Japanese Gov

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Japans Government JJapa

These make up the people who essentially are the law makers for Japan. They solely hold the right to make and change laws. If there is a new law or bill trying to be passed, both houses must agree on it. Once in office, they serve 6 years. Every 3 years half of the people in the Diet are elected by public vote.

The Japanese government once was solely run by the Emperor, who the Japanese culture says was chosen by the Sun Goddess and the predecessor came through lineage. The Emperors power was sovereign. This was the way Japan was run until post-WWII when in 1947 the Allied Forces helped Japan form a constitution and Bill of Rights, making Japan into a Parliamentary Cabinet System.


The current Emperor of Japan, Akihito, and his wife

The current Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe.

The Emperor in Japan remains a symbol of unity for the Japanese people, despite the fact that he no longer has any power in the government. He still performs certain ceremonial functions such as appointing the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice, although these people are designated by the National Diet and the Cabinet members. The Emperor also serves as the head of state during diplomatic occasions.

The Cabinet is comprised of the Prime Minister and no more than 17 Ministers of State, who are appointed by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is elected by, and from, the Diet. The main role of the Prime Minister in the government is to rule on the constitutionality of administrative measures. The Cabinet serves as the Executive branch of the government, and is responsible to the Diet. There is no limit of time that one person can remain Prime Minister.

Judiciary System
The Judiciary system is the branch that upholds the laws passed by the Diet. They are broken up into the Supreme Court, High Court, District Court, Family Court, and Summary Court, much like the American Judiciary system. Supreme Court has the Chief Justice and 14 other Justices, appointed by the Diet. The Summary Court deals with cases such as traffic violations whereas the other courts deal with more serious offenses.

The National Diet

The National Diet is made up of two houses; the House of Representatives (with 480 people) and the House of Counselors (with242 people).

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