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Lawson Public School Support Unit

Individual Education Plan

Name: S2 New KLA English (Communication) Priority P Grade: 3 Outcomes Talking and Listening Displays consistent communication mode(s)- gestures, points, signing and symbols DOB: Indicators Copper will use signing or PECS to indicate need 100% of the time. Class: Year: 2013 Strategies Signing new signs in morning circle and literacy time. S2 will be encouraged the signs if, more, finished, toilet, food and drink. Signing songs for feelings and needs. Social stories for needs and wants Identify and locate in classroom new items using a range of familiar and unfamiliar PCS Timeframe/ Personnel Daily- all staff

Utilises Boardmaker symbols to communicate feelings by choosing between 3 choices within 10 seconds. Utilises Boardmaker symbols in visual timetable and other routines daily.

Morning Afternoon Circle As required

Ongoing- All staff

Completes concept books based on Makaton and the Carenne Language Program to assist vocabulary development. Attempts to mimic sounds Uses Mouthworks Ipad app to

when demonstrated by looking at speech partner, copying mouth formation and/or vocalising within 20 seconds of request. P Makes selection when given options (e.g., story, food, clothes, activities, peers, personal needs) Uses gesture and Boardmaker symbols to make choices between 3 or 4 options within 10 seconds of presentation.

simulate mouth movements and sounds presented.


Opportunities to make choices in each lesson, including eating and play times should be made available to S2 decreasing number of choices when it is a less familiar activity. Opportunities to ask for help or Literacy Session for items needed throughout the day. S2 will be presented with communication apps throughout the day to help express needs. S2 will have opportunities in reading lessons to use Boardmaker visuals or photographs make choices between 2 to 4 options to express: - an opinion about the story presented; - an understanding of the

Makes requests of others (e.g., objects, food, interactions, activities, personal care) Reading Utilises Boardmaker and photographs to show understanding of activities across all KLAs.

Requests toilet by signing or using Boardmaker symbol when requiring the toilet or through use of Ipad apps.

Boardmaker visuals or photographs make choices between 2 to 4 options to express: - an opinion about the story presented; - an understanding of the sequence of the story or activity involved;

and/or his level of comprehension about an aspect of the story presented.

sequence of the story or activity involved; and/or - his level of comprehension about an aspect of the story presented. Similar opportunities will be given to S2 to develop these skills in other KLAs. S2 will complete comprehension activities through the Comprehension books in the Carenne Language Program. Daily practice of rearranging letters of name with reducing prompting. Daily practice of rearranging letters of name with reducing prompting.

Literacy Session

S2 will complete appropriate comprehension activities through the Carenne Language Program. P Rearranges letters of his name to spell his full name correctly. Daily practice of rearranging letters of name with reducing prompting.

Literacy Session

Daily/ Teacher

Writing Uses writing/ drawing tools

Develops fine motor skills focusing on developing strength in individual fingers and hand and finger coordination.

Daily access activities on the Interactive Whiteboard, such as Reading eggs, Mouse Movements, finer motor activities, such as threading, tracing with one finger and

Uses thicker pencils, crayons and/or textas to engage in activities to engage in prewriting activities. Uses thicker pencils, crayons and/or textas to engage in activities to write letters of his name

cutting. Daily activities involving colouring-in and tracing both on worksheets and on the Interactive Whiteboard. Daily activities involving tracing letters of name and writing with hand-over-hand assistance. S2 will identify numbers through songs and demonstrate numbers through clapping and holding up fingers S2 will recognise numbers when given a choice of 3 numbers. S2 will use Ipad apps to help Identify between one and two numbers. He will match numbers to objects when given a choice of 2 groups. He will also identify numbers for the date during morning circle Morning Circle/ Maths session


Number Develop pre number skills-

Identify numbers 1-10

HSIE (Socialisation)

Sustains social interactions (e.g., explores objects with others, takes turns, provides mutual attention)

S2 will take turns and share with others 100% of the time.

S2 will take turns in morning circle to identify name, weather and days of the week. During sport will wait his turn for different activities.

Ongoing- All staff

Travels safely in the community

Participates in small groups during floor time and desk time. Participates in large groups by showing appropriate behaviours in assemblies

S2 will listen to instructions and hold hands with staff member at all times when travelling in the Daily walking to community. office/ playground During the day S2 will walk with supervision between areas in Excursionsthe school with least to most weekly assistance to develop independence and safety in a school environment Verbal prompting to remind S2 to participate in classroom clean-up activities. Social stories about taking care of classroom and personal belongings. Opportunities to explore and experiment with his 2013 Daily Routine


Imitates skills used in daily life

Participates in cleaning up room and own personal space. Cares for personal items. Cares for objects used on a day to day basis Participates in, observes and explores practical activities

and experiments.


Participates in art and craft activities across all KLAs

environment through participation in Science units of work - Term 2 Light Fantastic - Term 3 Material World - Term 4 Plants in Action Weekly craft and art activities involving cutting, sticking and arranging elements. Uses the Ipad and IWB to create artworks.

Experiments with musical instruments, beat, rhythm and melody. Experiments with the use of puppets both real and virtual.

Weekly opportunities to play with musical instruments. Encouraging S2 to clap during songs at morning circle. Plays with puppets and engages with Ipad activities involving the creation and movement of characters such as the Play School art app.

PDHPE (Personal Management & Recreation)

Cares for bowel and bladder needs ????? Need Update????

S2 will sign toilet or use a toilet symbol to identify his need 60% of the time. S2 will identify his nappy and bring it to the toilet

Consistent signing of toilet with all students. Social story- when I need to go to the toilet.

SLSO staff during toileting or when required

Feeds self ???????????Need update>>>>

S2 will use a fork when appropriate to feed himself. He will use finger pinch technique to feed using hands

Fine motor activities to assist with S2s finger mobility and strength During cooking lessons S2 will assist with food preparation and table setting Focus on safety in the community and when crossing the road during community access and excursions. Listens to social stories about travel training and community safety.

Morning Circle

Travels safely in the community ON HOLD 2013 community access

Holds the hand of an adult when walking in the community, especially crossing the road. Stops and looks for cars with one-on-one assistance and verbal prompting at a pedestrian crossing. Joins in with others during leisure, fitness and sport

Weekly (Tuesday morning weather permitting) All excursions

Engages in recreation activities with others

Integration opportunities for fitness and sport where

(e.g., read to by someone, games, clubs, sports, exercise, hobbies)


possible. Participation in ADHC Social Skills program STEP UP gross motor program. Ability gross motor program.

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