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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

The Concise Recitation of the Preliminary Practices Related to the New Treasures of Ddjom (bDud joms gTer gSar Ngn dro), With an Accompanying Series of Prayers of Invocation and Auspiciousness

PL DEN TSA WAI LA MA RIN PO CHE Glorious Root Lama, Precious One, DAG GI CHI WOR PE MAI DEN SHUG LA Seated upon the lotus throne on the crown of my head, KA DRIN CHEN POI GO NE JE ZUNG TE Hold me with your great kindness: KU SUNG TUG KYI NG DRUB TSL DU SL Grant me the accomplishments of Body, Speech and Mind.

The Seven-Line Prayer HUNG OR GYEN YL GYI NUB JANG TS'AM Born in the north-west of the land of Uddiyana PE MA GE SAR DONG PO LA In the calyx of a lotus YA TS'N CHOG GI NG DRUB NYE And endowed with the most marvellous qualities, PE MA 'JUNG NE SHE SU TRAG You are renowned as the Lotus-Born, 'KOR DU K'AN 'DRO MANG P KOR Surrounded by a host of many Dakinis. KY'E KYI JE SU DAG DRUB KYI I am the one who follows in your footsteps: CHIN GYI LAB CH'IR SHEG SU SL Please approach and bless me! GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

GYANG 'P KYI SL 'DEP NYUG MA'I T'L LU SHE JA WA The Prayer of Calling the Lama from Afar entitled Song of the Primordial State NGO WO D NE MI 'GYUR TR DRL GYI SHI LUG Essence unchanging from the very start, fundamental nature beyond elaboration, KA DAG TING SL SHN NU BUM KU RU SHUG PA Primordially pure profound clarity, present as the Youthful Vase Body, CH KU'I LA MA YE SHE DOR JE DE KY'EN NO Dharmakaya Lama, Yeshe Dorje ("Adamantine Primordial Wisdom"), you who know, TA WA'I DING CHEN T'OB PAR CHIN GYI RANG LOB SHIG Grant me your blessings that I attain great confidence in the View. RANG ZHIN MA 'GAG ZUNG 'JUG ' SL GYI TS'OM BU Self-nature unceasing, concentration of the radiant luminosity of primordial union, LHN DRUB NGE PA NGA DEN RL PA RU SHUG PA Spontaneous realisation, present as the display of the five certainties, LONG KU'I LA MA DE CHEN DOR JE DE KY'EN NO Sambhogakaya Lama, Dechen Dorje ("Adamantine Great Bliss"), you who know, GOM PA'I TSL CHEN DZOG PA JIN GYI RANG LOB SHIG Grant me your blessings that I perfect great clarity of meditation. T'UG JE CH'OG LHUNG DRL WA TA' DRL GYI YE SHE Compassion free from bias, primordial wisdom beyond all limitation, KN KY'AB RIG TONG JEN PA'I NGO WO RU SHUG PA Present as the naked essence of all-pervading awareness-emptiness, TRL KU'I LA MA 'DRO 'DL LING PA DA KY'EN NO Nirmanakaya Lama, 'Drn'dl Lingpa ("He who is from the Continent of Taming Beings"), you who know, CH PA'I BOG CHEN 'JONG PAR JIN GYI RANG LOB SHIG Grant me your blessings that I become skilled in activity that bestows great benefit. RANG RIG D MA'I SHI LA 'PO 'GYUR NI MI 'DUG The primordial ground of intrinsic awareness is unmoving and unchanging; GANG SHAR CH KU'I TSL LA ZANG NGEN NI ME DA' Whatever appears is the creativity of the Dharmakaya and is neither good nor bad. DA TA'I SHE PA SANG GYE NGN SUM DU 'DUG PE In the awareness of "nowness", the very actuality of Buddhahood, GU YANG LO DE'I LA MA NYING NE NYE JUNG The Lama of the vast expanse of serene joy is discovered in the heart,

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

NYUG MA'I SEM 'DI LA MA'I RANG ZHIN DU TOG TS'E And when this innate mind is realised to be the very nature of the Lama, 'DZIN SHEN SL 'DEB CH MA'I DUG Y NI MA G There is no (longer any) need for contrived and fabricated prayers of carping and complaint. MA CH RIG PA RANG BAB K'A YEN DU L PE By letting go in the free and natural flow of uncontrived pure awareness, TE ME GANG SHAR RANG DRL CHIN LAB DE T'OB JUNG Without solidifying or holding on, the blessing of the self-liberation of whatever arises is obtained. JE PA'I CH KYI SANG GYE 'DRUB DU NI MI DA' There will never be a time when contrived practice leads to Buddhahood: YI CH L JE GOM 'DI LU JE KYI DRA RE This intellectually contrived meditation of mental analysis is a deceitful enemy. DA NI 'DZIN TANG SHIG PA'I DO ME KYI NYN PA This very instant, (let) mental grasping fall apart with the abandon of a madman, JUNG GYL CHER NYL NGANG LA MI TS'E 'DI KYEL TONG And let this human life be spent in a state of spontaneous and naked ease: GANG TAR JE KYANG GA'O DZOG CHEN GYI NL 'JOR Joyful in whatever he does, the yogin-practitioner of the Great Perfection; SU DANG 'DROG KYANG KYI DO PE 'JUNG GI BU GY Happy in any company, the Lineage-Son of the Lotus Born. GN LA 'DREN DA ME DO TER CHEN GYI LA MA Peerless Protector, Great Tertn Lama; CH LA DO DA ME DO K'AN 'DRO YI NYING T'IG Teaching beyond compare, Heart-Essence of the Dakinis. MONG CHEN NYING GI MN PA RANG ML DU SANG NE Purifying in its own place the great ignorance darkening the heart, ' SL NYI MA 'DRIB ME K'OR YUG TU 'CHAR WA'I The immaculate sun of radiant clarity shines forth day and night. KL ZANG 'DI KO P'A CHIG LA MA YI KU TRIN This good fortune is the graciousness of the only father Lama: DRIN LEN 'KOR TA' ME DO LA MA RANG DREN NO Unrepayable kindness! - My Lama! I think only of you! Thus, at the request of my principal vajra disciple, Trlpa'iku Jigme Chying Dorje, Dn T'amche Drubpa'i-de, this was spoken as so much meaningless chatter by Jigdrl Yeshe Dorje.

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

NGN TSE RIG DZIN N DEN DOR JE TSL To Nden Dorje, skilful vidyadhara of the past, MA ONG DE SHEG M PA TA YE SHAB To the feet of Mpa Taye, Tathagata of the future, DA TA PE JUNG GYL TSAB DROG BEN NO To Drogben Lotsawa, present regent of Guru Padmasambhava JIG DRL YE SHE DOR JE LA SL WADEB To Jigdrl Yeshe Dorje I pray.

Dd Jom Ter Sar Ngn Droi Ngag Dn D Pa Shug So The Concise Recitation of the Preliminary Practices Related to the New Treasures of Ddjom In the arrangement of this practice of The Concise Recitation of the Preliminary Practices Related to the New Treasures of Ddjom, the first section is the preliminaries the recitation of the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind (from Samsara) NAMO L ME TEN GYI GN PO LA MA KYEN Unfailing and constant protector, Lama, you who know, DL JOR DI NI SHIN TU NYE PAR KA This body of freedoms and favourable conditions is extremely hard to find, KYE TSE MI TAG CHI WAI CH CHEN YIN All that is born is impermanent and bound, by its very nature, to die, GE DIG LE KYI GYU DRE LU WA ME The causality of virtuous and unvirtuous karma is infallible, KAM SUM KOR WA DUG NGL GYA TSOI NGANG And the three realms of cyclic existence are intrinsically an ocean of suffering: DREN NE DAG LO CH LA GYUR WAR SHOG Remembering this, may my mind turn towards the Dharma. Thus, reciting this as much as possible, train the mind.

Second comes the actual preliminary practice, of which the first section is going for Refuge. Firmly believing that your Root Lama, the quintessence and embodiment of three supreme objects of Refuge, is actually seated in the space before you in the form

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

of Guru Rinpoche

DI ZUNG CHANG CHUB NYING PO MA TOB BAR From this day forth, and until I attain the very heart of enlightenment, LA MA KN CHOG SUM LA KYAB SU CHI I take Refuge in the Lama and the Three Rare and Precious Jewels. Thus recite as much possible with prostrations.

The second section is the generation of the Enlightened Attitude Requesting the objects of Refuge to bear witness

DA NE ZUNG TE KOR WA MA TONG BAR From now until samsara is emptied, MA GYUR SEM CHEN KN GYI PEN DE DRUB I shall work for the benefit and wellbeing of my mothers, all sentient beings. Thus train the mind to generate the Enlightened Attitude.

The third is the mandalaoffering in order to gain merit Laying out an actual mandala of heaped up offerings as symbolic representation TSE RAB KN GYI L DANG LONG CH PL

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

The bodies, possessions and honour I have known throughout all my lifetimes, TSOG NYI DZOG CHIR KN CHOG SUM LABL I offer to the Three Rare and Precious Jewels so as to complete the two accumulations. Thus offer the mandala as much as possible.

Fourth is the meditation on and recitation of Vajrasattva to purify obscuration Remaining in your ordinary state CHI WOR LA MA DOR SEM YER ME PAI From the body of the Lama and Dorje Sempa inseparably one above the crown of my head KU LE D TSI GYN BAB DRIB JANG GYUR Streams a downpour of nectar purifying all my obscurations. OM is the supreme praise. BENZAR SATTA SAMAYA The Vajrasattva commitments. MANU PALAYA BENZAR SATTA Grant me your protection, Vajrasattva, TENOPA TIKT'A DRI DHO MEBHAWA Remain firm in me

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

SUTTO KHAYO MEBHAWA Make me perfectly satisfied, SUPPO KHAYO MEBHAWA Increase the positive in me, ANU RAKTO MEBHAWA Be loving towards me, SARWA SIDDHIM ME PRA YA TSA Grant me all accomplishments SARWA KARMA SU TSA ME And all the activities. TSITTAM SHIREYAM KURU Make my mind virtuous. HUNG is the vital essence seed-syllable. HA HA HA HA symbolises the Four Boundless Thoughts, the Four Empowerments, the Four Joys and the Four Kayas. HO is the sound of laughter in these. BHAGAWAN SARWA TATHAGATA All the Lordly Tathagatas in one, BENZRA MAME MN TSA Vajrasattva, do not abandon me. BENZRI BHAWA I pray that I may become a Vajra-Holder. MAHA SAMAYA SATTO Great Commitment-Being! AH means uniting in non-duality. Thus recite the hundred syllables while visualising the nectar descending and purifying, and (then) OM BENZAR SATTO HUNG recite the sixsyllable mantra as much as you can, and when you have completed this SHU DAG NANG DANG DRE RO CHIG GYUR He dissolves into light and merges in one taste with ones own phenomena. Thus, Vajrasattva having gathered into oneself, remain in evenminded meditation.

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

Fifth is the swiftly penetrating blessing of the Guruyoga. RANG NYI DOR JE NL JOR DN KA RU I am the Vajrayogini and in the sky in front of me TSA WAI LA MA PE MAI KUR SHENG GYUR Is the Root Lama in the form of Padmasambhava. D SUM SANG GYE MA L D PAI KU Embodiment of all the Buddhas of the past, present and future without exception, TSA WAI LA MA CHOG LA SL WA DEB Most excellent Root Lama, to you I pray: DI CHI BAR DO SUM DU TUG JE ZUNG In this life, my future life and in the intermediate state between them, all three, hold me with your compassion D SUM GYN CHE ME PAR CHIN GYI LOB And grant me unceasing blessing throughout the three times. OM AH HUNG BENZAR GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG Thus recite one hundred, one thousand times, etc. As many times as possible. KU SUNG TUG KYI WANG JIN YONG DZOG TOB The blessings and empowerments of Body, Speech and Mind are received in all their perfection. BENZAR GURU KAYA WAKA TSITTA SIDDHI HUNG Thus take the four empowerments and then LA MA SHU RANG TIM YER ME NGANG The Lama dissolves into light, merges inseparably with me and in this state I remain: RIG TONG DN GYI LA MAI RANG SHL TA See the real face of the Lama, the quintessence of awarenessemptiness! Thus absorbing the Lama into your self, remain in evenminded meditation. The sixth section is the transference. GN PO PA ME LA SL WADEB Protector Amitabha, to you I pray

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

ZAB LAM PO WA JONG WAR CHIN GYI LOB Bless me that I perfect the profound path of transference of consciousness. Thus reciting as much as you possibly can, appeal for the transference.

Seventh is the offering of the body and the dedication of merit. DA NI L DANG LONG CH GE TSAR CHE This very instant, my body, wealth, and the sources of my virtue, all together, MA GYURDRO LA PANG PA ME PAR TANG I give without attachment to all beings, my parents. DRO DN LAB CHEN GEG MEDRUB PAR SHOG May I unobstructedly attain great benefit for the wellbeing of all living beings Thus earnestly make prayers of aspiration. Thus, in order to benefit those who do not know or who are unable to practice The Extensive RecitationPractice of the Preliminaries Connected with the New Treasures, this explicatory text simplifying the essential meaning of the condensed recitation of the preliminaries was composed by Jigdrl Yeshe Dorje. A Selection of Prayers of Auspiciousness

Longlife Prayer of His Holiness Ddjom Rinpoche KN CHOG TSA SUM SDE SHEG KND PA By the blessings of puissant and wrathful vidyadhara, Guru Padmasambhava, WANG DRAG RIG DZIN PE MAI JIN LAB KYI Embodiment of the Three Jewels, Three Roots and all Those Who Course in Bliss, D JOM YE SHE DOR JEI KU TSE TEN May the lifeforce of Ddjom Yeshe Dorje be firm and longlasting TEN DROI DN CHEN TA RU CHIN PAR SHOG For the realisation of the great goals of the Teachings and of all living beings. Thus, at the request of Gyurme Kndrl, I, Katog Situ, composed this prayer for the long life of the incarnation of my Lama, Terchen Rinpoche, Ddjom Lingpa.

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

Longlife Prayer of His Holiness Shenphen Dawa Norbu Rinpoche JIG ME DE CHEN YE SHE HE RU KA By the power and blessings of the Immortal LotusBorn, CHI ME PE MA KA RAI TU CHIN GYI Fearless Heruka of the primordial wisdom of Great Bliss, SHEN PEN DA WA NOR BU TAG TEN NE May the life of Shenphen Dawa Norbu be ever firm and stable, TEN 'DROR MEN PAI TRIN LE KA KYAB SHOG And may his medicinelike activities for the benefit of the Teachings and of living beings fill all of space. Thus, at the request of the faithful Dorje Namgyl, this is by Jna.

PEN DE JUNG WAI NYEN CHIG PU Sole friend teaching the source of benefit and happiness, TEN PA YN RING NE PA DANG May the Buddhist Teachings abide throughout the ages, TEN PA DZIN PAI KYE BU NAM And may the victory banner of the lives KU TSEI GYL TSEN TEN GYUR CHIG Of the Noble Ones, the Holders of the Doctrine, be firm and stable.

TEN PAI PL GYUR LA MAI SHAB PE TEN May auspiciousness arise as follows: that lotus feet the lifeforce of the Lama, he who glorifies the Doctrine, be stable and firm, TENDZIN KYE B SA TENG YONG LA KYAB That the noble holders of the Doctrine fill the Earth, TEN PAI JIN DAG NGA TANGJOR PA GYE That the prosperity and influence of all patrons of the Doctrine expand and increase, TEN PA YN RING NE PAI TRA SHI SHOG And that the Doctrine endure throughout the ages.

PE MAI RING LUG NGAGYUR DZOG PA CHE Padmasambhavas tradition is the Great Perfection of the early translation lineage; NGE DN NYING POI SHING TA DD JOM LING

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

The chariot of the true and essential meaning is that of Ddjom Lingpa. GANG GI ZAB TER TEN PA SI TAI BAR Until the end of cyclic existence, may his profound treasureteachings MI NUB SHE DANG DRUB PE DZIN GYUR CHIG Never wane but be securely upheld through study and practice. This is by his son, bearer of the name Kyentsei Nyugu.

TEG CHOG SER GYI KOR LO TSIB TONG CHEN The thousandspoked golden wheel of the supreme vehicle TUB TEN LING SHII KA LA YONG PAG TE Is absolutely foremost in the skies above the four continents of the teachings of the Muni. JIG DRL CH KYI GYL SI JOR WAI PUNG May the heaped abundance of the sovereignty of the Doctrine Beyond All Fear CHOG LE NAM GYL TRA SHI PLBAR SHOG Gloriously blaze up as auspicious victory over all directions. This is by Jna.

DZAM LING CHI DANG YL KAM DI DAG TU In the world at large and in these regions in particular, NE MUG TSN SOG DUG NGL MING MI DRAG May not even the names sickness, despair and war be heard. CH DEN S NAM PLJOR GONG DU PEL May the meritorious qualities, honour and prosperity of those who act in accord with Dharma greatly increase, TAG TU TRA SHI DE LEG PN TSOG SHOG And may there always be an absolute perfection of good fortune, happiness and auspicious circumstances. This is by Jna.

GYL WA KN GYI NYE LAM CHIG PU RU May the sole short path of all Victorious Ones, GYL WE YONG NGAG TEG CHOG DZOG PA CHE The Supreme Vehicle of the Great Perfection praised by all Conquerors,

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

GYL WANG PE MAI RING LUG NGAGYUR WAI The tradition of the School of Earlier Translations of the Lord of Conquerors, Guru Padmasambhava, GYL TEN CHOG TAR KYAB PAI TRA SHI SHOG Doctrine of the Victorious Ones, auspiciously come to pervade all directions.

TN PAJIG TEN KAM SU JN PA DANG By the coming of the Buddha into this world, TEN PA NYI SHIN DU SL WA DANG The illumination of the sunlike Doctrine TEN DZIN PU NU SHIN DU TN PA YI And the brotherly harmony of the Lineage-Holders, TEN PA YN RING NE PAI TRA SHI SHOG May it auspiciously come about that the Teachings endure for a long time

KEN LOB CH SUM RING LUG CHE May the great tradition of BodhisattvaAbot Shantarakshita, Acharya Padmasambhava and Dharma King Trisong Deutsen DZAM LING SA SUM KYAB PARPEL Increase to pervade the three realms of Jambudvipa. DRO GY CHOG SUM NANG WA DANG May the Three Supreme Jewels and the mindstreams of living beings MI DRL D SUM GE LEG SHOG Remain inseparable, bringing virtue and well-being throughout the three times. This is by Jna.

DO NGAG CH TSL TSANG LA MA NOR WA Unerring in its pure Dharmatradition of Sutra and Mantra, KE SHING DRUB NYE RIG DZIN GY PAI SL Practicepath of the vidyadhara lineage of the learned and realised, TUB TEN NYING PO SANG NGAG NGA GYUR WAI May the quintessence of the Teachings of the Awakened One, the Secret Mantra Teachings of the Early Translation School, TEN PA PEL GYE DZAM LING KYAB GYUR CHIG Increase and spread to pervade the entire world.

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication

This is by Mipham.

JI NYE PEN DE MA L JUNG WAI NE May the source of all wellbeing and happiness without exception, TUB PAI TEN PA CHI DANG KYE PAR DU The Buddhist Doctrine in general, and particularly NGA GYUR SL DOR JE NYING POI SL The Early Translation School tradition of the Brilliant Radiance of the Indestructible Essence, CHOG D KN TU DAR SHING GYE GYUR CHIG Expand and spread throughout all space and time. This is by Jna.

KA KYAB YE SHE NYING PO DE WA CHE Pervading all of space, the primordial quintessence of wisdom is great bliss; PO DRL DOR JE NYING PO NYUG MAI SHI Unchanging, the indestructible essence is the very ground of the innate nature; DRIB ME SL NYI DAI NANG ZER DZUM May their unobscured and luminous radiance, like the smiling rays of the sun and moon, SI PAI KAM DIR DZE PAI PL DU SHOG Gloriously adorn this realm of phenomenal existence. This is by Jna.

The translations above are by Mike Dickman. They are provided here as alternative versions to the very fine translations available from Yeshe Melong in wider circulation such as the "Dudjom Tersar Ngondro" (Arthur Mandelbaum in collaboration with Lama Rinchen), and "The Lamp of Liberation" (Arthur Mandelbaum, Tej Hazarika, Terry Clifford, and Bettyann Lopate).

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Dudjom Tersar Ngondro with Prayers of Invocation, Auspiciousness, Offering, and Dedication


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