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CHANGE THESE SENTENCES INTO THE PASSIVE 1. They haven't delivered the food yet. a.

The food hasn't been delivered yet. 2. They have to answer the questions on this sheet. a) The questions have to be answered on this sheet. 3. Has anybody put the cases upstairs? a) Have the cases been put upstairs? 4. Someone should take this rubbish away. a) This rubbish should be taken away. 5. Someone is going to send her some flowers. a) Some flowers are going to be sent to her. b) She is going to be sent some flowers. 6. They didn't pay me much for that job. a) I wasn't paid much for that job. 7. Have they offered him a better job? a) Has a better job been offered to him? b) Has he been offered a better job? 8. Would they lend me their car? a) Would their car been lent to me? b) Would I be lent their car? 9. People say that these documents belong to the Prime Minister. a) It is said that these documents belong to the Prime Minister. b) These documents are said to belong to the Prime Minister. 10. People thought that some ghosts inhabited the palace. a) It is believed that some ghosts inhabited the palace. b) Some ghosts are believed to inhabit the palace. 11. Countries all over the world have experienced a growth in tourism. a) A growth in tourism has been experienced by countries all over the world. 12. Some governments have developed the idea of ecotourism to solve some environmental problems. a) The idea of ecotourism has been developed by some governments to solve some environmental problems. 13. People know that some directors want to leave the company. a) It is known that some directors want to leave the company. b) Some directors are known to want to leave the company. 14. While they were making the film, the money ran out. a) While the film was being made, the money ran out. 15. People deliver all our products to your door. a) All our products are delivered to your door. 16. Someone used a hammer to smash the window. a) A hammer was used to smash the window. 17. The high winds will damage several buildings. a) Several buildings will be damaged by high winds. 18. They sent me the contract by mail the next day. a) The contract was sent to me by mail the next day. b) I was sent the contract by mail the next day. 19. An elderly aunt has given Paul the paintings. a) The paintings have been given to Paul by an elderly aunt. b) Paul has been given the paintings by an elderly aunt. 20. The police are going to look into the case. a) The case is going to be looked into by the police.

21. They elected George president for a second term. a) George was elected president for a second term. 22. In Ancient Egypt people thought that bats' blood cured blindness. a) In Ancient Egypt, it was believed that bats' blood cured blindness. b) In Ancient Egypt, bats' blood was believed to cure blindness. 23. People believe that the recent forest fires in California were started deliberately. a) It is believed that the recent forest fires in California were started deliberately. b) The recent forest fires in California are believed to have been started deliberately. 24. People know that three patients were infected with the disease through blood transfusions. a) It is known that three patients were infected with the disease through blood transfusions. b) Three patients are known to have been infected with the disease through blood transfusions. 25. The milkman brings the milk to my door but the postman leaves the letters in the hall. a) The milk is brought to my door, but the letters are left in the hall. 26. In future, perhaps, they won't bring letters to the houses, and we shall have to collect them from the Post Office. a) In future, perhaps, letters won't be brought to the houses and will have to be collected from the Post Office. 27. People steal things from supermarkets every day; someone stole twenty bottles of whisky from this one last week. a) Things are stolen from supermarkets every day; twenty bottles of whisky were stolen from this one last week. 28. Normally men sweep this street every day, but nobody swept it last week. a) Normally this street is swept every day, but it wasn't swept last week. 29. The postman clears this box three times a day. He last cleared it at 2.30. a) This box is cleared by the postman three times a day. It was last cleared at 2.30. 30. Someone turned on a light in the hall and opened the door. a) A light was turned on in the hall and the door was opened. 31. Women clean this office in the evening after the staff have left; they clean the upstairs offices between seven and eight in the morning. a) This office is cleaned in the evening after the staff have left; the upstairs offices are cleaned between seven and eight in the morning. 32. We never saw him in the dining-room. A maid took all his meals up to him. a) He was never seen in the dining-room. All his meals were taken up to him by a maid. b) He was never seen in the dining-room. He was taken all his meals up to by a maid. 33. Someone left this purse in a classroom yesterday; the cleaner found it. a) This purse was left in a classroom yesterday; it was found by the cleaner. 34. We build well over 1000 new houses a year. Last year we built 1500. a) Well over 1000 new houses a year are built. Last year 1500 were built. 35. We serve hot meals till 10:30, and guests can order coffee and sandwiches up to 11.30 a) Hot meals are served till 10.30, and coffee and sandwiches can be ordered up to 11.30 36. Passengers leave all sorts of things in buses. The conductors collect them and send them to the Lost Property Office. a) All sorts of things are left in buses. They are collected and sent to the Lost Property Office 37. An Ambulance took the sick man to hospital. a) The sick man was taken to hospital by an ambulance. 38. We kill and injure people on the roads every day. a) People are killed and injured on the roads every day. 39. Can't we do something about this? Can't something be done about this? 40. Dogs guard the warehouse. The other day a thief tried to get in and a dog saw him and chased him.

a) The warehouse is guarded by dogs. The other day a thief tried to get in and it was seen and chased by a dog. 41. The watchman called the police. The police arrested the man. a) The police was called by the watchmen. The man was arrested. 42. Tom had only a slight injury and they helped him off the field; but Jack was seriously injured and they carried him off on a stretcher. a) Tom had only a slight injury and he was helped off the field; but Jack was seriously injured and he was carried off on a stretcher. 43. You can't wash this dress; you must dry-clean it. a) You can't wash this dress; you must get it dry-cleaned it. 44. They are demolishing the entire block. a) The entire block is being demolished. 45. Men with slide rules used to do these calculations; now a computer does them. a) These calculations used to be done by men with slide rules; now they get done by a computer. 46. The court tried the man, found him guilty and sent him to prison. a) The man was tried, he was found guilty and sent to prison. 47. The hall porter polishes the knockers of all the flats every day.- Well, he hasn't polished mine for a week. a) The knockers of all the flats are polished every day by the hall porter.- Well, mine hasn't been polished for a week. 48. They are repairing my piano at the moment. a) My piano is being repaired at the moment. b) I'm having my piano repaired at the moment. 49. Passengers shouldn't throw away their tickets as inspectors may check these during the journey. a) Tickets shouldn't be thrown away as they may be checked by inspectors during the journey. 50. They invited Jack, but they didn't invite Tom. a) Jack was invited but Tom wasn't. 51. The guests ate all the sandwiches and drank all the beer. They left nothing. a) All the sandwiches were eaten and all the beer was drank. Nothing was left. 52. Has someone posted my parcel? a) Has my parcel been posted? 53. Why did no one inform me of the change of plan? a) Why wasn't I informed of the change of plan? 54. Tom Smith wrote the book and Brown Co. published it. a) The book was written by Tom Smith and published by Brown Co. 55. I'm afraid we have sold all our copies but we have ordered more. a) I'm afraid all our copies have been sold but more have been ordered. 56. Someone stole my car and abandoned it fifteen miles away. He had removed the radio but done no other damage. a) My car was stolen and abandoned fifteen miles away. The radio had been removed but no other damage was done. 57. People have given George a lot of presents for his birthday. a) A lot of presents have been given to George for his birthday. b) George has been given a lot of presents for his birthday. 58. Someone has told me that story before. a) That story has been told to me before. b) I have been told that story before. 59. Someone paid him 50$ for that awful lecture. a) 50$ were paid to him for that awful lecture.

b) He was paid 50$ for that awful lecture. 60. They have asked us that question many times. a) That question has been asked to us many times. B) We have been asked that question many times. 61. They taught Jane's daughter Latin when she was only six years old. a) Latin was taught to Jane's daughter when she was only six years old. b) Jane's daughter was taught Latin when she was only six years old. 62. They offered that writer the Nobel Prize. a) The Nobel Prize was offered to that writer. b) That writer was offered the Nobel Prize. 63. They didn't offer Clara any money for her painting. a) No money was offered to Clara for her painting. b) Clara wasn't offered any money for her painting. 64. No one has given me an answer. a) No answer has been given to me. b) I haven't been given an answer. 65. They didn't pay miners good wages in those days. a) Good wages weren't paid to miners in those days. b) Miners weren't paid good wages in those days. 66. They didn't teach children that kind of mathematics when I was young. a) That kind of mathematics wasn't taught to children when I was young. b) Children weren't taught that kind of mathematics when I was young. 67. People won't ask you that question. a) That question won't be asked to you. b) You won't be asked that question. 68. No one will tell us the answer until tomorrow. a) The answer won't be told to us until tomorrow. b) We won't be told the answer until tomorrow. 69. Will they give us enough food? a) Will enough food be given to us? b) Will we be given enough food? 70. Have they told you how to do it? a) Have you been told how to do it? 71. Did anyone tell you where to go? a) Were you told where to go? 72. Did anyone offer the plumber a cup of tea? a) Was a cup of tea offered to the plumber? b) Was the plumber offered a cup of tea? 73. Did they ask the minister about that? a) Was the minister asked about that? 74. Did anyone pay the workers their wages last week? a) Were their wages paid to the workers last week? b) Were the workers paid their wages last week? 75. Someone suggested that taxes should be reduced. a) It was suggested that taxes should be reduced. b) Taxes were suggested to be reduced. 76. In the fifteenth century people did not know the earth revolved around the sun. a) In the fifteenth century, it wasn't known that the earth revolved around the sun. b) In the fifteenth century, the earth wasn't known to revolve around the sun. 77. People do not think that prices will go down. a) It's not believed that prices will go down. b) Prices are not believed to go down.

78. I'm employing a man to tile the bathroom. a) I'm getting the bathroom tiled. 79. Someone seems to have made a terrible mistake. a) A terrible mistake seems to have been made. 80. People know that he is armed. a) It is known that he is armed. b) He is known to be armed. 81. We know that you were in town on the night of the crime. a) It is known that you were in town on the night of the crime. b) You are known to have been in town on the night of the crime. 82. We believe that he has special knowledge which may be useful to the police. a) It is believed that he has special knowledge which may be useful to the police, b) He is believed to have special knowledge which may be useful to the police. 83. You needn't have done this. a) This needn't have been done. 84. He likes people to call him 'sir'. a) He likes to be called 'sir'. 85. They didn't look after the children properly. a) Their children weren't properly looked after. 86. Someone is following us. a) We are being followed. 87. All the ministers will see him off at the airport. a) He will be seen off at the airport by all the ministers. 88. You have to see it to believe it. (two passives) a) It has to be seen to be believed. 89. They will have to adopt a different attitude. a) A different attitude will have to be adopted. 90. Burglars broke into the house. a) The house was broken into. 91. People believed that he was killed by terrorists. a) It was believed that he was killed by terrorists. b) He was believed to have been killed by terrorists. 92. We consider that she was the best singer. a) It is considered that she was the best singer. b) She was considered to be the best singer. 93. We know that the expedition reached the South Pole in May. a) It is known that the expedition reached the South Pole in May. b) The expedition is known to have reached the South Pole in May. 94. They urged the government to create more jobs. a) The government was urged to create more jobs. 95. People must hand in their weapons. a) Their weapons must be handed in. 96. They suggested banning the sale of alcohol. a) Banning the sale of alcohol was suggested.

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