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Lawson Public School Support Unit

Individual Education Plan

Name: S3 Grade: 3 KLA English (Communication)

DOB: Priority/ Other Outcome

Class: SU2 Indicators

Year: 2013 Strategies Timeframe/Perso nnel

Daily- Staff and students Across the day, S3 will makes eye contact with staff when being communicated with 100% of the time.
Utilises Boardmaker symbols in visual timetable and other routines daily.

Talking and Listening

Displays consistent communication mode(s) (e.g., gestures, points, vocalizes, uses facial expressions, uses AAC)

Use consistent greetings during morning circle and through out the day Use Hi 5s to congratulate S3 on completing a set task


During Morning Circle and Afternoon Circle S3 will use hand gestures to say hello and goodbye 3 out of 5 times.

Staff will reciprocate gestures and wait for gesture to be used

Opportunities provided throughout the day during routine activities such as un/packing bag, Morning Circle, preparing for playground, etc, for familiar instructions. Opportunities provided throughout the day during a range of activities for unfamiliar instruction


Follows instructions (e.g., one step, multistep)

Follows one step familiar instruction within 10 seconds of verbal request

Use a variety of PCS to communicate and exchange for needs and wants

Morning Circle/ Literacy session

Reading Understands meaning of nontext symbols

Utilises Boardmaker and photographs to show understanding of activities across all KLAs. Rearranges letters of his name to spell his full name correctly.

Boardmaker visuals or photographs make choices between 2 to 4 options to express: an opinion about the story presented; an understanding of the sequence of the story or activity involved; and/or

Morning Circle Literacy session

Makes selection when given options (e.g., story, food, clothes, activities, peers, personal needs) Daily photos with sight words to be read to S3 to increase vocabulary.

Across the day S3 will use PCS to communicate needs and wants 60% of the time. S3 will observe themed sight words with pictures red to him. S3 will complete the Carenne Language Program concept book and use it to increase knowledge of signs. Across the day, S3 will use familiar makaton signs to express needs/ wants -more -yes/no -thankyou/please -help 100% of the time. During deskwork activities, S3 will sign finished, place

S3 will practice these signs daily with staff. During morning circle S3 selects from choices about the days of the week, the weather. Signing to also be encouraged during mealtimes. S3 will complete books with assistance and observe signs

Expresses rejection/ refusal (e.g., indicates he or she wants something to stop or not begin)

S3 will participate in a range of activities. During these activities he will be asked if it is finished and sign appropriately

Opportunities to make choices in

activity in the finished box or use vocalisations to indicate refusal 60% of the time.
Develops fine motor skills focusing on developing strength in individual fingers and hand and finger coordination. Uses thicker pencils, crayons and/or textas to engage in activities to engage in prewriting activities. Uses thicker pencils, crayons and/or textas to engage in activities to write letters of his name.

each lesson, including eating and play times, should be made available to

Writing Uses writing/ drawing tools

Daily practice of rearranging letters of name with reducing prompting.

Daily access activities on the Interactive Whiteboard, such as Reading eggs, Mouse Movements, finer motor activities, such as threading, tracing with one finger and cutting. Daily activities involving colouringin and tracing both on worksheets and on the Interactive Whiteboard. Daily activities involving tracing letters of name and writing with hand-over-hand assistance.


Number Develop pre number skills- s

Identify numbers 1-10

S3 will identify numbers through songs and demonstrate numbers through clapping and holding up fingers S3 will recognise numbers when given a choice of 3 numbers He will match numbers to objects when given a choice of 2 groups. He will also identify numbers for the date during morning circle

Morning Circle/ Maths session

Throughout the day S3 will use familiar symbols to identify needs.

Measurement sorting matching classifying groups

Sort concrete materials from a group of similar: objects colours size shape Match real picture with a real object Match a picture with a picture

S3 will identify 2D pictures and shapes and match them. S3 will identify 3D objects from pictures and boardmaker symbols

HSIE (Socialisation)

Makes transitions between routine activities

Across the day at the completion of all activities S3 will transition to the next activity calmly 60% of the time.

S3 has a set routine throughout the day. Changes to this routine are explained using BM symbols and social stories for larger changes to routine. Using a now and then chart S3 will understand time for toileting and what is happening next.


Participates in small groups

Remains quiet and maintains attention in activity with more than 10 children for a minimum of 20 seconds with one-on-one assistance.

Opportunities to participate in small group activities should be given throughout each day across KLAs using a range of resources, such as board games, worksheets, Interactive Whiteboard

Science Cooking????????

Imitates skills used in daily life

Engages in cooking activities focussing on: - mixing - spreading - stirring - whisking - and safely using kitchen utensils, including a toaster with growing independence. Washes and wipes up cutlery and dishes after lesson

Opportunities to Setup cooking for the day Identify what ingredients and utensils are needed for the lesson Wash hands Set table Mix ingredients Assemble where appropriate Exercise kitchen safety Serve food

Cooking lessons each Friday.

PDHPE (Personal Management & Recreation)

Cares for bowel and bladder need Cares for personal hygiene (e.g., washes hands, wipes nose, brushes hair/ teeth, showers)

During Toileting times, S3 will move to bathroom with minimal assistance and proceed with bathroom routine. He will select own nappy from shelf and assist with pants down and up 100% of the time.

Use washy hands song for bathroom washing hands Use Boardmaker symbol for toilet


Uses social story for washing hands. Will identify with washing time through hand washing songs

Travels safely in the community

Completes tasks in class about personal safety.

Views social stories about behaviour when near roads. Views videos on street and travel

safety on iPad. Daily fitness Lesson

Engages in recreation activities with others (e.g., read to by someone, games, clubs, sports, exercise, hobbies)

Joins in with others during leisure, fitness and sport activities.

Integration opportunities for fitness and sport where possible. Participation in ADHC Social Skills program

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