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DRUG STUDYMedical Diagnosis: hydrocephalus, status post- shunt insertion Category:Student Nurse: BSN III-A (Group IV) Indication/ContraindicationMechanism

of Action Side Effects/ AdverseEffectsNursing ConsiderationsGeneric Name: ceftriaxone Brand Name: Forgram Classification: Cephalosporins Dosage: 1 gram dissolve in 1 vialin 1.75ml distilled water + 1.75ml 2% Lidocaine Frequency: Once a day Route:intramuscular INDICATIONS :Treatment of infectionsof the lower resp tract,acute bacterialotitis media, skin & skinstructure infection,UTI ,uncomplicatedgonorrhea, p e l v i c inflammatory disease,bacterialsepticemia

,bone & joint infections,intra-abdominalinfections, meningitis. CONTRADICTIONS :Hypersensitivity tocephalosporins.Hypersensitivity tolidocaine (IM inj)Works by inhibiting themucopeptide synthesisin the bacterial cell wall.The beta-lactam moietyof Ceftriaxone binds tocarboxypeptidases,endopeptidases, andtranspeptidases in thebacterial cytoplasmicm e m b r a n e . T h e s e enzymes are involved incell-wall synthesis andcell division. By bindingt o t h e s e e n z ym e s , Ceftriaxone results inthe formation of of defective cell walls andcell death. Pain Induration Phlebitis Rash Diarrhea Thrombocytosis Leucopenia Glossitis Respiratorysuperinfections Assess patientsprevious sensitivityreaction to penicillin or other cephalosphorins. Assess patient for signs and symptoms of infection before andduring the treatment Obtain C&Sbefore beginning drugtherapy to identify if correct treatment hasbeen initiated. Assess for allergicreaction. Monitor hematologic,electrolytes,renal and hepaticfunction. Assess for possible superinfection:itching fever, malaise,redness, diarhhea

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