Q Quick Tip PS: Mak Ke Your Resum Me POP: Basic Tips

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Quick Tip Mak Your Resum POP Q ps: ke me

BASIC TIPS: Your resume should be neat, o d orderly, and professio onal. Pay p particular attention to grammar and spellin An emp o ng. ployer will assume a sloppy resume eflects an inattentive applicant. i re y mplishment Include relevant w ts. work exper rience like Highlight your accom summer job internsh bs, hips, and e externships Add campus activit s. ties and co ommunity service pro ojects as w as club and stude organiz well b ent zation membership m ps. ur d perience to the specif job desc o fic cription. Match you skills and work exp Remember you are se R elling yours self as the best person for the jo Show t ob. the employer what you ca bring to his or her company. Be specific w an c. W ces ction verbs Use verb like: s. bs Be clear. Write concise sentenc with ac directed, managed, su upervised, budgeted, establishe or improved. Strong ed, y me punch. verbs give your resum added p y me ur ls erience at the Organize your resum with you most relevant skill and expe to op. List yo work hi our istory in re everse chro onological o order. bel ection. Use bullets for each sent e r tence, and keep your r Clearly lab each se se entences short. s ndard font in a size th is easy to read (like Times, Times New hat y w Use a stan Roman or Palatine for example). Be consis R P . stent with y your headin ngs and subheadings. areer cente and have a counsel review your resum er e lor me Revise. Visit your ca and help yo make it better. ou -person voi ice, withou using I, me or my. ut Write your resume in the firstFor example Organize informa e: ed ation for dir rect mass m mailing. uate resum are abo a page in length. But, mes out Most student and recent gradu if you have enough relevant exp f perience to for a second page, then do so. gn balance bet tween whit space an te nd A good resume desig should include a b te ext. The bo orders shou be even Dont us graphics or fancy f uld n. se s fonts.

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Ma ake Your Resume POP Cont.d P Print your resume on standard r d-size, heav resume paper in a traditiona vy al co olor (white or ivory). Do not us bright co e se olored pape er. clude a cov letter w ver with your re esume. Address it to an actual Always inc person, not a generic Dear Sir o Madam. The lette should grab the or er and outline why you a a top c e are candidate for the employers attention a position.

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