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A true contemporary story

told through letters written

from inside a soviet era for-
eign prison. Wrongfully
imprisoned, isolated, tor-
tured, abandoned by his own
country and believing his
death to be imminent,
Kapoustin writes his infant
son telling him it was better
to live for something and
make a difference than to die
for nothing. That to have
faith in God is everything.
Kapoustin is a victim of his own financial and political successes. As an influ-
ential foreign businessman he becomes a threat to the thugs and former com-
munists who own and run the corrupt government of this small eastern
European state. Unable to take Kapoustin down alone, Bulgaria’s government
finds an ally in a Liberal Canadian government that is anxious for information
that Bulgarian interrogators claim they can obtain for the RCMP.
On February 6th 1996 Kapoustin becomes the first documented case of a pre 9-
11 secret rendition of a citizen of Canadian to a foreign state. The government
of Canada and the RCMP secretly securing German government cooperation in
handing Kapoustin over to be tortured by Bulgarian interrogators. He will
remain exiled by Canada’s government and imprisoned in Bulgaria for 12 years
and 6 months. His first 3 years spent in the chill and brutality of solitary con-
finement. A lonely, dark and foreboding place breaking even the strongest mind
and body. It is from inside this damp and windowless concrete hell that
Kapoustin pens letters to a son he never expects to meet and tells him of the
holy covenant that freed him from the intimidation of beatings, fear of death
or possibly a lifetime in a Bulgarian prison. Embracing fear in the same way
someone does a lover, Kapoustin accepts that survival alone is no longer
enough. He would live to make a difference then and he strives to make a dif-
ference now.
On July 6th 2008 the Bulgarian government relented and released Michael
Kapoustin. It was later on that same day that he would meet for the first time
a 15 year old son. Five 5 months later on December 6th 2008 finished this
book. His identity, integrity and dignity remained intact Kapoustin has
again set out again to make a difference.

ISBN ..................... etc.

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