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Marys College of Tagum City Civil Welfare Training Service

Narrative report: Group: Kwek-kweky Year: 1st year

I. Introduction We were exposed in the community of Langgam Maco, Compostela Valley, there we were able to learn how the people in rural communities. Away from our city life we experienced their way of living. This was done by our CWTS subject with the help of the school.

II. Experience During our stay in Maco we were able to know about their lives in their peaceful community. We would usually arrive at the same time as the mother returns home from farming to greet us. At our first time there we saw that their house was almost going down so we asked how we could help them, and at the situation of their house, we offered our help on repairing their house. Since we cant help them in repairing the whole house we would usually help in clearing the debris and cleaning around the house. As of now the house is in a better state than it was when we started, the place is now cleared and ready for construction, so as our project we are now helping in some of the materials that our budget can cover.

III. Observation We observed how hard life is for them yet they continue on being positive and always look for ways to be happy and enjoy themselves. It was always fun to be with them seeing how much they value education because no matter how far the school is their children always go and are active in school activities.

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