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Induction Motor

What does the induction motor

It converts the electrical energy into mechanical energy. The difference between dc motor and induction motor is that in the dc motor dc voltage is given to the field winding for excitation. But in induction motor ac voltage is given to field winding for exciation,

Principle of Induction Motor

In induction motor the conversion of electrical power into mechanical power takes place in rotating part of the an electric motor.In dc motors, the electrical power is conducted directly to the armature(i.e. rotating part) through brushes and commutator.Hence in this sense, a dc motor can be called a conduction motor.However in a.c. motors, the rotor does not receive electric power by conduction but by induction in exactly the same way as the secondary of a 2- winding transformer receives its power from the primary.That is why such motors are known as induction motors.This is also called as rotating transformer i.e. one in which primary winding is stationary but the secondary is free to rotate.

It is very simple and almost unbreakable construction. Its cost is low and it is very reliable. It requires minimum of maintenance.

Its speed can not be varied without sacrificing some of its effieciency. Just like a d.c. shunt motor, its speed decreaes with increase in load. Its starting torque is somewhat inferior to that of d.c. shunt motor.

An induction motor consists of two main parts Stator Rotor

The stator consists of wound 'poles' that carry the supply current to induce a magnetic field that penetrates the rotor .

Squirrel- cage rotor Motor employing this type of rotor is known as squirrel-cage induction motor. Phase wound or wound rotors- Motors employing this type of rotor are known as phase wound motors or wound motors or as slip ring motors.

Squirrel cage rotors

In overall shape, it is a cylinder mounted on a shaft. Internally it contains longitudinal conductive bars (usually made of aluminum or copper) set into grooves and connected together at both ends by shorting rings forming a cage-like shape. The name is derived from the similarity between this rings-and-bars winding and a squirrel cage (or, as it is commonly known, a hamster wheel). The core of the rotor is built with stacks of electrical steel laminations.

Phase wound rotor

This type of rotor is provided with 3 phase winding consisting of coils.The three phases are starred internally.The other three winding terminals are brought out and connected to three insulated slip rings mounted on the shaft with brushes resting on them.

Three Phase supply

Three Phase supply

When three-phase windings are displaced in space by 120 degree, and fed by three phase currents,displaced in time by 120 degree.

Revolving Magnetic field

If 3 phase supply is given to the stator then they produce a rotating magnetic flux.

Let the maximum value of flux due to any one of the three phases be m. The resultant flux r at any instant, is given by the vector sum of the individual fluxes 1, 2, 3 due to three phases. We will consider values of r at four instants 1/6th time-period apart corresponding to points marked 0,1,2,3.

When =0 corresponding to point 0. here 1=0, 2=- 3 /2 m, 3=3/2 m r= 2 * 3/2 m cos60/2 =3/2 m When =60 corresponding to point 1 1= 3/2 m, 2=-3/2 m, 3=0 r= 2*3/2 m cos 30 = 3/2 m When =120 corresponding to point 2
1 3/2 m, 2=0, 3=-3/2m r= 3/2 m When =120 corresponding to point 3 1=0, 2=3/2m, 3=-3/2m r=3/2 m

The resultant flux is of constant value =3/2 m i.e. 1.5 times the maximum value of the flux due to any phase. The resultant flux rotates around the stator at synchronous speed given by Ns= 120f/P.

Why does the rotor rotate?

When the 3-phase stator windings, are fed by a 3 phase supply then, as seen from above, a magnetic flux of constant magnitude,but rotating at synchronous speed, is set up. The flux passes through the air gap and is rotating so cuts the rotor conductors which,as yet are stationary.Due to the relative speed between the rotating flux and the stationary conductors, an emf is induced in latter, according to Faradays law of eletromagnetic induction.The frequency of the induced e.m.f is the same as supply frequecny.Its magnitude is proportional to the relative velocity between the flux and the conductors and its direction is given by Flemings Right hand rule.Since the rotor bars or conductors form a closed circuit,rotor current is produced whose direction,as given by lenzs law, is such as to oppose the very cause producing it.In this case, the cause which produes the rotor current is the relative velocity between the rotating flux of the stator and the stationary rotor conductors. hence to reduce the relative speed, the rotor starts running in the same direction as that of the flux and tries to catch up with the rotating flux.


The difference between the synchronous speed Ns and the actual speed N of the rotor is known as slip. It is expressed in terms of percentage of the synchronous speed. The term slip is descriptive of the way in which the rotor slips back from synchronism.
slip s= ((Ns-N )/Ns )*100 Slip Speed = Ns-N

Frequency of Rotor Current

When the rotor is stationary, the frequency of rotor current is same as the supply frequecny.But when the rotor starts revolving, then the frequency depends upon the relative speed or on slip speed.Let at any slip speed,the frequency of the rotor current be f. Then Ns-N= 120f/P Ns= 120f/P Dividing one by other f/f= (Ns-N)Ns =s


Relation between Torque and Rotor Power factor

In the case of a dc motor , the torque Ta is proportional to the product of armature current and flux per pole. Ta Ia Similarly in case of induction motor , the torque is also proportional to the product of flux per stator pole and rotor current. However , there is one more factor that has to be taken into account i.e. the power factor of the rotor. Ta I2 cos 2 or Ta = kI2 cos 2 Where I2= rotor current at standstill 2= angle between rotor e.m.f and rotor current k = a constant Denoting rotor e.m.f at standstill by E2. we have that E2 Ta E2I2cos 2 where k1 is another constant.

Consider the case of when 2=0 i.e. rotor assumed non inductive Consider the case of when rotor assumed inductive.

Rotor Current
Standstill Conditions let E20=e.m.f induced per phase of the rotor at standstill. R2= resistance per phase of the rotor X20==resistance per phase of the rotor at standstill = 2f1L2 Z20= rotor impedance per phase at standstill I20= rotor current per phase at standstill Z20= R2+jX20 I20= E20/Z20 power factor at standstill cos20 =R2/Z20 =R2/(R2+X202

Rotor current at slip s

Induced emf per phase in the rotor winding at slip s is E2s= sE20 Rotor winding resistance per phase =R2 Rotor winding reactance per phase at slip s is X2s= 2f2L2= 2 (sf1)L1 = sX20 Rotor Winding impedance per phase at slip s is Z2s= R2+jX2s= R2+jX20 Rotor current at slip s is I2s= E2s/Z2s Power factor at slip s is cos2s=R2/Z2s

Relationship between Rotor Copper loss and rotor input power

Let d= developed torque =torque exerted on the rotor by rotating flux ns= synchronous speed (r.p.s) nr= rotor speed (r.p.s) Power transferred from stator to rotor =air gap power Pg

Pg= wsd=2ns d= input power to the rotor Total Mechanical power developed by the rotor Pmd=wr d=2 nr d Total I2R loss in rotor =(power transferred from stator to rotor)-(Total Mechanical power developed by rotor) Prc=Pg-Pmd =2 (ns-nr) d Total I2R loss in rotor/ input power to rotor =(2 (ns-nr) d)/(2ns d) =s Rotor copper loss= s * rotor input power Prc= sPg Thus, The rotor copper loss is equal to slip times the rotor input.The term sPg is known as slip power.It is the portion of the air gap power which is not converted into mechanical power.

Torque of an induction motor

Electrical power generated in rotor = 3E2sI2s cos2s =3 E2s.(E2s/Z2s).(R2/Z2s) = 3E2s2R2/Z2s2 =3s2E202R2/(R22+(sX20)2) All this power is dissipated as I2Rloss(copper loss) in the rotor circuit. Input power to rotor =2nsd S * rotor input =rotor copper loss S * 2nsd= 3s2E202R2/(R22+(sX20)2)

s * 2nsd= 3s2E202R2/(R22+(sX20)2) d =(3E202/2 ns).(sR2/(R22+(sX20)2)) d =ksE202R2/(R22+(sX20)2))

Where k =3/(2 ns) =3/ws = constant

Starting Torque
At start ,s=1 .Therefore ,starting torque may be obtained by putting s=1 in torque equation
d =ksE202R2/(R22+(sX20)2))
d =kE202R2/(R22+(sX20)2)) The starting torque is also known as standstill torque

Torque at Synchronous speed

At synchronous speed, s=0 and therefore
d=0, That is at synchronous speed ,developed torque is zero.

Condition for maximum torque

The value of torque when motor is running is given by d =ksE202R2/(R22+(sX20)2)) If the impedance of the stator winding is assumed to be negligible, then for the given supply voltage V1 ,E20 remains constant Let kE202 =k1 (constant) d =k1sR2/(R22+(sX20)2)) differentiating this torque equation with repect to slip and equating to zero we get R2=sX20= X2s

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