Haploid Vs Diploid

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Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Understanding the concepts of Haploid and Diploid

Introducing Vocabulary

DIH ployd Haploid= HA ployd

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Lets take a look at the terms first.

Diploid= Di Ploid Di means two

to dissect is to cut in two.

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Lets take a look at the terms first.

Haploid= Ha Ploid Ha means half

haploid is half of diploid.

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Review Diploid means

Half Two

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Review Haploid means

Half Two


Youre on the way !!!

Introducing Vocabulary

GA - meat Somatic= So-MA-tik

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

A Gamete is a generic term for a sex cell. An example would be a sperm or an egg.

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Gametes are Haploid in chromosome number.

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

The number of chromosomes that a gamete would contain would be described as______
Haploid Diploid

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Somatic cells refers to every cell in the body except gametes.

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Sperm or Egg = Gametes All Other cells = Somatic Cells

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Gamete or Somatic Cell ?

A Liver Cell


Somatic Cell

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Gamete or Somatic Cell ?

A Sperm Cell


Somatic Cell

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Gamete or Somatic Cell ?

A Brain Cell


Somatic Cell

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Gamete or Somatic Cell ?

A Lung Cell


Somatic Cell

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Gamete or Somatic Cell ?

An Egg


Somatic Cell

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Gamete or Somatic Cell ?

A Skin Cell


Somatic Cell

Keep Going !!!

HAlf way There !!!

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Somatic Cells are Diploid in chromosome number.

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

The number of chromosomes that a somatic cell would contain would be described as______
Haploid Diploid

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Gametes = haploid Somatic Cells = diploid

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Mathematically Speaking

if haploid=n, then diploid=2n

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Mathematically Speaking or haploid is of diploid or diploid is 2x haploid

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Sperm or Egg = Gametes=Haploid=n All Other Cells = Somatic Cells=Diploid=2n

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Humans have 46 chromosomes in their somatic cells. These cells are ______
Haploid Diploid

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Humans have 23 chromosomes in their gametes. These cells are ______

Haploid Diploid

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If humans diploid number = 46, what is the haploid number?

23 92

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If humans haploid number = 23, what is the diploid number?

46 92

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If chimps diploid number = 48, what is the haploid number?

24 96

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If chimps haploid number = 24, what is the diploid number?

48 96

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Review Again
Sperm or Egg = Gametes=Haploid= n All Other Cells = Somatic Cells=Diploid= 2n

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If humans diploid number = 46,

How many chromosomes in a liver cell ?

23 46

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If humans diploid number = 46,

How many chromosomes in a sperm cell ?

23 46

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If humans diploid number = 46,

How many chromosomes in a brain cell ?

23 46

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If humans diploid number = 46,

How many chromosomes in a lung cell ?

23 46

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If humans diploid number = 46,

How many chromosomes in an egg cell ?

23 46

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If humans diploid number = 46,

How many chromosomes in a skin cell ?

23 46

Up so far !!!


Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

Review Last Round

Sperm or Egg = Gametes=Haploid= n All Other Cells = Somatic Cells=Diploid= 2n

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If chimps haploid number = 24,

How many chromosomes in a chimps liver cell ?

24 48

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If chimps haploid number = 24,

How many chromosomes in a chimps egg cell ?

24 48

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If Horses diploid number = 64,

How many chromosomes in a Horses liver cell ?

32 64

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If Alligatorss diploid number = 32,

How many chromosomes in a Alligatorss liver cell ?

32 64

Biology 412 - Unit 7 Genetics / Haploid and Diploid

If Dogs diploid number = 78,

How many chromosomes in a Dogs sperm cell ?

39 78

If you completed this round with a minimum of errors, you are ready to MASTER the Quiz.

Good Luck

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