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Physical and Astronomical Constants

Symbol  c G h 3.1415926 2.9979 108 m/s 6.67 1011 m3/kg/s2 6.6261 1034 W s2 (W s2 J s) 9.1094 1031 kg 1.6735 1027 kg 5.6705 108 W/m2/K4 1.3805 1023 W s/K 5.9742 1024 kg 1.9891 10

Value pi

Meaning or other name

speed of light in vacuum gravitational constant Plancks constant mass of electron mass of hydrogen atom Stefan-Boltzmann constant Boltzmann constant mass of Earth mass of Sun radius of Earth (at equator) radius of Sun luminosity of Sun astronomical unit parsec light year

me mH  k MEarth MSun REarth RSun LSun AU pc ly


6.378 106 m 6.9599 108 m 3.8268 1026 W 1.496 1011 m 3.0857 1016 m 9.4605 1015 m

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