Plan Versions

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Plan Versions

Plan versions are scenarios in which you can create organizational plans. In the plan version which you have flagged as the active plan version, you create your current valid organizational plan. This is also the integration plan version which will be used if integration with Personnel Administration is active. You use additional plan versions to create additional organizational plans as planning scenarios.

As a rule, a plan version contains one organizational structure, that is, one root organizational unit. It is, however, possible to create more than one root organizational unit, that is more than one organizational structure in a plan version. For more information on creating plan versions, see the Implementation Guide (IMG), under Personnel Management Global Settings in Personnel Management Plan Version Maintenance. Using report RHCOPL00, you can copy objects from one plan version to another. For more information, see the report documentation. Report RHCOPLPT allows you to compare plan versions with one another. For more information, see the report documentation.

To select a plan version in the Organization and Staffing and the Organization and Staffing (Workflow) views,

choose Settings Plan version Active, to edit the active plan version choose Settings Plan version Alternative, to edit another plan version

Dear All In the menu path: Personnel Management > Global Settings in Personnel Management > Plan Version Maintenance > Maintain Plan Versions . under the step "Maintain Plan Version" I am unable to check the current plan version (check box) because the filed is in a non editable mode . Kindly let me know at the earliest & i would appreciate for an Earliest response . Thanks

Correct Answer by Kiran Kumar on Jan 13, 2012 8:07 AM Hi,

Please do as below and kindly reply me Go to TCode PP01 --> Select "Plan Version as Current Plan Version" and select "Object Type as O (Org Unit)" and hit enter. Now Go to TCode PSO0 --> A pop up will appear. Select "Current Plan Version" and hit enter. No go to TCode OOPV --> You can see "Active & Current" Check boxes are checked for "Current Plan Version". Revert if you have any furhter queries. Have a good day...!

Enter Transaction LSMW in SAP ,to start the workbench.

LSMW workbench shows the following information Project : An ID with a maximum of 10 characters to name your data transfer project. If you want to transfer data from several legacy systems, you may create a project e.g. for every legacy system. Subproject: An ID with a maximum of 10 characters that is used as a further structuring attribute. Object : An ID with a maximum of 10 characters to name the business object. Enter Project ID , Subproject ID , Object ID. Click Execute The next screen gives the STEPS in your LSMW data Migration

You can select a desired step and click execute. Lets look into each step in details

Step 1- Maintain Object Attributes.

There are four Modes of Data Transfer :

1. Standard/ Batch Input : Standard upload Programs 2. Batch Input Recording : Here you can create a recording of your own and use it to upload /
change data

3. BAPIs : Standard BAPIs are used to upload Data 4. IDOCs : Any Inbound IDOC function modules can be used to process the data
Based on the requirement we try to find a suitable method to be processed. If it is a standard Master we can find it in the first method, Otherwise we try to use BAPIs or Idocs. If the requirement is a very custom one we use a recording to process the data.

Step 2 Maintain Source Structures

The source structures can be used to design the hierarchy of the files to be uploaded.

Step 3- Maintain Source Fields

In this screen,the Fields which will be uploaded from the text file can be maintained here. The fields with identical names are taken as the Key

Source Filed is used to identify whether a certain record should go to the specified structure. Eg : Suppose a file contains header rows and item rows, we can specify the first field as the indicator say H for header and I for Item. Thus when the file is being read, it checks the first field, if it is H then it is read into the Header source structure else it is written to the item source structure. The Source fields can be easily maintained in the form of a table maintenance.

Step 4 Maintain Structure Relationships

The Structures which are needed for the processing of the data need to be assigned here. The Object may contain many structures and many source structures. The Mapping between the source and the target structures should be done after careful checking.

Step 5- Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules

In this step, you assign source fields to target fields and define how the field contents will be converted.

All fields of all target structures, which you selected in the previous step, will be displayed. For each target field the following information is displayed: Field description Assigned source fields (if any) Rule type (fixed value, translation etc.) Coding.

Note: Some fields are preset by the system. These fields are called technical fields are marked with Default setting. The coding for these fields is not displayed when first entering the fieldmapping; it can be displayed via the display variant. Changing the default setting may seriously affect the flow of the data conversion. If you erroneously changed the default setting, you can restore it by choosing Extras -> Restore default.

Step 6- Maintain Fixed Values,Translations and Userwritten Routines

Here the 3 reusable functions are maintained :

1. Fixed Values : Fixed values are values which are fixed across the project eg : Company Code.
We can assign a fixed value to BUKRS and this fixed value can be used in all the objects in this project. So if the value changes we can only change at one place i.e. in the fixed values instead of changing in each and every object.

2. Translations : Here you can maintain the fixed translation for any legacy field and the translation
can be assigned to the filed in Field Mapping and Conversion Rules. Translation can be 1:1 or many : 1 etc.

3. User Defined Routines : These are user defined subroutines that are used in the object for
processing the data. All the Three functions mentioned above are reusable Rules which are valid for all objects in one Project.

Step7- Specify Files

Here we define the Files that we use to upload the data. The File can be on the Front end or in the application server.

Step 8- Assign Files

Here we define which file we are going to use for current upload i.e. whether the file is on Presentation server or application server.

Step 9- Read Data

Reading the data from the file gives us an option to read only a few records and not the entire chunk in order to enable testing of first few records. This also provides the user defined selection parameter which can be used to restrict the read data based on the condition specified.

Step 10- Display Read Data

In this step, you can display all or a part of the read data in table form. Clicking on a line displays all information for this line in a clear way. The same happens when you click on Field contents. Change display allows to select either a one-line or multi-line view. Display color palette displays the colors for the individual hierarchy levels.

Step 11- Convert Data

Converting the data is the transfer of data from source to target structures based on the conversion routines written in maintain Field Mapping and conversion routines.

Step 12- Import Data

The steps displayed by the program depend on the selected object type: Standard batch input or recording: 1. Generate batch input session 2. Run batch input session Standard direct input: 1. Start direct input session BAPI or IDoc: 1. Start IDoc creation 2. Start IDoc processing 3. Create IDoc overview 4. Start IDoc post processing This completes a detailed overview of steps to transfer your data using LSMW in SAP. Read more at

How to implement OM-PA Integration Logic Trying to find a better approach

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SAP_HR SAP_HR Jan 20, 2007 6:55 PM

Hi Experts, I need some guidence from you guys in implementing OM to PA Integration Logic. We are using a nightly batch custom program that processes objects and relationships interface files sent from a legacy system and loads objects and relationships to OM side. After they are loaded to OM, there is no integration logic to PA is performed by the program. This has caused out-of-sync issues between OM and PA in SAP HR systems. When processing relationships files, the program performs transaction PP03 with one of personnel actions below as specified on the Interface file. So, I need to modify this program to Implement this Integration Logic. So, Im trying to find the best approach (such as either using BAPI concept or BDC with Call Transaction) for doing this. If we use these techniques will it affect our program if there is any upgradation from SAP side? The personnel actions in OM side that require synchronization in PA side are 9LSK, 9ROK, 9RSC, 9RSK, and 9RSO. Any kind of help/suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Suman.

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R N Jan 20, 2007 8:28 PM (in response to SAP_HR SAP_HR)

Suman: Instead of modifying the program itself of developing something new, have you tried using one of the RHINTE reports? Here's some information. ================= RHINTE00 - Transfer PA records into PD positions batch creation of relationships. Used if you already have HR master data and implementing OM The following reports are relevant for the transfer of data from Organizational Management to Personnel Administration. Report RHINTE10 generates the required table entries in Personnel Administration for Organizational Management objects that are relevant for integration T513,T513S - Object type C (Job) T528B,T528T - Object types S (Position) and A (Work center) T527X - Object type O (Organizational unit) Report RHINTE20 checks whether all of the objects relevant for integration exist in both Personnel Administration and Organizational Management

Report RHINTE30 lets you transfer a person's organizational assignments (positions, organizational units and so on) from Organizational Management to the Organizational Assignment infotype of Personnel Administration. =============== Hope this helps, Rao.

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Re: How to implement OM-PA Integration Logic - Trying to find a better approach

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SAP_HR SAP_HR Jan 21, 2007 10:46 PM (in response to R N)

Hi Rao, Thanks for your kind Response. Actually, I always Run these RHINTE Reports whenever we get some problems with the Employees (say with wrong Cost Centers) and all the time, I have to check manually for the right Cost Center for each employee in both PA and OM side and accordingly, I have to run the RHINTE Reports. We don't have this kind of problem when we are doing it online (in the sense while Hiring an Employee and creating/assigning IT0001 data). As per SAP, if you create Objects and Relationships in OM side, it should automatically reflect in PA side also. But, this is not being done in our case (As we are using a nightly batch custom program that processes objects and relationships interface files sent from a legacy system and loads objects and relationships to OM side). So, for this reason, we want to add additional logic in the existing Report for creating IT0001 data (Org. unit, Position and Job) as per OM side data. I think, I have explained my problem clearly now. Please guide me the better approach whether to add additional Logic in the Report (If so, what is the best way - BDC or BAPI?) or to solve in a different way. I'm just wondering whether this is a problem from SAP side or with our Configuration? Thanks in advance, Suman.

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OM/PA Integration ECC6

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Wanda Badenhorst Nov 23, 2010 11:39 AM

Hi We have a problem with OM/PA integration on ECC6. When position information change on PO13 , ( new job/cost codes etc are linked to positions) the changes must be updated on IT0001 as well. This is not happening. When they do the changes manually the updates work 100% but when they use custom program ZUPPD1001 or LSMW the updates do not change IT0001. Running RHINTE usually solves this problem between OM/PA integration but the customer does not continuously want to run this, as it is time consuming and may update IT0001 with unwanted information. We did not have this problem on 4.7. Do we have any other option than to run RHINTE? Regards Helpful Answers by Chandrashekar Venkateshalu, Dilek Adak

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Sikindar A Nov 23, 2010 11:53 AM (in response to Wanda Badenhorst)

Check the integration switch ...........PLOGI SPLIT

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Re: OM/PA Integration ECC6

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Wanda Badenhorst Nov 23, 2010 12:06 PM (in response to Sikindar A)

Integration switch ...........PLOGI SPLIT Our values is the following: Client:300 Groupname: PLOGI Semantic abbr: SPLIT Value sem.abbr:

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Chandrashekar Venkateshalu Nov 23, 2010 11:55 AM (in response to Wanda Badenhorst)
Hi, In Table T77S0, please check the PLOGI PRELU is activated or not. If you activate this semantic group switch, whatever changes you make in Organisation management will be updated immediately. If you need to update large number of data than you need to run the Batch using report RHINTE30. Regards Chandrashekar

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Re: OM/PA Integration ECC6

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Wanda Badenhorst Nov 23, 2010 12:07 PM (in response to Chandrashekar Venkateshalu)
Client:300 Groupname: PLOGI Semantic abbr: PRELU Value sem.abbr:

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Dilek Adak Nov 23, 2010 4:55 PM (in response to Wanda Badenhorst)
Hi Wanda, Make sure the following entries exist too: PLOGI ORGA X PLOGI PLOGI 01 Regards, Dilek

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Re: OM/PA Integration ECC6

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Wanda Badenhorst Nov 24, 2010 8:57 AM (in response to Wanda Badenhorst)
THanks ...all the entries exist except for the field "Value sem.abbr." for PLOGI PRELU is empty. So if we use LSMW to do large updates do we have to run RHINTE to solve this problem? Is this sap standard to fix the issue or are there a sap note for this? Do we schedule RHINTE to run on a daily basis then to fix this problem? Regards Wanda

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Re: OM/PA Integration ECC6

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Marco Cabrera Nov 26, 2010 11:01 PM (in response to Wanda Badenhorst)
As far as I know, the integration between OM/PA doesn't work when using Batch Input sessions or LSMW. As the integration is already managed in SAP standard as (backgrounded) Batch Inputs, it is not possible to trigger Batch Inputs from other Batch Inputs. That's why SAP provides standard reports RHINTEXX to fix this problem. Regards

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Re: OM/PA Integration ECC6

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Jaime Ishikawa Nov 26, 2010 7:30 PM (in response to Wanda Badenhorst)
Hi Wanda, The reason why the orgunit is not updated in IT0001 is your setting in feature PLOGI. You set '01' as return value whereas only <space> or 'X' are allowed values. Please have a look at the documentation of feature PLOGI. The only valid return values for feature PLOGI are <space> and 'X'. Cheers, Jaime

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