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Life is not Just being alive But being Well Marital Health is Wealth is a Simple proverb but its Sence and meaning is So, deep. Health is more as Health cannot buy with money. Health is am important aspect of life, Without Health m people would not able to enjoy anything in life and would not work productively . Health may be described as a potentiality The ability of individual or a Social group to modify himself or itself Continually in the face of changing Conditions of Life not only , in order do function better in the present but also to prepare for the future. WHO (World Health Organization) has defined Health in its broad Sense in 1946 as A state of Complete physical , mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health is Continuously changing concept preservation of Health should be primary duty of mankind but over the past few years . The lifestyle of people has changed . Today , in materialistic world, everyone ignored the importance of health . ignorance about the health moves mankind towards the diseases and health hazards. A disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body of organism from each aspects i.e physical mental and social. Merriam Webster describe disease as A condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and its typically manifested by distinguishing Sign and symptoms.

In humans : Disease is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction , distress Social problems or death to the person afflicted or similar problems for those in contact with the persons. WEB MD defined disease as An introduction ,Cessation or disorder of a body , system or organ or Disease usually affect people only physically but also after ones personality or perspective on life and reduce enjoyment of life Death sue to disease called death by natural cause there are four main types of disease:- pathogenic disease, Deficiency disease, hereditary disease and physiological disease. The disease are also classified as communicable and non communicable disease. There disease affects various organs of body such as Heart , Kidney, liver, lungs and others . There are various diseases but some are highly life threatening and non-curable such as AIDS, Hepatitis etc. Para Hepatitis is Communicable disease and has various types. Hepatitis is Swelling and information of the liver. It is not a condition but is often used to a viral infection of the liver. 1 The E ristance of s Hepatitis c was postulated in the 1970 s and proven in 1989. 2 Hepatitiss C only infects Humans and Chimpanzees. Hepatitis C is one the most Occurring type of Hepatitis with high degree of death causing disease . It is an infectious disease affecting primarily the diver , caused by the Hepatitis C Virus. Theaf . Van de martel, [ RN, (Hons), M health sc, FCN (NSW), MRCNA) is Lecturer, School of Nursing and Health care practices , Joutern cross university, Australia (May2002) describes Hepatitis C is an infectious disease caused by hepatitis

(C) virus (HCV) (National Health and Medical research Council NHMRC, 1997) Hepatitis C is poorty understood , in part because the virus has only recently been identified The genome of HCVs was islated in 1988 and a Serological Test was Developed in 1990 (Crafts et al 1999 a Lowe and cotton 1999). The HVC has a tendency to mutate rapidly , Which makes it genetically unstable (Olmsted 1996) The rapid change in rial antigens makes it difficult for the Immune System to clear the Virus, Consequently there is a high rate of chronicity (Farci et al 1994) Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affection primarily the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus. The infection is often asymptomatic but chronic infection. Can lead to scarring of the liver and ultimately to cirrhosis which is generally apartment after many years. In some cases those with cirrhosis will go on to develop liver cancer or life threatening , Esophageal and gastric varices . Hepatitis C virus is Spread preliminary through blood to blood contact associated with Intervenous drug use poarly Sterilized medical equipments and transfusion An estimated 130-170 million people word wide are infected with hepatitis C. The Primary route of transmission in the developed world is Intravenous Drug use (IDU) while in the developing world, the main methods are blood transfusions and the unsafe medical procedure . The cause of transmission remains unknown in 20% of cases. However many of these are believed to be accounted for by IDU. Hepatitis C infection cause acute symptoms in 15% of cases. Symptoms are generally mild and vague , including a decreased appetite, fatigue , nausea muscle or joint pains and weight loss and rarely does acute liver failure result. Most cases of acute

infection are not associated with jaundice . The infections revolves spontaneously in 1015% oF cases, which occurs more frequently in Individuals who are young and female. About 80% of those exposed to the virus develop a chronic in fection Most experience minimal or no symptoms during the initial few decades of the infection. Although chronic Hepatitis C can be associated with fatigue . Hepatitis C after many years becomes the primary cause of cirrhosis and liver cancer.About 10-30% of people develop cirrhosis over 30 years and if this is complicated by excess alcohol the risk becomes 100 fold greater. Hepatitis C is the cause of 27% of cirrhosis cases and 25% of hepato cellular Carcinoma world wide. Liver cirrhosis may lead to portal Hypertension, Ascites , easy bruising or bleeding, Varices enlarged veins, especially in the Stomach and esophagus , Jaundice , a syndrome of cognitive impairment known as Hepatic encephalopathy . It is common cause of liver transplant. There are number of diagnostic tests for Hepatitis including HCV antibody enzyme Immunoassay or ELISA, recombinant Immunoblot essay and quantitive HCV RNA polymerase chain reaction PCR. HCV RNA can be detected by PCR typically one two weeks after infection. While antibodies can take substantially longer to farm and thus be detected Hepatitis C testing typically begins with blood testing to detect the presence of antibodies to the HCV using an enzyme immunoassay. Liver Biopsy is used to determine the degree of Liver damage present . However, there are risks from the procedure.

The virus persists in the liver in about 85% of those infected. This persistent infection can be treated with medication . The standard Therapy is a combination of peginter for and ribavirin with either Bociprevir or Teloprevir added in some cases . Over all 50-80% of people treated are occurred. Those who develop cirrhoses or diver cancer may require a liver transplant . Hepatitis C is the leading cause the liver transplantation . No vaccine against Hepatitis C is available Currently there is no Vaccine to present Hepatitis C Infection. How ever people can take steps to prevent themselves from becoming infected with Hepatitis C virus and to prevent passing virus to others. The centres for the diseases control and prevention recommends as: Avoid share personal care items that might have blood on them, Such as razors or tooth brushes. Avoid injected drugs or for during users enter a treatment programmes. Never share needles , syringes, water or works (Equipments for I/ V drugs use) and get vaccinated against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B . if the person is drug user Consider the risk of getting tattoos or body pier rings.People can get infected if the tools have some ones elses blood on them or if the artist or piercer does not follow good health practices Avoid donate blood, organs, tissues if person have hepatitis C Avoid share nail clippers Use a condom Use a license Tattoo and piercing Studios

Need of Study
Everyone knows that when they feel sick, that something is not right, they should seek for a doctor . But if you could not tell you are sick, in fact with a virus that will soon enough cause more deaths than AIDS. For 20 years, you could be hosting a virus without until it is too late. You begins ti feel fever, chills, headache , fatigue & Muscle ache. These Symptoms are flu like, but what you may be really experiencing are the

Symptoms of Hepatitis C . Hepatitis C infection is a major health threat throughout the world because of its ability to lead to Cirrhosis, Heptachlor Carcinoma and need for liver transplant. Many people dont know that they have the Hepatitis C until they already have some liver damage . But most people who are prolong with Hepatitis C virus go on to develop long term or chronic Hepatitis C Although Hepatitis C virus was not discovered until April 1989, an estimated 170 Million people world wide was infected by Hepatitis C. It is a leading cause of liver transplant in the United State. Hepatitis C is an epidemic for anyone of all walks of life and by 2010, the deaths rates was most likely soop AIDS. AIDS were always the big topic of disease in School because it is such an epidemic, but there is a possibility that we may have Hepatitis C. It is not a certainty , but a good possibility . A National Survey of high school students knowledge and beliefs about Hepatitis C in Australia (1997) resulted that student knowledge about Hepatitis C was found to be extremely poor of the seven questions on Hepatitis. Only one was answered correctly by

more than half the students few could differentiate between Hepatitis A, B and C. The survey concluded that there is a need for more Hepatitis C Education and promotion for Secondary School Students. Finding fro Studies have illustrated that level of knowledge are low among the high School students. Hence, researches feel a desire to assess the knowledge among school students about Hepatitis C. and to improve the knowledge regarding Hepatitis C. health

A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding Hepatitis C among students studying in selected senior secondary of Amritsar, Punjab

The purpose of Study is to assess the prevision knowledge and enhance their knowledge regarding Hepatitis C among senior Secondary Students

To asses the level of knowledge regarding Hepatitis C among senior secondary school students. To determine the relationship between level of knowledge and selected demographic variables among senior secondary students. To develop & informational guidelines on Hepatitis C

Knowledge : It refers to information & awareness regarding Hepatitis C among +1, +2 students. Senior Secondary students : Students who are studying in standard 10+1 and 10+2 in selected schools of Amritsar.

DELIMITATIONS : 1 2 Students only who were studying in 10+1 and 10+2 Students who were willing to participates

ASSUMPTIONS : The students studying in 10+1 and 10+2 students have adequate knowledge regarding Hepatitis C

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