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Call Sheet Director: Sherianna Rouf


Actors: Emmanuel Carriere, Tasnim Siddeka, James Patterson, Daniel Kelly and Erica Forde Introduction
In an abandoned flat in East London, claustrophobic teen victim Michael Jones (Emmanuel Carriere) wakes up handcuffed inside the flats lift. Michael then finds an audio recorder and plays it. He finds out that he is tasked to find the key to the handcuff and he has only two minutes to find it before he gets killed by Tania Khan but he doesnt know who she is. Michael then finds a notebook behind him which has a riddle written on it to give him a clue to where the handcuff could possibly be. The film opening then shows a past event where Tania goes on her fake Facebook account going under the name of Sarah Hutcherson to message Michael that she is depressed about the bullying she is getting in school and tells Michael to go to Wellington Row which is the street that Tania lives in. Michael agrees and Tania wears her black gloves and black mask (which was already on) in preparation to leave her flat to meet him and get him unconscious.
Shot number 1 2 3 4 Shot type Close up Cut in Extreme close up Medium Shot description Emmanuel opens his eyes and says Hello? Masked Tasnim opens the door to her bedroom. Emmanuel breathes heavily through nose. Masked Tasnim enters her room and sits down on a black storage box to face her Laptop. Masked Tasnim watches Emmanuel via CCTV camera connected to her Laptop. Emmanuel shakes his handcuff. Emmanuel says Hey, is somebody out there?! Emmanuel says I feel really claustrophobic in here! Emmanuel looks at the audio recorder. Of the audio recorder which has a paper taped to it which reads Play me Masked Tasnim watches him via the CCTV camera on her Laptop. The CCTV camera looks down on Emmanuel, Emmanuel grabs the audio recorder. Emmanuel plays the audio recorder. The audio plays. Tasnims voice is heard. Duration time 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.10

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Cut in Medium Close up Close up Extreme close up Medium High angle Medium

0.12 0.16 0.19 0.21 0.23 0.25 0.28 0.39


14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Birds eye view Medium Close up Medium Medium High angle Extreme close up Medium Cut in

Shot of the top of his head and the ground in a birds eye view.


Shot of the ground and the covered mirror. The audio continues to play. Shot of the light on the ceiling of the lift. The audio continues to play. Emmanuel looks up and around and then stops to look at the CCTV camera. Audio recording finishes. Masked Tasnim watches him again via the CCTV camera on her Laptop. Emmanuel shouts at the CCTV camera. Emmanuel breathes even heavier but through his mouth. Emmanuel finds a notebook. Emmanuel flicks through the pages of the Notebook which reads an anagram sentence which can be deciphered as I am little, I am silver, I am behind white but can you reach me at a height? Emmanuel looks at what is in front of him but this shot doesnt show what hes looking at. Location shooting. Film a tilt shot of the road of Wellington Row. Masked Motions production presents comes up turning from an anagram into the actual title. Locations shooting. Film another tilt shot of another part of Wellington Row. A film by Sherianna Rouf comes up which turns from an anagram into the actual title. This shot shows Sheriannas flat which is in the story Tania Khans flat. Actors names Emmanuel Carriere, Tasnim Siddeka, Daniel Kelly, Erica Forde and James Patterson come up turning from anagrams into actual titles as Tasnim paints a red cross over a boys photograph and another red cross over a boys photograph. A red cross over a boys photograph has already been painted as well as a green tick over a girls photograph. Tasnim sticks all the photographs on the red wall of her room and lastly sticks Emmanuels photograph which has not been painted. Tasnim gets her Mask and paints black paint on it again. Tasnim hangs her mask next to the door of her room. During this,
casting by title comes up turning from an anagram into the actual title.

0.41 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.52 0.53 0.56 1.00

22 23

Close up Long shot Long shot

1.02 1.05




Point of view


26 27

Cut in High angle

1.19 1.26


Over Tasnim types to Emmanuel on her fake Facebook account. Hi Michael, could you help me with my depression? The the shoulder bullying at school is not stopping, Ive told the
teachers my problem so many times. I feel like committing suicide. Costume designer title comes up turning


from an anagram into the actual title. 29 30 Extreme Of the actual message Tasnim typed. close up Medium Pan shot: Emmanuel looks at his Computer though the Computer is close up not seen; instead the light from the Computer is shining onto his face. Sound design title comes up turning from an anagram into the actual title. Point of Music by title comes up turning from an anagram into the actual title. view Tasnim looks at her Laptop. Emmanuels message pops up. Extreme Emmanuel replies back saying Oh please dont. You have close up so many things to accomplish in your life, dont
let the bullies get you down and please dont commit suicide, Id be deeply saddened if you did. Youre an amazing Facebook friend btw

1.34 1.37

31 32

1.40 1.46



Over the shoulder Extreme close up

Tasnim replies back to Emmanuel, types on Laptop. The Editor title comes up turning from an anagram into the actual title. Of Tasnims message. You are soooo kind, you make my
world happier....thank you so much Though, in this shot, she just types down thank you so much as she wrote the rest already beforehand.




36 37 38


Over the shoulder Extreme close up Extreme close up Over the shoulder Extreme close up Extreme close up Extreme close up Point of view Medium Cut in Close up

Tasnim types up Come meet


Tasnim types me today to complete the message. This shot shows the whole message. Emmanuel reads the message. The Computers light on his face. Tasnim awaits response and Emmanuels message pops up. Director of Photography title comes up turning from an anagram into the actual title.
Yeah sure. What time and where? is Emmanuels message. An executive producer title comes up turning from an anagram into the actual title.

1.58 2.00 2.03



41 42 43 44 45

Tasnim replies back This evening at six? Meet me in Wellington Row. Another executive producer title comes up turning from an anagram into the actual title. Emmanuel reads the message as the Computers light hits his face. Tasnim puts her Mask back on again. The Production designer title comes up turning from an anagram into the actual title. Tasnim puts on her right black glove. Tasnim puts on her left black glove. Tasnim adjusts her Mask onto her face. The Director title comes up turning from an anagram into the actual title.


2.13 2.16 2.19 2.21 2.25

Actors/characters name Emmanuel Carriere Michael Jones Tasnim Siddeka - Tania Khan

Location Wellington Row Packenham House, Wellington Row

Costumes Light clothes for Michael Jones- light brown hoodie and orange/yellow jeans Dark clothes for Tania Khan- black cardigan with a hoodie and dark blue/navy jeans Black painted mask for Tania to wear (No other costumes needed) (No other costumes needed) (No other costumes needed) (No other costumes needed) (No other costumes needed) (No other costumes needed)

Props Handcuff Black painted mask

Audio recorder Black, red and green paint Paintbrush A lot of plain A4 paper Notebook Laptop Masking tape

Why did we set our film opening in a lift?

We are setting it in a lift because we got inspired by films like Saw, Buried & Phone Booth because in all of those films there is a person who has to get out of an uncomfortable situation and space and also has clues to put together and try to escape. The other reason being that we couldnt think of any other suitable confined space to have as a location to film in. In a cupboard its much smaller and our camcorder is very big so it would be hard for us to film. In a lift however, there is enough space to fit the camcorder and tripod in. Our main theme is claustrophobia and lifts are confined spaces and confined spaces are a thriller convention.

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