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OLD ENGLISH AND ITS CLOSEST RELATIVES A Survey of the Earliest Germanic Languages (Orrin W. Robinson Stanford Univer Pes + Stanford, Calfomia ‘Sand Clin (yy bye bd te he {ed Sono oni ney Pied he Ue Se ta nga pring ns {st Seow nds sr pig Lary Cone Caleging i Pn De Senne eR eli eae Gmina) India ne sd nde. Ean ae are © Win toak prin ie pap. wea ne Sten ae list PREFACE, ‘Armee of ears ag 1 boan aching a das at Stanford esi “In ‘rsction tothe Germanic Languages” Since twas intended 0 fala ‘cof the univeitys dstibuton requirement id my Best to stat Imerosed stent wo dl nt necesanily have a background ete in ‘German oi ngs, And bough angus rather than ahi fovan ova stent of itera, fet tha survey tht ested only the ‘Gormaniclenguages without giving sme feng for who spoke them Shwha anything was wut them wold bea poor a dey soet ‘fda thos resolve to en these areas alo, and (0 Gd 3 ext hat ‘ould id me m ding 0. Tr more than ae surprised ond that no book exited that was even remotely like what {ms Joking for. Saves fal the Get- Thane langage rere nough. Surveys tat incude substantial his {ori and inrary information ae noneastent. And even boks on ind ‘Gasal Germans languages that presppose Te or no tows of ‘German or lng are had od Te upshot decided co wet the ook was looking or. “Ths volumes he eu Perhaps noc saps itis a book Lox, pect practically everyone to Sd some fault in Stade of he indvidal Tespdagc and carne I reat may Je that | have mised sme impo ‘Ent pomt in dh own dese, Historians and bistonal anthropologist Se Mtly to fea the same way. The nonspcialist reader, onthe other ‘nd, may wel ind parts of the book over technical or ovr compact. ‘Sbvioul my hope tha everyone wil as ind in his book 3 reat del ha is wy intresting and sf For the india ln apes cranes, and tories, though ten waded as separate sb Feet dd oxen lation, They were and ace par of are units Ea hope that this book giver some petre of that uni vi Prtace At very point along the way, have recived tremens help and suppor from othe people. My fend and colleypc Te Anderson read cach chaps, each secon, 3 ame slong and the book owes «bt bis commen, even the ply styl ones. The tndents who ose ealer af ofthe book inthe abovementioned cts were also etemely hel fan making it more readable, and someties more cress Tam ep ‘ally rtf to Keith Densing, Bob Paty and Henry Smith ths spect. My editor, Paul Psoinos, wa a ar {dub that anyone wil ver ‘ead, really ready the book as thoroughly abe ally my wile, Ba, va immensely supportive during the log years ook ths book act ally appear ase hers wil not belong bing. 1 hardly neds to be sid tae I would keto Blame the above people for any delet remaining inthe bok. Uortnaey, Lea orm. aoe Vine eometal CONTENTS Akbrevivons % "THE GERMANIC LANGUAGE FAMILY : English nd Gaman 1 ‘The Comparative Method 5 Lingisicy Archeology, and History 1 Dishes and Languages 18. Organization of the Book x9. Farther Reading 32 (GERMANIC: A GRAMMATICAL SKETCH 4 Prononcintion 24 Grammar 38 Furtber Reaing 42 GOTHIC 8 A Bie Hor ofthe Visgohs and Osteopaths 43 Gothic Tete 47 Readings sx Some Aspects of Gothic Grammar 5 The Assignment of Sounds to Leners 63, Furtber Reading 67 ‘OLD NORSE 6 A Bie Hino ofthe Norsemen 69 Old Nose Jewoy) Reading 77, Some Aspecs of Osd Nore Grammar 82 The Runes or Farber Reading 98 ‘OLD SAXON. 100 Arie History ofthe Saxons reo Old Saxon Texts 109, Readings Some Aspect of 8

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