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Engleski jezik A2, pitanja i odgovori za usmeni i objanjenje rei, prof. Milina Kosanovi, generacije 2007, 2008...

By Jelena Sredojevic, Nikola Korica and in VT Underground Edit Doc 1. WHAT ARE AUSTRALIAS FAMOUS TOURIST ATTRACTIONS? Australia has a lot of natural and man made landmarks which are most famous in world. Australia tourist attractions are: Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Tower, Sydney Harbour, Royal Botanical Gardens, Taronga Zoo, Bondi Beach 2. ATTRACTION IN A THEME PARK? There you can find many attractions and stuff for fun like a ghost train, a hounted house, a white-knuckle ride, a rollercoaster, a big wheel. Some parks are divided into several different land for explanion adventure land, fantasyland, discoveryland, frontier land There you can have a lot of fun and you can spent a good time with your friend or family. 3. WHAT DOES THE JOB OF A TOUR GUIDE INVOLVE? WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A GOOD GUIDE? Tour guide is someone who shows a place to people and explains it as a job. Tour operators empoy guides to inform tourist about the place they are visiting. A guide has to have a good sound knowledge not only of a particular place but also of other things which are generally relevant for example, architecture, history and local customs. He has to be good at judging what your audience in interested in and he has to know how to keep their attention. A guide commentary should be interesting, lively and enthusiastic. 4. DIFFERENT ROLES A TOURIST GUIDE SHOULD TAKE ON? A guide takes on a number of roles for the tourist: teacher, entertainer, ambassador, nurse and the boss. As teacher the guide is passing on information, as we have discussed. Most tour groups are on holiday so they want to enjoy themselves and want to be entertained to a certain extent. People also need looking after, so you sometimes have to be a nurse. When we train, we do a basic first-aid course. 5. HOW WOULD YOU DESIGN A 4 DAY ITINERARY TOR TOURISTS VISITING SERBIA? DAY 1: Pick up from the airport and transfer to Hotel Moskva in Belgrade (4* hotel). After checking in at the hotel, we go to sightseeing tour of the city. The tour includes the historic Kalemegdan Fortress surrounded by the most attractive city parks(where

you can see a gallery, workshop of the old crafts with gallery on handmade objects, souvenir shop, Natural History Museum, Military Museum, Belgrade city Zoo). Continue on to Nikola Tesla museum, we will make a stop at the Memorial Centre of Josip Broz Tito, the leader of the former Yugoslavia. In late afternoon, two hour sightseeing tour around Belgrade by boat. Dinner in Skadarlija, the old bohemian part of the town. The rest of the evening is free to explore Belgrade on your own. DAY 2: After breakfast, departure to Novi Sad, the economic, political and cultural of Vojvodina province. Visit the bridge on the Danube and the busy but charming central city zone. Continue to the Monastery of Krusedol with its unique architecture that combines both Baroque and Byzantine. Lunch at Perkos farm. Stop at the Petrovaradin baroque citadel and fortress with a great panoramic view of the city. Return to the Belgrade and overnight at Hotel Moskva. DAY 3: After breakfast, morning departure to Mokra Gora for a ride on the Sargan Eight and the steam of the famous filmmaker Emir Kusturica. Lunch in a village household. Return to Belgrade and overnight at Hotel Moskva. DAY 4: After breakfast and checking out, morning departure to Mountain Avala. Lunch in a village household. Departure to airport and flight or end of programe. 6. HOW CAN YOU PROMOTE A TOURISM PRODUCT? Advertisement in magazine or newspaper Leaflet given out in the street Leaflet available in travel shops Advertisement in theatre programme Neon sign in city centre Advertisement on billboard by roadside


CHEAP LAST MINUTE FLIGHTS: Advertisement in newspaper

Leaflet given out in the street Advertisement on billboard Television advertisement Direct mailing

NEW CHILDRENS THEME PARK: Television advertisement Poster at railway station or airport Advertisement on billboard Web site on the internet

8. HOW DO YOU SEE THE FUTURE OF TOURISM IN SERBIA? I think that the next ten years will be the decade of travel and tourism. The first decade of the twenty first century was a decade of extraordinary tourism growth, but also of several shocks: a decade that began with September 11 and ended with global economic crisis. Now with recovery underway and international tourism arrivals up 7% in 2010 is the time to look forward and ask what the next ten years hold for tourism sector. Tourism will be some of the most dynamic and economical significant industry and agent of this decade.

9. THE IMPACT OF TOURISM IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD? Tourism has great impact of developing world because it opens up a new jobs, increase living standards, improves infrastructure for tourist but also for local residents.


ADVANTAGES: Allows their to travel when and how they want Freedom to change their plans and discover spontaneously

Freedom to move and to choose the best location and deals for you personally More privacy Lower prices Pick up experience Do what ever they want and when they want

DISADVANTAGES: They are responsible for all their own reservations, including travel and accommodations If they dont know the language, that might be complicated

Independent travelers need to plan and research their trip in more details than is necessary for group travel

11. SUSTAINABLE/RESPONSIBLE/GREEN TOURISM CONTRAST THESE 3 TERMS Responsible tourism and sustainable tourism have an identical goal, that of sustainable development. The pillars of responsible tourism are there for the same as those of sustainable tourism environmental integrity, social justice and maximizing local benefit. The mayor difference between the two is that , in responsible tourism, individuals, organizations and businesses are asked to take responsibility for their actions and the impact of their actions.


Poor guaility service Poor tourist offer Underpayed staff and there for unwilling to give their best service


Winter sports, self catering, special interested, safari, cruise, weekend break, package tour, homestay, camping, farmstay, independent, skiing, trekking, pilgrimage

14. SPECIAL INTEREST HOLIDAYS AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS HOLIDAYS Special interest holiday is a holiday arranged for people with particular interests, such as painting, cooking, or bird watching. Special requirements holiday is a holiday arranged for people with special demands (pensioners, immobile people)

15. MAKE A LIST OF JOB TITLES IN THE TOURISM SECTOR? Product manager, trainee hotel manager, cabin attendant, conference coordinator, travel consultant, business travel conslultant, tour operator, travel agents, receptionist, baggage handler, curator, warden, purser, flight attendant, chambermaid, concierge


A conference coordinator organizes events for business and organizations, so that the event runs smoothly and meets prescribed goals. A conference coordinator plans, coordinates and directs the details of conferences, meetings and conventions. A conference coordinator is also known as a meeting and convention planner.

17. APPLYING FOR A JOB WHAT AN APPLICANT SHOULD DO? CV is very important because we will be in compentition with other candidates. That is list of our personal details, educational history, qualifications, experience, and interests in other words, the story of our life from a professional point of view. We must use good guality paper, also we musnt leave out any vital information, always be positive about ourself (include fotograph). Write Covering letter.


PERSONAL: Confident, outgoing personality, plenty of stamina, remain calm and level headed even under stress, experience PROFESSIONAL: Minimum of four GCSE-s or equivalent (including maths and English); WP skills, to be literate and numerate, accurate and articurate; a second (or third ) language is essential

19. TYPE OF TRAVELLER (visitor, traveller) Day trippers, backpackers, hikers, overnight visitors, same day visitors

20.CLASSIFICATION OF TOURISM (domestic, inbound, outbound) Domestic tourism - people traveling in their own country, with their national borders Inbound tourism - means travellers arriving in different countries from their own. involves non residents travelling in the given country, when people who live in another country come to visit country where you live Outbound tourism - this type of tourism is when serbian residence travel outside of the Srebia on holiday. - involves residents of one country travelling to another country Sustainable tourism - Sustainable tourism is tourism development that avoids damage to the environment, economy and cultures of the locations where it takes place tourism that encourage development local economy

Responsible tourism - is tourism that creates better places for people to live in, and better places to visit Green tourism - Tourism involving travel to areas of natural or ecological interest, typically under the guidance of a naturalist, for the purpose of observing wildlife and learning about the environment.

tourism deducted on ecology

21. DIFFERENT TYPES OF A JOURNEY Journey, trip, flights, voyage, crossing, drive, ride, tour, cruise, excursion

22. THE IMPACT OF POLITICS AND TEHNOLOGY ON TOURISM Politics has great impact on tourism, both positive and negative . If the country is political unstable , it will not come in either the biggest adventure. This will leave such a large on the tourists to be careful in the future, to visit country which in the past was politically unstable. For tourism development needs a stable political environment. Tehnology also has great impact on tourism. Especially important is internet, online booking reservation, online presentation of destination. Development of communication tehnologies, fast transport, vehicles

23. PAST MISTAKES AND FUTURE TRENDS OF SPANISH TOURISM INDUSTRY? strana 21, knjiga 2, ceo odgovor na pitanje


In the late 1980s Serbia was one of the leading tourist destinations in the region. After the break up of the former Yugoslavia and several ill fated years of economic isolation and sanctions, Belgrade lost its position as the political and economic center of the region. These damaged both business and leisure tourism in Belgrade and Serbia. In the last decade, there were many political, economic, social and demographic changes caused by economic and political sanctions. After the democratic changes in 2000, the number of tourists has been rising steadily year after year.


Travel agent sells product and other services to the public and provides a convenient location, such as a shop or office for the purchase of travel. On the other hand he is in direct contact with the customer, and travel facilities in general , helping to plan itinerary for customers. Then travel agents selling holidays, airtickets or whatever, they will be involved in recording and confirming reservations, also in services like arranging car hire or selling insurance.

26. BOOKING PROCEDURE DESCRIBE THE BASIC STEPS strana 34, knjiga 2, ceo odgovor na pitanje 27. THE JOB OF A TOUR OPERATOR DESCRIBE ALL THE DUTIES A TOUR OPERATION MANAGER HAS TO PERFORM Tour operator buys the separate elements of transport, accommodation and other services and combines them into a package. Tour operator will have to do things like decide what tours and holidays to organize it might be inclusive tour or independent holidays. They will probably investigate and research new markets to find out what people actually want. They will have to negotiate with the various airline companies and hotels and then they will be able to concentrate more on promotion desining and printing brochure.

28. HOTEL CONTRACTING strana 38, knjiga 2, ceo odgovor na pitanje


In my opinion, local hoteliers and tour operator are in the same position to negotiate. Tour operator need hoteliers as much as hoteliers need tour operator. Problems: Each of them attempts to protect and advance its own interests; the price and profit distribution; financial security Poor standards of hotel; reduction of provision by the hoteliers and increase commissions by tour operators; if tour operators have not paid for the previous season, but they reguest a fresh allocation.


Every piece of equipment in hotel like restaurants and bars, fitness centre, sauna for business travelers there is spacious desk, telephone, modem connestions, laser printer, notebooks we have also room facilities like tv in bedroom, microwave, bar area, any kind of services you can need


STRENGTHS: friendly people; historic cities/pleasant countryside; attractive coastline; good shopping facilities; many types of accommodation; good network of tourist Information Centres WEAKNESSES: lack of foreign language skills especially good quality, on site interpretation in other language; litter and pollution; limited supply of modern budget accommodation in urban areas and on transit routes; limited booking services for some types of accommodation; insufficient investment in connecting road/rail transport link; high rail/tube fares


POSITIVE: friendly people; historic cities/pleasant countryside; good shopping facilities;wide variety of good cuisine; good choise of language schools; free press/media; politically stable; historical traditions; geographical location NEGATIVE: lack of foreign language skills especially good quality, on site interpretation in other language; litter and pollution; limited supply of modern budget accommodation in urban areas and on transit routes; limited booking services for some types of accommodation; insufficient investment in connecting road/rail transport link; perceived low quality by some visitors; variable standars


STRENGTHS: friendly people; very friendly and safe city; cheap; good shopping facilities; good choise of a language schools; free press/media; politicaly stable; historical tradition

WEAKNESSES: international profile of destination; limited supply of modern budget accommodation in urban areas and on transit routes; without significant investment in modern hotels; not enough qualified work force; pollution; slow privatization process in tourism industry


Exotic tropical is land where you can forget all your worries. This a seaside resort is located in heart of island. Breathtaking view of beach, sea and sky from the porch. The living room is wide open with easy access to the porch. There are 2 floodlit tennis courts available to guests and spa massage and beauty salon are available on call; outdoor poll, indoor poll, fitness room. This is a perfect place to relax, enjoy and play. If you like walking you can go for a walk by fine, tree-lined promenade.


Belgrade is the capital and largest city of Serbia. Belgrade is bustling city that stretches across the confluence of 2 rivers, the Danube and the Sava. It is a city where living with charm is a way of life. You will be hooked by the capitals welcoming atmosphere. The heart of city is the Knez Mihailova street that is a cobbled, floodlit street, where you can find a lot of restaurants, bookshops, galleries and shops full of pretty things. Close of the Knez Mihailova street is a Skadarlija the old bohemian quarter of Belgrade , where you can enjoy in delicious food and the old music. Skadarlija street is cobbled. In Belgrade you can stay in cheap or luxury, traditional or modern hotel.


Decrease the level of unemployed/educating local people Keep the young educated people Attract more investors to invest in Serbia Improve tehnology Constantly work on the presentation of Serbia

Invest in infrastructure Improve the cultural tourism offer and variety of services

Improve accommodation and attract low cost airlines to improve the offer of Serbia


Domestic tourism - people traveling in their own country, with their national borders Inbound tourism - means travellers arriving in different countries from their own. involves non residents travelling in the given country, when people who live in another country come to visit country where you live Outbound tourism - this type of tourism is when serbian residence travel outside of the Srebia on holiday. - involves residents of one country travelling to another country Sustainable tourism - Sustainable tourism is tourism development that avoids damage to the environment, economy and cultures of the locations where it takes place tourism that encourage development local economy

Responsible tourism - is tourism that creates better places for people to live in, and better places to visit , sustainable tourism Green tourism - Tourism involving travel to areas of natural or ecological interest, typically under the guidance of a naturalist, for the purpose of observing wildlife and learning about the environment. tourism deducted on ecology

Familiarisation trip A low-cost trip or tour offered to travel agents, to familiarize the agents with their destination and services. Generally referred to as a "fam trip." Independent travel A tour that does not include a guide or a host or a set routine of daily activities. , small gropu or as a couple Incentive travel Vacation travel arranged by or through an employer and awarded as a motivational bonus to qualifying employees or salespeople , for employes like aworded for good job Corporate travel - 1. Travel arranged by a business for business purposes. 2. A division or department of a travel agency devoted to such travel. "Sue's in corporate travel.", ORGANIZED FOR EMPLOYES, RELATING FOR A LARGE COMPANY

Panoramic tour sightseeing trip Package tour - tour arranged by a travel agent; transportation and food and lodging are all provided at an inclusive (fixed) price - Educational tour - 1. Recreational travel undertaken undertaken solely or partially for the purpose of study, self improvement or intellectual stimulation. 2. Travel to attend schools, universities, or other educational opportunities. Escorted tour - are a form of tourism in which travelers are escorted in a group to various destinations; tour with the tourist guide Tonado tour a lot of place visited

Overnight visitor one night guest Same-day visitor - A traveler or tourist who does not stay overnight in the place visited; without of sleeping Day trippers - A person whose round-trip travel will be completed on the same day. Backpackers - combines hiking and camping in a single trip. A backpacker hikes into the backcountry to spend one or more nights there, and carries supplies and equipment to satisfy sleeping and eating needs.

Hikers - To go on an extended walk for pleasure or exercise

Adventure holiday - Recreational travel undertaken to remote or exotic destinations for the purpose of exploration or engaging in a variety of rugged activities ; exciting and dangerous activity Special interest holiday - A tour that combines elements designed to appeal to those with certain narrow interests; its for a group of people who have particular demands Self-catering - Referring to an apartment or efficiency in which guests can take care of their own meal and laundry needs; provided with lodging and cooling facilities but not meals Weekend break - A short holiday package of two or three days. Pilgrimage - A journey undertaken to a religious shrine or for a religious purpose. Pilgrimages are common in Europe, Saudi Arabia, and Tibet; a journey to a holy place Trekking - A category of adventure travel, typically involving visits to remote areas, with overnight lodging in tents or other minimal accommodation.

Itinerary - 1. The route of travel. 2. In an airline booking, a list of flights, times, etc. 3. A detailed listing of all transportation, lodging, and activities on a trip. Journey rip; a distance travelled, over landan act of travelling Trip - The act of traveling from one place to another; a journey or a tour Excursion - A side trip, usually optional and at an additional cost, from a main destination. Cruise a voyage from place to place made for pleasure and relaxation Crossing - A cruise journey across an ocean; a place where a road may be crosed Voyage a usually long journey, especially by sea

Travel agent - 1. Any person who sells travel products on a commission basis. 2. A person selling travel who meets certain minimum qualifications, which can vary widely according to who uses the term or sets the standards; PERSON WHO ARRANGES TICKETS, HOTEL, ROOM Tour operator - A company that assembles the various elements of a tour; HE BUYS DIFFERENT KINDS OF SERVICES AND COMBINES THEM INTO A PACKAGE Tour rep - 1. Derogatory term for any attraction appealing to tourists but considered to be in bad taste or to give poor value for the money. 2. An area of a tourist destination that has become over-commercialized. Tourist guide - is a book for tourists or travelers that provides details about a geographic location, tourist destination, or itinerary; SOMEONE WHO SHOWS PEOPLE INTERESTING PLACES AND COMBINES THEM INTO A PACKAGE Marketing consultant 1. The act or process of buying and selling in a market. 2. The commercial functions involved in transferring goods from producer to consumer; MARKETING ADVIDER

High season - The season of the year when travel to an area peaks and rates are at their highest; THE PERIOD IN THE YEAR WHEN THE BIGEST NUMBER OF PEOPLE VISIT SOME PLACE Off-peak season - Occurring or applicable during a period of less travel or demand, as in a flight or a fare; THE PERIOD IN THE YEAR WHEN THE SMALLEST NUMBER OF VISITORS VISIT SOME PLACE

Hotel amenities - shops, parks Hotel facilities - a piece of equipment in hotels like fitness centre, sauna, restaurant En suite facilities Business facilities - a piece of equipment in hotels like fax, personal computer, modem connection Sports facilities terens for golf, football, basketball

Room facilities a piece of equipment in room like bar area, microwave, bathroom and toilet, office center

Reception - The front desk of a hotel; THE PART OF HOTEL, HOSPITAL WHERE VISITORS ENTER AND SRE ATTENDED TO Hospitality desk THE PART OF HOTEL WHERE VISITORS CAN ASK FOR SOME INFORMATION Rooming list - A roster of guests and their lodging needs presented to a hotel by a group prior to a meeting; A LIST OF GUESTS IN HOTEL Room allocation ROOM POSITION, GROUPING Room rates THE GUALITY LEVEL OF ROOM Double room ROOM WITH ONE BED FOR TWO PEOPLE; A room designed to be shared by two people. It may have one double (or larger) bed, two twin beds, or two double (or larger) beds. Rooms with two double beds are sometimes called a "double double." Twin room - A hotel room containing two single beds; TWO BED SEPARATED To accommodate TO ADAPT

Courtesy bus SMALL BUS FOR TRANSPORT Coach - 1. The economy class on an airline. Also referred to as "economy" or "tourist." 2. The section of the plane designated for this class of passenger. 3. A motorcoach; A BUS FOR LONG TRIP Shuttle - A short-run conveyance, sometimes provided free of charge, operating on a frequent schedule, usually between two points, such as a hotel and the airport, the airport and a car rental agency, and so forth; AN AIR TRAIN OR OTHER TRANSPORT SERVICE - Transfer - The transportation of a passenger between two points, such as from the airport to a hotel or vice versa, often included as an element of a tour; TO REMOVE TO ANOTHER PLACE, DISLOCATE -

Pick-up point place where the guide and coach meet the passengers; THE PLACE WHERE BUS PICK UP THE TOURIST Drop off point THE PLACE WHERE BUS DROP OFF THE TOURIST

Long-haul flight MEASURING A GREAT DISTANCE FROM ONE END TO ANOTHER, LONG DISTANCE Short-haul flight - Of airline routes, of limited length and duration, often to, from, or between second-tier airports; FLIGHT UNDER 3 HOURS IN LENGHT Scheduled flight - operates according to a regular and published timetable; PREARANGED FLIGHT Chartered flight - To lease an aircraft or other mode of transport for the use of a group; ADITIONAL FLIGHT Jet lag - A physiological condition caused by the disorientation of a person's biological clock due to travel across several time zones. Characterized by irritability, lethargy, insomnia, and other symptoms.; SLOWING, DOWN THE PLANE Time slots A PERIOD WHEN IS FREE SEATS Spare capacity ADITIONAL CAPACITY Load factor - The percentage of available space on a plane or other mode of transportation that has been sold to date; WHICH MESURES HOW MANY SEATS AN AIRLINE FILLS WITH PAYING

To surcharge TO GIVE SOMETHING ADDITIONALLY To upgrade - TO ENDHANCE To overbook WHEN SOMETHING IS FULL, ACCOMODATION IN HOTELS, SEATS IN AIPLANE To bargain TO MAKE GOOD JOB To barter - TO TRADE GOODS Commission - A percentage of a sale price paid to a salesperson as payment for making a sale. -

Gratuity - A voluntary payment above the stated cost of a product or service given in appreciation for the service rendered. ; A SMALL SUM OF MONEY GIVEN AS REWARD FOR GOOD SERVICES, A tip. Overtime TIME SPENT IN WORKING BEYOND ONES SET NUMBER OR HOURS Salary A FIXED, REGULAR PAYMENT FOR WORK Wages A REGULAR, WEEKLY RATHER THAN MONTHLY PAYEMENT FOR THE WORK Perks - Short for perquisite. A privilege or extra benefit associated with a person's position in a company. ( ....) Tip - Any gratuity offered to a service provider such as a bellman or waiter. Fee - A charge for professional services; THE PRICE PAID FOR WORK BY A DOCTOR, LAWYER -

Profit margin MEASURE OF PROFITABILITY, MOST USED INTERNAL COMPARASION Overhead - 1. A storage compartment located above head level, as on an airplane. 2. The fixed expenses, such as rent and utilities, of a business.- reijski trokovi Revenue 1. The income of a government from all sources appropriated for the payment of the public expenses. 2. All the income produced by a particular source.; MONEY WICH COMES TO A PERSON FROM ANY SOURCE OR SOURCES / Subsidy TO DONATE Loan / grant BORROWED MONEY



Market share - The volume of sales, expressed as a percentage, achieved by one company in a specific geographic area, compared to all sales of similar products or of similar companies. Market research ACTIVITI OF FINDING WHAT PEOPLE INTERESTED IN Market segmet PART OF THE MARKET DIVIDED BY SEX, AGE, EDUCATION Target group PRIMARY GROUP OF PEOPLE THAT SOMEONE IS AIMED AT APPEALING TO Target market - A specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services Opinion poll A survey of opinions, usually social or political. People in a sample are interviewed or reply to a questionnaire. The questions asked usually have a list of possible responses, and the responses are analysed. The results are usually given as percentages of those expressing an opinion on the particular question. Survey - A series of verbal questions or a questionnaire used to gather data about consumer attitudes or behavior. Upmarket SERVICES OR REAL ESTATE TARGETED AT HIGH INCOME COSTUMERS Downmarket - designed for low-income consumers

Trade fair EXCHANGE BAZAR OR MARKET Commercial A TV OR RADIO ADVERTISEMENT Advertisement A SOME ANNOUNCEMENT MAKING SOMETHING KNOWN IN ORDER TO PERSUADE PEPOLE TO BUY Press release - A formal printed announcement by a company about its activities that is written in the form of a news article and given to the media to generate or encourage publicity. Exhibition A PUBLIC DISPLAY



Curriculum vitae A SHORT WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF YOUR EDUCATION, PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Covering letter - A cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience. A cover letter typically provides detailed information on why are you are qualified for the job you are applying for. Effective cover letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills or experiences. Application form - A form one fills in when applying for a job, placement, course, service etc Job vacancy - A collective term covering newly created positions, unfilled positions or positions about to become vacant, for which an employer has recently taken active steps to find a suitable candidate.

Environment - Sum total of all surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other living things, which provide conditions for development and growth as well as of danger and damage.

Pollution - Pollution is the introduction into the air, water or ground of toxic substances that are damaging to human health and ecosystems . It is mainly linked with human activity: discharge of domestic, industrial and agricultural waste; application of pesticides by farmers; leaks of radioactive materials; gas emissions into the atmosphere etc). Over-consumption - the state or an instance of consuming too much food, drink, fuel, etc. Conservation - The protection of natural resources.

Waste disposal - is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal, and monitoring of waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics. ... odlaganje otpada Resources materijalna sredstva Recycling proccessing used materials into new product

Amusement park - A recreational attraction featuring mechanical rides and other forms of active entertainment Theme park - An amusement park that follows a particular motif or which incorporates rides based on characters or situations proprietary to the owner of the park. Game park a large area of land where ball games are played

Roller coaster is a popular amusement ride developed for amusement parks and modern theme parks. Haunted house - is defined as a house that is believed to be a center for supernatural occurrences or paranormal phenomena. A haunted house may allegedly contain ghosts, poltergeists, or even malevolent entities such as demons. White-knuckle ride - An extremely exciting ride at an amusement park, etc., where one's hands grip on so tightly that the knuckles appear white; Any extremely exciting or nerve-wracking experience; FAST

Flea market OUTDOOR MARKET, SECOND HAND Shopping mall COMPLEX OF SHOPS WHICH INCLUDES RESTAURANTS Botanical garden GROW A WIDE OF PLANTS FOR SCIENTIFICED PURPOSE Green house - A building or room with roofs and sides composed largely of glass or another transparent material, used to create higher temperatures to assist in the cultivation of plants.

Chalet - 1. A style of house associated with the ski regions of Europe. 2. By extension, any accommodation at a ski or mountain resort, especially if detached from the main building. - Cottage - 1. A small, usually rural and rustic, dwelling. 2. In the hotel business, any small detached unit, sometimes designed to look quaint. - Lodge - A type of hotel, typically of a rustic character in a national park or similar setting. /

Mausoleum - is an external free-standing building constructed as a monument enclosing the interment space or burial chamber of a deceased person or persons. Shrine - is a holy or sacred place, which is dedicated to a specific deity, ancestor, hero, martyr, saint, daemon or similar figure of awe and respect, at which they are venerated or worshipped. - Temple - is a structure reserved for religious or spiritual activities, such as prayer and sacrifice, or analogous rites - Mosque - is a place of worship for followers of Islam

Fortress - A fortified place; a large and permanent fortification, sometimes including a town; a fort; a castle; a stronghold; a place of defense or security. tvrdjava Dome - is a structural element of architecture that resembles the hollow upper half of a sphere. Dome structures made of various materials have a long architectural lineage extending into prehistory. - Tomb - is a repository for the remains of the dead. It is generally any structurally enclosed interment space or burial chamber, of varying sizes.

Heritage - things (especially valuable things such as buildings, literature etc) which are passed on from one generation to another - Handicraft - is a type of work where useful and decorative devices are made completely by hand or by using only simple tools Masterpiece - the most outstanding work of a creative artist or craftsman Monument - is a type of structure either explicitly created to commemorate a person or important event or which has become important to a social group as a part of their remembrance of past events. * Statue - is a sculpture in the round representing a person or persons, an animal, or an event, normally full-length, as opposed to a bust, and at least close to life-size, or larger / Sculpture - is three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or combining hard materials, typically stone such as marble, metal, glass, or wood, or plastic materials such as clay, textiles, polymers and softer metals

Scenery THE PAINTED BACKGROUND FOR A PLAY ON A STAGE Landscape - Landscape a section or expanse of rual scenery usally extensive, that can be seen from a single view point

Trading port - A station or store in a sparsely settled area established by traders to barter supplies for local products. Harbour - a place of shelter for ships; a place in the sea by a town or village for ships and boats


Mainland - is a name given to a large landmass in a region (as contrasted with a nearby island or islands), or to the largest of a group of islands in an archipelago ( ) Peninsula - is a piece of land that is bordered on three sides by water. Shore - is the fringe of land at the edge of a large body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or lake. Coast THE SIDE OR BORDER OF LAND NEXT TO THE SEA Island - is any piece of sub-continental land that is surrounded by water. To set sail TO START FLOAT

Ancient building VERY OLD BUILDING Approachable guide pristupacan korisnicima Budget hotel - low in price and appeal to the frugal traveler Bustling resort LIVELING FULL OF ACTIVITY Cosy atmosphere PLEASANT AIR Cobbled street STREET MAID OF ROCKS

Endangered species - is a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers, or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. Environmentally-friendly product - refer to goods and services considered to inflict minimal harm on the environment. Foreign-owned hotel - refers to the complete or majority ownership/control of a hotel in a country by individuals who are not citizens of that country, or by companies whose headquarters are not in that country.

Floodlit tennis court - It refers to tennis courts that are illminated for play after dark.; osvetljeni teniski tereni Freelance guide- INDEPENDENT GUIDE; doing particular pieces of work for organization Fully-furnished cabin/room potpuno opremljena kabina/soba Gourmet restaurant GASTRONOMER RESTAURANT

Hospitable staff - The number of staff employed in hospitals, where the primary focus of activity is on acute care, divided by the number of available beds.gostoljubivo osoblje Hearty lunch ABUNDANT, SUBSTANTIAL LUNCH High-rise hotel FAST DEVELOPED HOTEL; A TALL MODERN BUILDING WITH A LOT OF FLOORS Indoor pool - is a type of pool that is located inside a building. An indoor pool has the ability to stay open year-round, as it is not affected by weather conditions. Keen walker/photographer PERSON WHO TAKES A PHOTOGRAPH USING A CAMERA Low-rise hotel SLOW DEVELOP HOTEL; a building with one or two floors Long-established hotel - that has been in existence for a long time Local currency - in its common usage, is a currency not backed by a national government (and not necessarily legal tender), and intended to trade only in a small area.

Moderately-priced hotel NOT LARGE NOT SMALL PRICE Man-made place articifial rather then natural Mouth-watering dish describes food that looks as if it will taste good National cuisine prepared on national recepies Outdoor Jacuzzi- Jacuzzi in open air

Open-top bus - is a double decker bus with the roof cut off. This type of bus is used for city sightseeing all over the world. Open-air restaurant restaurant in open air, outdoor restaurant Pristine nature/valley old nature, unspoilt Plunge pool - is a pool, lake, or pond that is small in diameter, but deep. Quaint village old, ancient village, unusuall Remote village far village Rapid development fast evolution Secluded beach separately beach, private beach Self-contained apartment everything that is needed within itself Stunning scenery- a great view, amazing and breatthaking Unspoilt nature undermade environmental- netaknuta priroda Well-stocked mini-bar well equipped bar Well-appointed hotel well eguiped hotel, with great facilities WebRepOverall rating

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