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The Tree of Life: A very bushy tree!

Phylogenetic Systematics (Cladistics)

How are these animals related?

How are these animals related?

Overall Similarity? Nearest relatives should look the most similar? NOT ALWAYS!

How are these animals related?

Derived Similarity Single origin Implies close relationship! Monophyletic Groups

How are these animals related?

Convergent Similarity Independent Origins Does NOT imply close relationships Polyphyletic Groups

How are these animals related?

Primitive Similarity Single Origin Does NOT imply close relationship Paraphyletic Groups E.g. lizards and crocs lack feathers but so did the ancestor of birds!

Mono, Para, or Polyphyletic?

Mono, Para, or Polyphyletic?

Mono, Para, or Polyphyletic?

How can we distinguish derived similarity from convergent and primitive similarity?

1. Outgroup Analysis

Principle of Parsimony
The cladogram requiring the fewest evolutionary changes is (usually) preferred

Principle of Parsimony
The cladogram requiring the fewest evolutionary changes is (usually) preferred

Tine to Practice!

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