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Discrepancies of the Account: 1. In the account opening form it is written that the address is confirmed by thanks letter.

It indicates that when the account was opened, the account opening officer confirmed his address by thanks letter. But after fraud when the officer tries to communicate with the account holder then he found the address was wrong. So, I think the account was not confirmed by thanks letter properly. 2. The mobile Number of the client is 0193285715, which is not a valid number. Because it is a 10 digit number. It should have 11 digits. The account opening officer should confirmed the number by making call at the time of opening the account. 3. The relation between the Account Holder and the Introducer was unknown. The account Holder did not mention his relation with the Introducer. 4. The Introducer himself was not an old customer of the branch. 5. The transaction of the Introducer was not satisfactory. To introduce a Current account, Introducer should have a sound transaction history. But the account opening officer did not concentrate in this issue. 6. The Account Holder mentioned the relation with Nominee was sister. But their mothers name differs from their given information. Mr. Biplob Ahmed mentioned in his personal information that his mothers name is Mrs. Johura Begum but in the National I.D. Card. of Nominee it was found that her mothers name is Mrs. Khadiza Begum. If the relation between themselves is sister then their mothers name should match. If the relation between themselves is cousin then it should properly mentioned in the account opening form. 7. In the Transaction Profile (TP) the account holder given the maximum size (per transaction) of the deposit and withdrawn amount will be 2 Lac. But he breaks his transaction profile continuously. 8. In the month of June and July he made transaction in excess of his limit of 30.00 Lac (Cash and Transfer) given in his transaction profile.

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