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Form 2 - Integrated Science

Define the term soil Recall the process for soil formation Describe three agents of weathering Identify six constituents of soil Explain why soil is important to humans and other organisms.

What is Soil? a thin layer of material on the Earth's surface in which plants have their roots
made up of weathered rock, decayed plant and animal matter

How is Soil Formed?

process of the breaking down rocks and minerals a slow process which can take

Agents of Weathering
Physical weathering agents - water, wind, temperature Biological weathering agents- plants and animals Chemical weathering agents - oxygen and carbon dioxide (through chemical reactions)

Constituents of Soil
Things that make up soil:
1) Inorganic particles from rocks that have been weathered 2) Air in the large spaces between particles 3)Water present clinging to the particles 4)Plant nutrients 5)Humus - the rotted remains of plants and animals 6)Living organisms - bacteria, earthworms, ants

Why is soil Important?

Importance of Soil:
habitat plant growth food production water retention aesthetic beauty construction bury organisms for decomposing source of minerals e.g bauxite, gold

Write 5 things you can remember about soil.

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