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2017_ SPECIAL DISTRICT Date January 4, 2017 “TRANSPARENCY NOTICE” Notice fo Electors 32-1-809 C.R.S. CHEROKEE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT Legal Name of Special District: ‘This information must be provided" annually fo the egbe electors ofthe dite between November 16 and January 15, ‘Address and telephone umber of distria's, [6250 Palmer Park Boulevard Colorado Springs, CO 60915 principal business office __|719-597-5080 Name and telephone of a manager or other primary | Kur . contact person for district _|719597-5080 «116 Email address of primary COrTeEl tut needed foraccess | foDLG Eig Porta) Daatiets webee SESS | yyy, cherokeemetro.0rg “Time and place designated for regular board meetings. Iper CRS. 92-1-903) 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:00 P.M, 16250 Palmer Park Boulevard Colorado Springs, CO 80915, Posting piace designated for meeting Notice 6250 Palmer Park Boulevard Colorado Springs, CO 80915 (er CRS. 24-6-4022(0 (Board Char @ Name: an cesoe Name: se ne Contact info Contact info Tis office included on next regular | CiThis office incuded on ned regular election ballot for a Two-year term | election ballot fora CITwo-year term Names and Contact | iarouryearterm Four-year term Information of Board [ (3) @) Members Name: tntamne | Name: stn an Contact info: Contact info Tey rgoeere on ‘at norte oe Check applicable boxes fora | CiThs office incuded on new regular — | fThis offce included on nex regular Board Member wnose seat | eecton ballot fora Two-year term | election ballot for a Two-year term willbe on the balot at the next | OFOUryear term ‘BFoucyear term regular election. ©) nae Contact Info: ‘Mis office included on nex regular — ‘lection ballot for a CITwo-year term ‘mFour-year term e) 7} Name: Name Contact Inte Contact Tato For seven-member boards [Biffis office included on next regular | EiThis office included on next rea election ballot for a CITwo-year term —_| election ballot for a Two-year term OFour-year term Four year term ‘Special Disict Transparency Notice for WRX METROPOUTAN OTT mon Date of next regular May «_ election 202 Self-nomination forms to be a candidate for district board member may be obtained from and should be returned to the Designated Election Official (or Board Chair or Secretary if no DEO). per CRS, 1-135-303] ‘Self-nomination forms for the next regular election must be received by the district by March __2_, 20.7 ,nolaterthan 5_:00 PM. ‘Applications for absentee voting or for permanent absentee voter status are available from and must be returned to the Designated Election Official. per RS. 1-13-1003] Designated Election Oficial) te aman Contact Address 6250 Palmer Park Boulevard Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Contact Phone: District election results willbe | Department of Local Affairs posted on these websites: | https:/dota.colorado.govilais Distict Mil Lewy 2 mills, for collection in 20.17, Total ad valorem tax revenue received in the previous year | ¢ , (cote if unaudited oFcherwise Imeomplete) File copy of this Notice with Clerk and Recorder of each county in which the district is wholly or partially located Assessor of each county in which the district is wholly or partially located 1 Treasurer of each county in which the district is wholly or partially located Board of commissioners of each county in which the district is wholly or partially located C Governing body of any municipality in which the district is wholly located Division of Local Government 1 District’s principal business office where it shall be available for public inspection * Nolce must be provided inane or more ofthe flowing manners: 8)” Mall Notice separately to each household whore one or more alge elacors ofthe special dist resides (Note: Districts ‘wih overlapping boundaries may combine mailed Noies, so long as the information regarding each dsl is separately ‘splayed ana denied): b) Include Notice a a prominent pat of @ newsletter, anual report, bling inser, biling statement, eter, voter information Card or other Notce of election 0° other informational maling sent by te dsc: to the egbeclctos ©) Post Notice on asires oficial website (Note: You must also provide he Divsion af Local Government of withthe adores of your dstit's webste inorder to establish a ink on the DLG's site Please use our Conta: Update form avaiable on cur website or by request) 4) Post Notice on website ofthe Special Disrct Association of Colorado (hms daco ra) (Note: Your district must be ‘an SDA member. Send Notice to SDA by mall orelectoni transmission) (©) Foc aspocial ast wit es than one thousand eligible electors that i wholy located within a county with 2 poption less than tnity thousand, posting the Node in teas hree pubic places win the ints of tne special dst and, ‘ton, posting a Notes in the office ofthe county clerk and Recover ofthe county in wich the special istics Tocated. Such Noles shal remain posted Ul the Tuesday succeeding theft Monday of the flowing May. ‘Special District Tranaparency Notes for CHEROKEE METROPOUTANDSSTRICT om

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