that youre very intelligent and a good thinker. I also like the fact that you tried to make peace with France. You kept the country from going to war so you deserve credit for that. I think that its great that you believed in equality, and never owned a slave. But, the only think that kept you from getting an A was that you disobeyed the Federalist party . I understand that you didnt think war was reasonable, and it wasnt but you couldve tried to convince the Federalist party that it wasnt. See you next Semester!
John, Im so proud of you! You have improved your grade a lot. I think you did the right thing by signing the Alien & Sedition Act. You cared about the safety of your country and you were willing to do what ever to protect your people. What you did was reasonable, you were just afraid of our enemies, specially after what happened between our country and France. I understand that you violated the Constitution but it was reasonable, since it was for times of war only. Keep up the great work!

Term 1


John Adams
The second U.S President

Term 2


Teacher Comments
Thomas, Honestly I think you can do better than this. I like the fact that you cared about education. You tried to give the poor children a chance to go to school and get a better future by creating Public Schools. But what kept you from getting a better grade was the embargo on foreign shipping you made. I understand that you thought it would torture Britain and France but it ended up hurting U.S instead of helping. I didnt that was the best was to deal with the pirates. Try harder next time! Thomas, You seriously need to step it up. I believe you can do better. I like that you are a man of your word; you promise Sally Hemmings that her children would have their freedom at a certain age, and they did. But what I dont understand is the fact that you slept with your own slave even though you believe that white people are superior then blacks. I thought you loved slavery, why would you get involved with a black person and have children?

Term 1

C+ C

Thomas Jefferson
The third U.S President 1801-1809

Term 2


Teacher Comments
James, Im so proud of you! Youre a very brave and smart president. Just keep up the great work; you have the qualities of leadership. The war of 1812 showed that you care about your country and youre willing to take risks; I think the war was reasonable. As a result U.S and Britain didnt go to war ever since than. Going to war, you knew that the consequences were to come, like when British burned down Washington DC. You made America become a strong and brave country. See you soon! James, I think you did a good job during this last semester, but I think you could do better. I like that you preserved the Constitution. I was impressed by the way you treated Native Americans; you were very helpful to them. I also liked that you opposed the Alien & Sedition Act". You protected the peoples right and the constitution, and thats very important to the U.S citizens. What brought your grade down was that you were sometimes unfair with Native Americans; You took their land.

Term 1


James Madison
The forth U.S President 1809-1817

Term 2



Teacher Comments
James, I think you did an okay job during your first semester. At first I thought that the Monroe Doctrine was a great idea, because you were helping Latin America keep their independence. However, it seemed like you werent only trying to help Latin America; it seemed like you were more interested in getting more money and having more power than helping them. You knew what you were doing, and you knew you werent helping them because you cared, it was only because you were greedy and wanted to trade with them. So, please try harder next semester! James, I thought that maybe you were going to do better this semester, but you didnt. What was you thinking? Werent you the one in charge? Why did you have to listen to Thomas Jefferson? For once I thought you were different, but all you cared about was money and power. Wasnt United states enough? Why did you have to take over Cuba? Im not impressed by your acts; you shouldnt have used Floridas independence to take over Latin America.

Term 1


James Monroe
The fifth U.S President 1817-1825

Term 2

James Madison

James Madison should be the valedictorian of my school, because he is brave and smart. He has qualities of being a great leader. James makes great and smart decisions. He preserved the Constitution by opposing the Alien & Sedition Act. He cares about the country and the peoples rights. He is also the reason why U.S and Britain didnt go to war ever since the war of 1812. He made a difference in the world!

James Monroe

James Monroe should be kept back, because he has no qualities of being a good leader; he cares too much about money and power; hes willing to do whatever it takes to have money and be powerful. He makes dumb decisions, like when he created the Monroe Doctrine". He is sneaky and greedy; he took over Latin America, because he wanted to control them and be the only one able to trade with them, so he could get more money. Also he tried to fool them, by acting like hes protecting them, when he was only caring about United States interests. He has really bad grades and he didnt make any improvements this year.

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