SPM Kedah Trial SC 09 P1 2 Q N A

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1511/1 Sains Kertas 1 September 2009 1 jam PERSIDANGAN KEBANGSAAN PENGETUA-PENGETUA SEKOLAH MENENGAH NEGERI KEDAH DARUL AMAN PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM 2009 SAINS Kertas 1 Satu jam lima belas minit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. 2. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa. Setiap soalan dimulai dengan soalan Bahasa Inggeris dan diikuti dengan terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Melayu.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This question paper consists of 50 questions. Answer all questions. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the objective answer sheet. Blacken only one space for each question. If you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened mark that you have made. Then blacken the space for the new answer. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.

MAKLUMAT UNTUK CALON Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan. Jawab semua soalan. Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan yang betul pada kertas jawapan objektif. Hitamkan satu ruangan sahaja bagi setiap jawapan. Sekiranya anda hendak menukarkan jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat. Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baru. 6. Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukiskan mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan. 7. Satu senarai rumus disediakan di bawah. 8. Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogramkan. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 23 halaman bercetak

1 The following information shows the path taken by an impulse in a reflex arc. Maklumat berikut menunjukkan laluan impulse dalam arka refleks.




Sensory neurone
Neuron deria

Neuron perantaraan

Relay neurone X

Efektor What is X? Apakah X? A B C D Axon Akson Dendrone Dendron Synapse Sinaps Cell body Badan sel

Neuron motor

Motor neurone

Diagram 1 shows a type of neurone. Rajah 1 menunjukkan sejenis neuron.

Dendrite dendrit

Diagram 1 Rajah 1 The neurone carries an impulse from Neuron ini membawa impuls daripada A B C D receptor to the central nervous system. reseptor ke sistem saraf pusat. the central nervous system to an effector. sistem saraf pusat ke efektor the sensory neurone to the motor neurone. neuron deria ke neuron motor. sensory neurone to central nervous system neuron deria ke sistem saraf pusat


3 Diagram 2 shows the human brain. Rajah 2 menunjukkan otak manusia.



Diagram 2 Rajah 2 What is P? Apakah P ? A B C D Cerebrum Serebrum Cerebellum Serebelum Spinal cord Saraf tunjang Medulla oblongata Medula oblongata

The following information shows the function of hormones produced by an endocrine gland. Maklumat berikut menunjukkan fungsi hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar endokrin.

Control the activities of other glands Mengawal aktiviti kelenjar-kelenjar lain Controls the rate of growth Mengawal kadar tumbesaran

Name the endocrine gland. Namakan kelenjar endokrin itu. A B C D Pituitary Pituitari Thyroid Tiroid Pancreas Pankreas Adrenal Adrenal


[lihat sebelah

5 State the chromosomes in a baby girl? Nyatakan kromosom yang terdapat dalam bayi perempuan ? A B C D 6 22 22 44 44 + + + + X Y XY XX



Diagram 3 shows the first generation of cross-breeding between two mice. Rajah 3 menunjukkan generasi pertama kacukan antara dua ekor tikus. Male Jantan Female Betina

Parents Induk

First generation Generasi pertama Diagram 3 Rajah 3 Key/Kekunci B b Black fur dominant gene Gen dominan berbulu hitam White fur recessive gene Gen resesif berbulu putih

What are the genes for the parents ? Apakah gen bagi kedua-dua induk itu? Male Jantan BB Bb Bb BB Female Betina bb BB Bb Bb



7 Which is the correct characteristic of non-identical twins? Ciri yang manakah betul tentang kembar tak seiras? A B C D Different sex Jantina berbeza Same appearance Wajah yang sama Same genetic traits Sifat genetik yang sama Share one placenta Berkongsi satu plasenta



Diagram 4 shows three states of matter. Rajah 4 menunjukkan tiga keadaan jirim.

Diagram 4 Rajah 4 Sublimation is represented by Pemejalwapan diwakili oleh A W B X C Y D Z 9 Diagram 5 shows the symbol of an element. Rajah 5 menunjukkan simbol bagi suatu unsur.
19 9

Diagram 5 Rajah 5 Which is correct about subatom X? Manakah yang betul tentang subatom X. Proton Neutron Electron Proton Neutron Elektron A 9 9 9 B 19 10 9 C 9 10 9 D 19 9 10


[lihat sebelah

10 Which of the following element is a noble gas? Unsur yang manakah merupakan gas nadir? A B C D Helium Helium Oxygen Oksigen Nitrogen Nitrogen Hidrogen Hidrogen




The following information shows the physical properties of substance X. Maklumat berikut menunjukkan sifat-sifat fizikal bagi bahan X. High melting point Takat lebur tinggi High boiling point Takat didih tinggi Conduct electricity in the molten state only. Mengkonduksi elektrik dalam keadaan leburan sahaja.

Substance X is Bahan X ialah A B C D water air copper kuprum carbon dioxide karbon dioksida copper (II) sulphate kuprum (II) sulfat


12 Diagram 6 shows an energy graph for a chemical reaction. Rajah 6 menunjukkan graf tenaga bagi satu tindak balas kimia. Energy Tenaga Product Hasil tindak balas



Heat absorbed Haba diserap

Reactants Bahan tindak balas Diagram 6 Rajah 6 Which chemical reaction is shown by the above diagram? Antara berikut tindak balas kimia yang manakah ditunjukkan oleh rajah di atas? A B C D Respiration Respirasi Combustion Pembakaran Photosynthesis Fotosintesis Neutralisation Peneutralan


[lihat sebelah

13 Diagram 7 shows a process of electrolysis. Rajah 7 menunjukkan satu proses elektrolisis. Bulb lights up Mentol menyala Carbon electrodes Elektrod karbon Substance X Bahan X



What is substance X ? Apakah bahan X? A B C D Sugar Gula Sulphur Sulfur Naphthalene Naftalena Lead (II) bromide Plumbum (II) bromida

Diagram 7 Rajah 7


The following word equation shows a chemical reaction in a plant. Persamaan perkataan berikut menunjukkan suatu tindak balas kimia dalam tumbuhan. X + Water Air sunlight cahaya matahari chlorophyll klorofil Glucose + Oxygen Glukosa Oksigen

What is X? Apakah X? A B C D Oxygen Oksigen Nitrogen Nitrogen Hydrogen Hidrogen Carbon dioxide Karbon dioksida


15 Diagram 8 shows the electroplating of an iron nail with metal L. Rajah 8 menunjukkan penyaduran paku besi dengan satu logam L.



Metal L Logam L Copper (II) sulphate solution Larutan kuprum (II) sulfat Iron nail Paku besi Diagram 8 Rajah 8

What is metal L? Apakah logam L? A B C D Iron Besi Zinc Zink Copper Kuprum Aluminium Aluminium


Beta particle is Zarah beta adalah A B C D proton proton electron elektron neutron neutron electromagnetic wave gelombang elektromagnet


[lihat sebelah

17 Diagram 9 shows the deflection of radioactive rays in an electric field. Rajah 9 menunjukkan pesongan sinar radioaktif di dalam medan elektrik.



+ + + + + + + + + + + + +

Radioactive substance Bahan radioaktif

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Diagram 9 Rajah 9 What is P? Apakah P? A B C D X-ray Sinar-X Beta ray Sinar beta Alpha ray Sinar alfa Gamma ray Sinar gamma


The use of gamma radiation in medical field is to Kegunaan sinaran gamma di dalam bidang perubatan ialah untuk A B C D detect brain tumour mengesan ketumbuhan dalam otak kill cancerous cells membunuh sel kanser check fracture of bone memeriksa keretakan tulang detect blood clot in the body mengesan darah beku dalam badan


19 Which of the following is not the use of nuclear energy ? Antara berikut yang manakah bukan kegunaan tenaga nuklear ? A B C D Kill microorganism Untuk membunuh mikroorganisma Produce nuclear weapon Menghasilkan senjata nuklear Generate electrical energy Untuk menjana tenaga elektrik Propel submarine in the sea for long period Mengerakkan kapal selam di dalam laut dalam jangka masa yang panjang




Which process is involved in the formation of a rainbow? Proses yang manakah terlibat dalam pembentukan pelangi? A Splitting of light Pemisahan cahaya B Scattering of light Penyerakan cahaya C Dispersion of light Penyebaran cahaya D Substraction of light Penolakan cahaya Diagram 10 shows the position of an object infront of a convex lens. Rajah 10 menunjukkan kedudukan objek di hadapan satu kanta cembung. Convex lens Kanta cembung Object Objek O F



Diagram 10 Rajah 10 What is the characteristic of the image formed? Apakah ciri imej yang terbentuk? A B C D Virtual Maya Upright Tegak Larger than the object Lebih besar dari objek Same size as the object Sama saiz dengan objek


[lihat sebelah

22 What are the primary colours of lights? Apakah warna-warna primer bagi cahaya? A B C D Blue, yellow and red Biru, kuning dan merah Red, blue and green Merah, biru dan hijau Red, yellow and green Merah, kuning dan hijau Blue, green and yellow Biru, hijau dan kuning




Which mixture of pigments will produce black colour? Campuran pigmen yang manakah akan menghasilkan warna hitam? A B C D Red and blue Merah dan biru Red and green Merah dan hijau Blue and yellow Biru dan kuning Yellow and magenta Kuning dan magenta


Which of the following is the arrangement of particles in an alloy? Antara berikut yang manakah susunan zarah dalam aloi? A


25 Diagram 11 shows an experiment to prepare a nitrogenous fertilizer. Rajah 11 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk menyediakan baja bernitrogen.



Ammonia solution Larutan ammonia Sulphuric acid Asid sulfurik

Diagram 11 Rajah 11 Name the fertilizer. Namakan baja tersebut. A B C D Ammonium sulphate Ammonium sulfat Ammonium chloride Ammonium klorida Ammonium nitrate Ammonium nitrat Urea Urea


Which gas is released when fossil fuels are burnt? Gas yang manakah dibebaskan apabila bahan api fosil dibakar? A B C D Oxygen Oksigen Nitrogen Nitrogen Hydrogen Hidrogen Carbon dioxide Karbon dioksida


[lihat sebelah

27 Diagram 12 shows a microorganism. Rajah 12 menunjukkan satu mikroorganisma.



Diagram 12 Rajah 12 Name the class of the microorganism. Namakan kelas mikroorganisma ini. A B C D Algae Alga Virus Virus Fungi Kulat Protozoa Protozoa


Which disease is caused by bacteria? Penyakit yang manakah disebabkan oleh bakteria? A B C D AIDS AIDS Cholera Kolera Ringworm Kurap Dengue fever Demam denggi


Which is the best method to sterilise feeding bottle? Kaedah manakah yang terbaik untuk mensteril botol susu ? A B C D Wash using antiseptic Basuh menggunakan antiseptik Wash using disinfectant Basuh menggunakan disinfektan Immerse in boiling water Rendam dalam air mendidih Expose to ultraviolet rays Dedah kepada sinaran ultraungu


30 Diagram 13 shows the life cycle of a mosquito. Rajah 13 menunjukkan kitar hidup seekor nyamuk.



Z Water Air Water Air

Water Air Diagram 13 Rajah 13 Name stage Z? Namakan peringkat Z? A B C D Egg Telur Pupa Pupa Larva Larva Imago Imago


The word equation below shows a process in a nitrogen cycle. Persamaan perkataan di bawah menunjukkan satu proses dalam kitar nitrogen.
bacteria X bakteria X

Nitrogen gas Gas nitrogen

Nitrate ions
Ion nitrat

Name bacteria X. Namakan bakteria X. A B C D Nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bakteria pengikat nitrogen Decomposing bacteria Bakteria pereputan Denitrifying bacteria Bakteria pendenitritan Nitrifying bacteria Bakteria penitritan


[lihat sebelah

32 Table 1 shows the calorific value of three types of food. Jadual 1menunjukkan nilai kalori bagi tiga jenis makanan. Type of food Jenis makanan Nasi lemak Eggs Telur Chicken wings Sayap ayam Banana Pisang Table 1 Jadual 1 Calorific Value (kJg-1) Nilai Kalori (kJg-1) 8.50 6.00 7.00 4.30



A student takes 200 g nasi lemak, 50 g eggs, 80 g chicken wing and 100 g banana for his breakfast. Calculate the total calorific value taken. Seorang pelajar mengambil 200 g nasi lemak, 50 g telur, 80 g sayap ayam dan 100 g pisang semasa sarapan. Kira jumlah nilai kalori yang diambilnya. A B C D 33 25.8 kJ 430.0 kJ 455.8 kJ 2990.0 kJ

A farmer observed symptoms as shown below in his crops. Seorang petani mendapati gejala-gejala seperti di bawah pada tanamannya. Brown spots appear on leaves Bintik-bintik perang kelihatan pada permukaan daun Weak stem Batang lemah Retarded growth Pertumbuhan terbantut

The above symptoms are caused by the deficiency of Gejala-gejala di atas disebabkan oleh kekurangan A B C D phosphorus fosforus potassium kalium nitrogen nitrogen calcium kalsium


34 Diagram 14 shows a food chain. Rajah 14 menunjukkan rantai makanan. Green plant Tumbuhan hijau Caterpillar Beluncas Diagram 14 Rajah 14 Bird Burung



What will happen to the green plant and bird if caterpillars are killed. Apakah yang akan berlaku kepada tumbuhan hijau dan burung jika semua beluncas terbunuh.? Green plant Tumbuhan hijau Increase Bertambah Increase Bertambah Decrease Berkurang Decrease Berkurang Bird Burung Decrease Berkurang Increase Bertambah Increase Bertambah Decrease Berkurang



Which gas causes greenhouse effect ? Gas yang manakah menyebabkan kesan rumah hijau? A B C D Carbon monoxide Karbon monoksida Nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen dioksida Sulphur dioxide Sulfur dioksida Carbon dioxide Karbon dioksida


Which of the following is a renewable natural resources? Sumber asli yang manakah boleh diperbaharui? A B C D Tin Timah Timber Kayu balak Petroleum Petroleum Natural gas Gas asli


[lihat sebelah

37 Which of the following is an organic compound? Antara berikut yang manakah merupakan sebatian organik? A B C D Sugar Gula Marble Marmar Limestone Batu kapur Carbon dioxide Karbon dioksida




Table 2 shows the steps of extracting palm oil from the oil palm fruit. Jadual 2 menunjukkan langkah-langkah dalam pengekstrakan minyak sawit dari buah kelapa sawit. W X Y Z Purification of oil Penulenan minyak Sterilisation of the fruits Pensterilan buah Extraction of oil Pengekstrakan minyak Digestion of fruits Pencernaan buah Table 2 Jadual 2 Which is the correct sequence ? Susunan yang manakah betul? A B C D Z, W , X , Y X,Z,Y,W Z,Y,X,W X , Z , W, Y


Which of the following is made from palm oil? Antara berikut, yang manakah dibuat daripada minyak sawit? A B C D Cheese Keju Yogurt Dadih Vinegar Cuka Margarine Marjerin






Diagram 15 shows a reaction that occurs in natural rubber. Rajah 15 menunjukkan tindakbalas yang berlaku pada getah asli. Substance P Latex
Lateks Bahan P

Substance Q Solid rubber

Getah pepejal Bahan Q

Vulcanised rubber
Getah tervulkan

Diagram 15 Rajah 15 Name P and Q Namakan P dan Q P A B C D Formic acid Asid formik Formic acid Asid formik Ammonium solution Larutan ammonium Sulphur Sulfur Q Sulphur Sulfur Ammonium solution Larutan ammonium Formic acid Asid formik Formic acid Asid formik


Diagram 16 shows a trolley moving from rest. Rajah 16 menunjukkan sebuah troli yang bergerak dari keadaan rehat.

0 second 0 saat Diagram 16 Rajah 16 2 seconds 2 saat

What is the speed of the trolley in the first 2 seconds? [ Speed = Distance ] Time Berapakah kelajuan troli dalam 2 saat pertama? [ Laju = Jarak ] masa A 2.0 m s-1 B 3.5 m s1 C 7.0 m s1 D 14.0 m s1


[lihat sebelah

42 Which shoe is the most suitable to be used on the beach? Kasut yang manakah paling sesuai digunakan di pantai? A




Name the fuel used by a rocket. Namakan bahan api yang digunakan oleh roket. A B C D Diesel Diesel Petrol Petrol Kerosine Kerosin Liquid hydrogen Hidrogen cecair


Aminah wants to use natural colour in her cake. Which substance is used? Aminah hendak menggunakan warna asli dalam keknya. Bahan yang manakah digunakan? A B C D Tartazine Tartazin Carmoisine Karmoisin Iron oxide Besi oksida Carotene Karotena


45 Diagram 17 shows an example of processed food. Rajah 17 menunjukkan satu contoh makanan yang diproses.



Diagram 17 Rajah 17 What is the advantage of the processed food above? Apakah kebaikan makanan yang diproses di atas? A B C D Cheaper Lebih murah Prevent from oxidising Menghalang pengoksidaan Makes food last longer Menjadikan makanan tahan lama Maintain the vitamin and food taste Mengekalkan vitamin dan rasa makanan


The following information shows a list of processed food. Maklumat berikut menunjukkan senarai makanan yang diproses. Coffee powder Serbuk kopi Dry coconut Kelapa kering Dry prawn Udang kering

Which food processing method is the most suitable? Kaedah pemprosesan yang manakah paling sesuai? A B C D Freezing Pembekuaan Dehydration Pendehidratan Pasteurisation Pempasteuran Vacuum pack Pembungkusan vakum


[lihat sebelah

47 Table 3 shows the properties of plastics P, Q, R and S. Jadual 3 menunjukkan sifat-sifat plastic P, Q, R dan S. Type of Plastic Jenis plastik P Q R S Melting point Takat lebur High Tinggi Low Rendah High Tinggi Low Rendah Table 3 Jadual 3 Which type of plastic is suitable to be used as the handle of a cooking pot? Jenis plastik yang manakah sesuai digunakan sebagai pemegang periuk ? A B C D 48 P Q R S Properties Sifat-sifat Heat resistant Tahan haba Low Rendah High Tinggi High Tinggi Low Rendah



Hardness Kekerasaan Hard Keras Soft Lembut Hard Keras Hard Keras

Which of the following is a thermoset plastic? Antara berikut yang manakah plastik termoset ? A B C D Perspex Perspeks Polystyrene Polistirena Polyethene Politena Bakelite Bakelit


49 Diagram 18 shows an electronic component. Rajah 18 menunjukkan satu komponen elektronik.



Diagram 18 Rajah 18 Name the electronic component. Namakan komponen elektronik itu. A B C D Diode Diod Resistor Perintang Inductor Induktor Transistor Transistor


Which of the following is not electromagnetic wave? Manakah berikut bukan gelombang elektromagnet ? A B C D Radio wave Gelombang radio Sound wave Gelombang bunyi Visible light Cahaya nampak Gamma rays Sinar gama END OF QUESTION PAPER KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT


[lihat sebelah


1511/2 Sains Kertas 2 September 2009

Nama : ........................................................

Tingkatan : ...........


Kertas 2 Dua jam tiga puluh minit

JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Tulis nama dan tingkatan di ruangan yang disediakan di bahagian atas muka surat ini. 2. Calon dibenarkan menjawab keseluruhan atau sebahagian soalan sama ada dalam bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Inggeris. 3. Jawab semua soalan dalam Bahagian A dan Bahagian B. Bagi Bahagian C, jawab Soalan 10 dan mana-mana satu daripada Soalan 11 atau Soalan 12. 4. Tulis jawapan pada ruangan jawapan yang disediakan pada kertas soalan. Kertas tulis tambahan sekiranya digunakan, perlu diikat bersama dengan buku soalan ini. 5. Langkah mengira hendaklah ditunjukkan. 6. Markah bagi setiap ceraian soalan ditunjukkan di dalam kurungan [ ]. 7. Rajah tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan. 8. Penggunaan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogramkan adalah dibenarkan. _____________________________________________________________________________ Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 15 halaman bercetak B Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa Bahagian Soalan Markah 1 A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C Jumlah 11 12

2 SECTION A BAHAGIAN A [ 20 marks] Answer all questions.

Jawab semua soalan



A student has conducted an experiment to determine the freezing point of naphthalene. The temperature of naphthalene was recorded at one minute intervals.
Seorang pelajar telah menjalankan eksperimen untuk menentukan takat beku bagi naftalena. Suhu untuk naftalena dicatatkan setiap satu minit.

Jadual 1 menunjukkan bacaan termometer untuk eksperimen ini.

Table 1 shows the reading of the thermometer for this experiment. Time/minute
Masa/minit Suhu/ C

0 95

1 89

2 84

3 83

4 83

5 83

6 77

7 70

8 65


Jadual 1

Table 1

(a) Based on Table 1, draw a graph of temperature against time .

Berdasarkan Jadual 1, lukis graf suhu melawan masa.

[2 marks]


3 (b) Based on the graph in 1 (a), state the relationship between temperature and time.
Berdasarkan graf dalam 1 (a), nyatakan hubungan antara suhu dengan masa.


............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (c) Mark the freezing point of naphtalene on the graph in 1 (a)
Tandakan takat beku naftalena pada graf dalam 1 (a)

[1 mark] (d) Predict the temperature of naphtalene on the 10th minutes.

Ramalkan suhu naftalena pada minit ke -10 .

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark]

Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji ketahanan kakisan bagi paku besi dan paku keluli . Sodium chloride solution
Larutan natrium klorida

Diagram 2 shows an experiment to study the corrosive resistant of iron nail and steel nail.

Iron nail
Paku besi

Steel nail
Paku keluli

Diagram 2 Rajah 2 After two days, the condition of nail is observed. Table 2 shows the result of this experiment.

Selepas dua hari, keadaan paku diperhatikan. Jadual 2 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen tersebut.

Type of nail
Jenis paku Paku besi Paku keluli

Condition of nail
Keadaan paku

Iron nail

Red-brown dust appears on the surface No changes on the surface

Jadual 2

Serbuk merah-perang terbentuk di permukaannya Tiada perubahan pada permukaannya

Steel nail

Table 2


4 (a) State one inference for your observation on the iron nail.


Nyatakan satu inferens untuk pemerhatian anda ke atas paku besi.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (b) State the variables in this experiment.

Nyatakan pembolehubah dalam eksperimen ini.


Constant variable

Pembolehubah dimalarkan


....................................................................................................................... [1 mark] Manipulated variable

Pembolehubah yang dimanipulasikan

....................................................................................................................... [1 mark] (c) State one hypothesis for this experiment.

Nyatakan satu hipotesis untuk eksperimen ini.

............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (d) Mark ( ) the objects which have the same characteristic as the steel nail.
Tandakan ( ) bagi objek yang mempunyai ciri yang sama seperti paku keluli.

Pewter vase
Pasu piuter

Brass saxophone
Saksofon loyang

Aluminium pot
Periuk aluminium

[1 mark]


5 3. Diagram 3 shows an experiment to study the growth of bacteria. Three test tubes containing nutrient broth and bacteria culture are placed under different light intensity. Rajah 3 menunjukkan satu eksperimen bagi mengkaji pertumbuhan bakteria. Tiga tabung uji mengandungi bubur nutrien dan kultur bakteria diletakkan di bawah keamatan cahaya berlainan.


Diagram 3 Rajah 3
Jadual 3 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen selepas dua hari.

Table 3 shows the result of the experiment after two days. Test tube P Q R Cloudiness of the nutrient broth
Kekeruhan bubur nutrient Sangat keruh

Tabung uji

Very cloudy

Slightly cloudy
Kurang keruh

Tiada perubahan Jadual 3

No change

Table 3

(a) State the hypothesis of the experiment.

Nyatakan hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (b) State the variables in this experiment.

Nyatakan pembolehubah dalam eksperimen ini.


Manipulated variable.

Pembolehubah dimanipulasi

(ii) Responding variable.

: Pembolehubah bergerakbalas [2 marks]


6 (c) Based on Table 3, what is the best condition for the growth of bacteria?


Berdasarkan Jadual 3, apakah keadaan yang terbaik bagi pertumbuhan bakteria?

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (d) Based on this experiment, state the operational definition for the growth of bacteria.

Berdasarkan eksperimen ini, nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi pertumbuhan bakteria.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] 4 Diagram 4 shows two types of rubber, natural rubber and vulcanized rubber with same initial length. An experiment is conducted to compare the elasticity of both rubbers.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan dua jenis getah, getah asli dan getah tervulkan dengan panjang asal yang sama.. Satu eksperimen dijalankan untuk membandingkan kekenyalan keduadua getah tersebut.


Natural rubber
Getah asli

Vulcanized rubber
Getah tervulkan


200 g weight
Pemberat 200g

After weight and clips are taken off

Selepas pemberat dan klip ditanggalkan

Diagram 4
Rajah 4



(a) State the observation about the length of the vulcanized rubber after 200 g of weight is taken off.
Nyatakan pemerhatian tentang panjang getah tervulkan tersebut selepas pemberat 200 g ditanggalkan.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (b)

Nyatakan satu inferens yang boleh dibuat berdasarkan pemerhatian di 4(a).

State one inference that can be made based on the observation in 4(a).

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (c) State the constant variable in this experiment.

Nyatakan pemboleh ubah dimalarkan dalam eksperimen ini.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (d) Measure the final length of natural rubber.

Ukur panjang akhir getah asli.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (e) Mark () the objects which are made of Rubber Q.
Tandakan () bagi objek yang diperbuat daripada Getah Q.



Shoe sole
Tapak kasut

[1 mark]


8 SECTION B [ 30 marks ] Answer all questions

Jawab semua soalan


Diagram 5 shows the formation of twins.

Rajah 5 menunjukkan pembentukan anak kembar.

Diagram 5
Rajah 5

(a) Name gamete P and gamete Q.

Namakan gamet P dan gamet Q.


Gamete P
Gamet P Gamet Q

: : [2 marks]

(ii) Gamete Q

(b) State the sex chromosome in gamete P.

Nyatakan kromosom seks yang terkandung dalam gamet P.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (c) Name process Y

Namakan proses Y.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (d) State the type of twins formed.

Nyatakan jenis kembar yang terbentuk.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (e) Other than gender, state another characteristic of the twins
Selain daripada jantina, nyatakan satu ciri lain bagi kembar tersebut.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark]


9 6 Diagram 6 shows a simple cell.


Rajah 6 menunjukkan sebuah sel ringkas.

Diagram 6
Rajah 6

(a) Using arrow, show the direction of electron flow in Diagram 6.

Menggunakan anak panah, tunjukkan arah aliran electron dalam Rajah 6.

[1 mark] (b) (i) Mark ( ) the suitable solution for Z Hydrochloric acid
Asid hidroklorik

Tandakan ( ) larutan yang sesuai untuk Z .

Sugar solution
Larutan gula

Distilled water
Air suling

[1 mark] (ii) What is the function of solution Z

Apakah fungsi larutan Z

....................................................................................................................... [1 mark] (iii) Name another solution for Z , other than in (b) (i).
Namakan larutan lain bagi Z, selain daripada (b) (i).

....................................................................................................................... [1 mark] (c) State the energy change in the simple cell in Diagram 6.
Nyatakan perubahan tenaga dalam sel ringkas pada Rajah 6.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (d) Predict the galvanometer reading, if zinc plate is replace with copper plate.
Ramalkan bacaan galvanometer sekiranya plat zink digantikan dengan plat kuprum.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark]


10 7. Diagram 7 shows the deflection of 3 radioactive rays across an electric field.


Rajah 7 menunjukkan pemesongan 3 sinaran radioaktif merentasi suatu medan elektrik. Radioactive substance

Bahan radioaktif

- - - - - P

Gamma rays
Sinar gama

Lead block
Blok plumbum

+ + + + + + + + + Diagram 7
Rajah 7

Kepingan aluminium

Aluminium sheet

(a) (i)

Name the rays P and Q . P Q

Namakan sinaran P dan Q.

: ... :

(ii) Which ray moves the slowest? Sinar yang manakah bergerak paling perlahan? ............................................................................................................... [3 marks] (b) Why is radiation Q attracted to the positive plate?
Mengapakah sinaran Q tertarik ke arah plat positif?

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (c) Gamma rays can penetrate easily an aluminium sheet. Give a suitable substance that can be used to block gamma rays.

Sinaran gamma boleh menembusi dengan mudah sekeping aluminium. Berikan satu bahan yang sesuai yang boleh menghalang sinar gamma.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (d) In Table 7, mark ( ) a radioactive substance.

Di dalam Jadual 7, tandakan ( ) satu bahan radioaktif.




Jadual 7

Table 7

[1 mark]


11 8. Diagram 8 shows a four stroke petrol engine.


Rajah 8 menunjukkan enjin petrol empat lejang.

Diagram 8
Rajah 8

(a) (i)

Namakan struktur X.

Name structure X.

.......... (ii) State the function of X.

Nyatakan fungsi X.

.......................... [2 marks] (b) Name the fuel used in this engine.

Namakan bahan api yang digunakan dalam enjin ini.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (c) (i) State the stroke of the engine ?

Nyatakan lejang bagi enjin tersebut.

....................................................................................................................... (ii) What happens to the mixture in the cylinder in (c) (i). Apakah yang terjadi kepada campuran di dalam selinder pada (c) (i). ....................................................................................................................... [2 marks] (d) Mark () the vehicle that using the engine.
Tandakan () kenderaan yang menggunakan enjin ini.




Kapal selam


[1 mark]


12 9 Diagram 9 shows a block diagram of a radio receiver system.


Rajah 9 menunjukkan gambar rajah blok bagi sistem penerima radio.

Diagram 9
Rajah 9

(a) (i)

Nyatakan bahagian berlabel P.

State the part labelled P.

....................................................................................................................... (ii) State the function of P.

Nyatakan fungsi P.

....................................................................................................................... (iii) Draw the wave pattern received by P.

Lukis corak gelombang yang diterima oleh P.

[3 marks] (b) Name the electronic component used in : (i)

Namakan komponen elektronik yang digunakan dalam :

detector : ..

(ii) amplifier : . amplifier [2 marks] (c) State the energy change in Q.

Nyatakan perubahan tenaga yang berlaku di Q.

............................................................................................................................. [1 mark]


13 SECTION C [ 20 marks ] Answer Question 10 and either Question 11 or Question 12 Jawab Soalan 10 dan sama ada Soalan 11 atau Soalan 12


10. Study the following statement.

Kaji pernyataan berikut

Size of image formed by a pin hole camera depends on the distance of the object.
Saiz imej yang terbentuk oleh kamera lubang jarum bergantung kepada jarak objek.

(a) Suggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statement.

Cadangkan satu hipotesis untuk menyiasat pernyataan di atas.

[1 mark]

(b) Using a pin hole camera, candle, match and other apparatus, describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in (a).

Dengan mengunakan kamera lubang jarum, lilin , mancis dan radas lain, huraikan satu eksperimen bagi menguji hipotesis di (a).

Huraian anda harus mengandungi kriteria berikut

Your description should include the following criteria: (i) Aim of experiment
Tujuan eksperimen

[1 mark] [2 marks] [1 mark] [4 marks] [1 mark]

(ii) Identification of the variables

Mengenalpasti pembolehubah

(iii) List of apparatus

Senarai radas

(iv) Procedure

(v) Tabulation of data

Penjadualan data




11 (a) The increase in population of Malaysians will increase the demand for food production. State two methods to increase the quality and quantity of food production. Explain the methods.

Penambahan populasi rakyat Malaysia akan meningkatkan permintaan terhadap pengeluaran makanan. Nyatakan dua kaedah untuk meningkatkan kualiti dan [4 marks] kuantiti pengeluaran makanan. Jelaskan kaedah itu.

(b) A fisherman catches a large amount of fish. Explain how he can keep the fish for a longer period of time.

Seorang nelayan memperoleh banyak tangkapan ikan.Terangkan bagaimana beliau boleh menyimpan ikan-ikan tersebut untuk satu jangka masa.yang lebih lama.

Jawapan anda hendaklah berdasarkan aspek berikut:

Your answer should be based on the following aspects: Identify the problem
Kenalpasti masalah

[1 mark] [3 marks] [1 mark] [1 mark]

Explanation of three methods of preservation

Penjelasan tiga kaedah pengawetan

List the type of methods according to its priority

Senarai jenis kaedah mengikut urutan keutamaan

The reason for your choice

Sebab kepada pemilihan anda.


15 12. (a) State four differences between voluntary action and involuntary action.


Nyatakan empat perbezaan antara tindakan terkawal dengan tindakan luar kawal.

[4 marks] (b) Diagram 12 shows several actions .

Rajah 12 menunjukkan beberapa tindakan .

Study the actions in Diagram 12 and construct the concept of reflex action.
Kaji tindakan-tindakan dalam Rajah 12 dan bina konsep tindakan refleks.


Lifting up the foot when accidentally steps on a nail

Mengangkat kaki apabila terpijak paku

Blinking of the eyes to avoid small insect entering the eyes

Mengerdip mata untuk mengelakkan serangga halus masuk ke dalam mata

Withdrawal away of the hand when touches a hot pot

Menarik tangan apabila tersentuh periuk panas

Diagram 12
Rajah 12

Your answer should be based on the following aspects: Identify two common characteristics

Jawapan anda hendaklah berdasarkan aspek-aspek berikut:

Kenal pasti dua ciri sepunya

[2 marks] Give one other example of reflex action

Beri satu contoh lain bagi tindakan refleks

[1 mark] [2 marks]

Give two actions which is not a reflex action

Beri dua tindakan yang bukan tindakan refleks

Hubungkaitkan ciri sepunya untuk membina konsep sebenar tindakan refleks

Relate the common characteristics to construct the actual concept of reflex action

[1 mark]





SAINS Kertas 1 & 2 PERATURAN PEMARKAHAN UNTUK KEGUNAAN PEMERIKSA SAHAJA AMARAN Peraturan pemarkahan ini SULIT dan Hak Cipta Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kedah. Kegunaan khusus untuk pemeriksa yang berkenaan sahaja. Sebarang maklumat dalam peraturan pemarkahan ini tidak boleh dimaklumkan kepada sesiapa. Peraturan pemarkahan ini tidak boleh dikeluarkan dalam apa jua bentuk penulisan dan percetakan.

Peraturan pemarkahan ini mengandungi 10 halaman bercetak




QUESTION NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


QUESTION NO 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


______________________________________________________________________________________ Marking Scheme Science SPM Trial Exam 2009

Ques No 1 MARKING SCHEME ( PAPER 2 ) Marking Criteria SECTION A (a)
Temper t /C





x x

x x

x x x x

Time/minute Masa / min

Note: All points are transferred correctly 1m Smoothness of the graph - 1m Cannot use ruler to joint the points (b) The longer the timer, the lower the temperature// If the time increases, the temperature decreases// As the time increases, the temperature decreases (c) Note: Must mark on the graph Any mark/sign at temperature 83 C (d) Based on graph- 50/51/52/53/54(C) (a) Iron nail has a low corrosive resistant. 2 (b) (i) Constant variable : concentration of sodium chloride solution// time Note: Reject Volume of sodium chloride solution Size of nail Reason: These materials does not influence the result of the experiment

1 1

1 1 1 TOTAL 1

1 1 1 5 1

______________________________________________________________________________________ Marking Scheme Science SPM Trial Exam 2009

Quest No 2 Marking Criteria (ii) Manipulated variable: Type of nail // iron nail and steel nail (c) 1. Steel nail is more resistance to corrosion than iron nail// 2. Different type of nail have different resistance to corrosion (d) Mark 1 Marks 1


3 (a)

TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

Bacteria cannot grow under sunlight

(b) (i) Manipulated variable: Light intensity (ii) Responding variable: Growth of bacteria// cloudiness of the nutrient broth (c) (In the) dark (d) Growth of bacteria is a process that causes the nutrient broth becomes cloudy. 4 (a) Same as initial length // No change (b) Vulcanised rubber is more elastic compared to natural rubber. (c) Initial length of rubber (d) ......... + 0.1 ( cm) Note: Measurement base on diagram in the question paper (e)


______________________________________________________________________________________ Marking Scheme Science SPM Trial Exam 2009

Quest No 5 Marking Criteria SECTION B (a) 1. Gamete P: Ovum 2. Gamete Q: Sperm (b) X (c) Mitosis (d) Identical twins (e) Same genetic content/traits// Same appearance// Share the same placenta 6 (a) Mark 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 2 1 1 1 1 6 Marks


(b) (i) Hydrochloric acid Asid Hidroklorik (ii) As electrolyte

Sugar solution Larutan Gula

Distilled water Air suling

1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL

1 1 1 1 1 6

(iii) Z : dilute sulphuric acid// Any ionic solution (c) (d) chemical energy electrical energy

No change// zero // 0 // does not show reading

______________________________________________________________________________________ Marking Scheme Science SPM Trial Exam 2009

Quest No 7 Marking Criteria (a) (i) P: Alpha ray// ray Q: Beta ray // ray (ii) P// Alpha ray// ray (b) Because Q is negatively charged (c) Lead block// thick concrete (d) Magnesium Nickel Plutonium 1 TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 2 Mark 1 1 1 1 1 Marks 2 1 1 1


(a) (i) Spark plug (ii) To produce spark (b) Petrol (c) (i) Compression stroke (ii) (Mixture is ) compressed (at high temperature) (d) Car Motorcycle Submarine

1 TOTAL 1 1

1 6

(a) (i) Tuner (b) (ii) To choose audio signals . (c) (iii)

Amplitude modulation

Frequency modulation
1 3

(d) (i) diode (ii) transistor (e) Electrical energy Sound energy

1 1 1 TOTAL 2 1 6

______________________________________________________________________________________ Marking Scheme Science SPM Trial Exam 2009

Quest No 10 Marking Criteria SECTION C (a) Hypothesis : 1. The nearer the distance of an object, the bigger the image formed// vice versa 2. As the distance of object increases, the size of image formed decreases //vice versa (b) (i) Aim: 1. To study the effect of object distance on the size of image formed 2. To study the relationship between distance of object and the size of image formed (ii) Variable: 1. Constant variable : size of object 2. Manipulated variable : distance of object 3. Responding variable : size of image (iii) Apparatus and materials : Pinhole camera, candle, match and ruler (iv)Procedure: 1. Light up the candle//diagram 2. Put the lighted candle in front of a pinhole camera //diagram 3. Measure the size of image using ruler 4. Repeat step 2 and 3 by placing object at longer/shorter distance// Repeat step 2 and 3 by placing object at different distances (v) Tabulation of data. Distance of object /cm Shorter Longer Size of image/cm Mark Marks


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Max 2



______________________________________________________________________________________ Marking Scheme Science SPM Trial Exam 2009

Quest No 11(a) Marking Criteria Methods : 1. Use of quality breeds Produce high quality yields Breeds matured earlier The breeds which are being developed is more resistant/tolerant to drought, diseases and pests 2. Use of modern technology The use of modern machines such as tractors, mechanical harvesters and power tillers speed up the planting and harvesting of crops. Can increase the efficiency of labour, water, plant nutrients and invested capital used 3. Education and guidance for farmers Educate the farmers to use quality breeds and modern technology (to increase the yields of their crops). 4. Research and development Agencies and government institutions (FAMA,MARDI,MPOB and UPM) conducting research and development activities, provide training and education related to agriculture, livestock and fisheries. 5. Efficient land management Proper management of agricultural land is necessary which ensuring the land remains fertile and to prevent soil erosion 6. Optimum uses of land and irrigated areas Integrated systems involve rearing livestock and planting crops on the same farmland 7. Genetically modified food Food is produced from a genetically modified organismes. Food produced is altered to produce desirable qualities such as resistance to pest or inclement weather Note: 1. Method 1 mark 2. Explanation of method 1 mark 3. Any two methods with explanation 4 marks Mark 1 1 1 Marks


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4

______________________________________________________________________________________ Marking Scheme Science SPM Trial Exam 2009

Quest No 11(b) Marking Criteria Problem: To keep the fishes for a period of time Methods Of Preservation: 1. Freezing: The fishes are kept at very low temperatures of 180C and below The low temperatures do not kill the microorganisms but will stop the microbial activities 2. Canning The fish and the cans are heated at 1210C to kill microbes and fungi. The hot food is placed into the sterilized cans and are sealed airtight. 3. Dehydration Water is removed from the fish by drying the fish under the sun or smoking. The growth of microbes are prevented without the presence of water. Note: Any 3 methods with explanation Methods according to priority: 1. Freezing 2. Canning 3. Dehydration Reason of choice: Freezing is the best method to keep the fish for a longer period of time because at low temperature the microbe activities are stopped. (Note: Any relevant reason) Mark 1 Marks



6 10

______________________________________________________________________________________ Marking Scheme Science SPM Trial Exam 2009

Quest No 12(a) Marking Criteria Voluntary Action Action which we are aware of Impulse flows from the receptor through the cerebrum Action can be slowed or fastened Response involve skeletal muscles Action is controlled by cerebrum Action involve the somatic nervous system Note: Any four differences 12(b) Common characteristics 1. Automatic response towards external stimulus 2. Action which is controlled by spinal cord Other example Two Non-examples Actual concept Knee jerk Note: Any relevant answer Reading and writing Note: Any relevant answer Reflex action is an automatic response towards external stimulus and is controlled by spinal cord 1 1 1 2 Involuntary action Automatic action Impulse flows from receptor to the effector through medulla oblongata Fast action Response involve smooth muscles Action is controlled by medulla oblongata Action involve the autonomic nervous system Mark Marks


1 1 1 1 1 1 4

Note: 1. Must has minimum two common characteristics 2. Actual concept: the two common characteristics must be mentioned TOTAL END OF MARKING SCHEME SKEMA PEMARKAHAN TAMAT 10

______________________________________________________________________________________ Marking Scheme Science SPM Trial Exam 2009

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