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Eye of the Gods

Every time a model with The Eye of the Gods rule kills an opponent in a challenge, or if he kills a monster, immediately roll 2d6 and consult the table.
2: Damned by Chaos: Make a unmodified leadership test with no re-rolls. If successful, the character gains Insanity (-1 to leadership and stupidity), if he fails, he gains spawndom. 3: Evil Eyeball (+1 Ballistic skill) 4: Unholy Resilience (+1 Toughness) 5: Iron Skin (+1 to armor save) 6: Murderous Mutations (+1 Weapon Skill) 7: The Eye Opens (Re-roll one failed roll To Hit, To Wound or saving throw until the end of his next turn. ) 8: Unearthly Reflexes (+1 Initiative) 9: Dark Fury (+1 Attack) 10: Slaughterers Strength (+1 Strength) 11: Aura of Chaos (+1 to ward save (max 3+)) 12: Dark Apotheosis Make a unmodified leadership test with no re-rolls. If the test is passed the champion progress to daemonhood retaining all his equipment and previous rewards, if not he gains Divine Greatness (Stubborn, if he already have stubborn he gains +1 leadership.)

Freakish Mutations
If a unit of forsaken are in base contact with one or more enemy units at the start of a Close Combat phase, roll a D6 and consult the table below. The effect lasts until the end of the Close Combat phase.
1: Slug Brains (Always Strike Last) 2: Razor Talons (Armor Piercing) 3: Lashing Tentacles (Always Strike First) 4: Venomous Fangs (Poisoned Attacks) 5: Healing Flesh (Regeneration 5+) 6: Decapitationg Claws (Killing Blow)

Blessings of the Gods

Unit: Unit: Unit: Unit: Unit: Unit:




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