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Monique Duran

Per: 1 3/6/13 I Choose Answers and Questions

1. What was your first reaction when reading the title of the story? (4 sentences). My first reaction to the story of the title was what happen to her and why she died. My reaction was sad I felt bad while reading the title. I was impressed that someone could die in 6th grade while being bully. I felt like crying hard when I saw the title.

2. After reading the story, what does the author really

mean when she writes that she died in the sixth grade? Did she really die? Explain your answer using examples from the story. (4 sentences)
After reading the story the author really means is her good things inside of her died. She didnt die it was a say like all your good things are gone. It really means she had become mean. Its change her whole personality. 3. How does the author describe herself before she died? Go

back to the story and find adjectives that describe her personality. (2 sentences)

The author describe herself outgoing, smart, passionate, and sometimes overbearing. She describes her self-great things before she dies. 4. In the second paragraph the author says she flat-lined. What

does she mean? Look up the word in an online dictionary and write the definition.
Flat-lined means to come to an end. 5. How did The Crew influence others in school? Give specific

examples that you found throughout the story. (4 sentences)

The Crew influence others in school to be mean to others. The crew also influence to make kids behave bad. They also influence them to be mature. Also the crew influence them to talk bad about other students.

6. The author mentions that the girls at the sleep over were 11

going on 17then she states that she was content to be a kid for a while longer. How is it possible to be 11 going on 17? Describe some of the things the girls wanted to do that wasnt age appropriate. (4 sentences)
Its possible to be 11 and act like17. The girls wanted to drink at 11 years old. They wanted to act older so they could do whatever they want. They were talking to older guys.

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