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The Narrow Path


Narrow Path

Revelations in Advanced Spirituality

Solomae Sananda


The Narrow Path


Narrow Path

Revelations in Advanced Spirituality

Solomae Sananda

L S L iving S pirit P ress Spirit P Books for an Awakening Consciousness


Solomae Sananda The Narrow Path: Revelations in Advanced Spirituality Solomae Sananda

Copyright 2004, Solomae Sananda All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in part or in whole, by any means, without the express written consent of the publisher. ISBN # 0-9677852-8-6 LCCN # 2004095526

Living Spirit Foundation P. O. Box 933, Inola, OK 74036 Email: Published by


Spirit L iving S pirit P ress

Books for an Awakening Consciousness


The Narrow Path

Publishers Note
Because the nature of the information presented here sets it apart from other books of the same genre and because the information in this book is essential for the spiritual evolution of mankind, we have made it available on our website as a free download. Its essential that mankind has access to the Truth of Christs purpose and that access to this information be free of monetary requirement and available to everyone equally. For distribution through retail outlets and for those who prefer a hard copy, we have also published this information in book form. To access our website:

Solomae Sananda


The Narrow Path

This book has come about through the Grace of those in Divine service that assist humanity along the spiritual path. These advanced beings are with us during every human suffering and every spiritual breakthrough, guiding, teaching and waiting patiently for humanity to realize their potential. I am eternally grateful for their presence, guidance, protection, patience and devotion to my process and mission. I am also grateful for the many angels the Lord has sent to assist me along this path. Some of these have appeared in human form, and I would like to mention each of them personally. Clyde, my partner and husband, has been my rock. His love has never faltered and I trust him beyond words. Zack, my oldest son, has supported me, loved me and trusted me, even when others could not. His simple wisdom and clear vision are an inspiration to me. His friendship and presence in my life are among my greatest joys. My youngest son, Kyle, inspires me through his sensitivity and pure heart. He has kept me grounded when I needed it and offered his acceptance and love when times were difficult. I know that each of the members of my family has been a gift from heaven, each playing a part in this Divine plan. I love them beyond words and I thank the Lord for their presence in my life. I would also like to thank Bethany Mauer for her support and devotion. Her love and trust have never wavered; she is truly my

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sister in spirit. I would also like to thank her for her many hours of clerical assistance in preparing the Biblical texts quoted throughout this book. My other sister in spirit is Anne Nichols. I am grateful for her support, love and friendship. Annes pure and gentle spirit always amazes and inspires me. I would also like to thank Anne for her assistance in the final corrections and editing of this manuscript. Her expertise in this area was invaluable to the completion of this project. Lastly, and above all, I would like to express my gratitude and love for the being who incarnated as Jesus; my teacher, mentor and guiding light. His devotion, sacrifice and example evoke the deepest and most indescribable love within me. I am always and forever at His feet in humble devotion.


The Narrow Path


For Humanity


Solomae Sananda

Books by Solomae
Kundalini and the Evolution of Consciousness The Wisdom of Solomae Ascension Through the Chakras: The Human Experience of Conscious Evolution Published under Solomaes previous name, Cheryl Stoycoff Soul Speak: Opening to Divine Guidance Raw Kids: Transitioning Children to a Raw Food Diet

Recordings by Solomae
(Available on compact disc)

Meditations for Ascension: Accessing Your Divine Self Meditations for Integration: Merging With Your Higher Self Tools for Ascension: The Fusion of Spirit and Matter

The Narrow Path

Acknowledgments ......................................................... vii Dedication ...................................................................... ix Other Works by Solomae ............................................... x Contents ......................................................................... xi Introduction ................................................................... xv Preface ......................................................................... xix 1. East Meets West ...................................................... 1 The Eastern Paradigm ........................................ 4 The Western Paradigm ....................................... 5 Spiritual Transition ............................................. 6 2. The Emergence of The Christ .................................... 9 The Plan for Humanity ..................................... 12 Etherization of the Blood .................................. 14 3. The Body of Christ ................................................. 17 Forgiveness ..................................................... 19 The Spirit/Christ Body ..................................... 21 4. The Holy Spirit ....................................................... 25 Archangel Michael ........................................... 26 Christianity ....................................................... 27 Growth through Pain ......................................... 29

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Kundalini and the Holy Spirit ............................. 31 Witness Consciousness and Detachment ............ 34 Judgment ................................................................ 35 Love Beyond Description ................................. 37 A New Earth .................................................... 38 The Narrow Path .................................................... 43 One Path .......................................................... 47 Breaking through the Ceiling .............................. 50 The Number Three ........................................... 53 The Opposition ....................................................... 57 Lucifer .............................................................. 59 Ahriman ........................................................... 61 The Veil ............................................................ 64 Balance through Christ ............................................ 71 The Macrocosm ............................................... 75 The Microcosm ................................................ 76 The Larger Body .............................................. 77 Lower Forms of Life ......................................... 78 Integration ........................................................ 81 Narrowing the Path ................................................. 87 Spiritual Experiences ......................................... 87 New Age Practices ........................................... 90 Reiki ................................................................ 90 Channeling ........................................................ 91 Spirit Guides ..................................................... 92

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Wicca ............................................................... 92 Shamanism ....................................................... 92 Eastern Gurus ................................................... 93 Shaktipat .......................................................... 94 Adviata ............................................................ 96 Yoga ................................................................ 97 Meditation ........................................................ 98 Judaism ............................................................ 99 Cults .............................................................. 101 Counterfeit Christianity .................................... 101 Conversion and Church Building ..................... 102 Finding Purity ................................................. 103 Profanity ......................................................... 104 Ceremonies and Rituals ................................... 105 Promiscuity ..................................................... 106 Resistance to Christ ........................................ 109 10. Love, the Light of Christ ..................................... 111 Grace ............................................................. 114 Choosing Love ............................................... 116 Growth through Opposition ............................. 117 11. Walking in the Spirit .............................................121 Living in the World ......................................... 123 Manifesting the Body of Christ ....................... 126 Authority through Christ ................................. 131 12. Nurturing the Christ Presence .............................. 135

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Fasting From the World .................................. 139 Humility .......................................................... 141 13. Fruits of the Spirit ............................................... 143 Trusting Christ ................................................ 148 14. Unification .......................................................... 149 Endnotes ................................................................... 155 Bibliography ............................................................... 157 About the Author ........................................................ 159 Living Spirit Foundation .............................................. 161


The Narrow Path

The information that is shared in this book has come by way of direct experience. The sharing of these experiences is the means by which mankind will evolve. There are many truths which come to us as we evolve. Our ability to grow, both individually and collectively, depends on our willingness to let go of what we think we knew and understood and be open to the direct revelation which comes through an open mind and open heart. There are those who are not yet ready to receive these truths, but the fact that you are reading this now, indicates that on some level, The Christ has already begun to grow within you, or you would not be led to this information. For those who have read my previous books, you will note that they have successively represented my growth as it has progressed. This book picks up where my previous book, Kundalini and the Evolution of Consciousness (Living Spirit Press, 2003) left off. This is the next step in human experience, the true meaning of what Christ did and continues to do for us, and the path that those who seek to know Him directly, beyond the confines of religion, must follow. This is not a Christian book, nor is it a religious one. It is the means by which a new expression of human spirituality can begin to take root in those who have the courage to move beyond the

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existing ceiling which has kept mankind from moving forward. For those who have followed my teachings over the years, you will find many things within these pages that I have not previously spoken of. So much of what is experienced as one moves into higher levels of consciousness is difficult, if not impossible to explain in human terms. Oftentimes, words cannot describe the experiences which occur on higher planes where communication is received directly through the intuitive body, integrated throughout the subtle bodies and stepped down for assimilation into the human consciousness. Making the sharing of higher truths even more difficult is the awareness that whatever is shared, it will be filtered through the mind where it will be judged and compared. In the case of spiritual information, there is even more scrutiny because of the prejudices created by religion and the arrogance of the ego that seeks to be right. Thus, the challenge is presenting this information in a way that is neutral of man-made religion, while being confined to the usage of accepted terms and descriptions which are understandable to most people. Spirit always provides and as I was preparing to begin this book, I was led to the writings of Rudolph Steiner (18611925), a highly developed clairvoyant who founded the Anthroposophy movement and was responsible for the creation of the Waldorf schools. Steiner based his work on direct knowledge and perception of spiritual dimensions which he referred to as spiritual science. Through his writings, I was able to put words to what I had experienced, yet had never before found written references. In addition to Steiners work, this book contains various quotes from the Gospel of the Holy Twelve, an Essene book which closely follows the Gospels of the New Testament. These

The Narrow Path

Essene teachings of Jesus are the clearest and purest available to us in written form. Unlike the traditional Bible, which was altered and changed at its inception, the teachings of the Essenes provide a clearer vehicle through which we can come to directly discover The Christ within ourselves. The Gospel of the Holy Twelve is very revealing for those with an energetic understanding of advanced Christianity and I found it very helpful as I sought out references to the stages experienced by The Christ. It has broken my heart to see how Christianity has turned so many people away from Christ. It has also broken my heart to see the manipulative energies which flow through the worlds religions and new-age spirituality which further obscure the truth and open people to the powers which oppose The Christ. Jesus said it would be so, that His teachings would be changed and hidden from the multitudes. He also promised that the Truth would be revealed and that the darkness would lift. It is my deepest prayer, and the purpose of my incarnation, to bring to light that which has been hidden and misunderstood, to connect the dots between the Eastern and Western paradigms and to reveal the experience of the Christing process for those who are ready to receive this information. Solomae Sananda August, 2004


Solomae Sananda


The Narrow Path

As we begin, it will be helpful for the reader to know of my background and the way these experiences have unfolded. I was brought to these experiences without prejudice or opinion, allowing them to unfold within me purely and directly. I had no religious prejudices or particular beliefs; therefore I had no pre-existing ideas that would shape my experience of these events. The reader should also try to rid themselves of these, or at least set them aside, so that they may also come to understand what lies beyond the scope of religious belief. As you will see, there is much more than what we have been taught. I was raised in a middle-class household with no religious training. We did not attend church and aside from reading a few Bible stories from the Childrens Bible with my Grandmother, I had only a very vague idea of the specifics taught within Christianity. When I was twenty-seven, I attended a Pentecostal church for a short time. Each Sunday, at the end of the service, I would approach the front of the church and kneel on the step, and as I felt the presence and love of Jesus, tears streamed down my face. Each time this occurred, I felt cleansed and the draw of this love I felt from Christ Jesus was beyond anything I had ever known. During this period, which lasted about three months, I received the Holy Spirit. This was not a token gesture directed by the

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minister, nor was it merely a belief on my part. This was an actual energetic experience that was intensely personal and spiritually moving beyond what I had experienced to date. The church taught that in order to be a part of the Body of Christ, you had to receive the Holy Spirit. I had no idea what that actually meant, but I knew I wanted it more than anything. Alone in my bedroom one Sunday evening, I prayed like I had never prayed before. I asked to receive the Holy Spirit. I prayed incessantly for about twenty minutes until I felt this wonderful energy enter me and fill me as if completely taking me over. I began to speak in tongues. I had no control over my body, my consciousness was present, but it was as if I were witnessing this infilling that was so intense my body trembled. I had no awareness of what I was saying (although in later years, when speaking in tongues, there was understanding of what was being transmitted). This experience lasted maybe five minutes and then it stopped as suddenly as it started. Shortly afterward, my marriage (my second) ended and I left the church. I had no further energetic experiences until my Kundalini awakened twelve years later. During the twelve years between receiving the Holy Spirit and the Kundalini awakening, I did not attend church, I had no spiritual practices, nor did I consider myself to be on a spiritual path. My previous experience seemed to fall by the wayside as I went about building my third marriage (to Clyde) and raising our two children in mainstream America. The details of my early Kundalini awakening have been chronicled in my book, Soul Speak: Opening to Divine Guidance (Living Spirit Press, 2000) and the latter experiences in my book, Kundalini and the Evolution of Consciousness, (Living Spirit Press, 2003) so I will not repeat them here. Suffice it to say that

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the Kundalini awakening was totally life-transforming and all encompassing. Soon after the Kundalini awakening, I quit my job as an Insurance Secretary and began giving intuitive readings and channeling guidance for others on the spiritual path. The teaching of spirituality became my full time occupation, my external life mirroring the progression of the spiritual ascension process I was experiencing. After the Kundalini awakening, I began to research this phenomenon in an attempt to understand what was happening. I was dismayed to find no information on the Kundalini process within the Western spiritual paradigm so; I turned to New-Age and Eastern teachings on Kundalini and spirituality. Throughout this process, I felt the presence of Jesus and had no physical teacher. I always considered Jesus to be my guru and let His inner guidance teach me. I refer to this as the direct path and this is what I have always taught those who came to me seeking guidance. The Kundalini process continued for the next several years, until its completion in early 2002. At that time, I had reached what is known in the Eastern paradigm as enlightenment, the transcendence of consciousness beyond the physical/ego level, bringing a balance of the male and female polarities and a merging of the higher and lower energies at the crown chakra. It was about this time that I began to realize that what was lacking in the Eastern spiritual paradigm was love, the presence of the Holy Spirit, which I had felt so many years before. I was having the peaceful experience of no-self, yet there was an emptiness which, based upon my earlier experience with the infilling of the Holy Spirit, did not feel like what I perceived the energy of God to be. Whereas, I had previously concluded that Kundalini

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and the Holy Spirit were just different names for the same thing, I began to realize that this was not the case. I turned my full focus to Jesus for understanding and began to pray with the intention of choosing love, embodying the Holy Spirit and seeking to follow His example. I had completely experienced the Eastern spiritual paradigm, the point where one is expected to be free, yet my energetic process was continuing, even speeding up, and as I continued to pray for guidance and understanding, my ascension continued. Up to this point, I had a firm belief that the Eastern and Western spiritual paradigms were just different ways to describe the same thing. I thought all paths led to the same place and it made no difference which words or which vehicle was used. Being a spiritual teacher, I carefully chose my words to allow for the various paths and belief systems, seeking to blend them into one. While I used Jesus/Christ as my focus, I did not believe this was necessarily any different or better than other belief systems. I felt the mainstream Christian paradigm taught separation, not unity, and I shied away from anything that was too Christian oriented. All this workedto a point. When I reached a certain level, I broke through a kind of spiritual ceiling and immediately encountered, both physically and non-physically, beings of the spiritual hierarchy which are assisting The Christ in His mission here. They assisted me through the next several phases of my ascension and planetary service and brought to my awareness the erroneous beliefs and manipulations under which mankind has been operating. The stages which followed brought nearly impossible energetic opposition, intense physical suffering through the integrating of higher energies into my physical body, and most importantly, an

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understanding of The Christ and the process of salvation which accompanies the earthly evolution of mankind. It is this process that I will share with you in these pages. The completion of my process has brought an understanding of the nature of the Eastern and Western spiritual paradigms as being sequential pieces of the same puzzle, rather than two parallel paths. It has also brought to light the obstacles which have kept mankind from understanding this truth and the means by which we can break through the existing spiritual ceiling and truly enter into the narrow gate.


Solomae Sananda


The Narrow Path

The time cometh when darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people, and the enemies of truth and righteousness shall rule in my Name, and set up a kingdom of this world, and oppress the peoples, and cause the enemy to blaspheme, putting for my doctrines the opinions of men and teaching in my Name that which I have not taught, and darkening much that I have taught by their traditions. But be of good cheer, for the time will also come when the truth they have hidden shall be manifested, and the light shall shine, and the darkness shall pass away, and the true kingdom shall be established which shall be in the world, but not of it. Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve


Solomae Sananda


The Narrow Path

East Meets West
By involution and evolution shall the salvation of the world be accomplished; by the Descent of Spirit into matter, and the Ascent of matter into Spirit, through the ages. Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve

hose in search of deeper understanding of the spiritual realms have commonly turned toward the teachings of the East, where one can find accounts of those who have transcended the physical realm, reaching a state of enlightenment. Through these teachings, mankind has derived an understanding of what they believe is the spiritual ideal; the final state of liberation. In these pages, I will be describing what lies beyond the currently held spiritual paradigms and belief systems, providing an understanding of The Christ, His mission and the energetic foundation which He laid for all of mankind to follow. Lets start by looking at the different spiritual paths created by man. Each time a human being ascended a bit closer to the junction where God and man become One in experience, a new religious path was created. None of these paths have been complete in themselves; each has included all that came before. Like rungs on a ladder, each spiritual leader picked up where the previous one left off.

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Because humans perceive the world through the filter of the mental body, everything is viewed as black and white, rather than different segments of a single continuum. The followers of each path have assumed their spiritual leader started at the bottom rung of the ladder and ascended to the top. In reality, each spiritual revelation as it emerged through the great spiritual leaders has created the next stepping stone toward the junction where God and man become One in experience. Each path was created as a new rung on the same ladder, not as a separate ladder to the same goal. When this is understood, it becomes clear that to move upward, humanity must embrace the most recent rung and go from there. If we persist in hanging onto the previous rungs, a spiritual ceiling will be created, one which omits the most recent human breakthroughs and thereby, the possibility of ascending any higher. The most recent rung on the spiritual ladder was created twothousand years ago, with the emergence of The Christ through the person of Jesus. This event sets itself apart from all that came before. Therefore, Earth-based spirituality can be divided into two segments, that of the Eastern spiritual paradigm and that of the Western spiritual paradigm. The Western paradigm includes all religions and belief systems which focus on Jesus/Christ as the means to reach God. The Eastern paradigm includes all other religions and belief systems. Energetically speaking, there is Christ and there is everything else. (There is an energetic reason the Christian paradigm is separated from the other systems, as I will explain in subsequent chapters.) The mistaken belief that each great spiritual leader has started from and ended at the same place has given rise to the misperception that all paths lead to the same place, or that there are many paths to God. What is not understood is that, with the emergence of The Christ onto the planet, a new avenue was

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created for mankind. This avenue, when correctly understood and followed, will bring mankind into a new spiritual paradigm; one that supercedes everything that came before. The Eastern and Western paradigms are not parallel paths to the same goal as so many believe, nor are they at opposite ends of the spiritual ladder. The Eastern and Western paradigms are actually sequential pieces of the same puzzle. In the East the focus is on enlightenment, the ascension of ones consciousness above the personally identified egoic level, thereby transcending the suffering that occurs through attachment to the world. This happens through meditation, focus on the particular religions founder or guru and the progression of the Kundalini energy1 . In the West the focus is on salvation, the redemption (cleansing) of ones soul through the path created by the resurrection of Christ Jesus, thereby ascending into heaven and resting in eternal peace. This occurs through prayer, devotion to Christ Jesus and through the workings of the Holy Spirit. The Eastern paradigm does not place much emphasis on personal prayer, except the repetition of mantras (the reciting of a devotional statement usually given by the guru or spiritual teacher), nor does it speak of the Holy Spirit. The focus is on transcendence and liberation and is an achievement-based spiritual paradigm in which one earns their spiritual progress by clearing karma2 through repeated lifetimes. The Western paradigm does not include meditation (except to the degree that some Christians refer to it as contemplative prayer), nor does it include awareness of the Kundalini process or reincarnation. Rather than being an achievement-based system, it focuses mainly on reaching upward through faith, devotion and surrender, thereby being lifted up through Grace which is bestowed automatically on those who believe.

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The Eastern and Western paradigms seem to be approaching the goal from two different directions. This is because the Eastern paradigm focuses on raising oneself beyond the ego/physical level while the Western paradigm focuses on receiving into oneself what is above and within. The Eastern paradigm is active, masculine and individual, while the Western paradigm is passive, feminine and collective. A shift from the Eastern paradigm to the Western paradigm represents the movement of humanitys evolutionary process from one extreme to the other. Energetically speaking, it is a necessary swing of the pendulum. The Eastern Paradigm Until the time of Jesus, the spiritual ceiling for humanity was set at what is known in the East as enlightenment. This is the stage when ones consciousness ascends upward, transcending the egoic level of the I through the merging of the male and female energies. Kundalini energy, which begins in the root chakra3 and progresses upward to the crown chakra4 , makes this possible through the clearing of Earth-bound energies which have been embedded in the lower bodies (karma). Once this process is complete, there is a merging of the souls Earthly incarnations (past lives), expanding the human consciousness from the physical plane into the spiritual plane. This process of Earthly enlightenment is the ascent of matter into spirit and until the appearance of The Christ through Jesus, it was the highest level of spiritual achievement available to mankind. The Eastern paradigm is individual, in that the focus is on individual enlightenment and the achievement of individual liberation. This paradigm has taken mankind as far as we can go into the spiritual realms and has created a sort of spiritual ceiling in which those who rest there can fall prey to the manipulations of

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beings in the non-physical realms who seek to stop mankind from continued ascension. The Western Paradigm The next stage for mankind is to take the integrated Earthly consciousness of the spiritual plane and expand it into the planetary consciousness by entering into the Christ-stream or Christ Consciousness. This stage is known as The Christing and it is the means by which the human consciousness becomes fused with that of creation itself through the sacrifice of the one for the many. This is the Western paradigm created by Christ through Jesus. Through it, we enter into a collective body of consciousness that continually works to promote the ascension of all beings. The Christing process is the descent of spirit into matter and occurs via the Holy Spirit. The ability to enter into the Christstream of consciousness and thereby bring the spiritual realm into physical embodiment did not exist before The Christ emerged through the person of Jesus. (In the next few chapters, I will explain this process in detail.) Because the Western paradigm is the most recent rung on the spiritual ladder, there is not much awareness of it as an actual spiritual process. Because of this lack of direct experience, people have tried to understand the Western paradigm through comparison with the previously existing spiritual paths. Without having the direct experience of the Christing process, people have looked only at their interpretation of what Jesus said, using His words for their own purposes. Jesus knew that in time others would also enter into the Consciousness created through His resurrection and ascension, and when this occurred the Truth would be known directly.

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Spiritual Transition When we are in school and precede through the grade levels, we find each grade builds upon the next. It is not necessary to repeat each grade level before we begin the next school year. If this were necessary, we would never progress. Each year, we begin where we left off, embracing the next phase of our education. Likewise, each stage in humanitys spiritual growth builds upon the next. When the Jewish religious leaders challenged Jesus, he told them he was here to change what had come before. He instructed them to put away their animal sacrifices because one greater than Moses was here. He gave them a new set of commandments in the Sermon on the Mount and he repeatedly offended the religious leaders of the day because his actions and teachings contradicted the spiritual teachings they had been following. As you will see in subsequent chapters, Jesus mission was unique, creating an avenue for mankind to ascend beyond the existing paradigm. It is not that what came before Jesus was wrong; it had served its purpose and it had been useful and necessary for mankind at that particular time in human spiritual evolution. With each breakthrough in consciousness comes a new awareness and each new awareness is first seen as radical because it is viewed as a threat by those who hold the power. As mankind moves from the existing paradigm to the newly created paradigm, those who hold the power (energetically speaking) seek to block this progress by creating division, conflict and confusion. Thus, it has been with Christianity; as Jesus said it would be. One finds upon entering high school, everything that came before is inherently included; there is no need to repeat the previous grades. Neither do we need to repeat the first stage of our spiritual evolution by going through the previously existing paradigm.

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The previous stages of human spirituality are inherently included in the second stage (the Western paradigm created by Christ). The new paradigm created by The Christ through Jesus supercedes the Eastern paradigm. Continual focus on the previous grade is a detriment to the progress of the student. Likewise, continual focus on the earlier stages of human spiritual development (the spiritual paradigms prior to the emergence of The Christ through Jesus), is used as an advantage by those forces which seek to keep humanity under their control. This will become clearer as we proceed. What is needed is a spiritual transition; a shifting to the latest stage in human spiritual development through a true understanding of and focus on The Christ. This understanding is now emerging (as Jesus said it would), because more people are now moving into these higher levels of awareness and integrating the Christ energy into their human consciousness. We have evolved to the point where we need to fully understand and embrace The Christ within ourselves, to make this spiritual embodiment possible. Gradually, the old paradigms will fall away as more people have the direct inner experience of The Christ and come to see the forces which perpetuate division through the worlds religious and spiritual teachings. This is the narrow path that Jesus spoke of when He said, Enter into the narrow gate, for wide is the door and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many are those who travel on it. Oh how narrow is the door and how difficult is the road which leads to life, and few are those who are found on it. (Matthew 7:13-14).

Solomae Sananda

The Narrow Path

The Emergence of The Christ
In every individual child of man must be accomplished the mystery of God, ever witnessing to the light, suffering for the truth, ascending into Heaven, and sending forth the Spirit of Truth. And this is the path of salvation, for the kingdom of God is within. Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve

s we begin to discuss the process of spiritual embodiment made possible through Christ, we must start at the beginning: when The Christ first entered into the Earths evolutionary process. In this chapter, I will explain how and why this came about. The first emergence of The Christ occurred through the person of Jesus because of a plan set in motion by a spiritual hierarchy of advanced beings who assist the Earth in its evolution. To understand why and how this event occurred, we need to understand that God is not a Deity that is somehow separate and above the rest of creation. Everything within creation is part of God; the polarities of heaven and hell, as well as Christ and Lucifer, are all part of God. God has no preferences or desired outcome for creation. God is constantly evolving; moment by moment creation is changing and it is up to those within creation to decide how it will proceed. Lets take an example. Suppose you are part of a country that has no governing body. Without a governing body, everyone is equal, so everyone can do whatever they want. Those who

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want to pick fights, do. Those who want to acquire power or riches for themselves do so at the expense of those that are weaker. People would naturally start to gather into groups of like minded people. Those with higher awareness would pool their knowledge and skills to try and improve things for everyone else, but because there is no governing body, they would not be able to control what other people chose to do. Since they would not be able to directly control the actions of those with lower awareness, they would work to assist those who were willing to work for the good of all, attempting to improve the conditions from within, through those who were willing to cooperate. So it is with Gods creation. All of creation is equal, there is no governing body. Those with higher awareness are unable to directly impose their will upon other members of Gods creation, even if those members are being hurtful and destructive (this is known as free will). Instead, they choose to work for the good of the whole by assisting those who are willing to expand upward. The whole of creation is part of God; it is up to the beings within creation to evolve the best they can. It is a learn-as-you-go process. Now, say a neighboring country decides they do not want you to have peace and harmony in your country because this threatens their way of life. They may begin to infiltrate your country and try to impose their will on you. This would become even more of a problem if they were invisible to you. Because you would not be able to perceive them, you would be powerless to stop them. Those from the neighboring country would be able to infiltrate your way of life, taking control of the most innocent appearing things and manipulating the masses for their own purposes. While most people on Earth cannot see the energies beyond what appears on the surface, these types of manipulations are occurring all the time. The highly evolved beings (both physical and non-physical) that are assisting Earth can see the energies

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behind what appears on the surface. They dont want to create fear, nor can they directly impose their will on humanity, so they seek to teach us how to handle our portion of creation responsibly by assisting those who are willing to work for the good of all. Because they are part of creation, their continued evolution is connected to ours. (As we evolve, what one considers to be their body encompasses not only their current level, but all levels below their current one.) The Earth is part of the consciousness of all the beings above it. The beings in the higher realms are intricately intertwined with Earthly evolution. Just as your finger is part of your body, the Earth is part of their body. The finger does not know itself as part of the larger body; neither do most humans know themselves as part of the higher (non-physical) realms. The body does, however, know that the finger makes up part of its existence and likewise, the beings in the higher realms know that Earthly consciousness makes up part of their larger body. Thus, there has always been close interaction and interest from the higher realms with regard to the evolution of the Earth and the souls attached to it. All sentient life carries karma which keeps it attached to the planet where the karma was created. We call this reincarnation: the repeated appearance of a soul in physical form (a lifetime) to allow for the clearing of karma. Karma can only be cleared at the level it was created. Therefore, it is necessary to reincarnate on the Earth in order to clear the karma created in past incarnations on the Earth. If the Earth ceases to exist, it will not be possible for those remaining attached to the Earth to clear their Earthly karma and be released from its consciousness. Those in the higher realms are always working to insure humanity does not destroy itself before the souls still attached to the Earth can expand beyond it.


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The Plan for Humanity As with all physical matter, the Earth is in a state of constant decay. From the time physical matter appears, it is in a continual state of decay, until it finally returns from whence it came. This is true of people, animals, plants and even planets. Ideally, the beings which occupy a planet evolve upward at the same rate the planet is decaying downward, thus negating the necessity for a physical planet. By the time the physical planet ceases to exist through the natural decaying process, the collective consciousness of the planet would have evolved to a point where they no longer needed to incarnate into physicality on that planet. Their collective consciousness would then proceed to the next step, possibly appearing in physicality elsewhere or emerging in another form or dimension. At the time of Jesus life, the Earth was rapidly decaying downward. The downward pull of the Luciferic energy was increasing at such a rapid rate that mankind was in danger of losing the ability to reincarnate on the Earth. The possibility of future lifetimes for the souls still attached to the Earth was in doubt. It was seen by those in the higher realms that the Earthly consciousness was not progressing as rapidly as it should due to increased interference within the planetary consciousness (to be discussed in detail later). These highly evolved beings could not intercede directly with those who were/are interfering with the souls evolution on Earth because of the universal law of free will. So they opted to create another option, a new choice for humanity, and a plan was formed. A being who had not previously been in bodily form on the Earth, a being who had risen to its current level of evolution in other dimensions and through other service, volunteered to come to Earth and merge itself into the Earthly consciousness, thereby creating an avenue by which humans could

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more rapidly evolve and be safe from the interference which was slowing Earthly evolution. This being was The Christ. As part of this plan, a soul who had previously incarnated on Earth and had risen to a very advanced level, and whose physical body had been prepared, was chosen as the vehicle through which The Christ would emerge into the Earth. This vehicle was Jesus. The Christ merged its consciousness into that of Jesus the man, first infiltrating the astral body, then the etheric body and finally into the physical vehicle, merging itself at the level of the ego/I. This process took three years, the duration of Jesus ministry. This was not an easy process. The integration of such a high level of consciousness into the physical body includes great physical suffering, requiring much prayer, meditation and time in seclusion. Through this process, Jesus the man became Jesus the Christas does any human who undergoes this process. He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do. (John 14:12). The stages demonstrated through the life of Jesus (Baptism by the Holy Spirit; the emergence of spiritual gifts and abilities; the temptations; the betrayal, rejection and crucifixion/death; the ascension into heaven and the pouring out of the Spirit into the planetary consciousness) are the stages that each person will go through as they fully merge their consciousness into that of The Christ. To understand the impact The Christ had on Earthly evolution, we must look at the end result. The Christ descended from the heavenly realms and entered into the planetary, human consciousness through the vehicle of Jesus. He then took that human consciousness, through the process of ascension, back to the heavenly realms, creating a bridge between the Earth and the heavenly realms. After this merging into the heavenly realms, The Christ then descended His heavenly consciousness back to Earth by merging His consciousness into the planetary consciousness,

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thereby becoming a permanent part of the Earths consciousness. This is referred to as Pentecost, the pouring out of the Holy Spirit onto the Earth. By this act, The Christ now exists within the Earthly ethers and is a conduit through which human souls can enter if they choose. Through the death of Christ Jesus, a new stream of consciousness (henceforth referred to as the Christ-stream) was created within the Earths etheric field. Etherization of the Blood To understand how this planetary Christ-stream of consciousness enters into our human consciousness, we must look at the process of blood etherization. This is the process by which the non-physical becomes physical. It is also the process by which the growth of the soul during a particular lifetime is transmitted to the physical body the soul occupies during that lifetime, thereby changing the physical vibration to match the etheric vibration. Human blood is constantly undergoing a process of etherization, which occurs in the area of the heart. There is a constant and continual transmutation of the physical blood into a delicate, etheric substance, which then flows upward from the heart to the head. This upward flow from heart to brain then surrounds the pineal gland. The upward flow is accompanied by a downward flow from the brain back to the heart. As the energetic vibration of the soul changes, the etherized blood as it passes from the physical to the non-physical realms changes to match the new vibration of the soul. This blood is then passed back to the human vehicle and permeates the body via the bloodstream. This process is also related to the level of oxygen in the bloodstream and accounts for the experience of feeling out of breath with little or no physical exertion. (This is a common


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occurrence as one integrates higher energies into the physical body and occurs because of the blood etherization process.) This same process occurs not only in the microcosm of each individual person, but in the macrocosm of planet Earth. The following explanation by Rudolph Steiner describes the process by which the etherized blood of Jesus entered into the Earthly consciousness: The blood must not be regarded simply as a chemical substance; it must be recognized as something altogether unique. When the blood flowed from Jesus wounds, a substance was imparted to our Earth, which uniting with it, constituted an event of the greatest possible significance for all future ages. Just as our human blood streams upwards from the heart as ether, so since the Mystery of Golgotha [where Jesus was crucified] the etherized blood of Christ Jesus has been present in the ether of the Earth. The etheric body of the Earth is permeated by the blood now transformed, which flowed on Golgotha. Since the Mystery of Golgotha, it has been possible for the etheric blood of Christ to flow together with the streaming from below upward, from heart to head. Because the etherized blood of Jesus is present in the etheric body of the Earth, it accompanies the etherized human blood streaming upwards from the heart to the brain, so that not only those streams previously present in man meet at the heart, but the human blood-stream unites the blood-stream of Christ Jesus. A union of these two streams can, however, come about only if a person is able to unfold true understanding of what is contained in the Christ Impulse. Otherwise, there can be no union; the two streams then mutually repel each other. (Rudolph Steiner, The Etherization of the Blood, a lecture given on October 1, 1911.) This is what it means to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Before the Christ event, this was not possible. Jesus mission was

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unique, creating a new possibility for humanity. Because the etherized blood of the Christed Jesus is now part of the Earth, it is possible for Christ Jesus to materialize himself in the Earthly ethers and within the human consciousness, appearing to those who seek His guidance and ask for His presence. The Christ has access to each persons consciousness, and each person has access to The Christ, because He is within the consciousness of the Earth to which each person is connected. Once we enter into the Christstream of consciousness, we energetically become part of the Body of Christ, where we are continually being cleansed as the Christ energy guides us through our karmic experiences and protects us from the interference of those forces who seek to thwart our progress.


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The Body of Christ
As the wheat is parched by fire, so must ye my disciples pass through tribulations. But rejoice ye; for having suffered with me as one body, ye shall reign with me in one body, and give life to the world. Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve

e see then, that the Body of Christ is a very tangible thing, a separate stream of energy within the Earths consciousness which we can unite with, making it part of our own consciousness. The more a person surrenders to The Christ, the more their individual human stream unites with the Christ-stream. Through this energetic merging, The Christ is slowly integrated at the human level. This is the energetic behind the phenomena of stigmata, the persons consciousness enters so fully into that of Christ, the etheric (and sometimes the physical) body experiences the sufferings of Christ while it occupied the human form of Jesus. A union of these two streams can only occur if one has a pure understanding of The Christ, not simply a mental one. One must willingly enter into the Christ-stream. The law of free will prohibits the Christ energy from entering into anyone who does not willingly and knowingly accept it. In the book, The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical World (Anthroposophic Press, 1996), Rudolph Steiner states, The act of Christ only works on a person when one decides to allow it to have an effect, that is, when the deed is united with the absolutely free nature of the individual I. It is

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not enough for it to be present in the human astral body. To be truly understood, The Christ must be present in the I. And the I must freely resolve to receive The Christ. Human beings receive the power of The Christ into themselves because they willingly accept it, and no one can receive it who does not voluntarily accept it. This is an energetic and literal fact which caused me much confusion before I understood the energetic behind it. The more my consciousness became integrated with that of The Christ, the more my human stream of energy merged with the Christ-stream. Eventually, this Christ-stream felt to be my entire being, the energetic basis of my existence, a guiding force that sustains this physical body and guides each and every interaction of my life. I would have a human interaction and while my personality was experiencing and interacting on the human level, I could feel with full awareness the energetic interaction of the Christ Body within me. Much to my surprise, I would witness this Christ energy flowing from me to some people, feeling neutral toward others and completely repelling others. This perplexed me because, many times, I could not ascertain the difference on the surface. I thought that because Christ is unconditional love, the Christ energy should flow freely to everyone. I fought this at the personality level for some time not understanding that it was the people themselves that directed the flow of the Christ energy to them. For those who had already accepted The Christ within themselves, the Christ energy, as it flowed through me, subsequently flowed to them. These people are in the Body of Christ and I feel a strong energetic resonance with them. For those who are open to the Christ energy, but perhaps have not actually invited it in, the energy feels neutral. Most startling to me is the repelling which I experience with those who actively reject The Christ or have aligned themselves with energies that are not of Christ. (We will

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explore the latter in subsequent chapters because this is perhaps the most misunderstood aspect for those on the spiritual path.) It became clear to me that the Christ energy could not flow where it was not directly invited and I could do nothing at the physical/ego level to change this fact. Any effort to do so is a direct violation of their free will and thereby goes against the will of God. After reading the Steiner material, I had a better understanding of why I experienced such an energetic repelling from some people that I could not explain at the human level. Those who are not within the Christ-stream are repelled by The Christ because of their own choices and resulting energetic vibration. To summarize to this point: the Christ-event changed the course of human evolution by providing a means by which humans could evolve into the higher realms. This requires a choice; the person must willingly and knowingly accept The Christ within themselves, which then allows the Christ-stream to enter into their human stream of consciousness. Once this occurs, the person energetically becomes part of the Body of Christ. Forgiveness Once a person energetically enters into the Body of Christ through the direct acceptance of The Christ, a continual process of purification occurs. I have witnessed and experienced this on many occasions. Once, I was walking in a theater and a young man approached me. No one else was in sight; it was just the two of us. As he came closer, I began to receive impressions of his molesting his younger sister. These were very strong images and feelings, which flowed through me without my focusing on him in the least. It seemed to occur quite independently of my human level and was happening because of our close physical proximity. Because of the nature of the impressions, I began to feel uneasy

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and heard The Christ within me say, Just let it flow through, do not question or judge the impressions. Shortly thereafter, the final impression came, I saw the young man on his knees praying for forgiveness for what he had done to his sister and I could tell his prayer had occurred the night before. This mans prayer brought forgiveness (a cleansing of the energy behind his sin) because he is in the Body of Christ. The Christ is literally a conduit of forgiveness, taking what is fragmented, painful and separate and transmuting it into wholeness, peace and love. On another occasion, I was seated beside a woman in a crowded amusement park theater. I felt my energetic body began to burn-off5 at a very intense rate and because this can be very uncomfortable, I questioned inwardly what was happening. The reply came, I am clearing something for the woman on your right. I looked over at her and immediately received an impression of a prayer she had said the night before. I then noticed her necklacethe Christian cross. I smiled at yet another confirmation of the continual love of Christ at work in and through His Body. My experience of these events occurred because of my level of integration into the Body of Christ. The Christ works through everyone who is within His body. It is a cooperative integration of ones human level of consciousness with that of The Christ. The Christ energy continually cleanses us of our human error (sin). Without this cleansing, humanity has little possibility of becoming karmically purified enough to break free of Earthly incarnations. This is what is meant when it is said that Jesus died for our sins. It is through His etherized blood, which now permeates the Earths consciousness, that we are able to be cleansed of our Earthly karma. I have felt this forgiveness through the Body of Christ on so many occasions, as I have felt the lack of this forgiveness for those who are not yet within the Body of Christ. The latter breaks my heart because I know that for those who

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reject Christ and/or Jesus because of their experience of the Christian religion, no words on my part will convince them. The acceptance of The Christ must come from within, willingly and knowingly. It cannot come through coercion or through fear of what may happen if one does not accept Christ. When one enters into the Christ-stream, and gains an understanding of the process of The Christ, these truths become self-evident. Before that direct experience, they remain part of religious dogma used to separate and control the masses. The Spirit/Christ Body Jesus said, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again. (John 3:5-7). The end result of the integration of the Christ Body into the physical, human vehicle is known as being born of spirit. Being born of water refers to the beginning of this process, symbolized by the baptism in water, which signifies the beginning of the purification process through the acceptance of The Christ. Through this process, a new being comes into existence. That which is born of woman is the flesh, the human incarnation as we know it. When one enters into the Body of Christ, a new life begins energetically; this is the beginning of the Spirit Body. This is what it means to be born of spirit, or in biblical terms, being born of a virgin. The virgin birth is symbolic for the birth of the Spirit Body, the creation of a new being arriving directly from above (God), rather than springing forth from a human mother. When this process begins, one can feel themselves as if in an energetic womb, completely encased by an energetic presence

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that feels nurturing and loving. One can feel this womb pulsating, like a gentle heartbeat around the entire physical body. Eventually, when the Spirit/Christ Body is mature enough, the womb falls away and one then feels the Christ Body within the physical body like a hand within a glove. In this quote from the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus speaks of this phenomenon; When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male is not male and the female is not female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, and an image in place of an image, then you shall enter the kingdom of heaven. The spirit body is a tangible thing which is experienced while in the physical. The ascension process is the process of integrating the Christ Body (Spirit Body) into the astral, etheric and physical bodies, thereby merging these three and ascending into heaven. The Spirit Body is like a second body which identically matches the physical and etheric bodies. It can be felt descending into the physical body each morning upon waking. The degree to which one feels the Spirit Body within their physical body is directly related to the level of integration that has occurred. When this integration is complete, the Spirit Body completely fills and encases the physical body, thereby making a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot and an image for an image. The physical, etheric and astral bodies are the three lower bodies. Each represents a different level of the development of human consciousness. Once a being goes through the Christing process and reaches the perfected state, these three cease to exist because they merge into one. In the following quote from The


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Gospel of the Holy Twelve, Jesus speaks of the union of these three aspects within each person: God is power, love and wisdom, and these three are One. God is Truth, goodness and beauty, and these three are One. God is justice, knowledge and purity, and these three are One. God is splendor, compassion and holiness, and these three are One. And the four Trinities are One in the hidden Deity, the Perfect, the Infinite, the Only. Likewise, in every man who is perfected, there are three persons, that of the son, that of the spouse, and that of the father, and these three are one. So in every woman who is perfected are there three persons, that of the daughter, that of the bride, and that of the mother, and these three are one; and the man and the woman are one, even as God is One. Thus it is with God the Father-Mother, in whom is neither male nor female and in whom is both, and each is threefold, and all are One in the hidden Unity. Marvel not at this, for as it is above so it is below, and that which is on Earth is so, because it is so in Heaven. The Spirit (or Christ) Body is experienced both as ones individual experience (because it feels like ones own energetic/ Spirit Body) and as the whole of the Body of Christ. This is why I was able to witness/experience the cleansing of the young man in the theater. When we join in His body, we experience His suffering as well as His love and peace (for having suffered with me as one body, ye shall reign with me in one body). The two become integrated within the human consciousness and cannot be separated. The Christ does not have form on the physical plane until it becomes integrated into someones consciousness through all three lower bodies. At that point, The Christ becomes a level of consciousness which enters into the Earths physical plane through the physical body of the Christed being, as it did through the body of Jesus.


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While it is important to understand the difference between The Christ and Jesus the man, it is not possible to separate them in ones perception or energetic experience. To merge with The Christ is to merge with all those who occupy that level of consciousness. To reject Jesus is to reject The Christ because the two cannot be separated at the energetic level. This differentiation is possible only in the human mind.


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The Holy Spirit
The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance. John 14:26

he Holy Spirit (also referred to as the Holy Ghost) is the means by which the Body of Christ moves from the nonphysical realm to the physical realm. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Christ as it flows through humanity. Grace occurs because of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit exists through Grace. When one is baptized into the Body of Christ, they receive the Holy Spirit, which then begins the integration of the Christ Body into that person/soul. When Christ Jesus ascended to the heavenly realms, then directed His divinized consciousness to descend back to Earth to permeate the planetary consciousness, the Holy Spirit was the result. The Holy Spirit is the consciousness of The Christ at work within the Earths consciousness. This is the meaning of Pentecost. Forty days after the resurrection and ascension of Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended upon His followers and entered them, as evidenced by their speaking in tongues. This event did not just happen once, nor does it only occur at Pentecostit is occurring all the time. Pentecost is the word used for the initial occurrence of the descent of the Holy Spirit, which now occurs energetically


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each time someone accepts The Christ and thereby enters into the Body of Christ. It is the Holy Spirit which teaches and transforms us, bringing all things to our remembrance. The Holy Spirit directs the Christing process within us. As this process unfolds within, we find our human consciousness merging with that of Christ Jesus. This direct experience and the understanding it brings cannot be explained in words, one must simply experience it to know. In the early stages, before full awareness occurs, this integration can make one perceive they are the reincarnation of Jesus. This occurs as the Christ Consciousness merges into the human consciousness, bringing direct impressions of Jesus life and the Christ experience. Later, this is understood to be part of the integration of The Christ into the human consciousness. Archangel Michael The energy of Christ Jesus is also connected to Archangel Michael. In the same way one may experience their self as Jesus, one may also experience the energy of Archangel Michael. This is because Christ is the stepped down energy of Archangel Michael. (I find it interesting that Jehovah Witnesses believe Jesus and Archangel Michael to be one and the same.) Upon the ascension of ones consciousness into the heavenly realms (after The Christ has been fully integrated down to the physical level), ones consciousness merges into that of Archangel Michael. It is that integrated energy/consciousness which then descends back to Earth, thereby uniting the Earthly and heavenly realms via the Christ-stream/conduit. The Gospel of the Hebrews states, When Christ wanted to come to Earth, the Good Father summoned a mighty power in the heavens who was called Michael, and entrusted Christ

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to his care. This demonstrates how the Christ energy is steppeddown from the heavenly realms to the Earth plane; first throughArchangel Michael, then through The Christ, then into the human vehicle. Now that you have a basic understanding of the energetic reality behind the Christing process, its time we discussed some common differences, contradictions and misunderstandings encountered along the spiritual path. Christianity The Christing process which I have been describing is a tangible energetic occurrence. Stating or believing that one has accepted The Christ and is within the Body of Christ does not make it so. I have known many Christians who know The Christ only through what they have read or what others have told them. Many of these people are ministers and Theologians. They say the right words and preach the gospel, yet do not embody the Christ energy. This is not a judgment in the human sense, as I previously explained; it is the Spirit/Christ Body within me that reveals the Truth, (thankfully) independent of the thinking mind. Unfortunately, it is these types of people who have turned others away from Christ Jesus and have caused much consternation where there need not be any. Calling oneself a Christian does not automatically make one part of the Body of Christ. Having said that, I would also like to point out that it is not necessary to have a complete or advanced understanding of The Christ or how it works in order to receive the Holy Spirit or enter the Body of Christ. Jesus told us we need to be as little children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. As little children, all we need to do is believe and have faith. It is not necessary to have a complete understanding of electricity before one can benefit from turning on a light bulb. It works regardless of ones understanding. So it is with the Christing process. Jesus said, I am the way, the

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truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6) and I am the resurrection and the life, I am the good, the beautiful, the true, he who believes in me shall not die, but live eternally. (The Gospel of the Holy Twelve). All we have to do is believe! Simply by having faith and believing that Jesus is the way and the life we can receive the Holy Spirit and enter into the Christ-stream. Our belief and acceptance of Christ makes it possible to experience Christ. I have often said that Christians are right for all the wrong reasons! Their understanding may be elementary, their faith and unwillingness to question may seem juvenile, yet I cannot deny the flow of the Christ Body I feel with them. This cannot be faked, it is the pure of heart that will see God and it is the pure of heart who know Christ. As I have observed the workings of the Christ Body within me, I have noticed huge differences (overall) in the dense energy I feel coming from people who call themselves Christians. Energetically, there is much less density in those who focus exclusively on The Christ, even though the person may be of a limited spiritual awareness and may partake in questionable practices (such as frequenting casinos or other places where entities and denser energies congregate). A person, who does not exclusively focus on The Christ, would usually be permeated with denser energies, including the attachment of one or more entities or demons. Those who focus on The Christ, even though they have limited spiritual awareness, receive the benefit of the cleansing via the Body of Christ, regardless of their level of awareness or spiritual development. This is amazing Grace at work! We recently installed a new fence on our property. As my husband and I drove into the fencing companys driveway I felt a wave of love and peacefulness flow through me. I told my husband we must be in the right place, thinking we would probably receive

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a good deal on our fence. When we met the salesman, I heard The Christ within me say, Hes one of mine and I felt the wonderful Christ-love flow through me to this man. My human mind started to look at what appeared on the surface: a rugged appearance, numerous tattoos, a bit of gruffness, and an overall rough-around-the-edges persona, all adding up to what we usually consider to be the opposite of a spiritual person. When he turned around however, I noticed one of his tattoos was the Christian cross. Again, I had to smile, only the heart knows; you cannot judge by outward appearances. When this salesman came to our home to measure for the fence, he saw one of our angel pictures and exclaimed, Oh, I love angels, I have them all over my house! No question where his focus was! Clearly, the Christing process relies little on spiritual knowledge. It is simply not necessary to put so much effort into becoming spiritually educated; to learn about chakras, energy meridians, levels of consciousness, reincarnation, karma, kundalini and enlightenment, to name a few. To the pure of heart, none of these things matter. One may receive an understanding of these things as they go through the transformation, but the mental knowledge is simply unnecessary and the lack of knowledge is certainly not an impediment to the process of spiritual ascension through The Christ. Growth through Pain This is not to say that The Christ does all the work for us. On the contrary, The Christ provides the process; we have to commit to go through the experience. In The Gospel of the Holy Twelve, Jesus said, Though ye be gathered together in my bosom, if ye keep not my commandments, I will cast you forth. For if ye keep not the lesser mysteries, who shall give you the greater?

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Everyone stumbles and everyone falls. This is what it is to be humanthis is how we learn. The learning process is painful. Once the integration of the Spirit/Christ Body has begun, any error, we make (meaning anytime we do something, or dont do something we should have) that is not in unison with the Christ energy trying to integrate within us, we will experience being cast out of the Body of Christ. This feels like falling from Grace, nothing is worse. Each time it occurs, one must learn from their mistakes, learning what it takes to embody The Christ in physicality. This is a slow process, unique to each person and there are no shortcuts. Each fall is experienced as a gut wrenching energetic clearing, which leaves one without the Christ Body for a period of three days. But the true Temple is the body of man in which God dwelleth by the Spirit, and when this Temple is destroyed in three days, God raiseth up a more glorious temple, which the eye of the natural man perceiveth not. (Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve). In the final stages, when the Christ Body is nearly fully integrated, such a fall is excruciating because in the absence of the Christ Body, there feels to be nothing left to animate the physical body. One is simply awareness existing within the shell of the human body. It is a matter of energetic vibration; each stage builds on the next. If you remove one block, the whole structure falls. If something enters into the Christ Body that is impure (either by intent or out of ignorance), a separation occurs between the Spirit/ Christ Body and the physical level. Again, there is no faking this, the higher one goes, the harder the lessons and the farther one falls when they error.


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Kundalini and the Holy Spirit Another area of confusion is that of Kundalini. Kundalini and the Holy Spirit are not the same thing. As discussed in Chapter 1, Kundalini represents the ascent of matter into spirit by creating the means by which the human consciousness of an individual incarnation merges into that of the souls entire individual experiences, thus clearing individual Earthly karma by merging the current and past soul experiences. This process expands the persons consciousness from the physical plane into the spiritual plane. The Holy Spirit represents the descent of spirit into matter and is the means by which we enter into the Christ-stream of consciousness, thereby bringing the consciousness of The Christ into human physicality. Through this process, a Spirit or Christ Body is created, which merges the physical, etheric and astral bodies into one. The merging of these three bodies into one is the ascent into heaven. Rather than being sequential (i.e. one must pass through the Kundalini process, then through the Holy Spirit process), the new spiritual paradigm created by The Christ makes this one process. (That is, if one enters into the Christ-stream through the willing acceptance of The Christ as previously discussed.) The energy of the Holy Spirit enters at the heart. This is because the heart is the intersection point where the higher and lower aspects of man become balanced. When the Holy Spirit enters, it will simultaneously awaken the Kundalini if the person is ready. In my case, the Kundalini awakened twelve years after I received the Holy Spirit. If more growth is needed, the Holy Spirit will guide that persons growth until the time it is possible to clear the lower bodies (the ascent of matter into spirit) and ascend upward. In contrast, when the Kundalini awakens without the Holy Spirit,

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it will awaken in the root chakra. This type of Kundalini awakening (common in the Eastern paradigm) results in only the ascension of matter. That is, the ego level is brought upward into the spiritual realm, but one is left feeling blank and empty because the Spirit/ Christ Body does not enter to replace ones sense of self. These are the types of Kundalini awakenings that produce the horror stories in which the Kundalini process seems to go awry. I refer to this as biological Kundalini: the activation of the Kundalini energy without the descent of the Holy Spirit. Biological Kundalini occurs mostly in those who are within the Eastern spiritual paradigm or those without a spiritual focus of any kind. Rather than experiencing the infilling of the Holy Spirit which brings an elated feeling of love, spiritual understanding and guidance, they experience only energetic phenomena in the body and blissful states of transcendence. Those who experience these types of Kundalini awakenings have the most difficulty, physically, energetically and emotionally. Without the presence of the Holy Spirit, the expanded states of consciousness which accompany biological Kundalini do not bring love, wisdom, spiritual guidance and inspiration. Instead, the person is left feeling blank and empty, teetering between the two extremes of spiritual transcendence and physical density, wondering if they have reached enlightenment. I have noted, in my Kundalini research and in my years providing Kundalini support for people, the absence of any description of the Spirit/Christ Body among those with advanced Kundalini who were operating solely within the Eastern paradigm or outside of a spiritual belief system. While they did experience Kundalini, they did not simultaneously experience the integration of the Spirit/Christ Body into the lower bodies. This is not something one could overlook. This integration of spirit into matter was foremost in my experience nearly every waking moment. While the Kundalini feels like energy that is moving up and through the

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body, the Holy Spirit feels like love energy that is moving in and down into the body. Kundalini feels as if it is lifting you up through transcendence. The Holy Spirit feels like it is expanding you through love and teaching you how to hold that expansion in the midst of a daily life. As previously stated, the Holy Spirit provides the descent of spirit into matter. Without entering into the Christ-stream, one only experiences the first half of the process (the ascent of matter into spirit). Without the infilling of the Holy Spirit, one is left feeling blank and empty, like living in a shell. This blankness is sometimes referred to in the East as no-self, which is aptly named because one has left behind the old (egoic) self and does not yet embody the Spirit Self. Without the infilling of Spirit, one is still susceptible to corruption by the lower energies within the Earths consciousness. The individual (egoic) lower nature has been purified at this point, but the planetary lower nature has not. This is why so many enlightened gurus do very unenlightened things. The accounts of this are legion as, unfortunately, are the cases in which these enlightened beings mislead the masses and become pawns for the lower forces that try to suppress the planetary light of Christ through the populace. The end result of a biological Kundalini activation (if it comes to completion at all) is hitting the ceiling of enlightenment and coming under the control of the forces that control the spiritual ceiling over mankind (more about this in later chapters). Such has been the fate of many Eastern gurus, both knowingly and unknowingly. As previously discussed, one cannot receive the Holy Spirit without the willing acceptance of The Christ at the conscious level of the I. Therefore, someone who has completed the Kundalini process without the infilling of the Holy Spirit still has the opportunity to willingly enter into the Body of Christ and proceed to the next level.

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Witness Consciousness or Detachment Because I receive many questions regarding what is referred to as Witness Consciousness, I would like to address this subject here. Witness Consciousness occurs when one is able to detach from their ego identified experience of life and observe what is happening around them. One is able to witness their egos interaction with the world and feel detached and separate from it. This is a good thing! This indicates there has been a disconnection from the ego, which is the beginning of the integration of the lower self into the spiritual body. Contrary to the Eastern teachings on the subject, the ego does not dissolve or become transcended. Ones self-identity expands into that of their spiritual self as they enter the spiritual plane (when the stage of enlightenment is reached). If growth continues via the Holy Spirit, this identity is also integrated and expanded as ones identity moves into Christ Consciousness at the collective, planetary level. Most people who write to me asking about Witness Consciousness want to know if they have reached enlightenment. They describe their experience as blank, empty and lacking in motivation and emotion. This is sometimes described as a soulless or loveless state. This is the description of the state which occurs before the Spirit/Christ Body has descended into the physical body. The descent of spirit can only occur through the Holy Spirit, which can only occur when one enters into the Christstream through acceptance of The Christ. Witness consciousness is not a joyful place to live. It is uneventful and to that end, peaceful, but it does not bring one into the experience of heaven because this state represents only half the necessary experience. As stated above, in order to bring in love, wisdom and guidance, one must integrate the Spirit/Christ Body. Anything less feels like existing as only human awareness within the shell of a physical body.

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Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man. And yet if I judge, my judgment is true; for I am not alone, but I come from the FatherMother who sent me. Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve

n previous chapters, we have been focusing on the individualized Christ experience. In this chapter, we will discuss the planetary implications of the Christ event. Perhaps one of the most troubling aspects of the Christian paradigm is that of judgment. Scripture is very explicit about this, stating that the world (and every person in it) will be judged. This in itself has caused many people to reject the teachings of Christ. It is very difficult to embrace a God who would judge and condemn His children. To my way of thinking, this was not a God of love and it was not until I experienced this process that I understood what is meant by judgment and how much love and grief is involved in this portion of the Christing process. Everything within creation exists as a microcosm within a macrocosm. At the individual (egoic) level we experience the transmutation of our lower natures as ego-death. Through this process, the limiting and contracted energies within us are brought to our awareness for us to experience as they are purged within our consciousness. This is the classic battle within each soul of good vs. evil. We are each called to face these lower energies

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within us by experiencing them as part of ourselves. Through this process, we come to accept, forgive and integrate them. In doing this, our two natures are transmuted and brought into balance allowing us to move to the next highest plane of consciousness. The Christing process takes this purified individualized consciousness and merges it into the collective, planetary consciousness, which also has a lower nature (as above, so below). When this occurs, the Christed being experiences the whole of the Earths consciousness as His (or Her) body, the most exalted and exquisite aspects as well as the lowest and most evil aspects. This is very different than experiencing the lower nature within the individualized consciousness where one only has themselves to blame, accept or forgive. At the planetary level, for the first time, one experiences other beings within ones own body. At this level, just as at all levels, the law of free will prevails and the Christed being is not able to purify (transmute) those lower energies which are within His/Her body (in this case, the Earth), unless the other beings willingly allow it. In order for the Christed being to continue the ascent upward, it must cast down (expel) those energies which it is unable to bring up through the Christ Body for cleansing and purification. This is necessary because The Christ is not able to bring those people into the Christ-stream who have not willingly accepted the Christ energy. These people have chosen not to move upward by virtue of their choices. Nothing can be done for these people because of the law of free will. As Rudolph Steiner stated, energetically, the Christ-stream and the human stream repel each other unless the human stream has willingly merged itself into the Christ-stream. This is the process of judgment and it is excruciating beyond description. The Christ experiences grief on a cosmic level. It is the grief which comes from extending unconditional love (energetically) to all those within the planets consciousness, and

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then having it rejected, attacked and hated (this is what was physically acted out through Jesus crucifixion). This grief is beyond comprehension. The Christ has no choice but to cast off (down) those which are repelling the Christ-stream and this judgment creates great sorrow for The Christ and all those in the spiritual hierarchy. This rejection of The Christ occurs as the Christed being passes through the final door between Earth and heaven. While Jesus experienced this rejection as a physical crucifixion, it is subsequently experienced as a crucifixion only in the etheric body. This is due to the ascension of planetary consciousness which occurred through the Christing of Jesus. With the statement, Father, forgive them, they know not what they do (Luke 23:34), The Christ continues to stand between those on the Earth and the Father in heaven, continuing to offer forgiveness and holding the door open for those who have rejected Him when they are ready to follow. Love Beyond Description It is most difficult, if not impossible, for a human being to fully comprehend this level of self-sacrifice and love. There is no way to bring ones individualized consciousness upward without first fully experiencing all that lies within it. Likewise, there is no way to bring the planetary consciousness upward without fully experiencing all that lies within it. This means The Christ literally takes on and allows into His/Her body all that is filthy, hateful, vile and evil on the Earth. All the sins which exist within the planetary consciousness, all the painful experiences which people have not been able to release, and offers them the opportunity to enter into the Christ-stream. This includes those beings that are not in physicality, but are still karmically attached to the Earth. For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to

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have life in himself; and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, [those not in physicality] and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.(John 5:26-30). In doing this, The Christed being knows that He/She will have to experience the full extent of these energies (sins) and then, through forgiveness and love, transmute them. This is done out of love, a love for humanity that I will not even attempt to put into words. There is no glorification for this sacrifice, nor are there any personal rewards or recognition. Yet, for the sake of love alone, the offer is made, no strings attached. Because of love, The Christ then has to separate the wheat from the chaff by casting out those who have chosen not to accept the clearing and forgiveness which is offered. It must be so, because The Christ cannot go against the law of creation by violating the free will of another being. The human mind construes this as judgment and becomes indignant that God would judge anyone, but in essence, it is each soul who is creating his or her own judgment by virtue of their choices. A New Earth Each time a being becomes fully integrated with The Christ through all three of the bodies (physical/etheric/astral) and expands their human consciousness upward through the planetary consciousness, a new energetic foundation is created for the Earth. Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and

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prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. (John 14:3). This new place is a heavenly consciousness that the Christed being establishes through His/Her own consciousness. It is not a physical place, but an energetic level of consciousness which did not previously exist. This is the resurrection, the lifting up of those who have kept His word and followed Him. All those who are within the Body of Christ (both those currently incarnate and those not currently incarnate) are vibrationally able to enter this new level of consciousness; they are lifted up through the ascension of each newly Christed being. As this new level is energetically emerging, a lower level is falling away. This is how the Earthly consciousness evolves upward. Lets look at a simplistic example: children play a game in which they stand in a circle and stack their hands, alternately, on top of each other. The hand on the bottom then moves to the top and becomes the highest point, until the next hand (previously the lowest hand) is placed on top of it. As this occurs, the entire stack of hands moves upward, occupying a different level/space than it did when the game began. Likewise, each time someone becomes a Christed being, they take the lowest energetic level and raise it upward, through all the levels, coming to rest at what then becomes the new highest point where a new level of Earthly consciousness emerges. Thus, the gift of Christ is two-fold. On the individual level, through the death of Christ Jesus, an opportunity was created for each individual to enter into the Christ-stream and gradually create a Spirit/Christ Body which will eventually become their resurrected body, thus allowing them to ascend into heaven. On the planetary level, the Christing process creates a new level of consciousness for the Earth, and in doing so, the densest (lowest) level of Earthly consciousness is transmuted, thus enabling the Earth to continue

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its upward ascent despite the lower level energies which still permeate it. This process of Earthly clearing assures mankind the continued ability to incarnate on the Earth plane for karmic clearing and spiritual growth. As explained in Chapter 2, this is a necessity for those souls which are still attached to the Earth. The new level of Earthly consciousness which is created through The Christed being is depicted in this Bible passage: When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory; And before him shall be gathered all nations; and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. The King will say to those at his right, come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom which has been prepared for you from the foundation of the world. (Matthew 25:31-34). Through The Christ, a new heaven and Earth emerge. Within the body of the Christed being, the new heaven energetically exists as the right side; the old Earth as the left side. The Christ stands as the intersection point between the two. This is symbolized by the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus. The one on the right side of Jesus accepted Him, the one on His left did not. To summarize: judgment is the segregating of each soul according to the vibration they carry. It is a universal law, not an arbitrary choice. This comes about through the planetary ascension process facilitated by The Christ. When Christ Jesus said, No one comes to the Father but by me, He was speaking of this process. The only way to ascend from one level to the next within the Earths consciousness is to willingly enter into The Body of Christ, allowing ones individual consciousness to become integrated into the Christ-stream. By unspeakable Grace, the love


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which is The Christ becomes the all-consuming fire that purifies, renews and restores us. In the words of Jesus: And certain of the Pharisees came and questioned Jesus, and said unto him, how sayest thou that God will condemn the world? And Jesus answered, saying, God so loves the world, that the only begotten Son is given, and cometh into the world, that whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but have everlasting life. God sends not the Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him may be saved. The Gospel of the Holy Twelve


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He that is not with me is against me; and he that does not gather with me will scatter. Luke 11:23

he uniqueness of The Christ event sets it apart from every thing that came before. Even our calendar begins again upon the death of Christ, forever casting the recorded history of mankind into two categorieseverything that came before (B.C.) and everything that has come after (A.D.). Such was the significance of this event for the future evolution of mankind. Anyone who doubts that there are forces that would like to stop the progression of The Christ through the body of mankind need only look at the circumstances around the crucifixion of Jesus. It was Jesus own people who turned on Him. The Romans were not interested in killing Him. (Judas betrayed Him not to the Roman authorities, but to the Jewish leaders.) Through the persistence and insistence of the Jewish leaders, the Roman government went ahead with the crucifixion of Jesus, thereby rejecting The Christ. Never before had there been such swift and violent opposition to a spiritual leader. The death of Jesus is very recent in terms of our history. Two thousand years is nothing in the scope of Earths evolution. Do you not think that those same forces which were against The Christ then are not still against Him? They are, and they have gained power as we have moved into modern times,

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disguising themselves in ways that only the highest beings can recognize. Jesus said, My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have fought so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now my kingdom is not here. For this I was born, and for this very thing I came to the world, that I may bear witness concerning the truth. Whoever is of the truth will hear my voice. (John 18:36-37). The emergence of The Christ onto the Earth plane was tantamount to coming into enemy territory and trying to establish a foothold for the light in the middle of the darkness. Christ knowingly came into a world that would reject Him because the forces which rule the physical world had dominance through their deceptions and manipulations. When the great tyrant and all the seven tyrants began to fight in vain against the light, they knew not with whom or what they fought. They saw nothing beyond a dazzling light, so when they fought they expended their strength, one against another, and so it is. For this cause I took a fourth part of their strength, so that they might not have such power, and prevail in their evil deeds. (Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve). By merging His consciousness into the Earths, Christ took on these dark energies full force, thus greatly diminishing their power and influence through His presence within the Earths energy field. If not for this presence, the Earth would not have survived the downward pulling energies which were gaining a foothold before Christs intervention. One must understand that nothing is as it appears on the surface. It may have appeared to be the Jewish leaders that made the decision which caused the death of Jesus, but this is not entirely so. There are energies behind everything that occurs in the physical. As we discussed in Chapter 1, God is everything, the upward pulling as well as the downward pulling. Some beings choose to align themselves with the upward pulling energies and some with

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the downward pulling energies. The upward pulling energy is always for unity and harmony within the whole, which brings balance and ultimately, ascension to the next highest plane. This is the path of self-sacrifice; the sacrifice of the one for the many and it works through those who are willing to put aside personal desires in favor of peace and love. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. (Matthew 5:9). The downward pulling energy is always for separation, division and suppression of the light. It is in favor of the one over the many and works through those who want power, riches and ego fulfillment. At this stage in humanitys evolution, the downward pulling energy is still dominant. Both energies (the upward pulling and the downward pulling) have unseen counterparts in the etheric and astral realms. Just as there are angels of light that come to us as we call on them, so too are there angels of darkness (sometimes called demons or dark spirits) who come to us as we call on them. Whichever force you call upon, their energy merges with yours and you become a carrier for that energy on the physical plane. Yet I say unto you, not all are men, who are in the form of man. (Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve). This is how the unseen energies in the nonphysical realms become manifest in the physical. Everything on the Earth is simply a reflection of the unseen energies which are battling for planetary dominance in the unseen realms. The choices are still ours, creation is happening moment by moment and it is up to us which path we choose for humanity. In the case of the rejection of The Christ through the death of Jesus, the men who were in power at the time sought to keep that power; anything that threatened to give liberation to the people was viewed as a threat. As soon as they had the thought that Jesusteaching could potentially undermine their power, the unseen forces in the non-physical realms entered into their consciousness

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and took over. The thirst for power and their fear of losing power were the choices which unconsciously invited the downward pulling energy in. These leaders became a vehicle for the unseen lower energies to play out their control in the physical realm. While it may seem that the lower forces won in that particular instance, this was not the case. The spiritual hierarchy which sent The Christ to Earth had anticipated this interference, knowing full well that humanity was not yet able to perceive the light of Christ and therefore would fall prey to the manipulation of the lower forces. This is why Jesus foretold of His death, telling His disciples that He would be delivered into the hands of sinners and would be put to death (Matthew 26:45). He told them this was necessary, so that He may come again and that the Father would send the Holy Spirit which would comfort them and bring all things to their remembrance (John 14:26). Through the willing acceptance of the Earths rejection, Jesus became fully Christed. At that moment, His consciousness, which had been fully integrated with that of The Christ, entered into the Earths consciousness through the process of blood etherization (as explained in Chapter 2). He thus created a new stream of consciousness within the Earths energy field for humanity to follow that could not be controlled by the lower forces. As He told us, all we have to do is believe in Him; He that believeth in me believeth not in me, but in him that sent me. And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me. I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth in me should not abide in darkness. (John 12:44). Those who believe in The Christ and follow His teachings enter into the Christ-stream of consciousness and come under the guidance and protection of His etheric presence. Since the time of Jesus, these lower unseen forces have continued to dominate the physical realm. They have worked to undermine The Christ by keeping people from entering into the

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Christ-stream of consciousness. Only those beings aligned with the upward pulling energies honor the law of free will. Those who are aligned with the downward pulling energies do not honor this universal law; that is why one must become aware of their manipulations and see through the illusions that permeate this physical world. One Path There is a popular belief among those who are spiritually seeking that all paths lead to the same place. While this sounds loving, uplifting and peaceful, it is in direct opposition to Jesus statement, He that is not with me is against me; and he that does not gather with me will scatter. (Luke 11:23). This is a very strong statement on the part of Jesus, virtually saying that even being neutral is tantamount to being against Him. At this point, I would like to share one of my experiences that will testify to the meaning of this statement. A student of mine came to visit, bringing his female companion. By all outward appearances, she appeared to be a very spiritual person. She knew the lingo (i.e. everything is God, love is all there is, etc.), but from the moment she arrived, I felt a strong energetic repelling I could not understand. The words and appearance were fine, but there was something underneath, something purely energetic that was repelling the Christ Body within me. On the first day, as we were discussing spiritual matters, I began to talk about Christ. It was obvious she was not Christ resonant. She had the perception (as many do), that Jesus is just one of the ascended masters. As the visit went on, it was revealed that she is part of a spiritual community which follows an Eastern guru. By her focus on these Eastern teachings, she had drawn to herself those energies that work to keep people from entering the Christ-stream. These downward pulling energies, although cloaked

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in spiritual tradition and esoteric knowledge, nonetheless, are in direct opposition to The Christ. Because of this focus, her human consciousness was not able to enter into the Christ-stream and I was experiencing the repelling created by her neutrality. (Those who are not for Him are against Him.) This is the trap that so many who have rejected the Christian church in favor of the Eastern teachings have fallen into and it is a trap that has been well-set by those who oppose The Christ. By throwing the baby out with the bath water they have unknowingly drawn to themselves the downward pulling energy which repels The Christ. The increased focus in recent years on the Eastern paradigm by those who are spiritually seeking has helped these energies gain momentum and get a foothold within the planetary consciousness. As a result, the Eastern paradigm has become a kind of spiritual ceiling which obstructs the Truth of Christ, effectively keeping mankind under the control of the lower forces. The Bible speaks of this in the following passage; Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God; every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God; And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God, and is a false Christ. (1 John 4:1-3). We will discuss this spiritual ceiling in later chapters. When one begins to integrate The Christ into their consciousness, the truth of The Christ is undeniable. This is an energetic fact that occurs as ones human stream of consciousness merges into the Christ-stream. If a spiritual teacher does not speak of The Christ, they have not entered the Christ-stream, and therefore, is a false Christ. When hearing this statement, people usually ask about those who are born into a culture that does not know about Jesus or Christ. They argue that God would not allow some of his children to be left out just because they had not been

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born in an area where they could learn about Christ. What is missing in this argument is the awareness that people are souls, whose Earthly experiences span many lifetimes. When it is time for a soul to encounter The Christ, they will be born into a culture that would facilitate this introduction, or they would encounter it in some other way, perhaps through a missionary, through travel, through books, etc. This is the reason Christianity is the only religion that has spread throughout the world through outreach and missionary work. Its built-into the energy of the Christ Body to give every soul the opportunity to receive the Holy Spirit and enter the Christ-stream. Another argument is that it doesnt matter what it is called; whether it is called Christ or love or something else. People think that because there is one universal Truth, the path one follows or the terminology one uses doesnt matter. As someone who has been through both paradigms and has gone beyond the illusion, integrating The Christ and all that it entails, I can tell you that this is simply not true. It is not the same thing, regardless of what logic or arguments the mind comes up with. From the lower levels, there simply is no way to discern the truth of what Im saying because people cannot perceive beyond the surface and the mental plane of consciousness. This is why the masses can be so easily manipulated and led astray by things that appear and sound spiritual. It is imperative that we understand how we are being manipulated and why Jesus taught that those who are not with Him are against Him. There is no neutrality in the spiritual realms. You cannot serve two masters; one is either aligned with the upward pulling or the downward pulling energies; if one does not choose sides, by default they will be choosing the lower forces. The following quote from The Gospel of the Holy Twelve speaks of this; No servant can serve two masters; for either he will

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hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things, and they derided him. And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men, but God knoweth your hearts for that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God. The full impact of this teaching is usually not understood. Jesus was saying that anything that has found favor in the eyes of the world is an abomination in the sight of God. If it pleases the world, it does not please God. The narrow path takes you away from the world; it does not bring you followers, fame, money, resorts or best-selling books. The forces that rule this world do not support that which carries the Truth. To find that, one must follow a much narrower path. Breaking through the Ceiling There is an energetic reason behind this teaching that I will share with you. The more integrated someone becomes into the Christ-stream, the more isolated and alone they will find themselves in the world. Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of mans sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets. (Luke 6:22-23.) Once someone breaks through the existing ceiling, they become a huge threat to these lower forces that then enter the consciousness of those around them and work through them in an attempt to separate and cause confusion and doubt. This is how it was possible for Jesus followers to scatter and for Peter to deny Jesus three times. It was Peters attachment to the world which created his fear. In that moment of

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doubt about which side he was on, the lower energies took over, causing him to deny Christ. Energetically, Peter had previously been in the Christ-stream of consciousness, but in that moment of uncertainty, he was not for Jesus, which allowed the energetic separation to occur. When I broke through the ceiling, it was the weekend of Pentecost (seven weeks after Easter). I was lying in bed one evening, still fully awake. All of sudden, I was lifted up and out of my body to a place that was higher than I had ever gone before. I felt angels all around me and a celestial sacredness that is beyond description. I was told, You will be a threat now and I was lowered back into my body. As I tried to understand what had just happened, the door flew open and someone came in, along with a wave of energy that was the most powerfully evil thing I had ever experienced. The Christ energy within me rose to meet this evil energy and there was a confrontation to which I was a participating witness. There is no way to describe this event fully, except to say it was terrifying beyond anything imaginable. Over the next week, I witnessed this evil energy enter into the consciousness of those around me. They turned away from me, one by one, succumbing to their fears and doubts, being totally overcome by a kind of veil which altered their perception of everything that was occurring and everything that had come before. With very few exceptions, only my immediate family stood by me and even then, there were some rocky times. This resulted in a huge shift of focus for me. The momentum of my teaching work began to dissipate as more and more people turned away. I went into seclusion and began to work on integrating the Christ energy, coming to a true understanding of the harsh reality of what it takes to truly leave this world behind. For the next year, I was under nearly constant attack from these dark forces. Both day and night they pummeled my energetic body.

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There were numerous confrontations with Lucifer and his forces. The intensity of the hate that is directed at Christ speaks to the threat Christ is to these lower energies. The intensity of the forces which oppose The Christ cannot be understated. It is nearly beyond the level of human endurance and the confrontation of these energies often reduced me to near insanity and physical exhaustion. Except for the assistance of those in the spiritual hierarchy, no one would make it through the ceiling and bring The Christ energy into the physical realm. Through Christ Jesus, the strength was provided to endure this period of integration. I focused all my attention on The Christ; it was my only means of survival. By all outward appearances, I had become a fundamental Christian; I wear a cross around my neck; crosses and Christian art decorate the walls in our home; Christian music plays on our stereo and we say Grace at our evening meal. Only in fully focusing on The Christ, both inside and out, was I able to hold the vibration necessary to stabilize The Christ within me enough to deal with these opposing energies. The outward appearance of my Christ-focus and embodiment is important to understand. It is not a focus on the Christian religion as it may appear. It is a stand for the purity of Christ which stems from my experience of the Christing process. I surround myself with the trappings of Christianity because through these things, the pure Christ energy can be felt. I experience the energy behind everything I see. When I look at a picture for example, I see not only the outward appearance, but I feel within my Spirit/Christ Body the energy behind the picture. This energetic experience is my dominate perception, overriding the physical senses. Everything that has form has energy behind it. Having a photo of an impure spiritual teacher in ones home, allows the energies behind the teacher to remain in your home. This is true of all religious or spiritual art, statues, photos, etc. I can even feel the destabilization

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of my Spirit/Christ Body when Im in a health food store that stocks spiritual items of a New-Age or Eastern nature. These items carry the energy of the various spirits and astral beings which are behind them, not the pure energy of Christ. It doesnt matter what these items are supposed to represent in human perception. It doesnt matter what one believes about them. Everything in physicality has a specific energy vibration behind it. Regardless of what you believe, perceive or think about something, its energy influences you the same way. Eating rat poison will harm you whether or not you knew it was poison. My Spirit/Christ Body lets me know when there are impure energies present. It is important to realize what you are drawing to yourself with the items in your environment. Form is energy made manifest. As one goes higher, the path becomes narrower and the opposition stronger. The need for absolute purity becomes greater. What feels to be uplifting and expanding at the lower levels (i.e. all is love, there are many paths, etc.), becomes an avenue which allows the lower forces to shift ones focus away from the Christ energy, thus taking one off the narrow path. The gate is indeed narrow, which is why so few are able, or even willing, to enter. The Number Three Prior to this point in my ascension process, I had already encountered Lucifer as the temptation of power (described in my book, Kundalini and the Evolution of Consciousness, Living Spirit Press, 2003) and had experienced the energetic neutralizing of the Luciferic energy within my consciousness. To my surprise, after I broke through the spiritual ceiling, the energy I was experiencing which felt to be in opposition to The Christ was not the Luciferic, but something else entirely. This second type of

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downward pulling energy had distinctly different qualities than the Luciferic. It was not until I found the writings of Rudolph Steiner that I understood what I was experiencing. Mankind is dealing with two different types of lower energies, not just one. Steiner refers to this second type of downward pulling energy as Ahrimanic energy. Ahriman is the spirit of evil in the Zoroastrian religion. (Zoroastrian was the dominant world religion during the Persian empires [559 BC to 651 AD], and was thus the most powerful world religion at the time of Jesus. It had a major influence on other religions and is still practiced world-wide, especially in Iran and India.) Until I experienced these events, I had no idea this type of opposition existed. As stated before, I always worded my teachings in such a way as to allow for all belief systems. After I broke through the ceiling, everything of an Eastern nature felt energetically impure and in direct opposition to the Christ energy. I could see how these lower forces (both the Luciferic and the Ahrimanic) are using the non-Christian teachings and teachers to manipulate and control those who follow them. I could see how these lower forces dominate each so-called spiritual path and how they use the division created by religion to cause people to focus away from The Christ. Before breaking through this ceiling, I was under the impression, as most people are, that mankind is operating within a duality: that of heaven and hell. This misperception places everything good at one pole and everything bad at the other pole. The presence of this Ahrimanic energy within the Earths field is the very reason we are able to be manipulated so easily. This second kind of lower energy has created the false ceiling, making people believe they have reached the kingdom of heaven (enlightenment in the Eastern paradigm), when they have not. In the words of Rudolph Steiner: We have to be clear that a realistic view of the structure of

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the cosmos requires that we recognize the role that three plays in it. We must acknowledge the opposing roles of the Luciferic and Ahrimanic powers, while recognizing that the Divine role [The Christ] consists in holding a balance between the two. The result [of not understanding the number three] is that we have a battle going on between Lucifer and Ahriman, but Luciferic characteristics are attributed to Ahriman, and Lucifers kingdom is conceived of as Divine. (The Archangel Michael, His Mission and Ours, Anthroposophic Press, 1994). Instead of a duality (Christ and Lucifer), there is actually a triad: The Christ, Lucifer and Ahriman. This is a difficult concept to grasp because it goes against the existing paradigm of the dual poles of heaven and hell. It is nonetheless, a vital understanding for mankind because it is the only way we will be able to overcome the pull of these two lower forces and break the existing spiritual ceiling which currently conceals the truth of Christ from mankind. Balance cannot be achieved as long as we hold the perception of two. Balance can only come when we incorporate the third spiritual force into our awareness and learn to balance these three energies within our being through Christ embodiment.


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The Opposition
Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:11-12

n presenting the information in this chapter, it is my intention to bring awareness, not create fear. Through awareness, fear can be alleviated. We only fear the unknown. If I had this information before I was confronted by these energies, it would have been much easier. If we understand what we are up against, we can more clearly see the way through it. Anyone who seeks to follow the way of The Christ and bring Christ into physical embodiment will face this opposition. Through our awareness, The Christ can more easily accomplish His mission for mankind. As previously stated, I had experienced the temptations of Lucifer as part of the purification process (see my book, Kundalini and the Evolution of Consciousness for details). The energies I encountered once I broke through the ceiling were much more powerful and acted altogether differently than the Luciferic. It was not until I found Steiners material that I came to understand what


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I was dealing with and why these energies are so intent on blocking the light of The Christ from entering the Earth. In order to understand how The Christ brings balance, we must first learn to differentiate between the two lower energies (the Luciferic and the Ahrimanic). The Luciferic energies contract us into individuation and keep us separate through the illusion of individual power. They want us to remain separate from God through liberation from the whole. An extreme example would be to think of a room full of people drinking and partying, whooping and yelling and living as if nothing matters except the feeling of empowerment and abandon they are acting out through the partying experience. These are Luciferic energies; they make us feel as if we dont need anyone or anything because they make us feel elated (temporarily) through our sole focus on the sense pleasures. Luciferic energies make us egotistical, arrogant and selfish. They create the illusion of personalized power. The temptation presented through the Luciferic is for personal gain or aggrandizement, usually at the expense of others. Overcoming the Luciferic energy is an inner process that each person must experience. On the other hand, the Ahrimanic energies seem to work on an external basis. They suppress and control, blocking our perception of the light. The Ahrimanic energies want to shut us down so we can be easily manipulated and controlled. They have a veiling affect on the human consciousness, seeking to cut us off from the light of Christ. These energies make us feel helpless, empty, blank and powerless. As a result, we become easily manipulated and impressionable. The following quote from Rudolph Steiner speaks of these differing energies: Luciferic beings, striving for universal freedom and Ahrimanic beings, striving for lasting domination are constantly waging war in this cosmos we are part of. This battle involves us and affects everything. The world we live

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in is permeated by Luciferic and Ahrimanic beings. Initiates into such secrets have always emphasized, when speaking of human spiritual evolution that the cosmic existence in which we find ourselves can only be understood in terms of the triad. Expressed in our own terminology, we may say that in cosmic existence we have a Luciferic element, an Ahrimanic element, and the state of balance, represented by The Christ. As you may well imagine, it lies in the deepest interests of the Luciferic and Ahrimanic powers to conceal this secret of the number three. After all, only the proper penetration of this secret would allow humanity to bring about the state of balance between the Luciferic and Ahrimanic powers. The Archangel Michael: His Mission and Ours (Anthroposophic Press, 1994). We will now explore each of these energies in detail. Lucifer The Christian religion teaches that we are born in sin. What this means is that because humans are in physical bodies and (usually) cannot see what lies beyond the physical, we are subject to the illusion that we are separate. This illusion gives rise to the impulses which dominate the lower nature of man. These lower impulses have to do with physical survival, personal gain, lust, greed, self-protection, anger, jealousy, envy, etc. When we begin to move in an upward spiritual direction, we feel an inner pull from these lower impulses; we call this pull Lucifer, Satan or the Devil. Overcoming the temptation of Lucifer is an inner process which relies on our center of will. The Luciferic temptations always come as a choice within us. Until one becomes purified, the choice of the Luciferic is always present. It may be as simple as a child feeling an impulse to slip a candy bar into their pocket while shopping with their parents, or it

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may be as complex as choosing whether to stay with an employer who is unscrupulous because you have a family to support. The Luciferic choices become harder as we move upward until we no longer see things as shades of gray and can no longer compromise the Truth, even for what may seem to be a good cause. When we are in the midst of dealing with our lower natures, Lucifer feels to be the opposite of God. It is the illusion of separation that pulls us downward and it is the inner knowing of oneness that pulls us upward. When the inner knowing within us becomes stronger than the illusion outside of us, the lower impulses are neutralized through an energetic process of purification and unification. What once felt to be in opposition to the spiritual process is seen to be another part of the same continuum. It is through the striving for purity that we flush out our lower natures, exposing the darkest parts of ourselves. The more Lucifer pulls down, the more we strive to move up. The downward pull provides the momentum that propels us upward until the two opposites become one. When this occurs, we will have ascended our consciousness from the physical plane to the spiritual plane. After the ascension into the spiritual plane occurs, the Luciferic energies within our individual consciousness become purified, but the Luciferic element within the Earths consciousness remains as long as there are still souls who have not been purified of their lower Luciferic natures. It is these planetary Luciferic forces that are encountered as we ascend. From the spiritual plane, the Luciferic energy is felt to be opposing to the Ahrimanic energy because, by its very nature, it is separating and feels liberating. This is what has created the false ceiling. The planetary Luciferic energies have been successful in creating a false spiritual ceiling, one which opposes the physically-bound Ahrimanic energies, because they bring the illusion of individualized power and divinity. Those who have risen to the spiritual plane (the ascension of matter

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into spirit), without the Christ energy, are operating under these Luciferic laws of energy. These people are energetically powerful. They have transcended the lower ego nature and experience themselves in a transcendental state of omnipresence. This is the state known in the Eastern paradigm as enlightenment. They feel free of the physical world because they dwell in the spiritual realm. They often feel they are free of karma and can do as they please without consequence. Rather than being Divine, this spiritual state is merely the opposite of the previous physically dominated state. Without the descent of spirit into matter via the Holy Spirit, there is no way to find the balance between the planetary Luciferic (spiritual plane) and the Ahrimanic (physical plane). Ahriman The Ahrimanic energies cannot be overcome as easily as the Luciferic. This energy is parasitic, manipulative, evil, vile and ruthless. It is easier to overcome the Luciferic because it is within ones own consciousness. It is not possible to overcome the Ahrimanic energy without entering into the flow of Grace provided by the Christ-stream. These energies play for keeps and humanity has no idea what they are up against. This is the reason the spiritual hierarchy felt the need to initiate the plan for The Christ to come to Earth. Interference by the Ahrimanic and Luciferic beings was keeping mankind from evolving as they should have because of the subtle deceptions which allow them to suppress, control and manipulate the planetary consciousness. The Ahrimanic energy is an external force, not something that is overcome through an inner process as the Luciferic is. Whereas the Luciferic energy pulls us downward to separate us from the light of God through the illusion of individual power, the Ahrimanic


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energy suppresses us from within the planetary consciousness, seeking to control and dominate us. These Ahrimanic beings gain access to the human consciousness via the astral plane, where they infiltrate the human consciousness through the persons astral body. Once this occurs, that person then becomes a transmitter for these energies. This happens all the time and, most the time, the carrier has no idea it is occurring. These energies travel through our society in various ways including video games, television, movies, music, and people. Rudolph Steiner describes the Ahrimanic beings in this way: These actually subhuman beings [unable to incarnate on the Earth] are controlled as a group by higher Ahrimanic beings, and are thus powerful far beyond their own nature. The Ahrimanic element gives them their strong willpower and directs their activity. Their effect is so compelling that those whom they enslave are unable, in their human weakness, to resist unless they strengthen themselves spiritually. What are they trying to accomplish there? They burrow, so-to-speak, in the deepest layer of consciousness where human beings of today, even when they are awake, are still asleep. People of today do not notice these beings entering their souls, and even their bodily natures. Once within us, these beings attract to themselves all that has remained Luciferic and un-permeated by Christ in us. They can successfully seize hold of those elements. The Archangel Michael: His Mission and Ours (Anthroposophic Press, 1994). In their most basic state, the Ahrimanic energies govern the laws of physical matter. If these energies had not been corrupted, they would serve to bring balance to our expanding spiritual experience by creating the necessity to remain attached to the physical body. Because of the manipulation of these energies, humanity has been under the illusion that they can transcend the

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physical plane through ascension into the spiritual plane. This transcendence brings a shift into the Luciferic energy, creating the illusion of independence and divinity. Thus, those who have not yet merged their human consciousness into the Christ-stream are easily manipulated by these Ahrimanic energies through the illusion of divinity. Experiencing what they think is Divine, they are unknowing carriers for these lower energies. This is what is flowing through the Eastern paradigm and this is why Jesus was so explicit in saying that He is the only way to God. He knew of these Ahrimanic deceptions, and the human experience of liberation that comes through the planetary Luciferic energy. He knew, as Steiner states, that these Ahrimanic beings attract to themselves all that has remained un-permeated by Christ in us and, therefore, these beings are able to infiltrate the consciousness of those who are not within the Christ-stream, thus creating what the Bible refers to as false Christs and false prophets. Rudolph Steiner wrote, If human beings were to try and attain insight into their own supersensible being [spiritual essence] without communion with The Christ, they would be seduced away from themselves and into the realm of Ahriman. Christ is the cosmically ordained carrier of humanitys impulses toward the future. Union with Christ means protecting oneself properly from Ahrimanic influences. The Archangel Michael: His Mission and Ours (Anthroposophic Press, 1994). This is the reason that upon breaking through the spiritual ceiling and encountering the Ahrimanic energies, I instinctively turned all my focus to Christ, surrounding myself with the Christ energy and refusing to focus on anything else. I could feel the impure energies that permeate the other spiritual paths because of the Ahrimanic deception. Only through the spiritual strength and purity of Christ is one able to move beyond these influences and experience true divinity.


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The Veil The Ahrimanic energy has a veiling effect that is used to cut us off from our source of light, keeping mankind from bringing in any light in the form of spiritual inspiration from the higher realms. It is not possible to feel this veil until one has a very high level of integration within the Christ-stream. Only then, once the possibility of deception is no longer possible, do these Ahrimanic beings reveal themselves through direct attack. The first time I began to sense the veil was about three months before I broke through the ceiling described in the previous chapter. One of my students was hosting an Eastern guru in her home. During his visit he was to hold several public meetings as well as private sessions with individuals. Not wanting to interfere with another spiritual teacher, I did not attend the public meetings. On his last day here, he requested to meet me. Not knowing what to expect, I went ahead and met with him, having no pre-conceived judgments or the least bit of apprehension. The meeting was uneventful and the next day he left. Shortly after he left, I noticed a bit of dissension among my students. Some of the students told me he had given them secret mantras that they were to repeat daily. When I asked what the mantra was, I was told, He told me not to tell anyone. I began to feel uneasy about this because the giving of secret mantras felt to be a red flag to me, a sign of control. Not wanting to speak badly about another teacher, or criticize the traditions of a religion I did not understand, I didnt voice my concerns. The next red flag came when I was told that one of his closest disciples was bragging that his guru could veil people for his own purposes. This sent my red-flag-meter off the scale because of the obvious violation of free will. When I heard that some of my students were going to undergo initiation with this guru, giving him complete control

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to guide their spiritual growth, I had to speak up by telling them that I didnt know exactly why, but this guru was simply not pure. This event made me begin to question the purity of the Eastern paradigm. I had always wondered about the numerous stories of enlightened gurus doing very unenlightened things. I did not understand how such things were possible in one that is obviously experiencing the state of enlightenment. It was not until I broke through the ceiling that I was able to see how the Ahrimanic energies use this veiling to control people and how this Ahrimanic energy permeates the Eastern paradigm. The effects of the veil make us feel dry, unimaginative, uncreative, blank and void. It produces the experience of what the Eastern paradigm calls no-self, the blank state referred to as enlightenment. Such is the result of an individual consciousness that rises to the top of the spiritual ceiling within the Earths consciousness and does not integrate the Spirit Body via the Holy Spirit and the Christ-stream. Over time, the veil makes us feel uninspired, without purpose or the joy of living and keeps us in a state of stagnation which eventually makes us feel powerless and trapped. We stop reaching upward and the evolution of our planet ceases. The veil represents the descent of the darkness within the planetary consciousness. Without the inspiration which infiltrates the planetary consciousness through the body of mankind, there can be no upward evolution. During times when the veil is most heavy, there will be more violence as the suppression is acted out in the world. The time in history referred to as the Dark Ages was a time when the veil was extremely thick, allowing no light to penetrate from above. Anyone who was suspected of being able to perceive beyond the veil into the spiritual realms was labeled a witch and burned at the stake. The Dark Ages began shortly after the appearance of The Christ through Jesus in an attempt by the Ahrimanic energies to

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keep the light of Christ from coming through the human consciousness. The Ahrimanic energies immediately rose up, successfully (for a time) keeping any light from descending. Jesus foretold of this: I have set you as the light of the world and as a city that cannot be hid. But the time cometh when darkness shall cover the Earth, and gross darkness the people, and the enemies of truth and righteousness shall rule in my Name, and set up a kingdom of this world, and oppress the peoples, and cause the enemy to blaspheme, putting for my doctrines the opinions of men and teaching in my Name that which I have not taught, and darkening much that I have taught by their traditions. (The Gospel of the Holy Twelve). As the Christ light began to filter down through the human consciousness, the Body of Christ began to gain a foothold within the Earths energy field and humanity slowly came out of the Dark Ages. The higher ones level of consciousness goes, the more the Ahrimanic energies try to bring the person under their control. The consciousness of one in an enlightened state has a powerful influence within the planetary consciousness. Since the only way to ascend upward is to enter into the Christ-stream, the Ahrimanic and Luciferic beings have created a spiritual ceiling, which they control, using the vehicles of those who have risen to a high state of consciousness within the spiritual and religious paradigms that do not focus on Christ. The Ahrimanic energy was the most dominant energy on the planet during the time of Jesus, and is still opposing Christ as it seeks to retain that control. This energy is still the prevalent energy within the religions that spread through the Near East from the Persian Empire. This can be observed by looking at the non-Christian countries in our world today. It is in the countries whose primary religion is other than Christianity, where there is the most suppression and oppression of the people through religion, government and

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culture. In the countries that have primarily focused on Christ we find the most equality and freedom through religion, government and culture. The veil is heavier and the denser energies have more of a foothold through the religions and cultures that suppress the feminine energy. This is readily apparent as we look around the world today. A shift to the most recent rung on the spiritual ladder is a shift to the Western paradigm, which will bring in the Christ-based feminine energy. As this shift begins to occur, we will see more of an uprising of the denser energies through those cultures and religions that are male-dominated as they try and retain power through force and suppression. As these powers feel energetically threatened, they strike out through violence in an attempt to create fear by which they can continue to suppress and control. Its up to us to hold the Christ energy lovingly, yet firmly, as an energetic balance is established on the planet. Those who are energetically sensitive sometimes feel within their bodies the energies that are occurring within the Earthly consciousness. During times when the denser energies are creating fear through large segments of the populace (such as after a terrorist attack), one can feel fear and contraction. This feels like waves running through ones energetic body. When this occurs, it is important not to identify with it personally. Simply observe it while continuing to rest in the Christ Presence as much as possible. Sometimes, it can be so intense, nothing will help except prayer. Eventually, it will pass as the planetary ethers clear themselves through the consciousness of those who hold the Christ energy on the planet. There are some characteristics to the veil which are sometimes noticeable. When someone is veiled, they will have a glassy look to their eyes and when you speak to them, they may somehow seem as if they are not there. They will have very little depth to them, being narcissistic and only able to focus on the superficial. I

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have actually seen this veil as an etheric vapor rise from someone who was asleep and try to enter me while I was awake (this can only be seen by those who are clairvoyant and can see into the etheric realm). The veil can be transmitted through video or computer games. When this is the case, there will be an addictive element to the game; it will permeate the persons consciousness and they will feel as if they cant stop playing it. This same veiling affect applies to the popular Japanese childrens cartoons and trading cards. Through these mediums, the Ahrimanic energies maintain control over the masses. All of these signs can be very subtle and if you are veiled, you wont be able to notice them in yourself. Something else that is common is when someone is newly veiled; they will feel suddenly very sleepy, as if they cannot stay awake. There will be extreme grogginess in the morning, and waking up will be difficult, even though the person had enough sleep. The purpose of the veil is to keep people from reaching upward, and especially to keep them from entering into the Christstream. Therefore, when someone is veiled, they will feel adversely toward anything that tends to bring in the Christ energy. They will not want to pray, they will not want to listen to Christian music and they will not want to read the Bible. A veiled person will feel repelled by these things. This is especially noticeable if the person usually participates in these things, but suddenly does not like them. Incidentally, these beings are the ones that can interfere with phones, CD players, radios, etc. I have had them repeatedly ruin CDs playing Amazing Grace and cut off phone connections when they didnt want someone hearing what I was telling them. This has occurred many times as I conducted private phone sessions and tried to help the person understand what they were doing by using mantras or focusing on a guru. In one example, a man was calling me asking about his various spiritual practices. He said that he frequently used a mantra as directed by a popular Eastern guru.

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He complained that every time he recited this mantra, he got so tired he had to take a nap for a couple of hours. This was making his days very unproductive and he wanted to know what to do about it. The minute I began to explain about the veil and why he should not focus on the teachings of the Eastern guru, the call was abruptly cut off. I sat by the phone for the next fifteen minutes as he tried to call back. Each time he tried, the phone would ring and I would answer, but before I could speak one complete sentence, we were cut off again. Eventually, we finished the session via email. It is also common for me to experience psychic attacks from these energies when they sense their control upon someone is in jeopardy by what I am telling them. As I wrote this book, I experienced numerous attacks. These are truths the Ahrimanic energies do not want to be made public. As soon as someone switches their focus to The Christ and ceases to focus on anything else, they lose their control over that person. The veil is more noticeable in densely populated areas such as large cities. When driving across country, I can tell immediately when we are approaching a city because the density of the etheric veil increases in these areas. This varies greatly from state to state and city to city depending on the focus of the people who live there. The veil is more pronounced in areas where there is a spiritually-scattered focus (i.e. many people focusing on New Age, Eastern or other non-Christian energies). The more people within an area, the more access the Ahrimanic and Luciferic energies have to the physical realm in that location through the consciousness of those who occupy it. In areas such as the Bible belt, the veil is much thinner; the increased focus on Christ in such an area has a marked effect on the energies that are able to penetrate an area. (We will discuss this further in Chapter 13.) If you feel you are veiled, or if you have been unknowingly focusing on energies that are not of Christ, the only thing to do is

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call upon Jesus/Christ. Make your commitment and devotion to Christ clear in no uncertain terms. Pray, listen to Christian music and read Christian based scriptures to bring in the Christ energy. This may be hard because the veiling makes it hard to find the motivation to do this. You must use your will and faith to break through to the light of Christ. There is no reason to go into fear, do not pray out of fear of these lower energies. Pray out of love for Christ. Use your free will to consciously choose where your devotion lies. What you choose to focus on is a testament to that devotion, so choose wisely. When there is a veil, it is not possible to feel deep love or emotion. A sign the veil has lifted is the return of these feelings. Know that you are safe in Christ and He takes care of all who have committed themselves to Him. As St. Paul states in 2 Corinthians; Whenever a man turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.


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Balance through Christ
In every man who is perfected, there are three persons, that of the son, that of the spouse, and that of the father, and these three are one. So in every woman who is perfected are there three persons, that of the daughter, that of the bride, and that of the mother, and these three are one; and the man and the woman are one, even as God is One. Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve

n the previous chapter, we discussed the two lower energies of the triad, Lucifer and Ahriman. With the proper understanding of these two lower energies, we can come to understand the balance brought about by The Christ as it grows within us. As previously stated, once the lower Luciferic energies are purified through the Kundalini process (the ascent of matter into spirit), ones consciousness ascends into the spiritual realm. This is the stage known as enlightenment. It is a state where one has merged within them their previous Earthly incarnations, bringing them to a place of identification as a spiritual being. Ones consciousness is attached to their energetic body rather than their physical body at this stage and their consciousness rests in the spiritual plane. At this point, the person has basically two poles within their consciousness, the energetic/spiritual and the physical. If the person has not integrated their human consciousness into

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the Christ-stream, they will be dominated by the planetary Luciferic energies, bringing a feeling of independence and transcendence, which will be misinterpreted as divinity, the spiritual ceiling created from the poles of the planetary Luciferic and Ahrimanic energies. When one enters the Christ-stream, their consciousness becomes permeated by the Christ energy. This occurs via the Holy Spirit and is the descent of spirit into matter. This results in the creation of a Spirit or Christ Body which slowly becomes integrated at the physical level as the persons consciousness ascends. When the Christ-stream of energy becomes the dominate energy within the persons consciousness, they will break through the spiritual ceiling and encounter the Ahrimanic energies directly. Only at a very purified level is it possible to clearly see and discern between these energies. At this point, it is not the Luciferic, but the Ahrimanic energies that feel to be in opposition to The Christ. This is because Ahriman governs the laws of physical matter. The consciousness of the Christed being has risen as far as it can while still occupying a physical body and because of the presence of the physical body, the Christed consciousness returns to Earth and once again merges itself into the planetary consciousness. In every individual child of man must be accomplished the mystery of God, ever witnessing to the light, suffering for the truth, ascending into Heaven, and sending forth the Spirit of Truth. (Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve). This remerging with the planetary consciousness is the sending forth the spirit of truth in the above quote. Because of the presence of the physical body, one is not able to fully find peace and balance while resting solely in the realm of spirit. The body, being physical matter, is still subject to the laws of physical matter and to a certain extent, the Ahrimanic energies in their most basic state. These energies will continue to pull ones consciousness back to the physical level until a balance can be

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established. I experienced this swing between the planetary Luciferic and the Ahrimanic energies for some time before I finally achieved what Steiner describes as the center point of balance that comes from The Christ. I will share my experience of this triad because it is the easiest method of explaining how these high level energies manifest through the human experience. Each time I felt the swing into the Ahrimanic energies, I would feel a veil try to descend over my consciousness. When experienced this way, the veil can be felt as a constriction around the eyes and as a thickening of the etheric energy around the physical body. Because I could feel the veil around me, I knew I was not under the veil, but the veil kept returning. Each time this occurred, I would strengthen myself spiritually through prayer and meditation, always focusing solely on The Christ. This would bring a feeling of empowerment and strength which would then swing me over to the other polarity, the planetary (purified) Luciferic. While in the purified Luciferic pole, I would experience expansion, independence, and empowerment which brought temporary peace. But any extreme always brings its opposite and within a short time, I would again feel the Ahrimanic veil around me. In contrast to these opposite poles, I also felt the presence of the Spirit/Christ Body. I understood that I had to integrate these two poles into one through The Christ presence I felt within me. At first I thought it was neutrality that I was trying to achieve, but slowly, I came to realize what was needed was the integration of a new level of consciousness that did not previously exist. The Christ Body has presented a way to overcome the two poles created through the physical body and the ascended human consciousness. The Christ provides the means by which balance (and peace) can be found while still occupying a physical body. Rudolph Steiner wrote, When the Christ-Impulse takes hold

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of the middle level of consciousnesswhen human beings become thoroughly enchristedthen the Ahrimanic forces cannot get through this middle stratum, cannot make their way up through the middle level and use their spiritual forces to drag down the powers of the intellect. Everything depends upon this. The Archangel Michael: His Mission and Ours (Anthroposophic Press, 1994). With the understanding that it was a middle-ground that was needed, a blending began to occur. Rather than pushing through the Ahrimanic veil through spiritual strengthening, I focused on the presence of The Christ in and through my physical body. This focus lifted the veil and seated my awareness more securely within the Christ Body. I do not believe this would have been possible in the earlier stages. Before the integration could occur, each side had to be completely integrated within me. It was necessary to experience each complete pendulum swing many times over to strengthen the Spirit/Christ Body and further purify my human center of will. Rather than overcoming or transcending the physical, the Christ Body spiritualizes the physical body, creating an integration of spirit and matter. One is not totally spirit, nor are they totally physical. It is a new being which emerges through the merging of the astral, etheric and physical bodies. This is what is referred to as the resurrected form; it is the Divine in human form which Jesus demonstrated for us. My interpretation of this experience was confirmed through this passage by Rudolph Steiner: Ahrimans nature is such that he will be overcome as human evolution progresses if human beings let The Christ essence enter into them more and more, identifying themselves with it. (The Fifth Gospel, Rudolph Steiner Press, 1995).


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The Macrocosm The imbalance between the physical and spiritual realms is evident as we look at society. On one hand, we have the fields of science and technology, focusing on what is measurable and tangible. Along these lines, we find mainstream medical science focusing on the physical body as a solely organic organism, negating the soul and energetic aspects inherent in the physical. On the other hand, we have religion and spirituality, operating within the realm of the unseen energies of the soul, seemingly separate from the physical realm. These two extremes exemplify the Ahrimanic and Luciferic poles. Ahriman governs the physical realm of science and matter and the material aspects of humanity. We are tied to the world through our money because we need it to survive. Materially speaking, Ahriman lives in our money, creating a means by which we can be controlled. Money is the root of all evil is a fairly accurate statement. Lucifer governs the unseen, spiritual realm and focuses on separating us from our dependence on the physical realm through the illusion of individualized power/divinity. This is why it is so easy for these Luciferic energies to manipulate us as we focus on spirit guides, tarot cards, New-Age spirituality and Eastern religions. As we reach upward toward God, we experience energetic phenomena and encounter other beings that help us transcend the physical realm. We mistake these for Divine experiences; a mistake that has been perpetuated through centuries of spiritual ignorance. The only true Divine energy present within the Earths consciousness is that of Christ and it is only through Christ that we can find balance and experience the true union of God and man. Christ is the center point that is needed to bring humanity into a higher human experience.


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It is because of the presence of Christ within the Earths consciousness throughout the past two-thousand years that science and spirituality have begun to interact. Even in the mainstream, people are beginning to understand they are more then a physical body through alternative therapies and new healing modalities. This awareness will continue to expand as we allow The Christ to more fully permeate our human consciousness, bringing a more balanced experience for humanity. The Microcosm At the individual level, the need for the balance Christ brings is evident. Without the proper understanding of the Christ energy, we will continue to experience the pendulum swings into each extreme. The use of prescription drugs is now epidemic as people try to chemically prevent these swings from happening. They are artificially trying to produce the state of balance which comes through the proper integration of the Christ energy. Our focus on maintaining the physical worlds status quo has resulted in an entire industry that creates the illusion of balance through chemical means. Everyone on the spiritual path knows the pull of these polarities. On one hand, there is the spiritual yearning that makes you want to spend hours in prayer and meditation, leaving the world behind. On the other hand, there is the real world where there are bills to pay, children to care for and a body to attend to. We are not here to transcend the physical or to dismiss the spiritual. We are here to integrate the two. This integration cannot occur as long as we hold onto the misperception of duality. The integration of the spiritual into the physical can only come about by adding a third element, the Christ energy, which then creates the bridge between the physical and non-physical realms.


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What emerges through the energetic consciousness of Christ (Christ Consciousness) is a new external manifestation of humanity. On the physical level our lives will not be as they were before. The external expression of our inner consciousness will necessitate many changes in our lives. Everything naturally changes to reflect the balance brought forth through Christ. These changes are reflected in the very fabric of what makes up our lives: our relationships; our employment; our self-perception; the way we dress; our value system and sense of priorities and even the geographic location in which we live. We must not confine ourselves to what we previously knew or make comparisons to what came before. We must allow a new manifestation to emerge through our lives. When enough people are able to do that, it will then begin to transform the Earth. The Larger Body The physical body always reflects the energy of the human consciousness that lies beneath it. When the human consciousness is ego-bound (held in the physical, emotional and mental bodies), the physical body reflects the energy of the male and female polarities. The right side of the body holds the male energy; the left side the female. One can actually feel these energetic attributes within the appropriate side of their body. When we move upward and integrate higher levels, the body reflects the polarities of light (the right side) and dark (the left side) and later, pure energy (right side) and physical matter (left side). After the Christing process, one feels within their body the entire planetary consciousness. The right side of the body holds the consciousness of those within the Body of Christ and the left side holds the rest of the world. As one goes upward, one encounters (non-physical) beings that experience the entire Earth as one part of their body/consciousness,

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the other part being made up of other planets and/or galaxies. Each level is a stepping-down of the level directly above it, to the level directly below it. The end of the line, so-to-speak, while in the physical body is the Christed level. It is not possible to go higher while holding awareness in the physical body. The next level requires the shedding of the physical body in order to create a total union of consciousness in the non-physical realm. Until we are ready to do that, the Christ Body acts as the interface between the physical and non-physical realms, allowing the non-physical realm of purified spirit to be manifested physically. Lower Forms of Life There are layers within the astral plane that consist of levels of energy, each layer representing a different energetic vibration. Humans (and other sentient beings) occupy the middle to upper layers, while beings that are unable to enter physicality on their own, due to their vibrational level being too dense for even the physical plane, occupy the lower layers. Some of these non-sentient beings, however, do take form in our physical realm. These are what we consider to be lower-life forms, specifically: snakes, lizards, spiders, scorpions and beetles. These are the forms of life that most people have a visceral reaction to the minute they see them. There is something deep within us, beyond our minds ability to comprehend, something very basic and energetic that registers within our being, telling us these creatures are somehow not energetically harmonious within creation. This visceral reaction occurs because these lower forms of life are within the Earths consciousness, and therefore are within each persons consciousness. Someone who is partially purified by the Christstream will have more of a visceral reaction to them than someone

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who is not. When one is completely permeated by the Christ energy, the visceral reaction to them ceases because at that point, these lower forms have no further access to the human consciousness of the purified person due to the interface of the Christ Body. When ones consciousness merges into the planetary consciousness, it expands in both directions (upward and downward), thereby moving into the lowest layers of the Earths energy field, as well as the highest levels. As part of this planetary integration, one encounters these lower forms of life on the energetic level, seeing them in the ethers, and perceiving the energy behind them. Each time I encountered a different type of entity, it felt to have its own distinct energetic vibration and form on the physical plane. Certain types of entities (when encountered in physicality through the consciousness of another) produced a specific type of burn-off reaction in my Spirit/Christ Body. Each type of entity had its own energetic signature and each one felt different. I went through them, one by one, as I moved through these various levels within the Earths field. Each one had a specific intent and action on the Earth; some prey on children, others try to suppress and control, some are simplistically parasitic while others are more sophisticated, being intentionally manipulative and calculating. This is why Jesus gave His disciples power over serpents and scorpions; Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19). Jesus was not talking about stepping on snakes and scorpions as we know them on the Earth; He was talking about these lower energies that take the form of these creatures. He knew His disciples would encounter these lower life forms as they became integrated into the Christ-stream. When an entity such as this is within a persons consciousness, it often appears (when seen clairvoyantly), as these lower life forms

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(spiders, snakes, scorpions, lizards or beetles). Spiders, in particular, seem to be present when there are Luciferic energies and beetles are present when there are Ahrimanic energies working to suppress and veil. I would like to point out that it is not every spider or beetle that carries this energy. The spiders that I have seen ethereally associated with these lower energies are mostly the black, medium-to-large sized varieties (although they can appear much larger when seen in the ethers) and the beetles are the scarabtype beetles which are revered in some middle-Eastern cultures. Several times throughout my process, I experienced confrontations with these energies, resulting in an etheric vision that shocked me back into my body quite suddenly. On one occasion, shortly after seeing these scarab-type beetles dead in the ethers, I was shocked to find nearly one hundred of them dead on the front porch and doorstep! I had lived in the area all my life and had never seen this type of beetle before. On another occasion, after encountering dead spiders in the etheric realm, I awoke to find dead spiders all over the house and on the front porch. The same thing occurred with a lizard-like creature, finding it on the floor next to my bed after waking from an etheric encounter. It seemed that the physical realm produced what I was experiencing energetically. Each confrontation with each specific type of energy resulted in the death of that energy within my consciousness, which was then mirrored in the physical realm. Part of the planetary integration includes energetically experiencing oneself as these lower forms of life, especially snake and reptilian energies, which represent the primordial energy within man. After the human-identity is completely purified, there is an integration of all Earth-related energies, both plant and animal, within ones consciousness. This occurs so one can completely merge their consciousness into the non-physical realm surrounding the Earth and integrate the Christ Body at the physical level.

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Integration The integration of the Christ Body into ones human experience takes time, dedication and a continual surrendering of oneself for the sake of Love. In this way, what is separate and fragmented is made whole. It is a gradual creation of a new paradigm of human existence, something that did not exist before. Such deep transformation is painful. Each expansion outward brings a subsequent contraction into pain. We are only able to expand into love to the degree we have contracted into pain. With each contraction, we expand out a bit farther, extending our limits past our human paradigms into the realm of Christ Consciousness. Until the final stages, it is not possible to completely stop the pendulum swings. These are a necessary part of the integration process. Anyone who has reached a high level of spiritual advancement describes these as confrontations with the opposites. These occur because of the magnetism which exists between the energetic realm and the physical realm. The more purified you become, the shorter the duration between swings and the more dramatic each extreme is. Until the balancing of the poles through the Christ energy occurs, they continue to attract and repel one another. This magnetic interaction between energy and matter is balanced through the integration of the third aspect, the Christ Body, which unifies the physical and non-physical realms within our consciousness and through our physical body. As previously stated, the Kundalini process is the ascent of matter into spirit. The events described in this book occurred after the completion of my Kundalini process. These explanations are given linearly for easier comprehension. The actual experience evolves in a much more fluid and integrated way. Rather than being black and white (i.e. one experiences the Eastern paradigm fully then moves into the Western paradigm), in my experience the

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two flowed simultaneously until the time the Kundalini process was complete, and continued from there. I was aware of both the ascent of matter into spirit (Kundalini) and the descent of spirit into matter (the Holy Spirit) at the same time for several years. Because I had received the Holy Spirit, my Kundalini process was accompanied by the presence of Christ Jesus and the guidance which comes from the Holy Spirit. Once the Kundalini process was complete, I continued to experience the descent of matter into spirit as the edification of the Christ Body within my physical body. The Holy Spirit then guided me, through the interface of the Christ Body, into these higher states and experiences, then integrated them back into my human consciousness and physical body. The integration of the Christ energy at the physical level is an ongoing process. This is because the degree of light entering the planet continues to increase and as it does, the physical body will continue to adapt to integrate it. At these levels, one constantly feels the planetary energies within their body. Some days these energies can be very intense, requiring one to have minimal physical activity due to the strain on the physical body. Other days, they are calmer. The body is continually changing its needs and responses according to the planetary energies existing on any given day. This integration is both energetic and physical. There are many physiological changes that occur within the body, even beyond what occurs through the Kundalini process. In the latter stages, two of the most prominent are the experiencing of etheric smells that are associated with various levels of consciousness and the increase of blood throughout the bodily tissues. The latter sometimes results in bleeding where the membranes are thinnest. This is what is referred to when it is said that Jesus cried tears of blood. As the etherized blood of Christ permeates ones human energy-stream, the human blood becomes thinner as it energetically co-mingles with the etherized blood of Christ. This permeation

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spreads throughout the body, creating pressure on the membrane walls and bleeding can result. This occurs in the latter stages of the Christing process, with the remerging of ones consciousness into the Earthly consciousness (the pouring out of spirit). Energy is often felt moving around in the head, bringing intense pain in various areas of the brain. One has the feeling that there are radical changes occurring within the brains mechanisms, bringing disorientation and confusion. Bodily swelling and bloating are also common symptoms, as are increased sensitivity to sound and light. Physical activity must be curtailed because over exertion brings about a destabilization of the Spirit/Christ Body that is trying to integrate. Shortness of breath for no apparent reason occurs with each influx of the Christ-stream into the human energy stream, creating the necessity for rest while the integration occurs. Periods of intense heat (more extreme than experienced during the Kundalini process) are common. This heat feels to be a result of the nervous system being overloaded as well as a continual burnoff of denser energies to allow for the merging of the Spirit/Christ body into the human system. Strange food cravings are common, making it necessary to cast aside all you previously thought about a healthy diet. Weight gain is common; it feels as if the body is purposely adding physical mass to support the presence of the Christ Body and to insulate the nervous system. The ascension process expands the solar plexus by creating pockets and expansion (similar to being several months pregnant), which feels connected to the energy flow as it is infused into the physical body. A sucking-in of this area results in a cutting off of the energy flow to the head and a very uncomfortable feeling, as if one is interfering with the physical bodys ability to hold the Christ Body on the physical plane. Throughout this integration, there is often the feeling of having both a square peg and a round hole within ones body and

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mind. The two seem to collide with no way to merge, leaving one feeling like they cant stay in the body, but they cant leave either. The intensity of encountering what is whole and perfect in the energetic realm and trying to bring that into the fragmented physical realm through the body and mind, creates great anguish, friction and intensity through the mind-body complex. Eventually, integration does occur as the Christ Body interfaces completely with the human consciousness. It is a slow and painful process. Medical science has no answers for these phenomena except to try and control them with drugs. Mood swings are usually diagnosed as bi-polar disorder or depression and drugs prescribed. Intense heat flashes are treated as hormonal imbalances and treated with drugs. One must learn to trust in the process of spiritual human evolution. These physical occurrences are simply physical manifestations of the energetic changes that are occurring within the ascending human consciousness. There is no need to try and fix them. Since this is a natural occurrence, interference with the process through unnatural means can create more problems than it solves. Rather than giving detailed descriptions, I have only touched on some of the changes and experiences that occur in the latter stages of this process. I dont want to create more confusion or expectation about something that should unfold purely within each person. The human body is still evolving, it adapts to the energy which enters it. Each time we reach a new level, the body changes to accommodate it. Not every person will have the same experiences, nor will any two people experience the transformation in the same way. Inherently included in the spiritual transformation process is the trust required to sustain it. One cannot always find the answers out there. It is imperative that one learns to keep their own counsel and trust in The Christ, looking to Jesus for guidance and assurance. There will be many times when there seems to be no answers coming and many times

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when fear and fatigue seem to get the upper hand. Rest assured, all you need is faith in Him and love for Him. Know that because you are human, these fears and doubts are bound to occur. Nothing is expected of you except to keep the faith and trust of a child. There will be times when you will feel He has left you. Other times, you will feel totally blissful and full of His love and presence. The integration of these higher polarities is very intense. Sometimes you may feel as if Lucifer or Ahriman has entered you and you have fallen from Grace. This occurs energetically and when it does, you will be powerless to stop it. Other times, you will feel so desolate and alone, you will doubt Christ even exists. You may experience your entire world crumbling around you; everyone you ever counted on or trusted may desert you. Still, you must have faith in Him and love for Him because these are the only things that will get you through. In the words of Christ Jesus from The Gospel of the Holy Twelve: I am the resurrection and the life, I am the Good, the Beautiful, the True, a man believe in me shall not die, but live eternally. As in Adam all die, so in the Christ shall all be made alive. Blessed are the dead who die in me, and are made perfect in my image and likeness, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them. They have overcome evil, and are made Pillars in the Temple of my God, and they go out no more, for they rest in the Eternal. It is not easy by any meansbut, for those who feel the call within, there is nothing else to do. If you are His, it is an eternal call that must be answered.


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The Narrow Path

Narrowing the Path
But I am afraid that just as the serpent through his deceitfulness misled Eve, so your minds should be corrupted from the purity and simplicity that is in Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:3

eading the last few chapters will undoubtedly bring up many questions with regard to spiritual practices. In this chapter, I would like to address some of the practices that allow these lower energies to enter into our consciousness. Keep in mind, this chapter is not about naming what is right or wrong, but simply a means by which we can narrow the path by identifying how we are unknowingly led astray. Each of these practices has held a place in the evolution of human spirituality as we prepared ourselves to receive The Christ into human consciousness. The continued upward evolution of our planet depends on our willingness to move beyond these in order to enter into the Christ-stream, both individually and collectively. Spiritual Experiences The main thing to understand is that not all spiritual experiences originate from the higher realms. When a person practices Wicca (witchcraft/nature worship) for instance, and performs a ritual, drawing to themselves an experience from the spiritual realms,

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they are indeed having a spiritual experience. The question is; does this spiritual experience originate from a holy or an unholy spirit? People naively believe that just because they can sense something in the spirit world, it is automatically of God. This is not the case. A spiritual experience is simply something that one feels from beyond this physical plane; it originates in the realm of spirit. It may or may not be from a pure source. I recently heard a speaker talk about spiritual deception. He gave an excellent example that I will share with you. First, he asked the audience if they thought they were of reasonably average or above average intelligence. When everyone agreed they were, he held up a dollar bill from Africa. He then asked if anyone could tell him if this currency was real or counterfeit. When no one could, he explained the reason they could not tell if it was the real thing wasnt because they lacked intelligence; it was because they had no knowledge of the real thing. Since they did not know what real African currency looks like, they had no way of judging its authenticity. Being deceived has nothing to do with ones intelligence. Say someone had once handed you a counterfeit dollar bill from Africa, telling you it was the real thing. You would carry it in your wallet, and believing you had the real thing, you would show it to others, also passing it off as the real thing. They, in turn, having seen what they believed was the real thing, would unknowingly perpetuate this deception. In this same way, mankind has been led astray because they ignorantly believed they have had the correct spiritual understandings. This warning appears several times in the Bible; Many deceivers have appeared in the world who do not acknowledge that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. Such a person is a deceiver and an antichrist. (2 John: 7); and Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know

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ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.(John 4:1-3). John is telling us not to believe every spirit, but to test them by seeing if they testify that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. He then tells us that if they do not testify to Jesus Christ, they are the anti-Christ (beings that oppose The Christ and lead us away from Him). This is the entire message contained in this book! If you are not focusing on The Christ exclusively, you are being led away from The Christ and you will not be able to ascend into the Christ-stream for purification and ascension. This is an energetic fact, regardless of what you believe about the nature of spirituality. If you read my first book, Soul Speak: Opening to Divine Guidance, you may remember I spent several years dabbling in Reiki, channeling and providing psychic and intuitive readings for others. In later years, I experienced the Eastern paradigm through the giving of Shaktipat (an Initiation given by a guru for the purpose of awakening the Kundalini energy) and the holding of Satsang (a formal meeting with an enlightened teacher for the purpose of spiritual teaching). While my internal focus was always primarily on The Christ through Jesus, I nonetheless got caught up in all of these different areas, believing that all paths led to the same place and that the only evil was the fear within each persons heart. I understand now that I was allowed to experience these different paths so I could learn the differences and be able to speak the languages necessary to impart my experiences to others. Had I not started with the belief that all paths lead to the same place and then later experienced the necessity of staying on the narrow path of Christ, I would not be able to teach this truth to others. Through


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my experience, others can be saved the interference, detours and painful realizations that I went through. New-Age Practices The New-Age movement is full of practices that attempt to draw the spirit world closer to us. People who participate in this movement are usually energetically sensitive, making them easy targets for the manipulations of spirits who dwell in the astral plane. There is nothing sacred about the spirit world, the spirits who dwell there are no different than those who are incarnate on the Earth. Some are honest, some are not. Those who are not can be very devious, making you believe they are telling the truth and feeding you whatever you want to hear in order to keep your attention. People who participate in these practices think they understand what is happening; they feel they are in control. They have no idea they are the ones being controlled. There are so many New-Age practices it would be impossible to cover them all here, but I will touch on several of the most popular ones. Reiki The problem with Reiki is the entire practice is based on passing down symbols (or power) that comes from a Reiki master and has been passed down from master to master. Each time you use it, you draw to yourself the energy of the master and all those who have added their energetic signature to it as it was passed down. If one has the God given gift of healing, there is no reason to be Reiki attuned. All healing comes from God, but one must be sure to go directly to the source, because you simply cannot be sure of the purity otherwise. If one is to be a healer, all they need to do is pray and ask to be used for that service. They

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are then an instrument which God works through. Anything else is not pure by virtue of the people who have tried to take Gods healing power and make it their own through the manipulation and control of applying symbols, charging money to receive the symbols and teaching that one needs to use the symbols to bring Gods healing energy to them. All this is man-madeand it is not pure. Channeling Channeling guidance from a spirit guide or other unseen entity is very dangerous. You can never be sure what type of energy you are allowing into your being. It is a fact that the Luciferic and Ahrimanic beings need to use the vehicle of a physical body to gain access to the physical realm. This is why they infiltrate the astral body and enter into the human consciousness. It is possible, and I have felt this energetically, for someone to be channeling what sounds like wonderful words of unity and love and these words actually are a carrier wave for the Luciferic or Ahrimanic energies. When one has the Spirit/Christ body integrated at the physical level, there is no mistaking this. This energy can be felt in various ways: as an etheric density that can almost be touched like a slimy residue in the air; as painful needle-like pricks on the Christ Body; an uncomfortable burn off in the body, or as an ammonia-like sensation in the eyes. When one has reached a high level of integration within the Christ Body, energy that is not coming from a pure source has an immediate and unmistakable destabilizing affect on the energetic body; you instantly know without a doubt, regardless of what is appearing on the surface. Until that time, you simply cannot tell from the way it sounds, or even the way it feels emotionally. That is why Jesus was so explicit, teaching that He is the only way and instructing people that they must commit fully to Him.


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Spirit Guides I am not going to dispute the presence of spirit guides. What I am going to tell you is that neither God nor Christ needs to use a spirit guide to speak to you. Your path is not a secret and God has not created it as some mystery that needs to be uncovered. You do not need to consult spirit guides (or psychics) to find out what direction your life should take. There is no teaching that you need except to focus on The Christ and live your life in accordance to His teachings of love and faith. Everything else follows from there. When questions arise in your life, seek His inner council through prayer. The Christ is within you. Anything that comes to you from outside, such as a spirit guide, should be seen as interference or entertainment. Learn to focus inwardly and to keep your own counsel. Wicca Wicca is the practice of witchcraft, nature worship and paganism (the worship of pre-Christian gods and goddesses). The energies that permeate these practices are Luciferic and Satanic and are nothing to play around with. While I dont know a lot about the specifics of their practices, I have directly encountered these energies through one of my husbands family members. This is some of the worst evil out there, regardless of how it may be disguised in generic spiritual lingo. Shamanism Shamanism comes from the Native American culture and is their name for witch doctors or spiritual leaders who provide healing and guidance. Shamanic healing and Shamanic journeys are popular

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in New-Age spirituality. I do not dispute the presence of Native American spirits or animal guides, or the spiritual experiences of those who practice Shamanism. Because these practices do not focus on The Christ, they do not bring one into the Christ-stream. Anytime one is working with various spirits in the non-physical realms, one must understand they are opening themselves to manipulation and control by the Luciferic and Ahrimanic energies. These energies are within the consciousness of everyone who focuses on them through these types of practices. I cannot stress this strongly enough. The general population simply cannot perceive these things yet and therefore, are easily manipulated. Eastern Gurus I have found nothing that feels as impure as the energy that travels through those who have taken initiation with an Eastern guru. This is a practice in which, through ritual or ceremony, a spiritual seeker officially commits to the guru and the guru officially accepts the person into his or her lineage. The guru is said to guide the spiritual growth of the seeker from that point on, both incarnate and between incarnations, until the person reaches enlightenment. Any teacher that requires an initiation is not of Christ. This is a means of control. Through the ceremony of initiation, the guru (and the Ahrimanic or Luciferic energies behind him or her) enter into the consciousness of the initiate and begin to work through him/her. It is these lower energies that permeate the Eastern practices and this is the primary way they are using their control to keep people from entering the Christ-stream. Most gurus do not know this is occurring. They have followed the traditions of their religion and culture, reaching the same state their own guru reached, believing they are there and simply

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continue to teach as they have been taught. Through this illusion, like my example of the counterfeit African money, the Ahrimanic and Luciferic energies continue to lead others astray through the ignorance of the populace. Because their culture does not focus on Christ, they do not have any other base of reference and therefore, do not know there is another rung to the ladder which would take them beyond their current level. There are cases however, where the guru has consciously entered into an agreement with an Ahrimanic or Luciferic entity in order to bring himself power, fame or followers. The use of mantras (secret or otherwise) is a means of drawing the gurus energy to the seeker. This practice keeps the Ahrimanic energy in the lower bodies of the seeker, where they can permeate the ego consciousness and be transmitted to others. This practice also serves to keep the veil in place. Whenever I speak on this subject, there are always questions regarding specific gurus. Everyone wants to know if their guru is pure or not. Certainly, there have been pure spiritual teachers from within the Eastern paradigm. To ask this question however, is to miss the point. The point being that the Western paradigm of The Christ supercedes the Eastern paradigm as discussed in earlier chapters. It is not a matter of right or wrong, better or worse, it is only a question of the continued evolution of mankind by focusing on the most recent rung on the spiritual ladder, thereby moving beyond the current spiritual ceiling. Shaktipat As I passed through my guru stage, I was instructed, through inner guidance, to begin giving Shaktipat. This is an Eastern practice in which an enlightened master awakens the Kundalini of a spiritual seeker. I was never part of an Eastern lineage, nor did I have a

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physical (or non-physical) Eastern teacher. When I performed Shaktipat, I was told to use the words, I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Presence of Jesus Christ is with you. Because I received the Holy Spirit directly from The Christ, those who received Shaktipat from me were not initiated into an Eastern lineage, but into the Christ-stream of consciousness. This was the means the Holy Spirit used to teach me about energy transmutation and self-sacrifice. During this time, my Christ Body was trying to stabilize at the physical level (this was before I broke through the spiritual ceiling). Each time I gave Shaktipat, my Christ Body accumulated the denser energies (karma) of those I touched. Through the subsequent burn-off, I learned about the process of purification and the way energy is transmuted to the next highest plane. Each time I suffered through a burn-off episode (some of which kept me in bed for days with intense clearing and suffering), I would pray to be sure I was really supposed to be giving Shaktipat. For about six months, I was told to continue this practice. Each time I did, I did so with the knowing that I would have to endure several days of suffering afterwards. This practice taught me about the unconditional love of Christ, the sacrifice of oneself for the good of others, and was an invaluable part of my ascension process. After about six-months, I was told to discontinue this practice and focus my teachings elsewhere. The practice of giving Shaktipat within a traditional Eastern lineage is yet another way the Ahrimanic energies travel through the populace. I have never known of a person who had their Kundalini awakened through Shaktipat from an Eastern guru who also received the Holy Spirit. The energy behind the guru would keep the person from entering into the Christ-stream by exercising the control granted through the initiation itself. The Kundalini ascension itself does bring states of transcendence and bliss,

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especially when the energy reaches the head, but these should not be mistaken for the infilling of love which comes into the heart chakra through the Holy Spirit. I recently received an email from a man with active Kundalini who told me he picked up a book from a popular Eastern guru (now deceased) and immediately began to experience an expanded state of bliss. While this may feel wonderful at the human level, it is only energy. These states of bliss are simply an effect of the Kundalini energy as it floods the system. It is obvious to me that this guru did not and does not embody a pure energy and has led many people astray through these energetic experiences and the promise of enlightenment. Again, a spiritual experience is not necessarily a Godly or holy experience. Adviata This is an Eastern term for the teaching of non-duality. Im including it here because by its very nature, it is dry and mental. These are the Ahrimanic attributes which focus on the mental body. Adviata teaches freedom from suffering through the awareness that we are not the body or the mind. Such teachings, while technically true, are not of The Christ because they do not include the awareness of love as the means of transformation. These teachings may change ones life perception and experience, but they in no way bring about the energetic changes necessary to create or sustain the Spirit/Christ Body. One can get lost in the various teachings found within the Eastern paradigm. Whether they are right or wrong is not the point. The diversion of ones focus to anything but The Christ is to leave the narrow path that is only accessible when we focus on the top rung of the spiritual ladder. To look for a short-cut and to continue to look for Gods peace and love through any of the

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infinite paths available out there in the world, in itself reflects a lack of faith and/or a non-understanding of The Christ. Until one has completely surrendered to the one-path of Christ, they will continue to seek God through these various means. After a complete surrender into Christ, no further searching is necessary. Yoga In Western culture, yoga encompasses a lot of things. It can refer to a sequence of stretching positions one uses for exercise, or it can refer to an entire spiritual path, including prayer beads, mantras and devotion to Hindu gods. Yoga and Hinduism is tightly interwoven and there lies the problem. Many yoga practitioners include a prayer in their sessions, devoted to the specific lineage of the yoga master. As stated earlier, this practice draws to the person the energies behind the guru or Eastern teacher who began that particular yogic path. As with Reiki, this is not pure because each time you use it, you draw to yourself the energy of the yoga master and all those who have added their energetic signature to it. I practice yoga daily as a series of stretching and breathing exercises only; not as a spiritual path. When ones focus is solely on The Christ, it is safe to use yoga in this way. Kundalini yoga is very popular. I have found that most, if not all, of the Kundalini yoga teachers do not have any direct, personal experience with Kundalini. This is very dangerous! They are giving direction in specific breathing exercises to awaken the Kundalini and do not have active Kundalini themselves. Therefore, they lack the experience or knowledge to assist someone whose Kundalini may activate through the practices they teach. I do not recommend Kundalini yoga to anyone. The activation of Kundalini is an area better left to Divine intervention than to mans interference.


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Meditation A Christian woman once told me meditation (the stilling of the mind) is the way Satan enters into us. I thought that must be a horrible way to live, to believe that one must keep their mind constantly busy in order to keep Satan away! Meditation certainly can be used by the lower energies, if we allow it through our focus on them, but the correct practice of meditation is an invaluable and necessary part of spiritual growth. In the book, Kundalini and Christian Spirituality (Crossroad Publishing Company, 1991), Phillip St. Romain shares the process of his Kundalini ascension which occurred completely within the Christian paradigm. His process, like mine, included the infilling of the Holy Spirit simultaneously with the ascension of the Kundalini. He describes his long hours in prayer and contemplative prayer (his word for meditation), focusing solely on the Holy Spirit within. He did not have a formal meditation practice. The Holy Spirit simply guided him to sit quietly and focus on the feeling of love that was growing within him. This is the correct use of meditation: sitting in open receptivity with ones focus on The Christ or the Holy Spirit. This is an inactive type of prayer which stabilizes the Christ Body and creates expansion through the infilling of Grace. It is a quiet communion with God, not a method to reach a state of transcendence. Along with morning meditation, I include a few minutes upon waking to do deep-breathing (yogic type) exercises. These feel necessary to expand the Spirit/Christ body into the physical body. There is always a contraction in the morning because the Spirit/ Christ Body leaves the physical body at night. This period of deep breathing is essential in being able to function within the physical body each day. At this point, I no longer need mediation as I once did. I continue the practice for a short period each morning,

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along with the deep-breathing described above, because it helps to bring balance and awareness of the energetic within the physical. Judaism The basis of Judaism is the covenants found in the Old Testament. A covenant is an agreement, in this case an agreement between God and man. An agreement defines a relationship between the parties. Each subsequent Biblical covenant represents a different (and more direct) relationship between God and man. In preparation for the emergence of Christ (the Messiah, in Jewish terms), the spiritual hierarchy had assisted the prophets of the Old Testament in bringing forth as much information and guidance as was possible at that time. In Jeremiah 31:31 we read, Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. This new covenant was fulfilled through Christ Jesus. Through this new covenant, a closer relationship with God was made possible for mankind. For the law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ. (John 1:17). The new covenant created through Christ Jesus is the basis of the New Testament. The new relationship with God made possible through the Christ-event replaces and supercedes the old covenant. At the Last Supper Jesus said, This is the cup of the new covenant in my blood which is shed for you. (Luke 22:20). The following quote from Hebrews also speaks of this new covenant: For he has spoken of a new covenant; the first one has become old, and that which is old and obsolete is near destruction. (Hebrews 8:13). In this new covenant, we no longer need to go through an intermediary. We no longer need to be told how we are to know the Lord. Through Christ, mankind has the ability to know God directly.

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The covenant of the Old Testament was given to the Jewish people alone. This was because they were the only people at the time that held a belief in one God and therefore, had the potential to enter into a direct relationship with God. Through the emergence of The Christ through Jesus, all of mankind was given the gift of the new covenant. Spiritually and energetically speaking, the new covenant of Christ erased the division between the Jewish people and the Gentiles. The Jewish leaders at the time of Jesus did not recognize Him as the Messiah because they believed the Messiah was to liberate them at the physical level. Instead, He presented a spiritual path that would liberate them from the physical world by spiritual means. The Jewish leaders had set themselves up as the go-between for God and the people through their interpretation of the Torah which dictated the day-to-day behavior and religious practices of the people. They were not willing to accept the new covenant offered for mankind and thus, rejected Christ. This decision has set them apart energetically from the rest of mankind. The covenants made in the Old Testament were intended as stepping-stones toward the time when man would be ready to experience God directly within themselves. Those who accept the new covenant Christ offers are in the process of this integration (via the Holy Spirit). Through integration of the Christ energy, we become free of the Ahrimanic veil. Without this integration, we are still subject to the Ahrimanic influence. Only through an acceptance of the new covenant given through Christ, are we able to free ourselves from the effects of the veil. Their minds were blinded; for to this day, when the Old Testament is read, the veil rests over them, and it is not known to them that the veil has been removed through Christ. Whenever a man turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. (2 Corinthians 3:14-16).

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Cults All cults have one commonality, control. Some cults are more blatant about it, but all have a system of authority set up which is intended to retain control over its members. All such systems operate on the basis of secret initiations or ceremonies and a basic foundation of inequality (i.e., the head of the cult and those directly beneath are set apart and above the members). Such structures are usually patriarchal. In those cults which ascribe to Christianity, there will be a basis of teaching other than the Bible which the founders created according to their own beliefs and purposes. They use their version of the life and teachings of Christ as a way of setting themselves apart from other Christians. This is not pure. There is only one Body of Christ. Jesus taught the establishment of one church to edify the entire Body of Christ, not many different versions of His church to accommodate mans interpretation of His mission. Counterfeit Christianity Not all practices that claim to be Christ-based are pure. The more man has added to the original message of Jesus, the less pure it has become. There have been many interpretations of His original teachings by those who do not have the direct experience of His presence within their consciousness. These interpretations have spawned the various Christian denominations we see today. Though well meaning, these people can unknowingly be a vehicle through which theAhrimanic and Luciferic energies infiltrate Christianity and influence those who are trying to enter the Christ-stream.


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Conversion and Church Building Over the past year, I have been to many different Christian churches in search of one that felt pure. During these visits, I noticed two very distinct things: if I felt any density at all, it came from the minister, not the members of the congregation, and each time they would speak about bringing people to Jesus, I would feel the energetic presence of the Ahrimanic energies seeking to control and gather followers for that minister. The acceptance of Christ is a very personal thing. When it occurs, it is an inner experience that should not be advertised like a daily special. Outwardly trying to convert people and announcing publicly when someone has accepted Christ, takes a sacred spiritual event and brings it down to the level of ego. These practices are very prevalent within Christianity. It is the human tendency toward egoism that allows this. These practices have probably turned more people away from Christ than not, which is evidence of their impurity. The misunderstanding among Christians with regard to conversion comes from this Bible passage, All power in heaven and on Earth has been given to me. Just as my Father has sent me I am also sending you. Go, therefore, and convert all nations; and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; and teach them to obey everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the end of the world. (Matthew 28:18:20). The conversion Jesus was speaking about is an energetic conversation which comes about through baptism with the Holy Spirit and through the energetic transmission that occurs via the physical body of those who are integrated into the Christ-stream. This conversion occurs because of our example and energetic presence, through His Grace. It is a spreading of the good news

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which Christ made possible for mankind. It was meant to be a wonderful revelation of joy not something that creates separation through pressure and judgment. Another area that feels impure is that of trying to gather followers. Churches are big business, some have thousands of members. I have felt the impure energy whenever the minister begins to speak about some goal of bringing in more members for the church. This undoubtedly springs from the lower nature; more members means more money for the church. Finding Purity I recently was led to a Baptist church near our home and was amazed and humbled to find the pastor is a pure channel for the Holy Spirit. I felt an immediate connection and on my first visit, we prayed together. During one of my visits there, he performed a baptism for a young girl and I very clearly saw a spirit/angel enter him from above as he did the actual baptism. This was a wonderful confirmation of what I was feeling as I was led there. He has come to me several times since in the ethers and I feel his purity and dedication. I am sharing this to demonstrate that there are pure mainstream Christian ministers out there. It doesnt matter if their understanding of Christ is more elementary than yours; it is the energetic resonance and purity that counts. It is possible to find like-minded people within the Christian community who are pure channels for the Holy Spirit. By their focus, belief and faith in Jesus, they are being guided by His presence and most are living according to that presence to the best of their ability. If you are missing the presence of a spiritual community in your life, pray about it. Christ will lead you to those who are a pure source of the Holy Spirit in which you can share the joy and peace that He offers. Those who have an advanced

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understanding of Christ should not separate themselves from Christians who do not. As long as the focus is on Christ, He will eventually guide them into greater purity and understanding. Those who are within the Body of Christ need to work toward unification of the Bodynot let differences in understanding create division. General Topics The following are miscellaneous topics that I feel need to be addressed in order to bring awareness of what our actions create. Profanity Let no evil word proceed from your mouth, but words that are good and useful for edification, that they will impart blessing to those who hear them. (Ephesians 4:29). It amazes me that people who consider themselves to be on a focused spiritual path still use profanity. The casual use of profanity has become so prevalent in our society that people hardly seem to notice it. The use of profanity is direct evidence of the presence of lower energies within a persons consciousness. When I am near someone who uses this language, I can feel the presence of these energies very strongly. When someone is pure and has embodied The Christ through the integration of the Spirit Body, the usage of such language is like acid in the mouth. It is simply not possible to create such density through ones consciousness, because one can feel what it creates energetically in the planetary consciousness. People do not understand the power their words have. Each word that is spoken is like a paint brush on a blank canvas.


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Each word adds a new stroke to the painting. Like an artist, we need to become aware of each brush stroke, because the painting becomes part of our own consciousness and that of those around us. Ceremonies and Rituals What we do on Earth has far reaching implications throughout the higher planes of existence. Your intention creates an avenue for the energy of creation to flow. Your action commits that energy to the path of your intention. The Bible says, Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:19). This means that your physical actions (or non-actions) are what move the energy of creation throughout the non-physical realms. This is why ceremonies, initiations and rituals are so powerful. When someone participates in an initiation ceremony with a spiritual leader, they have bound themselves to the energies that are in control of that leader. They have pledged their allegiance and through the ceremony, that allegiance has been made manifest in the physical. It does not matter if the person has no idea that the energy behind the spiritual leader is impure, the impure energies will work through the initiate just the same. This is why people light candles when they say a prayer for someone. The physical act that is tied to the intention creates the physical manifestation of that intention. We must learn to be responsible with our thoughts, words and actions, because with each one, we are bringing energy into physical manifestation which must then play out according to the laws of karma. This awareness is very important because there are so many different spiritually-oriented practices that people naively enter

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into out of curiosity or entertainment. This makes us easy prey for those energies that seek to manipulate, control and use us for their avenue of expression on the physical plane. Promiscuity Energetically speaking, there is a very good reason for monogamy. The Gospel of the Holy Twelve states; For have ye not read that God who made them at the beginning, made them male and female and said, for this cause shall a man or a woman leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife or her husband, and they twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Matthew 19:6). When you merge physically with another person, you are literally merging your consciousness into theirs and theirs into yours. Whatever they have within their consciousness will also be within yours. This energetic merging remains long after the physical merging ends. You will have become one flesh because you will have become one energy. I will share an example to illustrate this point. A friend of mine had been very Christ resonant and we used to share many spiritual experiences. However, he had a practice of being promiscuous and while on vacation, he met a woman who became his lover for a brief time. Much to my surprise, upon his return, I was barely able to be in the same room with him for energetic reasons. Even before his plane landed, I began experiencing psychic attacks from Ahrimanic energies which felt to be originating from him. When we began discussing this, he told me the woman he had been with had been on a spiritual path for twenty-five years and had taken initiation from an Eastern guru many years before. She was a


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teacher for this gurus lineage and was active in the Eastern practices associated with this lineage. In physically joining with this woman, my friend had unknowingly brought the energy of this Eastern guru into his consciousness and it was now able to use his physical body as a means of transmission on the physical plane. He had no awareness of this except for noticing a distinct shift in his inner feeling of himself after their affair. He was experiencing bouts of anger and lower level emotions he had not felt for many years. The energy behind this guru is working through the woman whom he initiated and also through the men she has slept with since. Sexuality is a preferred method of control for these lower energies. They can masquerade themselves as the means to offer love or comfort, but ultimately, it is about control. An example of this is the nearly epidemic instances of sexual abuse on children. The Ahrimanic energies move quickly through whomever they can to establish control over anyone who has the potential to be a threat to them. I have noted how prevalent childhood sexual abuse is among women who are energetically sensitive and/or clairvoyant. Their sensitivity makes them a threat (and a target) at a very early age. Another example of how these energies use sex to gain control is a couple I once counseled who had been with a well known cult for many years. As of our meeting, they had been out of this organization for about fifteen years. The cult leader had arranged their marriage, as was his custom. The husband was very open and light, but the wife was very closed and suspicious of me. I sensed her fear and a strong contraction whenever she was around me and the more I tried to help her, the more I felt her resistance. During our private session, she confided that she had had sex with the leader of this cult and that this was his usual practice with all his female followers. As she spoke about him, I felt his energy enter the room and try to block me from reaching her. The energies

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behind this cult leader were still using this woman through the sexual merging they shared many years before. Through this control, the cult leaders energy was trying to block this woman from entering the Christ-stream by making her feel adversely toward anyone who carries the Christ energy. She had no awareness of this; all she knew was what she felt toward me. Unfortunately, this is a very common occurrence. Those who have focused on energies other than The Christ are easily manipulated by these energies within their consciousness. Christ is unable to intervene until the person shifts their focus and asks Him to intercede on their behalf. Those who have had problems with drug or alcohol usage nearly always have Luciferic or Ahrimanic entities within their consciousness. In choosing a lover, it is said that one must assume they are sleeping with everyone their partner has slept with over the past ten years. I would add that they are merging with every type of energy their partner has allowed into their awareness (knowingly and unknowingly) as well. The purpose of keeping sexuality within the sanctity of marriage is to assure both partners are being guided by higher motives, rather than being driven by lower impulses. This is for the protection of both partners. For those who have had multiple partners or have been divorced, Christ makes all things new again. Through entering into the Christ-stream, we are purified and made whole. It is only necessary to make the commitment to Christ and change your life accordingly, to fulfill that commitment. One should always cherish their body; it is the temple of God. Sexual intimacy is a sacred act with far reaching implications; it should never be entered into lightly.


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Resistance to Christ For those who have been focusing exclusively on Eastern, New-Age, American Indian or other non-Christian spirituality, there is usually a strong resistance to anything that carries The Christ energy. These people will usually have no Christ resonance. This is due to the veiling effect of the Ahrimanic energies. It can also be due to the presence of an entity or demon within the persons consciousness. A member of my husbands family practices Wicca (witchcraft/nature worship). One time we were in a spiritual discussion and she was sharing her beliefs with us. When she was done, my husband mentioned Jesus name and she immediately changed her entire tone saying, I dont want to hear anything about him. Her tone was hateful; her rejection absolute. This person was not raised within the Christian paradigm. Her resistance comes from the demonic energies which permeate her consciousness because of her spiritual practices. Even a phone call from her brings a barrage of this dense energy into our home. Anyone who rejects The Christ does so because they have not experienced His love. If they had, they would not want to do anything but sit at His feet for the rest of their lives! It is a humbling and awe-inspiring experience. Whatever resistance, that may have been there because of the trappings of man-made Christianity, leaves because the direct experience of the love of Christ reveals the truth which lies beneath it. When one allows this love to enter them, it is completely transforming. The depth and completeness of His love cannot be denied by anyone who has felt it. Rejecting this love would be like rejecting a glass of water while walking through the desert. Nothing is more natural than a human being, in the experience of separation, coming face to face with the experience of Divine love and wanting more of that love. This is the experience that transforms us; it

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gives us the motivation to set ourselves aside and go through any amount of suffering, in order to move into more of that experience. Any resistance to experiencing this love only arises from the powers which work against the emergence of The Christ through humanity. This chapter began with this quote, But I am afraid that just as the serpent through his deceitfulness misled Eve, so your minds should be corrupted from the purity and simplicity that is in Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:3). Please remember the purity and simplicity that is in Christ. The spiritual path does not need to be wrought with confusion and it does not need to be nearly as complicated as we have made it. Thankfully, the path is narrow, which makes it easier to find our way


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Love, the Light of Christ
They who have my commandments, and keep them, these are they who love me; and they that love me shall be loved of my Parent, and I will love them and will manifest myself to them. Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve

hat makes some people resonate with the Christ energy while others are not? The answer lies in where the persons focus has been during their incarnations since the first emergence of The Christ onto the Earth two-thousand years ago. To be Christ resonant means to feel a connection to Jesus and The Christ from within oneself. This is a connection that is independent of religious teachings. If you have it, you know it. There is no faking it, its either there or it isnt. This inner connection comes about because, at some point in an Earthly incarnation, the person willingly entered into the Christstream of consciousness, thus beginning the integration of The Christ within that persons soul energy. It is this resonance that pulls one to Christ in subsequent incarnations. Once the commitment is made, that persons growth is then guided by The Christ; it can be slowed and even detoured, but it can never be completely severed. As I am speaking with different people, I have often heard The Christ within me say, He (or she) is one of


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mine, meaning they are Christ resonant because they have entered into the Christ-stream of consciousness. Another way of saying this is that they are within the Body of Christ. There is a prerequisite, however, to entering into the Christstream. That pre-requisite is the willingness to sacrifice oneself for love. This is what it takes to begin to understand unconditional love as a direct experience. The Christ is unconditional love. It is a love that does not usually exist on the Earth and did not exist on the Earth before the emergence of The Christ through Jesus. It is a love that is beyond most peoples comprehension. Many people espouse to understand unconditional love, but most of this is just lip service. It is not possible to understand this kind of love until one experiences it directly from The Christ. Before one can do this, they must first accept it through the sacrificing of oneself. To set yourself aside, to deny your own needs and desires for someone you love is the beginning of understanding unconditional love. To love without expecting anything in return and to continue to love when you receive nothing in return is unconditional love. The closest thing to this on Earth is the love of a mother for her child. It is virtually unheard of within adult relationships. Many people say they love their spouse or partner unconditionally, but that love soon begins to wane if their needs or expectations are not being met. When this occurs, there is a withdrawal into selfprotection. Love is withdrawn when what is expected is not received. This is a self-serving love, not the unconditional love of Christ. This self-serving type of love doesnt occur because people are purposely trying to take from others; it occurs because in our physical state of separation, we feel incomplete and in fact, are incomplete in the energetic sense. We naturally seek what we need to feel complete in the world around us. The process of coming to embody the unconditional love of Christ is the process of becoming whole and complete within oneself.

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As the Holy Spirit begins to work within us, it teaches us about unconditional love; it teaches us how to love and it teaches us that we are love. These discoveries come about through a succession of self-sacrificial experiences in which one sacrifices oneself for the love of God. The ultimate sacrifice, as Jesus demonstrated, is to continue to love through persecution, rejection, hate and torture. We are not expected to be able to do this right away. As Disciples of Christ we are tempered slowly, learning as we go, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Slowly, we learn how to embody such a degree of love. This comes about not through a mental learning, but through an energetic transformation of our very being as it becomes integrated into the Christ-stream. This point is demonstrated in this teaching from The Gospel of the Holy Twelve: Verily, verily, the wheat is parched by fire, so must ye my disciples pass through tribulations. But rejoice ye; for having suffered with me as one body, ye shall reign with me in one body, and give life to the world. Herein my Parent is glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall be my disciples. As the All-Parent hath loved me, so have I loved you: Continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Parents commandments, and abide in the spirit of love. To have the courage to begin this journey of self-sacrifice, one must want to experience Gods love more than they want anything else. When this willingness is there, and one turns toward The Christ with that intention and yearning in their heart, the Holy Spirit enters them. This is the true commitment to the spiritual path, the surrender of ones life into Gods love, and the willingness to lay down ones life to do it. This is why it is possible for people to say they are followers of Christ and even believe that He is the only way to God, yet not be energetically within the Body of Christ. The person must have grown to the point where they are willing to

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sacrifice themselves for Gods love. This willingness brings about a death which then allows one to begin the ascent upward and enter into the Christ-stream. This is why Jesus said, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. (Luke 9:23-24). One must be willing to lose ones life for the sake of Christs love before one can experience Christs love. Grace One of the major differences between the Eastern and Western spiritual paradigms is that the Eastern paradigm is an achievement oriented paradigm. Its goal is liberation from the experience of human suffering through the transcendence of the ego level of consciousness. This is thought to occur through ones own merit, throughout many lifetimes of spiritual practice. Grace only occurs through The Holy Spirit. It is the descent of Christs love which raises us up, forgives us and cleanses us, accepting us in love, even though we have not done anything to earn it. It takes a huge surrender to accept this much unconditional love because at our core, we all feel unworthy of it. I have seen people struggle with this so much. Just being willing to accept a complement is difficult for some people. The thought that we can be loved without doing anything to earn that love is nearly impossible to accept beyond a mental concept. When we are closed off in pain there is nothing more difficult than to open oneself while that pain is being experienced. Observe a child who has scraped their knee. They hold their hand over the wound, reluctant to release this protection for the medicine (the healing) to be applied. When worldly love (conditional love) is withdrawn, we have two choices; 1) go back into the world in search of a

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replacement, or 2) open our heart in the midst of our pain and allow Grace to enter us. The first choice is by far the easier and most common choice. The latter is the only one that brings true peace and fulfillment. Grace can only work in your life if you stop trying to achieve spiritual growth and accept the love of Christ. The more you can do this, the more The Christ will grow within you. Throughout my whole process, I basically had no clue. People would marvel at how I was able to write my books and monthly e-letters. They asked how I knew all those things. Ive even had people ask me what school I studied at. I can only reply as St. Paul did, For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. (Galatians 1:12). The teaching comes from within; it is the Holy Spirit which brings all things to your remembrance. It is fine to learn about chakras and energy systems and to understand the workings of the universal laws of karma and to understand reincarnation. It is equally fine to become a Theologian and learn about the Biblical scriptures. These things can be helpful, especially in speaking to others, but they are nothing in and of themselves. True understanding and knowledge of these things only comes after the experiences, not before. The day I received the Holy Spirit, the love of Christ began to work within me. When it subsequently awakened my Kundalini (twelve years later), I started looking for written information as a means of putting words to what I had experienced. None of my experiences happened because I had gained some esoteric knowledge about them. I simply felt the Holy Spirit within me and through prayer, faith and devotion, I followed where it led. Energetic things kept occurring which I did not understand and each time they occurred, I prayed for understanding and clarity. You cannot do anything to bring Grace to yourself. Any spiritual system that teaches through merit, achievement, levels or initiations

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is false and is not of Christ. If by Grace, then it is not by works; otherwise Grace is no more Grace. But if by works; then it is not by Grace. (Romans 11:6). An achievement based system is easily corrupted through the arrogance and ego of man. Such a system appeals to the ego of those who want to have control over their spiritual growth. This is why it has been so easy for the Ahrimanic and Luciferic energies to manipulate us through the achievement based spiritual paradigm of the East. Choosing Love What does it mean to choose love? Sometimes, this choice is obvious. Other times, the lines become blurred, bringing us to our knees in prayer as we strive to understand Gods will. Choosing love means different things at different times in ones growth. For someone who is still developing their individual identity on the physical plane, choosing love may be to stand up for oneself, to leave an abusive relationship, or to learn to take care of ones own needs. For someone who is developing their identity as a spiritual being on the spiritual plane, choosing love may be to leave family or friends behind in favor of an ascetic lifestyle, or to perform healing for others in spite of the discomfort to oneself. For someone who is developing their Spirit Body within the Christ Plane, it may be to accept the rejection and persecution of the world rather than turn from love or, to cleanse the sins of the world through taking the entire Earthly consciousness into ones body. I have noticed a common scenario which occurs as one moves upward, that of the lose-lose situation. Sometimes its easy to choose love because the choice that brings peace to ones life seems obvious. The real tests come when neither choice brings peace and it seems that no matter what we do, someone will be hurt. Sometimes it seems that God has led us into a corner with no

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way out. When this occurs, it is deeply painful and all one can do is surrender to the pain. This is common as we are ready to move from one level to the next. The pain comes as we are trying to break through an existing paradigm within our human belief structure and perception of ourselves. The expansion of ones self-identity brings great suffering and pain because one is ripped away from all that held it in place. Patience, prayer and surrender are the only answers. Eventually, clarity (and peace) will come. Growth through Opposition In previous chapters, I described the magnitude of the opposition to the Christ energy existing within the Earths consciousness. In order to fully embody The Christ, one must endure numerous attacks, persecutions and rejections. The intensity of these increases as one learns to hold the light of love even in the face of them. Whenever a new degree of light is embodied, one will experience a confrontation with the opposite. This confrontation, though terrifying, serves to drive one farther into the light in order to hold the Christ energy in the face of the opposition. Many times, in the worst of these experiences, I sat with tears streaming down my face for hours because of the pain of enduring an attack from these opposing energies. Other times, it was necessary to sit in prayer all night, trying to hold to the light as the dark energies flew against me. The test here is to stay in the truth of love, even though one is being persecuted. One must surrender their instinctive self-protective mechanisms and allow themselves to feel rejected, persecuted and even attacked. To do otherwise would require one to move into self-protection, causing a contraction and pulling one out of the Christ-stream. As we grow in our ability to hold the light of Christ, we will experience these confrontations to increasing degrees as we are

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able to handle them. Jesus knew it would be so when he said, If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love its own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, the servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. (John 15:18-20). At the highest level, The Christ offsets all the darkness of the entire Earth. As explained in Chapter 5, at the moment one becomes fully Christed, they accept into themselves the entire planetary consciousness, which then becomes their body. In order for The Christ to enter fully into the planetary consciousness, it must accept the rejection and hate that is there. This is why it was not possible for Jesus to defend himself as he was persecuted and tortured. The Christ accepts this rejection out of love; He holds the hate of the world within His body, offering it the Grace of His love. As one moves higher into Christ Consciousness, they must experience this persecution and rejection; it is the only way to bring about the death of the lower self and be re-born fully in the Spirit Body. (As previously discussed, the Spirit Body is the Christ Body which begins to unite the etheric, astral and physical bodies when the Holy Spirit is received.) All this may seem a bit overwhelming, but it is something that all those who follow Christ will experience. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do. (John 14:12). Our ability to do these works grows not by our merit, but by our ability to love; which grows exponentially through our immersion in the Christ-stream. Just as we are not expected to do high school calculus when we enter elementary school, neither are we expected to hold this


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degree of love when we enter the Christ-stream. Every journey begins with a first step. The acceptance of Christs love is the first step; allowing oneself to be absorbed into that love is the next. This brings about a gradual immersion of the lower (human) energy stream into the Christ-stream of energy. One does not need to know anything for this to occur; it is an act of Grace. For by Grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is a gift of God. (Ephesians 2:8). It is appropriate to feel that you are neither worthy of receiving or capable of accepting such Grace. No human is capable on their own of embodying such love. It comes only through The Christ. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13).


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Walking in the Spirit
As we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:25

he gift the Holy Spirit provides is the means to live in the world while holding ones consciousness in the Spirit/Christ Body. Through the integration of the Christ Body into our human consciousness, we can find the balance which enables us to be in the world, but not of it. Jesus said, As the wheat is separated from the chaff, so must ye be separated from the falsities of the world; yet must ye not go out of the world, but live separate in the world, for the life of the world. (The Gospel of the Holy Twelve). He did not want us to leave this world, but to embody spirit while in the worldfor the life of the world. This is very important to understand. It is through the collective Body of Christ that He continues to work in the world, for the good of all mankind. The benefits of embodying The Christ are not limited to charity, good deeds and spiritual teaching. The benefits that bring life to the world are energetic; they are the result of the physical embodiment of the Christ energy. Only on the physical plane is it possible to be thrown together with beings of different vibrational levels. In the non-physical realms it is not possible (except through

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choice and advanced experience) to be next to someone who is of a denser vibration. Once the physical body is shed, each beings consciousness gravitates to vibrational levels that are like its own. Energetically (in the non-physical realm), it is only possible to be within a vibrational level that is equal to or denser than your own. One can move downward through choice to assist others, but one cannot move upward, beyond their current level, until they have evolved to that level. This is why Christ works through us at the physical level. Through our surrender into Him and our subsequent integration into His Body, He then moves energetically through our physical vehicle to reach those around us. This occurs all the time, even when we are not aware of it. I have often felt this occurring while in a crowded theater. I have been aware of The Christ within me reaching out to others in the theater, communicating with them in the non-physical realms. The physical proximity allows for a more direct interaction between His consciousness and theirs. Through our embodiment of The Christ, we become a physical manifestation of the Truth; we walk in the Spirit, while occupying the flesh. We become the Truth in a visible way, bringing Gods kingdom to Earth. Throughout this book, I have referred to The Christ and to Jesus in various ways. For each person, the form this takes will be different. The most common form this takes within peoples perception is that of Jesus the man, with whom the Christ is most closely associated. To focus on Jesus is to focus on Christ, and vice versa. This is appropriate, because Jesus was the first person to physically embody The Christ, and through that focus we draw to ourselves the purest form of the Christed energy. As previously stated, these two cannot be separated energetically, except within the human mind. What I have experienced however, is that toward the end of my process, my focus had to shift from that of Jesus the Christ to the formless presence of Christ within

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me. Only then was The Christ able to fully permeate my being. Christ did not come for the glorification of one man, but for the salvation of all mankind. At various times in the Christing process, it is appropriate to worship Christ through Jesus the man, to speak to Jesus directly and to feel His energy and presence guiding you. It is also appropriate at some point, to release the attachment to His form so that the Christ may become manifest through your form. Living in the World Everyone on the spiritual path knows the difficulty of living in a world where hate, violence and suffering are so prevalent. Sometimes, it seems unbearable to exist in the midst of such a world. Christ came not to take us out of this world, but to give us a way to live in the world and in the process, bring hope and light to the world. Living in the world while walking in the Spirit can be confusing because we have very specific ideas about what it is to be spiritual. Because we think we know what being spiritual looks like, we are always trying to change our behavior to match that ideal. When we feel repelled by someone for example, rather than trusting how we feel, we attribute it to our ego or try and find a reason for our feelings. We then try and dissuade ourselves from following our gut feelings by focusing on the appearance and actions of the person in question. When we learn to trust our gut feelings and energetic responses completelyand follow them without question, we are then walking in the Spirit. Jesus told His disciples, I am sending you like lambs among wolves; therefore be wise as serpents and pure as doves. (Matthew 10:16). He knew it would not be easy to live in the world with such purity. The purity that allows one to enter into the Christ-stream is in direct opposition to the ways of the world. It seems like a contradiction to have the purity of a dove yet have to

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be as wise as a serpent, but this is what it takes to live in the world while walking in the Spirit. The ability to live in the way Jesus suggests comes about through awareness of the varying energies existing all around us. To walk in the Spirit, we must learn to gain mastery over our own energy. This is the only way to keep oneself aligned with the purity necessary to embody The Christ. We must become aware when there are denser energies around us, when those energies infringe on our own and when we have become too energetically extended to those around us. When we get in our car and go for a drive, we follow a set of rules to help us drive with awareness of those around us. When we drive, our awareness includes the knowledge that some drivers do not drive responsibly. Its possible for another driver to run a stop sign and hit us. Its possible for others to infringe upon our rights by drinking and getting behind the wheel of a car. Even when we are careful and drive with complete awareness, its still possible to be hurt or to hurt another through an innocent accident such as a child running out in front of our car. All these possibilities are inherent in the action of driving. We understand that in getting behind the wheel and venturing out on the road, we will meet drivers of all different experience levels, some responsible, some not so responsible. Through our awareness of these variances, we conduct ourselves accordingly when we drive. Walking in the Spirit requires that we bring this same type of awareness into our daily lives. When we venture out into the world, we come in contact with others who embody various vibrational levels. Some of these energies are respectful, loving and kind. Others are intrusive, manipulative and hateful. Some honor the free will of other beings, some do not. Jesus himself was quick to identify and cast out the evil spirits he saw within people and He spared no words in rebuking the Pharisees and Sadducees. Having awareness of these denser energies at work in the world does not

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mean you fear them and it does not mean you are focusing on them. It means you have learned how to hold your own energy at a stable level of purity, even while in the midst of them. To have awareness of denser energies around you does not mean you do not love those who embody them. The unconditional love Christ makes possible is not the soft and fluffy feeling that we usually associate with love. It is an openness that allows for all variations of energy while requiring nothing for itself. Because it requires nothing for itself, it makes no requirement of others. It is inherently whole and complete. It retains this purity by not contracting down into the personalized level where energies are by their very nature, fragmented and conditional. Instead, it allows us to walk in the Spirit by resting in a place where we feel peaceful and complete as we interact with the world. It is a new level of consciousness that we interact from; it is Christ Consciousness. Resting in this place requires that we completely release those around us to have whatever experience they are having. If we do not, we are then being conditional by imposing our wishes on others. If we examine our actions and motives, we can see that when we try and direct the actions of others, even when our intent is loving, we are doing so because we have somehow tied some portion of our well being to their actions. This is conditionality, an energetic way of telling God that you need something to be different than it is. By imposing conditions on others in this way, we impose them on ourselves and this is exactly the reason humans do not know unconditional love. If we learn to take care of our own energy through nurturing the presence of Christs love within us, everything else will fall into place in whatever way is for the highest good of those involved. There is a spiritual strength which arises within ones being as they surrender more and more of their worldly life in favor of living in the experience of Truth, as is given through the Holy Spirit.

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The presence of Truth within ones being is the presence of The Christ, which balances the falsities of the external world. Walking in the Spirit while living in the world necessitates tapping into the spiritual strength that comes from Christ, because the Truth does not fit into any existing structures. One must become the Truth in energetic embodiment, and from that everything else falls into place. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33). Manifesting the Body of Christ Coming to the place where one has complete integration with the Christ Body and can rest in this unconditional place is not an exact event; it is a continual unfolding. Mankind is just now coming to the evolutionary place where energetically this is a possibility. We are in the very beginning stages of embodying the consciousness of the new Earth made possible through Christ. Those who join Him in the Body of Christ are the first fruits; they are those who are challenged with living unconditionally in a conditional world. The integration of the Christ-stream of consciousness into the human stream is an energetic occurrence which requires us to completely align our physical life with the Christ energy. We have to learn to understand this energy within us and we have to learn how to allow it to become manifest in the physical world. This manifestation requires two things: 1) that you align yourself with the purity of Christ to the best of your ability through your actions, thoughts and speech, and 2) that you learn to use the authority given to us by Christ through the Holy Spirit within the world. Before you can tap into the presence of the Holy Spirit and claim the authority Christ gave us, you must live in a way that is not contradictory to the purity of Christ. If you pray to embody the Holy Spirit, but your actions conflict with this request, you will

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not be able to bring in the Christ presence. If ye keep not the lesser mysteries, who shall give you the greater? He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much; and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. (Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve). It takes great strength, courage and dedication to allow your life to be melded into a form that can be occupied by the energy of Christ. You must make choices that will bring your outer life into alignment with the energy of the Holy Spirit. Small examples of this are walking out of a movie because of downward pulling energies such as profanity or crude humor; leaving the lunch room at work because the conversation has taken a downward turn; or taking a stand in that same situation by speaking up to alter the course of the conversation. Larger examples are: leaving a job that you need because of an unscrupulous employer; leaving a long-term relationship that is not nurturing to your being; or taking back your power by standing up to those who have been trying to control you. All of these actions bring your outer world more in-line with the purity of Christ. These actions also bring up fears within us; they require us to do what we fear most for the sake of being aligned with the Christ energy. This is what it takes to leave the conditional world behind and be energetically capable of embodying The Christ. To completely embody Christ, you must come to the point that you will not go against what feels energetically inappropriate to you no matter how the external appearances and relationships are presenting themselves. In the following quote from The Gospel of the Holy Twelve, Jesus speaks of the way the Truth can bring division between those who embody it and those who are not ready to embody it; I am come to send peace upon Earth, but when I speak, behold a sword follows. I am come to unite but, behold, a man shall be at variance with his father, and the daughter

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with her mother, and the daughter-in-law with her motherin-law. And a mans foes shall be they of his own household. For the unjust cannot mate with them that are just. The Ahrimanic and Luciferic energies will work through your loved ones in an attempt to retain control over you. They will use your personal connection to the world to keep you within their power. One must be willing to leave behind everything and everyone if it becomes necessary, in order to maintain the purity needed to stabilize the Christ energy within the human consciousness. You will not be able to live in the world within the balance of Christ Consciousness unless you are willing to completely leave the world. It is a long and painful process that requires ever higher degrees of surrender and faith. Like rungs on a ladder, the Holy Spirit leads us, through energetic experience, into the perfect circumstances for our particular set of karmic energies. Every fear, every doubt, every bit of worldly conformity, will be purified from your consciousness, allowing Christ to completely permeate your being, down to the physical level. While this may sound overwhelming, it occurs in stages as we are ready. The Holy Spirit provides just the right degree of gentleness, wisdom, guidance and incentive; requiring us to face our fears, open our hearts, step beyond our barriers and keep delving deeper into love and faith. Returning to the subject of the denser energies that exist in the world, one must learn to safeguard their consciousness by not willingly putting oneself in situations where the denser energies have control over you. This includes staying in the company of people who embody this energy for the sake of politeness; listening to music or watching T.V. or movies of a dense nature; drinking alcohol or using recreational drugs (both of which allow your lower nature and the planetary denser energies to gain a foothold and work through you). When you willingly subject yourself to these

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things, you are sending conflicting signals by choosing the world over the purity of Christ. You must be willing to let a new level of consciousness be reflected in your external life. A life that reflects the Body of Christ exists through wholesome purity, spiritual integrity and selfsacrifice. It does not conform to the world; it must stand on its own and express itself unabashedly. Jesus said, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 10:32-33). Once you know the Truth about Christ, once you feel yourself within His body and Him within yours, you can no longer deny Him in any way in your external life. In order for the Truth to grow within you, you must live and breathe the Truth. It is not possible to use generic spiritual language, alluding to the possibility that there are other paths to God. Christ is here to spread the Truth and this occurs through the physical vehicles of those who are within the Body of Christ. This doesnt mean you have to become an evangelist or shout from the street corner, nor does it mean you have to try to convert your friends and family. What it means is that you must come to a place of peace within yourself where you can speak freely about Christ when it feels appropriate, without feeling defensive, threatened, embarrassed or insecure. You must become free of religious dogma so you can speak truthfully and lovingly to Christians and nonChristians alike, if called upon to do so. It means you must freely manifest the purity of Christ in the world and not be shy about why you are doing it. Dont forget, there is huge opposition to the Truth of Christ becoming manifest in the world, one must not be afraid to stand up and be different than the world. One must be true to Christ, always.


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The key to living in the world while walking in Spirit is the way you feel. If you feel uncomfortable in a situation, then something is not right. If you remain, without leaving or speaking up to change the energy, you are allowing the world to control you. If you persist, the Christ energy will leave you because it will not allow itself to participate in the workings of the lower energies which control the world and the general population. Christ will not allow you to place Him under the control of the lower energies because of your actions. This can be very subtle, because the outward appearance can seem harmless and you may be the only one who is uncomfortable. It always comes down to following the way you feel. The Christ Body within you will be your guide, energetically directing you from within, requiring you to become more sensitive and aware in order to move into greater Christ embodiment. As the Holy Spirit grows within you, it will guide you to the necessity for greater purity in your outer life; it is a natural progression. When you reach a high level of integration within the Body of Christ, you will have greater resistance to these denser energies in the world. The ability to hold your own level of purity in the proximity of denser energies occurs when the world has no further hold over you. Jesus often met with sinners and tax collectors because he knew it was these people who needed Him most. He did not feel uncomfortable in their midst because He had awareness of the denser energies in the world and knew that through His own purity, He had authority over them. Once aligned with the purity of Christ, when the world holds no further place within us, we can truly walk in the Spirit and use the authority granted to us for that purpose.


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Authority through Christ Christ gives us authority to use the Holy Spirit for His purposes on Earth. The integration of the Christ energy into the human consciousness brings awareness of what is in alignment with Divine will and what is not, in any given moment. This awareness comes energetically, through the Christ Body which one can feel within them. By following the fluctuations of energy, by observing what brings stabilization and expansion, and what brings destabilization and discomfort, one learns to live according to the flow of Grace, being aware of Gods will in each moment. It becomes necessary to learn to read the energy of the Christ Body in this way to stabilize and integrate it. Through the awareness of Gods will, one finds they are One with God through the interface of The Christ. Because of this integration, one is able to use their human will to direct the Holy Spirit. The human vehicle becomes a conduit from which Christ works on the physical plane, not through the person, but as the person. This is the authority Christ gave His disciples. Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. (Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve). As indicated in the above quote, our awareness and experience of the authority given to us through Christ via the Holy Spirit is a result of our Oneness with Him, not something to be set apart or held up over others. Through using this authority, we enter into a partnership with Christ. The authority is given, but only as long as we remain within the Christ-stream through our devotion and purity. If we try to use this authority on our own (an act of ego), it will fail. The partnership requires us to be true to

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Christ in our actions, thoughts and speech. Only then are we aligned enough to tap into the authority that comes from His Grace. What are some circumstances where one may want or need to use the authority given by Christ? At first, this authority is intermittent. One may only think of it in times of duress such as entering into a room and feeling the presence of evil spirits. In such a case, one can simply say, I claim the presence and protection of Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, or similar wording. Upon saying these words, with full awareness of your Oneness with Christ, you expand your human energy stream farther into the Christ-stream, thus calling forth the energetic presence and purity of Christ. Denser (evil) energies cannot remain in the presence of such purity. These cannot be empty words however, you must feel them and know them to be true; you must tap into The Christ within, this is where the power comes from. One can use the authority given by Christ for protection when going into a crowded place, when clearing a new home or motel room, or whenever you feel energetically uncomfortable around those who embody denser energies. Learning to use the Christgiven authority in this way assists one in learning to stabilize the purity of Christ energetically. Learning to tell the difference between pure and impure energies and learning to remain aligned with the purity of Christ while in the midst of impure energies is how we can function in the world while walking in the Spirit. The authority given by Christ is not only to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, but also to bless, forgive and bestow Grace on others. This is why we say Grace before a meal; one can literally bless the food through the power of the Holy Spirit, thus bringing purity and harmony into your body through the food you consume. Before I eat, I bless the food through this wording, I/we bless this food and accept it into the Body of Christ. Again, it must be said with feeling

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and knowing, not as an empty and repetitive prayer. One can bless inanimate objects such as your car or bestow a blessing on people whom you wish to have come under the protection and blessing of the Holy Spirit. Through experience and sensitivity, one learns when such a blessing is appropriate and when it is not. (As previously stated, it is never in alignment with Gods will to send the Christ energy where is it not wanted.) This discernment comes through energetic awareness, not through any mental knowing. There is no reason to worry it may not be appropriate to bless or send love to someone. If you do so, and the person does not welcome it, your blessing returns to you. Love makes up for a multitude of sins. Your loving intention will, by far, make up for any spiritual errors you may make. As one grows into further Christ integration, the authority which comes from Christ becomes less an intermittent experience and more a constant awareness. One feels their physical body as etherized matter. Each thought and vibration is felt originating from within the non-physical realm of ones consciousness and is then seen appearing in the physical realm through the vehicle of the human consciousness and body. At this point, the authority given by Christ becomes an ever-present awareness of our Oneness with God. The more we align ourselves with the purity of Christ through our actions, words and thoughts, the more we can tap into the authority given by Christ through the Holy Spirit. While it may seem that using the authority given to His followers is a personalized act, originating from the ego; it is not. The ego cannot tap into this power and authority. It can only come into the human consciousness via integration into the Christ-stream. The human will eventually becomes purified to the level where no desires arise that are not in alignment with the purity of Christ. The usage of this authority is always contingent upon maintaining ones purity within the Christ-stream.

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The Christ Body creates an interface within us, one which allows us to interact with the physical world while walking in Spirit. This occurs through the unconditional love of Christ. Once this love permeates you at every level, you are unable to react to anything in the world except with love. This is an inner experience, one which feels like one is an immovable force of wholeness (energetically speaking). This love does not flinch in the face of darkness, it does not perceive threat, nor does it defend. By its purity and innocence, it lies itself on the block for slaughter, and in this ultimate vulnerability, the world sits in awe of it. Because this love is willing to give everything, it finds it already has everything. This is the love that moves the world and all of creation through its very nature. It holds within itself all the destructive forces of the universe and in its benevolence, it creates cohesion where chaos would otherwise rule. It is the fusion of God and man, made possible because Christ instilled this possibility within the body of mankind through His deed. The ultimate question is then answered, the only way to live in the world while walking in Spirit is through the love of Christ, by expanding oneself so far into love that one is literally fused with creation itself. Nothing in this world makes sense without understanding that this love exists as a real possibility for humanity. Without it, there is no meaning and no hope. Without it, we dwell in darkness, cut off from our own divinity and seeking to reach God through human means. Christ takes this effort out of our hands and carries us home through our willing surrender into His arms. No progress can be made until we allow ourselves to be swept up into this love and learn directly how the flow of Grace follows those who seek nothing for themselves. The illusions of this physical world are well hidden until we unlock the secrets that lie within ourselves. Christ holds the key and extends it to those who are willing to accept it.

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Nurturing the Christ Presence

Raise the stone, and there thou shall find me. Cleave the wood, and there am I. For in the fire and in the water even as in every living form, God is manifest as its Life and its Substance. Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve

he Christ Presence is something that must be nurtured. This is part of learning to take responsibility for what one creates and for the energy one draws to themselves. Calling oneself a Christian is not enough to manifest the Christ Presence within ones life. One must learn to recognize and nurture the attributes and attitudes that create the right energetic environment for the Christ Presence to grow within ones consciousness. The world appears to me as various forms of energy, outwardly expressed. Each person is expressing a certain energetic level. Each person is pulling through their mind-body complex one of the levels of consciousness that exists within the Earths field. Within these various levels exists a sort of dividing line. The levels above this line are upward pulling; they support life, expansion, unity and harmony for all of creation. The levels below this line are downward pulling; they are chaotic and self-serving and promote deterioration in the quality of all life on Earth.


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As I go out into the world and observe people in the midst of their daily lives, its so obvious that all spiritual teaching really boils down to one thingteaching people to be responsible for the energy they create through their thoughts, words and deeds. With just a simple upward shift in focus, people can change their experience, and that of those around them. Its a moment-bymoment choice that we must learn to make, individually at first, then collectively. Jesus statement, He that is not with me is against me; and he that does not gather with me will scatter, also refers to the upward and downward pulling energies. If we do not consciously focus on the upward pulling energies, those energies that are sustained and supported by the Presence of Christ within the Earths consciousness, we will be pulled into the downward pulling spiral that most people are unknowingly part of. One does not have to intentionally focus on the downward pulling energy; the absence of awareness of these two energies is the same as being neutral and by default, one becomes a carrier (and perpetrator) of the downward pulling energies. This is why we have to learn to become conscious in our daily lives of our thoughts, attitudes and actions in the world. We must nurture the Christ Presence by continually being aware of the Christ energy within ourselves as we live our daily lives. When spirituality is segregated to attending church on Sundays or the twenty minutes spent in meditation each morning, while living the rest of our lives according to worldly values and attitudes, we make no progress toward Christ embodiment. One must allow the spiritual to enter the physical and become manifest there. This occurs through your awareness of the Christ Presence in each moment of time. The Presence of Christ is sublime. It is a subtle understanding that one can hold within their consciousness as an awareness, not as a thought. It has nothing to do with what is appearing externally.

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It is an inner experience that is expressed in the small things, such as letting someone step in front of you in the supermarket line, holding the door for someone, offering your hand to an elderly stranger or letting someone cut in front of you in traffic. When done out of love, each small gesture of self-sacrifice and thoughtfulness serves as a magnet for the Christ Presence to enter and grow within us. The Presence of Christ allows us to stay in our center of peace in the midst of chaos and conflict. Those who are in Christ are not concerned with what tomorrow brings, nor do they worry about how things appear to others. The Presence of Christ brings trust, peace and the understanding that those who are still energetically within the world (not within the Body of Christ), are unable to see or know the things that are seen and known only through Christ. We can only recognize externally what we have recognized within ourselves. Until we tap into the Christ Presence within ourselves (by entering into the Christ-stream of consciousness), we will not be able to recognize it in someone else. Most of the people Jesus met during His ministry did not recognize the light He carried; only a very few were able to. There are many higher beings from the spiritual hierarchy currently in human form. Most people have no idea who they are because outwardly, they appear very ordinary; it is only to those who are able to recognize them energetically that they will reveal themselves. The Bible states, Forget not to show love unto strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (Hebrews 13:2). Jesus spoke of this when He said, The wind blows where it will, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know whence it comes or whither it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit. (John 3:8). You cannot see the Spirit/Christ Body in others with the physical eyes; it is something that has to be recognized energetically through the nurturing of the Christ Presence within oneself.

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A few years ago, there was a popular Christian book entitled What Would Jesus Do? This book spawned an entire sub-culture of WWJD bumper stickers, tee-shirts and jewelry as well as discussion and study groups. This is the first step; mentally asking oneself how Jesus would respond to any given situation found in modern life. The next step, the one that brings one into the manifestation of Christ as an energetic Presence, is to move into the experience of feeling the Christ Presence from within and from that place, being that Presence. The more one can do that, the less one has to ask themselves, What would Jesus do? because the answer becomes apparent in each situation. One must move from thinking about the Christ Presence to being the Christ Presence through continued energetic focus, surrender and expansion. Let me explain the difference between thinking and focusing. With thinking we create thoughts about something. We think about the way something looks, the way it feels, the way it sounds, etc. We bring the energy of something into our awareness through our thoughts about it. Through thinking, we create emulation in the physical realm. When we think about Christ we naturally want to surround ourselves with external symbols of Christ, such as crosses, music or scripture. This is the first step. The next step is taking the energy created by our thoughts and focusing on that energy directly, bypassing the mental body and the physical world. To focus on something is to directly feel it within. If I tell you to focus on someone you love, you would first think about how the person looks or what they were doing the last time you saw them. From there, you would be able to feel that person directly through your love for them. The more you held your focus on the love you feel for that person, the stronger it would grow within you. You would then be able to hold that focus without needing to create more thoughts about the person.


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Focus on The Christ begins with turning ones thoughts toward Christ. As those thoughts become foremost in your mind, your external environment changes to reflect the Christ energy you are drawing to yourself. From there, you would be able to hold your focus on the Christ energy through your continued awareness of this energy within yourself. With this awareness, you would have moved from thinking about the Presence of Christ into being the Christ Presence. For me, the focus on Christ is a feeling of intense love for Christ and Jesus. This love feels like a magnet; the more I love Him, the more of His love I feel within me, until I cannot find where He begins and I endall that remains is the Love. Fasting from the World In the Gospel of The Holy Twelve, we find the following quote, And I say unto you, except ye fast from the world and its evil ways, ye shall in no wise find the Kingdom; and except ye keep the Sabbath and cease your haste to gather riches, ye shall not see the Father-Mother in heaven. In the above quote, Jesus is telling us that we must consciously choose the path of Christ by recognizing that the world holds no rewards for us. The Presence of Christ is not found in the ways of the world. We should expect to feel different, to not fit in, and to find no refuge in the world because that is what happens to those on the true path of Christ. To fast from the world does not mean we are to sit in a locked room on the top of a mountain. Jesus did not teach asceticism as the means to reach heaven. To fast from the world is to recognize those things which do not contribute to the upward pulling Christ energy and through that recognition, one does not participate in, or support them. This seems obvious, but most people have no discernment in this area. In the mainstream, the most popular entertainment are television shows called reality

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TV, tabloid talk shows and movies depicting sex, violence, crude humor and profanity. Everywhere we look there are advertisements telling us about another product we need to improve our appearance, our sex life, satisfy our appetite or make more money. To be caught up in all this, to view it as normal, without recognizing what is happening is exactly what Jesus was speaking about. To fast from the world, one lives simply, pulling out of what most people consider to be the mainstream. One can still hold a job, raise children and otherwise participate in life, but with the recognition of what is in alignment with the Christ energy and what is not. It is not possible to sustain the Christ Presence within ones consciousness while living a worldly life. Ones life must reflect the higher awareness that is not yet present in the world. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2). To keep the Sabbath does not mean that we are not supposed to work on Sunday. This is a reference to the need to set aside, on a regular basis, some time that is devoted to spiritual practices and inward focus. If one does not do this they will, by default, fall prey to the downward pulling energies. They will cease to feel spiritually drawn and will become desensitized to the ways of the world due to the hypnotic effect of the Ahrimanic veil. The third part of the above quote (cease your haste to gather riches) tells us not to focus on acquiring wealth in the worldly sense. To be in balance, one would have no more than they need at any one time. The human tendency (from the worlds point of view) is to want a nest egg in the bank for emergencies. The flow of Grace does not work that way. The Lord always provides what is needed, not more than is needed. If the need arises, the means will also, but not until the need is actually present. To try and


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collect more than is needed just in case goes against the flow of Grace and is one of the ways the world retains control over us. It is our desires that keep us tied to the lower energies that dominate the physical realm. This is apparent in watching children. They are so impressionable; each TV commercial they see creates a new desire. Suddenly, they have to have the newest snack food or the latest video game. These new desires become the focus of their thoughts, bringing the experience of lack, dissatisfaction and boredom. To be content with what one has is another way of fasting from the world. Desires create an energetic vacuum within us, sucking our internal focus to the external world. Inner peace leaves when outer desire arises. To summarize, Jesus taught that in order to hold the Presence of Christ and enter into the Christ-stream energetically, it is necessary to do three things in our lives: 1) Stop participating in the ways of the world that are not contributing to the upward pulling energy of Christ, thereby fasting from the world; 2) Regularly set aside time for spiritual reflection and practice, thereby keeping the Sabbath; and 3) Stop focusing on gaining material wealth and be content with what you have, thereby ceasing your haste to gather riches. A life lived according to these principles reflects the purity of Christ and is a natural extension of the Presence of Christ within ones consciousness. Humility The Presence of Christ exists through Grace. One should never forget that. The higher one goes, the less one seems to know. One should always retain an attitude of humility with regard to spiritual matters. The following excerpt from The Gospel of the Holy Twelve provides an excellent example of the need for humility: As Jesus was going into a certain village He met a man who was deaf

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from birth. And he believed not in the sound of rushing wind, or the thunder, or the cries of the beasts, or the birds that complain of their hunger or their hurt, nor that others heard them. And Jesus breathed into his ears, and they were opened, and he heard. And he rejoiced with exceeding joy in the sounds he before denied. And he said, Now I hear all things. But Jesus said unto him, How sayest thou, I hear all things? Canst thou hear the sighing of the prisoner or the language of the birds or the beasts when they commune with each other, or the voices of angels and spirits? Think how much thou cannot hear, and be humble in thy lack of knowledge. The man who had been deaf from birth is said to have not believed in the things he couldnt hear. Once his hearing was restored, he thought he could hear all things. Jesus pointed out that just because he could now hear some things, he still could not hear all things. The things he could not yet hear were unknown (therefore non-existent) to him. Spiritual growth is like that. We cannot possibly know what exists in the levels beyond our current one. Only through humility can we accept the Grace that is needed to move upward. The Presence of Christ can only be recognized and embodied by those who nurture an attitude of humility; an attitude that allows the unknown to become known.


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Fruits of the Spirit

The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

hose who use computers are familiar with Windows. Windows is a computer operating system that acts as an interface between the computers binary language and the user. Without this interface, there would be no way to interact with the computer because the two languages are foreign to one another. So it is with the interface provided through Christ. Without it, there would be no way to bring the wholeness and love of God into the physical plane as a direct, human experience because the language that guides the energy of creation in the non-physical realm is vastly different than the language of the externalized and fragmented physical realm. When we use a computer, we find the interface is flexible, not fixed. We interact with it on one side, and the computer interacts with it on the other. The result is a seamless cohesion where the user and computer work as one through the vehicle of the interface. The integrated Christ Body functions in the same way, providing a constant interactive interface that allows the attributes of the Divine realm to be communicated to the physical realm and the perception


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and experience of the physical body and human consciousness to be spiritualized and transmuted into wholeness and harmony. The main thing to understand about the energetic interface created through the Christ Body is that it moves on its own. Its flexible, constantly arising and receding in an invisible way, to create a seamless experience of oneness. In human terms, the results of this interface are known as the Fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and selfcontrol. These arise on their own because of the presence of the Christ Body within ones consciousness. When you plant an apple tree and care for it properly, it produces apples as soon as it is mature enough to do so. The apples are an automatic extension of the tree. Likewise, when you receive the Holy Spirit and energetically enter into the Christ-stream, the Fruits of the Spirit begin to manifest in your life naturally through the proper focus and intent to live a life that is in alignment with the purity of Christ. When properly cared for, the Christ Body will eventually become fully mature and one will experience the Fruits of the Spirit abundantly. I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abides in me, and I in him, the same bring forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing. (John 15:5). The Fruits of the Spirit arise within ones life not because of any spiritual practices or merit, but through the Grace bestowed upon the followers of Christ via the Holy Spirit. This is so important to understand. In the Western paradigm, Christ created a new avenue for mankind that we could enter into His Body and become one with His Consciousness, thereby receiving the Fruits of the Spirit through His Grace. To accomplish this, Jesus did not create a new religion, He did not leave behind any written scriptures, nor did He create a set of spiritual practices for His followers. Instead, He said this; A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another and all the creatures of God. Love is the

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fulfilling of the law. Love is of God, and God is love. Who so loveth not, knoweth not God. Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples; if ye have love one to another, and show mercy and love to all creatures of God, especially to those that are weak and oppressed and suffer wrong. For the whole earth is filled with dark places of cruelty, with pain and sorrow, by the selfishness and ignorance of man. I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and give them light for their darkness, and let the spirit of love dwell in your hearts, and abound unto all. And again I say unto you, Love one another and all creation of God. (Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve). Jesus knew that each person was at a different vibrational level, and therefore each person would perceive and experience the world differently. This is why following a strict set of religious teachings always fails; there is no room for growth. Conflict always arises as one begins to grow beyond the original vibrational level the teachings were intended to reach. Jesus knew that the only constant is love. He knew that each persons ability to give and receive love would grow exponentially the more they integrated their human consciousness into the Body of Christ. Through this one commandment, Jesus created the means by which we can come closer to Him in embodiment. If, in each situation, we ask within ourselves how we can best live according to His commandment, we will notice that no two situations or answers are alike. Sometimes, we will be guided to be passive and let things play out. Other times, it will feel right to speak up and change things. The way we carry out His commandment in each situation will depend on the level of light we currently embody. Our interpretation of His commandment will change depending on our level of integration into the Body of Christ. This is why we

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must not rely on external teachings. A woman recently asked me, What do I do? Just sit at home and focus on Jesus and wait for something to happen? She didnt understand that through her focus on Jesus, something is happening. When we live our life according to His commandment to the best of our ability, we will be slowly integrating the Christ Body within us, and from that, all else follows. There are no other spiritual teachings necessary. No one could possibly improve upon the commandment Christ gave us through Jesus. In The Gospel of the Holy Twelve, we read; Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you which hear, love your enemies, do good to them which hate you. Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. For if ye love them which love you what thanks have ye? For sinners also love those that love them. And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thanks have ye? For sinners even do the same. Jesus was pointing out that in order for our love to mean something in terms of our spiritual growth, we have to love when it isnt easy to do so. Otherwise, there is no growth through love. Its necessary to experience some personal sacrifice, suffering or discomfort at the hands of the world, in order to grow through our love. The ability to do so continues to grow until we experience the Christing itself, through taking on the suffering and rejection of the entire world through love, thus merging our human consciousness completely into that of Christ. As the Fruits of the Spirit grow within us, one is guided more by energetic and intuitive means, than by worldly or egoic motivations. One is drawn to purity in all its forms and lives their life in a way that emphasizes purity and wholesomeness. One no longer feels compelled to respond to those who are being driven by impure energies, even when it seems appropriate for the sake

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of politeness or expectation. Christ grows within us and within the world through focusing on purity, not through opposition to what is impure. This doesnt mean you wont be called upon to take a stand against the darkness; you will. Each such stand will be a necessary part of your purification process and will stem from a choice you make to bring your life more into alignment with the purity of Christ. These choices and subsequent stands against the darkness will occur as a natural consequence in living according to His commandment; Love one another and all creation of God. In the course of living daily life according to the purity of Christ while integrating the Christ Body, one is gradually freed from the constrictions of living in such a way that the world has power over you. One no longer has to do anything just for the money and one no longer acts solely out of politeness or expectation. Everything that is done in the world arises from love and joy and is done with patience, gentleness and peace. These attributes (the Fruits of the Spirit) are always present when there is purity underneath. When one is completely free of the world, one is only able to participate fully in what is pure in the world, through the interface of the Christ Body. One will not be able to participate in what is impure in the world however, without great conflict, the Christ within reveals energetically what it is able and willing to participate in. In this way, a new reality will be manifested physically through the Body of Christ, one that is free from the interference of Luciferic and Ahrimanic energies and exists in peace, beauty and love. (The true kingdom shall be established which shall be in the world, but not of it.)


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Trusting Christ The interface of the Christ Body makes it possible to live in the world and enjoy the Fruits of the Spirit because those within His Body are spiritually and energetically separated and protected from the world. The Ahrimanic and Luciferic energies will always try and make you feel you are not safe; that somehow you need something in the world for survival, sustenance, comfort and love. There is no way to overcome the fear and doubt these energies feed upon except through trust in Christ. The minute you leave that trust, they have an in and you become subject to their deceptions. You must have absolute faith in His word and His presence, knowing that through His deed, you can exist in a place of peace, held energetically separate from the torment of the world; that through your willingness to fully embody the Truth of Christ, you make it possible for others to also enter into His Body. When you have trust in Christ, you can freely manifest the Fruits of the Spirit, living with peace and ease, regardless of how external circumstances are presenting themselves. Trust that the Holy Spirit is guiding your life and that you are being purified daily, through your devotion to and focus on Christ. Dont be afraid of the changes that come from transformation. Surrender fully and let His love enter and work through you. Dont focus on a goal, but rather on the presence of Christ within you in each moment. Your questions will always be answered through prayer; all you need to do is ask and be patient for the answers. And lastly, let your trust deepen daily as you learn to abide in the love made possible through Christ. Love ye one another and all the creatures of God, and by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples. (Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve).


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Now ye are my Body; and each of you is a member of a particular, and to each one of you do I give a fitting place, and one Head over all, and one Heart the center of all, that there be no lack nor schism, so that with your bodies, your souls and your spirits ye may glorify the All Parent through the Divine Spirit which works in all and through all. Christ Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve

here are basically two energy streams entering the Earth: one is upward pulling (the path created by Christ), the other is downward pulling. These two energy streams can be seen flowing through all of mankind, the balance and condition of the Earth being created moment by moment, depending on the amount of Christ energy each person is able to embody. In this way, everyone on Earth is an extension of these two energy streams, the degree of each stream varying from person to person. Everyone is acting out either the upward pulling, or the downward pulling energy. Those that are neutral are stuck within the downward pulling stream, still bound to their Earthly illusions (He that is not with me is against me; and he that does not gather with me will scatter. Luke 11:23). Everything that happens on the Earth is a result of the play of these two energies within the Earths field. The downward pulling stream is very strong because it dominates

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the physical world. Without entering into the Christ-stream, no one would be able to overcome it. As previously discussed, the Body of Christ is a separate stream of energy. Those within it are creating a new reality (energetic foundation) for the Earth. The presence of the Christ energy on Earth is still in its infancy. As more people enter the Christ-stream, this will change. When a body of people who focuses solely on Christ live in a single geographic location, the changes this makes within the collective society are dramatic. Several months following my experience of breaking through the spiritual ceiling, we were directed (by Christ) to move from Northern California to an area in the mid-west known as the Bible belt. The Bible belt is the last place I thought I would ever live, but the moment we arrived, I knew I was home. The spiritual focus here is nearly all Christian. Most people attend church on Sunday and many community and recreational activities revolve around the churches. It is a very different way of life than I was used to, having lived all my life in Northern California. Although we live in a rural area, we are about thirty minutes from a large city. The differences we noticed when we arrived were astounding. There is almost no litter on the roadways, graffiti is very rare and the entire area, including the city itself, is very pristine looking. The people are laid back and friendly and one feels safe because there is an underlying open, respectful and courteous energy and attitude. Because there is less external focus, people are more comfortable with themselves and their physical imperfections, and because they are more comfortable with themselves, they make others feel comfortable around them. Driving is a pleasure because no one drives aggressively. There is never a problem changing lanes in traffic because the moment you put your turn signal on, someone slows down to let you in. In general, there is a wholesome atmosphere and energy with great emphasis

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placed on family values. Even in the schools this is apparent. In California, my children had two to three hours of homework every night. Here, they usually have under an hour or none at all. When we first arrived, we were told this is because the school does not want to interfere with family time in the evenings. Many people attend church on Wednesday evening and as a result, the teachers dont give out homework on Wednesdays. When we go out to dinner, it is refreshing and beautiful to see families sit together in crowded restaurants, joining hands and bowing their heads in prayer before their meal. There is an innocence and purity here that allows people to feel comfortable doing this. Through the large focus on Christ Jesus in this area (despite an elementary understanding of Christ by many Christians), the upward pulling energy of Christ is dominant, as reflected through the collective societal body. This focus results in the outward differences described above. In an area such as this, the Body of Christ is gaining a foothold within the Earths energy field because of the sheer number of people who live here and focus on Christ. These people have surrendered their lives to follow Him to the best of their ability and everything in their lives and the community reflects this effort. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcomes I will grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also have overcome, and have set down with my Father on his throne. (Rev. 3:20-21). Most of those with advanced spiritual awareness have shied (or been driven) away from organized religion. I have had many people come to me describing themselves as recovering Catholics, trying to overcome the fear instilled in them through an early upbringing within the Catholic church. Others have been put off by fundamental Christianity to the point that in some places,

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one feels uncomfortable even calling themselves a Christian. In The Gospel of the Holy Twelve, Jesus foretold of this: Woe is the time when the spirit of the world entereth into the Church, and my doctrines and precepts are made void through the corruptions of men and of women. Those with advanced spiritual awareness have (rightly) not wanted to be associated with the negative aspects of religion. However, even with the negative aspects of Christianity, it will be through the collective body of those who focus on Christ that the new Earth will come into being. Christ can only emerge through His followers. He will only be able to emerge through those who are Christ resonant. I am the good shepherd, and I know my own, and my own know me. Just as my Father knows me, I also know my Father; and I lay down my life for the sake of the sheep. (John 10:14-15). The negative aspects of Christianity are a reflection of the lower energies which remain within the Earths energy field and within those who occupy it. It is through the interference of these lower energies that the original message of Jesus was corrupted and changed. Those who have an advanced understanding of The Christ should not look down on those who dont. Gradually, Christianity is moving into a deeper understanding. The newest emerging Christian paradigm is that one must have a personal relationship with Jesus and that one must personally accept Jesus as their savior. This is a far cry from the days when the only way to connect with God was through the intermediary of the priest or minister. People now feel comfortable praying directly, from their hearts, rather than relying on the churchs authority figure to dictate the form and content of their prayers. In this new Christian paradigm, the requirements for experiencing Gods love have been taken away, being replaced only by the necessity of accepting Christ and through that acceptance, surrendering fully to Him.

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These changes reflect a greater understanding of the way Christ works through humanity; they are part of the natural progression of the Body of Christ through mankind. In the Gospel of The Holy Twelve, Jesus foretold of this change as well: The time cometh when the things which they have hidden shall be revealed and made known and the truth shall make free those which were bound. Those with a direct and advanced understanding of Christ need to work for unification. We need to focus on the positive aspects of Christianity, not let the negative aspects create further division. When I was little I used to scribble curly lines on a sheet of paper, pretending I was writing in cursive. I would then take my work of art to my Father who would complement and encourage me. Never did he criticize me, saying I wasnt really writing in cursive. Never did he discount my handiwork. Instead, he gently took the pen from my hand and showed me how to write my name. Just as my Father helped me learn to write in cursive through his demonstration, so too can we help others come into a deeper awareness of Christ through our example. The words we use are not important; we must learn to speak all languages, see through all impermanent structures and let down our need to defend ourselves against those with lesser spiritual awareness. As we work toward unification, we must steadfastly be the Truth in the midst of the worlds many misperceptions, belief systems and personal agendas. By our focus on the presence of The Christ within, He can then work through us to heal, unify and teach those who are not yet within the Body of Christ. Progress can only be made through our focus on the positive, not the negative. This does not mean we discount the evil in the world, or that we allow our focus to be shifted from the narrow path of Christ. It means that we must use our will and intent to fully embody the Truth of Christ, in a world where the Truth is only beginning to emerge.

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Christ came for all of mankind. He did not intend to create a separate religion. That came about because of the opposition to His presence here and the creation of a new energetic level of consciousness that only His followers are able to enter. Christ came to present mankind with an opportunity. He is thankful for each and every person who accepts that gift and he grieves for all those who dont. He only asks that those who know Him directly do the best they can to represent Him purely, so others may have the same opportunity. Collectively, we must move to the next rung on the spiritual ladder where there is only one spiritual paradigmunification for all within the One Body of God through Christ who strengthens us.


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End Notes

Kundalini is the primordial energy that awakens in the subtle body and integrates the Earth-bound karmic energies into the current lifetime, thus allowing the human consciousness to move into the spiritual plane.

Karma is the law of cause and effect. In this context, it refers to Earth-bound energies, created at the physical level through previous lifetimes, resulting in being energetically bound to the Earth.

The root chakra is an energetic center of the Etheric Body located at the base of the spine.

The crown chakra is an energetic center of the Etheric Body located at the top of the head.

Burn-off refers to a rapid increase in body temperature resulting from the Etheric Body transmuting energies which are denser than its current vibration and level of frequency. The heat is a result of an increased energetic vibration in the Etheric Body which causes friction in the physical body.


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The Narrow Path

Kraft, Charles H., I Give You Authority: Practicing the Authority Jesus Gave Us. Chosen Books, 2004. Steiner, Rudolph, The Archangel Michael: His Mission and Ours. Anthroposophic Press, 1994. Steiner, Rudolph, The Fifth Gospel. Rudolph Steiner Press, 1995. Steiner, Rudolph, The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical World. Anthroposophic Press, 1996. The Bible, Lamsa, NIV and King James Versions. The Complete Gospels, Annotated Scholars Version, Edited by Robert J. Miller. Polebridge Press, 1992. The Gospel of the Holy Twelve (The Essene Bible), Reprinted by Health Research. The Gospel of Thomas, Ulysses Press, 2000 Websites: - Rudolf Steiner Archive (Archive containing translated lectures and articles of Rudolph Steiner).

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The Narrow Path

About the Author

Solomae is a spiritual teacher who has experienced the integration of the Christ energy at the physical level. This has been an intense process which began with the awakening of her Kundalini energy and took her, through the process of ascension, into the advanced stages of enlightenment and later, Christ Consciousness. She is the author of six books and numerous recordings and is the founder of The Living Spirit Foundation, a non-profit spiritual organization and church which she oversees with her husband, Clyde. Solomae and Clyde currently live in Northeastern Oklahoma with their sons, Zack and Kyle.

You can contact Solomae through the Living Spirit Foundation, see page 161.


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The Narrow Path

Living Spirit Foundation

Living Spirit Foundation and the Church of the Living Spirit is a non-profit 501(c)(3) spiritual organization and church. We are a Christ-centered, nondenominational ministry. The purpose of the Living Spirit Ministry is to provide a means by which people can feel comfortable in exploring their spirituality, moving beyond the confines of organized religion, and into the direct experience of God through the Living Christ. We provide tools, information and guidance for this direct discovery and the manifestation of this discovery through each unique soul. We offer a Christ-based, non-denominational Ministerial Ordination Program, published and recorded materials, on-line courses, Kundalini assistance, spiritual crisis intervention and spiritual counseling. Our extensive internet web site offers a wide range of articles and information on the spiritual growth process. Living Spirit Foundation P. O. Box 933, Inola, OK 74036 (918) 543-7674 or toll free (877) 405-8726 Email: Internet:


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