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English Hi, How are you? Early morning Morning Midday/Noon Afternoon Night/Evening/Late Noon Goodbye Power/Strength Line of business Car/Machine To Restrain And/As well as This/These Gate/Door/Doorway Hand Eyebrow Mouth/Counter Ear Eye Self/Oneself Bone Heart Stomach Foot Feather To Fly Bird Short-tailed bird Crow Pen Book Mountain Water River Continent/Island To Return Front Teeth Molar Teeth Horn Claw Fur Counter for houses

Pinyin Ni3 Hao3 Zao3 Shang4 Shang4 Wu3 Zhong1 Wu3 Xia4 Wu3 Wan3 Shang4 Shang3 Wu3 Zai4 Jian4 Li4 Ye4 Che1 Ke4 Er2 Ci3 Men2 Shou3 Mei2 Kou3 Er3 Mu4 Zi4 Gu3 Xin1 Wei4 Zu2 Yu3 Fei1 Niao3 Zhui1 Wu1 Bi3 Shu1 Shan1 Shui3 Chuan1 Zhou1 Hui2 Ya2 Chi3 Jiao3 Zhua3 Mao2 Hu4


44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

Roof tile Window All/Both Teacher Student College Student Judge Lawyer policeman doctor nurse vet writer/author journalist engineer photographer scientist actor president driver businessman worker soldier hair dresser/barber housewife Athlete pilot attendant/server farmer To be Negative Name I You He/She/It Surname Good Please [request] To ask Honorable/Expensive Question Particles Miss To call What

Wa3 Chuang1 Dou1 Lao3shi1 Xue2sheng Da4xue2sheng1 Fa3guan1 Lv4shi1 Jing3Cha2 Yi1sheng1 Hu4shi Shou4yi1 Zuo4jia1 Ji4zhe3 Gong1chen2shi1 She4ying3jia1 ke1xue2jia1 yan3yuan2 zong3tong3 si1ji1 shang1ren2 gong1ren2 shi4bing1 li3fa4shi1 jia1ting2zhu3fu4 yun4dong4yuan2 fei1xing2yuan2 fu2wu4yuan2 nong2min2 shi4 bu4/mei2 ming2zi wo3 ni3 ta1 xing4 hao3 qing3 wen4 gui4 ne/ma xiao3jie jiao4 shen2me

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88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131

Mister xian1sheng Possessive de Also ye3 Person ren2 To listen ting1 That/This na4/zhe4 Photo zhao4pian4 Female nv3 Child hai2zi Male nan4 Who shei2 To have/to be/exist/haberyou3 family jia1 how many ji3 to do zuo4 very hen3 chimney cong1 Everyone da4jia1 Correct dui4 To read kan4 Sorry dui4buqi3 Family/Household jia1ting2 ba4ba ma1ma counter for objects/people ge/ge4 jie3jie di4di da4ge1 Son er2zi Daughter nv3er2 ge1ge Two when counting things liang3 xiao3di4 xiao3mei4 mei4mei And he2 da4jie3 er4jie3 English ying1wen2 Chinese zhong1wen2 You [Courteous/Polite] nin Plural Men Is it right? dui4bu4dui4 Month Yu

/ / /

132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175

Day hao4 Day tian1 Day ri4 Week xing1qi1 Week li3bai4 Week Zhou1 BDay Sheng1ri4 This/Today/Now/Current jin1 Year nian2 How many/how much duo1 Years of age sui4 to eat chi1 meal/cooked rice fan4 Is it ok? zen3meyang4 Too/Extremely tai4..l3 To Thank xie4xie To like xi3huan1 type of food dish cai4 dinner wan3fan4 breakfast zao3fan4 lunch zhong1fan4 or hai2shi but ke3shi4 because yin1wei4 for wei4 so suo3yi3 also/too/as well hai2 why wei4shen2me zero ling2 half an hour ban4 quarter of an hour ke4 minute fen1 second [time] miao3 O clock dian3[zhong1] to see jian4 again zai4 weekend zhou1mo4 now xian4zai4 thing/matter/event/affair shi4[r] busy mang2 tomorrow ming2tian1 classmate tong2xue2 to know/recognize/be acq. w ren4shi happy kuai4 le4


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