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Divine Authority in Adverse Situations Power for the Problem Power Manifestations

Authority in Adverse Situations: I. Might

Characteristics of Might: Supernatural acts that supersedes the ability or resources a person has naturally. Examples: A) Gideon Judges 6:12-16 a. Called Mighty Man of Valour b. However he was from the smallest tribe with limited resources B) Samson Judges 14 a. Spirit of God came upon mightily killed lion. Judges 14: b. Spirit of God came mightily upon him use jawbone of ass kill 1,000 men. Judges 15:14 How to Trigger Might: 1) Decide to Give All to Fulfil Gods Purpose Judges 16:30 - Samson pushed with all might, ready to die. Gideons was willing to fulfil Gods purpose after receiving confirmation.

2) Sacrifice or Self-Denial 2 Sam. 23:15 17 - Davids mighty men place their own lives in jeopardy 3) Willingness to Fight - Luke 9:43 Manifestation of Might 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Casting out demons Luke 9:43; Mark 5 Unusual Healings Mark 5 Dead raised Mark 5 Unusual Physical Strength Samson Surmounting incredible odds Gideon, David


Word of Faith Word of Faith is described as having Gods promise in heart, and in your mouth will bring it to your life. Characteristics:

A) Confident Faith in Heart (Matthew 8:10; Matthew 21:21) B) Confidence in Gods Spoken Word C) Expectation that Speaking Gods Promise will Produce Immediate Result (Matthew 17:20) D) Develops in Fasting and Prayer Matthew 17;20-22 E) Speaks of the Future in the Now Hebrews 11:20 23 F) Speaks Substance Out of Nothing Hebrews 11:3; Romans 4:17 G) Prays For or Speaks whats humanly impossible Joshua 10:12-13 H) Prays energetically with expectation of the seemingly impossible. James 5:16-18

How to Trigger? 1) Energetic Praying 2) Speak the Word in the face of Any Challenge 3) Persistence in Faith


Gifting a. Spiritual Gifts b. Includes natural talents that are enhanced by Gods power c. Including acquired skills enhanced by Gods power Characteristics: 1) Prov. 17:8 Prospers in whatsoever it touches 2) I Cor. 12 Benefits others 3) Prov. 18:16 Opens Doors

How to Trigger 1) Use it I Tim 4:14 2) Stir it up not just use but increase its effectiveness II Tim 1:6



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