Ingles A Tu Alcance

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Ingls a tu alcance

Materia: laboratorio de cmputo Catedrtico: Lic. Nora Brenda Ziga M.


El verbo 'to have' tiene en espaol el significado principal de 'tener' y 'haber'. Puede tener tambin otros significados, como 'tomar'. Conoceremos su traduccin apropiada dependiendo del sentido de la frase.
I have a new car / Tengo un coche nuevo I have worked / He trabajado I have coffee / Tomo caf
INFINITIVO to have haber, tener PRETERITO had hube, haba, tuve, tena PARTICIPIO had habido, tenido

Verb to have
I have (I've) he, tengo you have (you've) has, tienes

I have not (I haven't) no he, no tengo you have not (you haven't) no has, no tienes

have I? he?, hengo? have you? has?, tienes?

he has (he's)
ha, tiene we have (we've)

he has not (he hasn't)

no ha, no tiene we have not (we haven't)

has he?
ha?, tiene? have we?

hemos, tenemos
you have (you've) habis, tenis they have (they've) han, tienen

no hemos, no tenemos
you have not (you haven't) no nabis, no tenis they have not (they haven't) no han, no tienen

hemos?, tenemos?
have you? habis?, tenis? have they? han?, tienen?

Verb to have exercises

Traduce al ingls las siguientes frases:

1. John tiene un nuevo trabajo. ______________________________________________ 2. Qu tienes en esa maleta?.________________________________________________ 3. Tengo dos hijas._________________________________________________________ 4. Tienen muchos amigos en Espaa.__________________________________________ 5. Tienes un minuto?.______________________________________________________

Verb to have exercises

Choose the correct answer: My dog have /has a long tail. The coffee have/has milk in it. They have/has the correct answer. The flag of Israel have/has a star on it. I never have/has a clean room. The house have /has a lot of furniture. The water have/has a bad taste.

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