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60- ,
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(Canestri, 2006).
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( ODonohue & Fisher, 2009).
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, (..
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( de Oliveira, 2012).
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(Clark, 2004).
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. , Victor Meyer (1966),

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() ,

( Foa ., 2012).
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2004). Abramowitz, (1998); Foa & Kozak, (1996);
Stanley & Turner, (1995); Steketee & Shapiro, (1995); van Balkom, van Oppen, Vermeulen, Nauta, &
Vorst, (1994) (1) 70% 80% ,
, (2)
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( Leahy ., 2012).

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, Reed (1985)

. Hollon & Beck (1986),
, in vivo ,

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( Clark, 2004).
80- ,
(Clark & Beck, 2010).
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(Antony ., 2007). , ,

(Leahy, 2004). ,
, Rachman (1978), :
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( de Oliveira, 2012).
. Salkovskis (1989b), ,
. 30%
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( Leahy, 2004). ,
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. Rachman (1985)
( Leahy, 2004). ,
, (Foa ., 2012). ,
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- - (Maj .,
2002) ,


. , Beck
Emery Greenberg (1985)
( Leahy ., 2012). , Hollon Beck (1986)

. Carr
(1974), ,
) ( Antony ., 2007). McFall and Wollersheim (1979),


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( Oltmans & Emery, 2012). Rachman Hodgson (1980), ,
Leahy, 2004).
Salkovskis (1985) Behaviour Research and Therapy.
(1978) ,
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(Foa ., 2012).

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, Salkovskis (1980a) ,
( Beck & Clark, 2010).
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(Beck & Clark, 2010). ,


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, (Clark, 2004). , ,
; (2)
( ) ; (3)

, ; (4)

(Leahy, 2004).

, (Clark,
2004). 1, ,
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.. -
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Rachman & de Silva, (1978), 80-90% -

( Menzies & de Silva, 2003).
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(., ).
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1. (Clark, 2004,
. 90).

Salkovskis (1985, 1989a, 1999)

( Leahy, 2004). Salkovskis ., (1998, . 40)

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( Leahy ., 2012). , ,
( ) ;
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Bouchard, Rhaume, &
Ladouceur, (1999); Ladouceur ., (1995); Lopatka & Rachman, (1995); Shafran, (1997)

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( Leahy, 2004). ,
, . , Foa ., (2001)
; Emmelkamp ., (1999),
(2) ,
; Rachman ., (1995) (3)
; Menzies ., (2000) (4)
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Clark, 2004). ,

Rachman (1997, 1998, 2003)
( Foa ., 2012). Rachman (1997)

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2004). Rachman (2003, . 14) :
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( Antony ., 2007).
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( Clark, 2004). ,
(Clark, 2004) , Rachman (1997)

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Leahy, 2004).

(2001), (2003); Rachman & de Silva, (1978)
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Ladouceur, (1993); Parkinson & Rachman, (1981); Purdon, (2001)
, ,
( Leahy, 2004).
, ,
- (),
(Clark & Beck, 2010). Rachman (1999)

, ),
) ( de
Oliveira, 2012).
(Clark, 2004). ,
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, Clark & Purdon, (1993); OCCWG, (1997); Purdon & Clark, (2002);
Salkovskis, Richards, & Forrester, (1995)

( Leahy, 2004). ,
(Clark, 2004). ,
(Maj ., 2002); ,
Wegner, (1994); Wenzlaff & Wegner, (2000),
, ( Clark & Beck,
2010). ,

(Clark, 2004)

, . ,
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(.. ) ,
, (Clark & Beck, 2010).
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2, .

(Leahy , 2012). Tolin, Abramowitz, Hamlin, and Synodi (2002)
, , -
( Leahy, 2004).

, ,
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, , (de
Oliveira, 2012).


(., ,

, -


2. (Clark, 2004, . 135)


- :


(Antony ., 2007).
1, .
- ,
, (
. -, ,
, (de Oliveira, 2012).


Koran ., (2007) ,
, , 13-20
( Foa ., 2012). , ,
1 . ,

( , ,
) (Leahy ., 2012).
, -,
, (Clark, 2004).
- ,
( ,
, ), ,
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( ) (Antony ., 2007).

( , , ,
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. , :
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, (de
Oliveira, 2012).

. Neziroglu ., (1999); Hollander ., (2002); Raffin
., (2009) , , ,
- ;
; ;
; ; ;
; ; ,
( Leahy ., 2012).
2. 1.
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, ( , ,
, ), :

(, ), ,
, (de Oliveira, 2012). , ,


(Leahy, 2004).
. ,

/ (Clark & Beck, 2010).
( ) ,
(Leahy ., 2012).
() (), (Leahy, 2004).
, / ,
. Noppen .
(1997), ,
( de
Oliveira, 2012).
- ,

/ , .
. :
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/ (, )
/ (de Oliveira, 2012).


2. 2.

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(Foa ., 2012).
Rubak ., (2005); Meyer ., (2010),
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( de Oliveira, 2012).
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( -)
(Leahy .,
2. 3.
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, 0100 0-10. 0 4,
: 1 2 ( ); 3 (
) 4 ( ).
, .
(Caballo, 1998).
2. 4.


. Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS)

Goodman . (1989), 10 , 5 ,
5 , 0 ( ) 4 ( ),
40 . : ,
, , ( Antony ., 2007).
Obsessive Compulsive Inventory revised (OCI R)
Foa . (2002), -,
( Foa ., 2012).
, ,
(de Oliveira,
2. 5. ()
, ,
. , , , ,
.. . ,
, .

, /,
. ,
(Leahy, 2004).
, ,
(Clark & Beck, 2010).
, .
, . ,
15 30 ,
3 , .
, .
: , , , ,
, WC (Foa ., 2012).
(), ,
, ,

. ,
, ,
, ,
, , ,
, , ,
, , , (ODonohue & Fisher, 2009).
15 180 ().
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1 2.
/ /
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(Spiegler & Guevremont, 2010). ,
. , Braga . (2010)
. ,
( de Olivier, 2012).
Foa ., (2012) :

( 1 2)
80% ;

, 6 8 ;

: ,

, ;

, , , , ,
); (

/ ,
), / ;
, (
/ ), /
, .

2. 6.
, ( ),
, ,
. , ,
/ . , ,
, . , ,
: , , ,
, , , , ,
(Spiegler & Guevremont, 2010).
3. 1.
, / ,
(, , ),
, ,
. , , (Antony
., 2007).
/ , /
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. , / ,
. , ,
; ,
, .
, ,
(de Oliveira, 2012).


( ) (Leahy, 2004).
, ,
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, ,
, (.. - ),
, , ,

, :
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, / (Leahy .,
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, ,

, , , -
; , . ,
(Clark & Beck, 2010).

. Beck, Rush, Shaw, and Emery (1979)

Leahy, 2004).
3. 2.

/ ,
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; (2)
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; (4)
; (5)
(Foa ., 2012).

(Foa ., 2005; Abramowitz, 1997; Rosa-Alczar ., 2008)
-, 70%
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, ,
(-), , , , ,
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( de Oliveira, 2012). ,
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2002). Simpson ., (1999); Tolin ., (2004); Tenneij ., (2005)
( Leahy ., 2012).
Emmelkamp & Beens, (1991); Emmelkamp, Visser, & Hoekstra,
(1988); Jones & Menzies, (1998),
( Clark, 2004). Van Oppen . (1995)
( Clark & Beck, 2010). Freeston . (1997)

( de Oliveira, 2012). OConnor, Todorov, Robillard, Borgeat, Brault
(1999) 20 5 ,

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Rosenberg & Kosslyn, 2011). Freeston . (1996)
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( Leahy, 2004). McLean . (2001)
12 , ,
( Barlow & Durand, 2012). ,
Fals-Stewart ., (1993); Cordioli ., (2003); Sousa ., (2006); Jonsson
., (2009); Jonsson , (2011),
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2012). Braga ., (2010); Borges ., (2011)
de Oliveira, 2012).
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(1991); Emmelkamp ., (1988); de Haan ., (1997); van Oppen ., (1995)
, McClean . (2001)
( Foa ., 2012). , ,

( - )
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