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MGT420 Managing Quality in the Supply Chain

MGT420 Individual Theory Matrix

Major Concepts Theorist: Deming Problems in a process are not rooted in motivation or commitment of the workforce, but is due to flaws in the design of the system. Focuses on parts of the organization, not whole. He also defined quality as fitness for use, and developed concept of cost of quality. Process of Theory Proposed PDCA cycle (plan, do, check, act). 14 points to transform management practices. Three basic steps to progress Ten steps to quality improvement The Juran Trilogy Jurans Pareto Principle Ishikawa He focused on user friendly quality control and emphasized the internal customer. Cause and effect diagram (fishbone diagram) Quality circles Process-Driven Quality Requirements Many of his 14 points are process-driven, such as breaking down barriers between departments will lead to a reduction of waste, errors, and delay. Juran was an engineer and he firmly believed that quality does not happen accidentally, therefore all of his theories are process driven organizations need to determine who its customers are and plan for quality through every step of the process. He emphasized on the internal customer, meaning that during each step in the creation of a product or service, the department will need to treat the next Customer-Driven Quality Requirements His idea on constantly improving the system of production and service is customerdriven because it focuses on providing the best possible products to customers. Quality planning is the first stage of his trilogy and is basically aligning an organizations products and processes with customers needs. Company Example That Has Applied This Theory Toyota


Bausch & Lomb

His quality requirement is customer-driven because he pushed for the concept of company wide quality control that called for continued customer service. He believe

Nippon Telephone & Telegraph used quality circles.

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MGT420 Managing Quality in the Supply Chain

department as a "customer", so that quality is controlled at every step. This is how Isikawa's method is process-driven because every process is tightly connected to the next. Crosby He coined the phrase quality is free and introduced the concept of zero defects. He also believed in team building approach that is organization-wide. Four absolutes of quality management Idea of zero defects He believes in the process of educating the entire workforce about quality principles, so when each failure is welldocumented, management can institute formal programs to redesign faulty production processes. It is process driven because he believed that quality must be actively managed and have the visibility at the highest levels of management, therefore, it is important that each employee does his part correctly so the whole process is correct, and quality might become nobodys job.

that management should not merely focus on improving a product's quality, and insisted that quality improvement can always go one step further. His view of how quality is not some vague concept of goodness; you cant have quality that is good enough, he wants zero defect and its customer driven because he said specifications must be set according to customer needs and wants. His quality requirements are customer-driven because he realized that a product can be of great quality but nobody wants it, and he said its because companies often are not attuned to customers needs, and he said that the solution is simple, which is for the company to ask its customers. Glenn L. Martin Company (1912-1961)


He introduced the concept of total quality control, which has 40 steps. He promoted the idea of a work environment in which both management and employees have a total commitment to improve quality, and people learn from each others successes.

Total quality control in 40 steps (also termed company-wide quality control), which was later known as Total Quality Management.

General Electric (Feigenbaum worked there and applied his quality techniques there for 25 years.)

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MGT420 Managing Quality in the Supply Chain

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