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Some common steam and condensate equations can be expressed as Steam Heating ms = h / 960 (1) where ms = steam mass

flow rate (lbs./hr.) h = heat flow rate (Btu/hr.) Steam Heating Liquid Flow ms = ql 500 SGl Cpl dtl / Ls (1) where ms = steam mass flow rate (lbs./hr.) ql = volume flow liquid (gallons per minute, gpm) SGl = specific heat capacity of the liquid (Btu/lb.oF) Cpl = specific gravity of the fluid dtl = temperature difference liquid (oF) Ls = latent heat steam (Btu/lb) Steam Heating Air or Gas Flow ms = qg 60 g Cpg dtg / Ls (1) where ms = steam mass flow rate (lbs./hr.) qg = volume flow gas (cubic feet per minute, cfm) g = density of the gas (lb/ft3) Cpg = specific gravity of the gas dtg = temperature difference gas (oF) Ls = latent heat steam (Btu/lb)

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