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Tutorial 5 1. If a magnetic flux 4 has 3000 lines, find the number of microwebers. Convert number of lines to microwebers. 2.

What is the flux density in teslas when there exists a flux of 600Wb through an area of 0.0003 m? 3. Calculate the ampere-turns for a coil with 1500 turns and a 4-mA current. 4. (a) Find the field intensity of a 40-turn, 10-cm-long coil, with 3 A flowing in it(Fig. 4a) (b) If the same coil is stretched to 20cm, with the wire length and current remaining the same, what is the new value of field intensity (Fig. 4b)? (c) The 10-cm coil in part (a) with the same 3 A flowing is now wound around an iron core that is 20 cm long (Fig. 4c). What is the field if intensity?

Fig.4 Relation between mmf and field intensity with same value of mmf 5. If a magnetic material has a relative permeability r of 100, find its permeability . 6. An iron ring has a mean circumferential length of 40-cm and a cross-sectional area of 1-cm. It is wound uniformly with 500 turns of wire. Measurements made with a search coil around the ring show that the current in the windings is 0.06 A and the flux in the ring is 6 x 10^-6Wb. Find the flux density B, field intensity H, permeability , and relative permeability r.

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