Andrew Klaprat - Summative Report 2012

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PREAMBLE: Current certification requirements for the Province of Manitoba require 24 weeks of practicum which are completed as part of the 60 credit hours required for the Bachelor of Education Degree. This report has been compiled by the Faculty Advisor with input from the Cooperating Teacher(s) and the Teacher Candidate. The final grade is the ultimate responsibility of the Faculty Advisor. While Teacher Candidates may choose to use this document as a reference letter, the primary purpose of this document is to assess the growth and development of the teacher candidate. The Summative Evaluation is based on the Practicum Expectations as outlined in the Practicum Documents. SUMMATIVE EVALUATION INFORMATION Teacher Candidate Student Number Term School Grade(s) Taught Subject(s) Taught Grade Assigned KLAPRAT, ANDREW 7614981 FALL 2012 Stream and Year Date 2012-12-13 SY1


SIGNATORIES Declaration for Teacher Candidates and Cooperating Teachers: This Summative Evaluation has been compiled by the Faculty Advisor with my input. My signature indicates I have read and understand this Evaluation. Teacher Candidate KLAPRAT, ANDREW Cooperating Teacher COOLEY, JOAN Cooperating Teacher STEMMER, RALPH

Faculty Advisor DRZYSTEK, JOHN

Cooperating Teacher LANDRY, KEITH

Faculty Advisor Initial: _____ Revised: Dec. 3/12

Teacher Candidate Initial: _____ Cooperating Teacher(s) Initial: _____ Page 1 of 4

Teacher Candidate Stream and Year School


Part A: School and Community Understandings and Engagements Familiarity with school and community, policies, structures and procedures Relationship development with staff, students and parents Observing, interacting and participating in the life of the school and classroom Part A Comments: Andrews reflection included: During the fall block I mostly fit into whatever material that had already been planned for the courses. There were a few moments where I helped Mrs. Cooney come up with some novel ideas for both ELA and Social Studies, but I feel that I have lots of room to grow in this area. In the gym, I did manage to take over a few classes and try some new activities. I felt most comfortable taking initiative in this environment. I did take over the teaching of mathematics to my homeroom and had almost total control of how the class looked and functioned. With that, I did not deviate too far from how Mr. Stemmer teaches. I feel that I was enthusiastic in my teaching and that I did a good job of projecting confidence in the material. I had a busy schedule and I feel I managed it well. I think that my organizational prowess has greatly improved during my practicum block. That being said, I know that I still have a long way to go to reach my goals. However, for my first block I felt that I had everything under control and was never scrambling for anything while teaching. I was well prepared. Andrew has begun a unique experience in that he has three Cooperating Teachers in three subject areas. This experience certainly has led to an understanding of the school and community from a varied perspective. I believe this is beneficial for Andrew. He has become comfortable in the school and the variety of classrooms. Andrew works with the same Grade 9 class in ELA, Mathematics and Physical Education. This has allowed him to learn those students very well in a classroom and a specialist area. Andrew and his Cooperating Teachers are becoming stronger partners serving the students in the classroom. Andrew meets the expectations regarding school and community understandings and engagements. All three Cooperating Teachers agree with my statement.

Part B: Professional Engagements and Development Professional identity development Professional engagements, interactions, and reflections Part B Comments: Andrew: I felt that the relationship between me and my CTs was natural and easy. I look forward to seeing them daily. I especially feel that my relationship with Mr. Stemmer was very productive. We seemed to mesh well and support each others teaching styles and methods from the first class on. He provided a great many insights into teaching and classroom management during our out of class conversations. I had the chance to interact with many of the staff during lunch and after school. I wish I would have been able to attend the two staff functions after hours, but my work schedule did not allow it. I did not have an opportunity to really interact with
Faculty Advisor Initial: _____ Revised: Dec. 3/12 Teacher Candidate Initial: _____ Cooperating Teacher(s) Initial: _____ Page 2 of 4

professionals from outside the school. I feel that I acted ethically and professionally while interacting with the students and staff of ESJH. I cannot point to a specific example of this. I appreciate that Andrew eagerly accepted the links and reading material I provided regarding a variety of topics. He responded to the weekly opportunity to share his reflections of the practicum experience. His responses indicated he was very engaged in the process and was positively engaged in self-evaluation. Additionally, Andrew wrote a significant response as his opportunity to provide input for this summative evaluation. I concur with his comments. Andrew meets all criteria regarding professional engagements and development.

Part C: Curriculum, Teaching and Learning knowledge of curriculum and planning for learning positive student engagement understanding of students and their interests, abilities, and needs assessment (as, for, and of learning) Part C Comments: Andrew: Through the extra help sessions with students, and a team teaching environment that allowed me a great number of chances to interact with students on a one to one or small group basis, I developed a very good rapport with individual students. I look forward to being back for my second block. This is far exceeding what my expectations were coming into the block. With students and staff I feel that I have developed positive, productive relationships over my time at ESJH. As we near the end of this block, I find that students are seeking me out in order to help them with their coursework, even outside of classes. As a student in the High School Stream at the U of M my knowledge of Middle Years students is limited to what I learned in my undergraduate degree. I feel that there is room for me to grow here. That being said, I feel I have learned a ton about middle years students during this block. My lessons seemed well received by the students and the feedback I received from my CTs seemed to focus more on little opportunities during the class that they felt I could have taken advantage of. I feel that I have a good idea of how to quickly create an effective lesson. I rarely felt unprepared to teach. I think that I was able to maintain a decently productive and respectful classroom. Even when a substitute was there, I was able to get the class focused and working on their given tasks. I do not feel that I used a wide variety of instructional methods during this block. I mostly attempted to fit in and not go completely sideways from what these students were used to. This is a growth area for me. That being said, I did have the opportunity when interacting one on one to modify instructions or explain things to the student individually. I was able to use a variety of formative assessment strategies to determine the level of understanding of students. I did not have the opportunity to use assessment as learning. I used the CTs tests for summative assessment. An example of a formative assessment strategy that I used were quizzes that I gave the students in order to give them and myself a snapshot of where they were at in terms of their learning of the material. I then gave them the opportunity to re-do the quizzes with the help of their notes and textbook. I have yet to see the results. During the one to one time I had with individual students I was able to determine and help students with any weaknesses. With the help of my CTs, I had the opportunity to apply differentiated assessment to students in the ELA environment. To do this I simply assessed the weaker students against reduced expectations, as long as they showed signs of movement in the right direction. I observed Andrew teach in both Mathematics and ELA situations. His lesson planning reflected the goals he set out for those particular classes. I was impressed with the variety of transitions Andrew put in place for a particular double period ELA class. His lessons start with a strong opening and progress to effective transitions and come to closure with appropriate timing and pace. Andrews voice and tone works well. He is a confident public reader. Andrew has a strong background in mathematics which enabled him to confidently address the concepts he was teaching. I agree with Andrews comments regarding student assessment and differentiation. In this, his first practicum experience, Andrew has progressed quickly in the process of teaching the whole class and certainly exceeds the 25% role that is expected. Andrew meets all expectations regarding Curriculum, Teaching and Learning.
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Part D: Summative Comments and Suggestions for Future Growth Part D Comments: Andrew: I would like more ideas or suggestions on how to better provide different assessment strategies and differentiated assessment. I would like to learn about anything related to teaching really, especially any areas where you see that I have room to grow and improve. Thank you for your support as my advisor for this first block, I look forward to continuing and growing in our relationship. Joan Cooney ELA: Andrew showed a lot of growth in his teaching methods over the fall block. He gained a lot of confidence in his presentation and style. He showed initiative and imagination in creating assignments/projects that would motivate and interest students. He welcomed constructive criticism and used it to improve on his lesson delivery techniques. He planned structured and organized lessons, yet showed flexibility when needed. He connected well with students in a positive and caring manner and quickly adapted his approach to the variety of personalities and abilities within the classroom. He was eager and enthusiastic about teaching---indicated by his willingness to volunteer an extra week in December. I would definitely consider him a strong candidate in this program. Ralph Stemmer MATH: Andrew has done a good job working with students on a one-on-one basis. His lessons have improved steadily as he becomes used to this group of learners and their abilities. His knowledge of the subject matter (math) is excellent. Keith Landry PE: Andrew has been very professional throughout the practicum. He has been slowly starting to take over more and more classes. As this happens I look forward to seeing more of the planning and use of effective instructional and assessment strategies in the gym as the year progresses. I am pleased with the progress Andrew is making in a variety of areas. His work to teach three subject areas to kids in the middle is difficult for a Year 1 practicum experience. The scope and sequence of lessons are appropriate as are timing and pace. I believe Andrew is learning more about developmentally appropriate practices for kids in the middle. I recommend that the spring term have a particular focus on assessment for learning as it relates to planning and instructional strategies. I also recommend that more time be spent learning the Manitoba Education curricular outcomes for ELA in Grade 9. Familiarity with the document Success for All Learners is recommended as well to address differentiation. Andrew is having a positive learning experience and is contributing to the learning in the classroom. I look forward to our continued work together in the spring term practicum. We will continue discussions regarding our profession and professionalism. Additionally, we will revisit the teaching load and timetable for the spring block. Andrew meets all requirements of her fall block experience and has achieved a mark of PASS. Yours in education John Drzystek

Faculty Advisor Initial: _____ Revised: Dec. 3/12

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