Seismic Interpretation Report Guidelines

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Seismic Interpretation Report Guidelines Your project and report may include some of, but not be limited

to, the following points; 1- Geological Background

a. Regional geology, covering the important petroleum systems b. Main geological and geophysical characteristics of the Formations (lithology, thickness, TWTT of certain formation,.etc) c. Source rocks and seal rocks

2- Description of data, methods and steps followed (make sure to save figures demonstrating your work): a. Information about the data provided (seismic, well, coordinatesetc)
b. Picking horizons (including justification of decisions eg: Identifying top horizons from literature). Include examples c. Work flow of your project

3- Seismic and Structural Interpretation

a. Full 3D structural interpretation including time, depth maps, thickness, volume, type of structure and its characteristics (plunging, symmetric or not, etc..). You may use the 3D visualization tool if you want. b. Using the generated maps, well logs and seismic sections to perform reservoir characterization about the field (rock properties in relation with seismic, using seismic to observe and confirm geological feature, comparison with literature, seismic facies and stratigraphy, etc..) c. Discussion of hydrocarbon potential and any possible challenges in production.

4- Recommendation and assessment of uncertainty or limitation

a. You can discuss further improvement to interpretation and how that can be done b. You can discuss any limitation in your interpretation or data available. (that can include seismic resolutions, availability of well logs.etc) c. You can draw recommendation regarding future plan for developments of your reservoir based on your interpretation.

Important notes:
It should be clear that this is a seismic interpretation report (NOT STEPS II). You need to integrate information from literature, geophysical data provided and your knowledge of geology whenever possible. It is also important to always compare the result of your interpretation with literature and try to explain any match or mismatch. Integration with geology (stratigraphy, unconformity, characteristics of fold, etc..) is a major component of this report. It is important to see evidence of research and use of multiple sources.

You are encouraged to include any other relevant research so that you can demonstrate your understanding and creativity. Any such work will be positively reflected in your grade whether we agree about it or not!

There is NO such thing called THE ONLY correct answer. Interpretation is never black and white. You just need to apply your knowledge and creativity to the task and be able to justify any decisions in a reasonable and scientific manner

Creativity and thinking out of the box will raise your grade drastically. Do not limit yourself to certain method or interpretation eg. apply some filters to the data in ProMAX!

This guideline should be taken as reference only but not to limit you to a certain work or style in writing your report. You should include what you think is relevant, there is no checklist for this.

Modified from a document downloaded from internet

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