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Rain Cats and Dogs

To rain heavily or steadily Example : Mazlan and Azmi cannot go to school by bicycle because it is going to rain cats and dogs today.

Rank and File

The ordinary people in an organization who have no special position, the masses. Example : The rank and file are definitely follow the leader.

Red Carpet Welcome

A sign of special welcome of attention for an important visitor. Example : Our rich Uncle Roslan is coming to visit us tomorrow from Ukraine. We havent seen him for years, so my mother will be rolling out the red carpet.

Red Herring
An unimportant or irrelevant matter which is introduced into a discussion to divert attention from the main subject, the truth. Example : Alan always makes other people confused with many red herring to escape from his mistake.

Red-letter Day
An important and joyful ocassion which one looks forward to or remembers with pleasure. Example : The day we moved into our newly built house was a red-letter day for the whole family.

Ring a Bell
Seem familiar, remind one vaguely of someone/something.
Example : Her name rings a bell. Ive probably read one of her novels at sometime.

Rise The Occasion

Cope with a situation very well, even if me was not expected to do so.

Example : When the guest speaker fell ill Suzana was asked to give a talk at a short notice. Everyone agreed that she rise the occasion very well.

Rock The Boat

Cause upset or disturbance which spoils a pleasant event or satisfactory station etc.

Example : We were all happy with the progress of our work untill Ben rocked the boat by persuading some of us to do it differently.

Round The Bend

Mad, crazy Example : The dreadful noise from the building site is enough to send anyone round the bend.

Rub Shoulders with

Come into social contact/associate with someone (often a different class of lifestyle) Example : Since Maryam got the job with the tv company, she often rub shoulders with famous name.

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