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Here you will find: Toastman compiles containing anything I feel is useful to enhance Tomato.

These tested on RT-N16 by myself, and are generally extremely stable. Any bugs that are reported will be fixed quickly whenever possible and either reposted or updated with a new version number or, if a small bugfix, just a new compile date. Watch this space! Oh, BTW - I just compile code for my own use - if it's also useful to you, good. If not - don't use it. I'm not a professional programmer and I probably can't fix any performance issues. WYSIWYG !!! So don't complain if something you got for free doesn't do what you wanted. ALL THESE BUILDS ARE "EXPERIMENTAL" BETA FIRMWARE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. AND YOU SHOULD ALSO CONSIDER THIS - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A "STABLE" BUILD. SOME ARE MORE STABLE THAN OTHERS, IS ALL. *************************************** ORIGINAL FEDOR CODE BUILD FROM LATEST GIT Be careful because you will possibly find find instability with CTF and Fast-NAT



There's a new directory with a straightforward compile from git source code of Teddy Bear's latest updates. I will update this each time the code is updated. Remember this is completely UNTESTED firmware. The last official build was build 54 - and there are few updates these past months. *************************************** 13 March 2010 - 1.27.7412 based on Fedor 1.27.9044 beta 07 with most RAF features by Victek - Toastman QOS class labels and 200 user support Wireless driver **************************************** 29 March 2010 - 1.27.7414 - as above but latest code from git.

Reverts wireless driver to more stable version THIS IS ALSO A BETA - Until a stable version is posted. ****************************************

26 April 2010 - 1.27.7417

Latest - fixes incoming QOS limit not working.


28 April 2010 - 1.27.7418

Latest - additional fixes


May 29 2010 - 1.27.7421

Lots fixes, and new Mini DNLA code Treat this as experimental beta..


August 8 2010 - 1.28.7422 Latest based on build 48 - Custom QOS labels **************************************** August 8 2010 - 1.28.7423

Latest based on build 48 plus some fixes Standard QOS labels ****************************************

August 25 2010 - 1.28.7424

Seeing that Fedor has just added Webmon code to RT, I just compiled it and archived it here


August 26 2010 - 1.28.7425

New webmon code merged with Toastman code Standard Class Labels


August 26 2010 - 1.28.7426

New webmon code merged with Toastman code Toastman Class Labels

**************************************** August 28 2010 1.28.7427 As 7426 but has latest set of Toastman QOS rules and conntrack timeout already set as default configuration **************************************** August 28 2010 - 1.28.7428 As 7427 but has extra menu choices down to 0.2 sec for fast page refreshing. This allows better real-time monitoring on a LAN. Use

with caution especially over an internet connection. The usual 3 second refresh times are not fast enough to get a good feel of a network. Well, the RT-N16 seems to handle it OK! ****************************************

September 9th 2010 - 1.28.7616-Beta_Toastman-Std Just made a compile for WRT54G(L) and all the USB variants for K24 - with class labels, Toastman QOS rules, wireless connection rates, Webmon code (test) from t omatoUSB branch. This is based on Teddy Bear's latest pre-release code. Hopeful ly soon we'll see more addons from Victek! Added Conntrack fast timeout defaults Added QOS incoming class limit defaults Fixed cpu speed change/save Added warning re inbound max bandwidth Fast page refresh Many small cosmetic changes. This version seems to be the base used by Victek for his latest release. **************************************** October 8 2010 = 1.28.7430 based on Fedor's latest beta22 release **************************************** October 12 2010 - 1.28.7431 as 7430 but also allows JFFS upnpconfig.custom file to be appended to the upnp config on startup. Here you can add extra listening ports for vlans, enabling port forwarding. Example: listening_ip= listening_ip= allow 1024-65535 1024-65535 allow 1024-65535 1024-65535 **************************************** October 16 2010 - 1.28.7432 as 7430 but based now on Fedor's release BETA23 Allows JFFS upnpconfig.custom file to be appended to the upnp config on startup. Here you can add extra listening ports for vlans, enabling port forwarding. Example: listening_ip=

listening_ip= allow 1024-65535 1024-65535 allow 1024-65535 1024-65535 ***** New builds for Linksys E2000 and E3000 models. THESE ARE EXPERIMENTAL ONLY - THE LARGER NVRAM SUPPORT IS UNTESTED **************************************** November 5 2010 - 1.28.7433 as 7432 based on BETA23 with some exctra updates plus new safe CPU frequency selection list. This will hopefully mean it's not so easy to brick your router by selecting an invalid frequency. Advanced users can still use the console to enter other frequencies. ***** New builds for Linksys E2000 and E3000 models. THESE ARE EXPERIMENTAL ONLY - THE LARGER NVRAM SUPPORT IS UNTESTED **************************************** November 15 2010 - 1.28.7434 ALPHA TEST VERSION ONLY !!!


AS 7434 WITH SOME NEW UPDATES AND NEW WIRELESS DRIVER IF YOU DO RUN THIS SOFTWARE BE CAREFUL, IF YOU FIND ANY WEIRD GLITCHES PLEASE TELL ME. IT MAY BE FOUND ON THE HTTP SITE *********************************************** November 29 2010 - 1.28.7436 Beta AS 7435 into Beta Dual Band additions, various IPv6 inclusions, Wireless Driver Based on tomato-RT version 9053 Beta

This version has some bugs - which are now corrected in 9054 by Fedor ********************************************** November 29 2010 - 1.28.7437 Beta replaced with 7438 due to error in status-jsx AS 7436 but with minor corrections Dual Band additions, various IPv6 inclusions, Wireless Driver Based on tomato-RT version 9054 Beta ***NEW *** Added refresh timer to Tools/System page *********************************************** December 18 2010 - 1.28.7439 replaces experimental build 7800 as 7437 with mods by Wes Campaigne - Per-connection transfer rates - Byte counter added to QOS/Details - Connection to QOS rule Identification The ipv6 support is very experimental, try at your own risk. It is not yet a mainstream release. Feedback welcomed by Teddy Bear. *********************************************** December 26 2010 - 1.28.7440 as 7439 with mods by Wes Campaigne - Per-connection transfer rates - Byte counter added to QOS/Details - Connection to QOS rule Identification With GUI additions to ipv6, new ppoe module, improvements to QOS rates and details pages.

The ipv6 support is very experimental, try at your own risk. It is not yet a mainstream release. Feedback welcomed by Teddy Bear. *********************************************** February 2 2011 - 1.28.7441 Updated to latest code as of 26 January 2010 - except for NVRAM Size detect function, which has some bugs. The IP/MAC limiter may be broken due to some of the IPV6 changes, this will be fixed later (hopefully). *********************************************** 7442 was bugged and has been withdrawn nothing too serious, will be fixed soon *********************************************** February 4 2011 1.28.7443 From latest git code posted today IP/MAC Limiter is still broken following changes to IMQ device *********************************************** February 10 2011 1.28.7444 From latest git code as of February 9 2010 IP/MAC Limiter may work now, test it and see. New feature - cut through forwarding. As yet untested ! There is no longer a need for special E2000/3000 builds, hopefully you can now use any build you like. *********************************************** February 16 2011 1.28.7445 From latest git code as of February 16 2010

*********************************************** February 19 2011 1.28.7446 From latest git code as of February 19 2010 *********************************************** February 22 2011 1.28.7447 Latest git code as of Feb 22 IP/MAC QOS Bandwidth Limiter now fixed - code from Deon Thomas Note - this is BETA test REMINDER - The ipv6 support is very experimental, try at your own risk. It is not yet a mainstream release. Feedback welcomed by Teddy Bear. ********************************************* February 23 2011 1.28.7448 & 7449 (bug fixes and cosmetics) Latest git code as of Feb 22 IP/MAC QOS Bandwidth Limiter now fixed - code from Deon Thomas "PrinceAMD". It appears necessary to erase NVRAM and set up from scratch. Note - this is BETA test and the Limiter section is intended to provide an alternative to Victek's limiter. This verision can work together with QOS. If you wish to use both systems together, set up your QOS first and make sure it's working correctly. Afterwards, you may set maximum upload and download limits with the QoS/Limiter. In this version you may now enter a single MAC address, single IP, or a range of addresses per rule. REMINDER - The ipv6 support is very experimental, try at your own risk. It is no t yet a mainstream release. Feedback welcomed by Teddy Bear. ********************************************** March 2 2011 1.28.7453 Latest git code as of March 2 IP/MAC QOS Bandwidth Limiter newer fix for IP/MAC entry box - code from Deon Tho mas Note - this is BETA test REMINDER - The ipv6 support is very experimental, try at your own risk. It is no t yet a mainstream release. Feedback welcomed by Teddy Bear.


March 7 2011 - 1.28.7454 Several small bugs fixed, GUI changes, some instability bug fixes. IP/MAC QOS Bandwidth Limiter code from PrinceAMD, Victek, Shibby, and Phykris. Single IP or MAC, or a range of IP's can be entered. Masks and short entry also accepted i.e. or even just 100-240. It may be necessary to erase NVRAM and set up from scratch if the limiter does not work correctly. Note - this is BETA test and the Limiter section is intended to provide an alternative to Victek's limiter. This verison can, I believe, work together with QOS. If you wish to use both systems together, set up your QOS first and make sure it's working correctly. Afterwards, you may set maximum upload and download limits withthe QoS/Limiter. In this version you may now enter a single MAC address, single IP, or a range of addresses per rule. There is now an additional setting, which if used will apply "default" limits to any client not entered into the list. This is a quick way to set up global limit s while allowing some users to have different settings. REMINDER - The ipv6 support is very experimental, try at your own risk. It is no t yet a mainstream release. Feedback welcomed by Teddy Bear and Wes Campaigne. I have added a couple of versions with the new "Transmission" Bit Torrent client from Shibby. This is a really great implementation, have fun with it! Feedback to shibby please ... after this version, I will probably not release another one, since it does reduce the router's ability to route.

*******MORE****** You can see some changes in the "About" page. So what is this about? Vic and Shibby have recently changed the RAF IP/MAC QOS Bandwidth Limiter code, now called IP/Range Limiter, which had a bug following code changes due to the ipv6 support in the TomatoUSB base. At the same time, but independently, Deon Thomas aka "PrinceAMD" had been working on a fix , using a different approach, and this is what I decided to put in this

build. Code is combined from several sources, Conanxu, Victek, Shibby, PrinceAMD , Phykris. So there's a choice available - see which one you like best. Both sets of code a re now in the git repository if anyone wants to experiment. We are working towards one sol ution. Deon's code uses 2 imq devices, one for upload and one for download, they can be seen in the realtime and 24 hour graphs which allow monitoring. Also, this version allow s the limiter to work together with QOS, there should hopefully be no conflicts becaus e the rules operate in different chains to the QOS system. Please note that bandwidth allocated to a "range" of IP's is divided between tho se IP's. If you wish to limit only a particular user you must make a single entr y. Here are some ways to use this limiter: a) It can be used independently of QOS in which case it can be used as a "mini-Q OS" in its own right, with priorities assigned to each rule - together with band width limits and restrictions on UDP and TCP connections as before. b) It can be used in conjunction with QOS - in which case whatever of the two limits will be the ultimate bandwidth limit. This could an emergency measure to limit a client who is taking more than his bandwidth, and normal QOS means and threats of knocking his teeth ed ineffective. is the lower be useful as fair share of out have prov

This mod can be viewed as a complete mini-QOS system in its own right. Instead o f the full QOS system in Tomato, it divides the available bandwidth between user s and allows them to do whatever they like in their own "chunk". You can give ce rtain users or groups of users priority over others. Each user won't get access to the full bandwidth, which is possible with Tomato's QOS, and his speeds will be slower. But this may provide better games performance at the expense of speed . It could also be used as a method to add additional limiting to an individual us er or group of users, when using Tomato's QOS. Also use default settings as a " max incoming limit" for normal QOS to prevent congestion. One day we hope to add proper ingress to Tomato QOS but in the meantime you might like to experiment w ith this. Be sure to think carefully when you design your QOS system! It may be necessary to erase NVRAM and reconfigure for this issue, or the limite r doesn't work properly. Also, please save some IP's before you use the limiter to generate the NVRAM variables. Feedback welcomed, let us know how it works for you! *********************************************************** March 10 2011 - 1.28.7455 Latest git code as of March 10 - auto NVRAM has been withdrawn due to possible i

nstability in some router models ***** NEW FEATURE ****** Static ARP Binding has been added to the Static DHCP page.

******* Google for information on what this does in detail! *****

It is a security feature to prevent people gaining access to your system by chan ging their IP/MAC address. You can enable it for all hosts listed in the Static DHCP table just by checking one box! No need to add to yet another table. Another check box will allow you to deny access to anyone not in the static DHCP list. Hopefully this means it may no longer be necessary to use the MAC restri ctions list as a method of access restriction. So yet another table gone! * You must have at least one client in the Static DHCP list for the "limit unli sted machines" function to work. * When using that feature, you must have your AP's in the list too, or they wil l be excuded from access

Please report your findings with this feature, there may be some unforseen probl ems.

************************************************************ March 15 2011 - 1.28.7456 as above with some small cosmetic changes and the latest git commits from Teddy Bear as of March 15 2011

************************************************************ March 17 2011 - 1.28.7457 March 24 2011 - 1.28.7458 March 25 2011 - 1.28.7459 as above with more git commits from Teddy Bear - corrections to restrictions, m ore support for webcams.

************************************************************ April 3 2011 - 1.28.7460

Some of the git commits recently have made the latest code unpredictable, this v ersion is based on same code as 7459 New feature allows you to define your own QOS Class Names. Don't forget to refr esh your browser. The "mouse hover" over the outbound pie chart still shows "Class 1" etc - hopefu lly I will find out how to use NVRAM variables in the SVG page and fix this later. It's on ly s small detail though. ************************************************************ April 4 2011 - 1.28.7461 After testing this compile has all current tomatoUSBmod/RT git commits except fo r BCM CTF commit which was troublesome. The CTF driver in Tomato does not appear to work properly and is having some effect on i ptables, so it will be removed by Teddy Bear for a while. Size of Classnames has been increased to 10 characters and the box size increase d - if Capital Letters were used it wasn't bnig enough. ************************************************************ The "mouse hover" over the outbound pie chart still shows "Class 1" etc - hopefu lly I will find out how to use NVRAM variables in the SVG page and fix this later. It's on ly s small detail though. ************************************************************ April 5 2011 - 1.28.7462 svg graph is now fixed. ************************************************************ ############### # PLEASE READ # ###############


************************************************************ April 9 2011 - 1.28.7463 My builds contain ftpput and ftpget commands. Due to instability in the last builds, I've started at 7453 and rebuilt. The c hanged cpu frequency/sysinfo method was responsible for various problems, and this build has fixed some of them, I b elieve. Please note that CPU frequency display will show blank until you set a frequency in Advanced/Misc. The router will run at it's default frequency if nvram is not set - the RT-N16, for example, set s itsaelf to 480. Oh, the box will show "undefined" until you define something. That's what "undef ined" means. <g> If you want to see a fequency displayed, set a frequency. Easy, yes? ************************************************************* April 9 2011 - 1.28.7464 Added Static ARP and various updates, mostly cosmetic ************************************************************* April 9 2011 - 1.28.7465 Class names are now configurable vias GUI. My builds contain ftpput and ftpget commands. ************************************************************* April 10 2011 - 1.28.7466 There have been reports of some people not being able to connect to the internet , it appears related to the dnsmasq resolve file not being created on startup. There was a commit in tomato-RT on 26 March that *may* have been the cause, as it is around the date the problems began, and there are references to that file. So I am making a new build 7466 for people to try, with that commit removed. My builds contain ftpput and ftpget commands. Please note that CPU frequency display will show blank until you set a frequency in Advanced/Misc. The router will run at it's default frequency if nvram is not set - the RT-N16, for example, set

s itsaelf to 480. Oh, the box will show "undefined" until you define something. That's what "undef ined" means. <g> If you want to see a frequency displayed, set a frequency. Easy, yes? April 11 2011 - reposted due to error in menu system. Bandwidth Limiter will now be found under the QOS Menu, whereI believe it rightf ully belongs! ************************************************************** April 12 2011 - 1.28.7467 April 15 2011 - 1.28.7467 - reposted with "Device List" Page fixed Updated with new commits from git repository. This should hopefully fix any rema ining bugs. Extra builds for Linksys E series routers. A complete revision of the Bandwidth limiter to tidy up menus and nvram variable s. All limiter NVRAM variables now begin with qosl_ for consistancy and ease of listing. Cut Through Forwarding (CTF) has been removed by Teddy Bear, as it was found to introduce some instabilities and didn't do much anyway. He will resistate it at a later time when it's been proven. Bandwidth Limiter is now to be found under QOS My builds contain ftpput and ftpget commands. Please note that CPU frequency display will show blank until you set a frequency in Advanced/Misc. The router will run at it's default frequency if nvram is not set - the RT-N16, for example, set s itsaelf to 480. Oh, the box will show "undefined" until you define something. That's what "undef ined" means. <g> If you want to see a frequency displayed, set a frequency. Easy, yes? ************************************************************ April 6 2011 - 1.28.7468 One of the recent git commits seems to have broken the Anycast 6to4 ipv6 relay c ode. I have removed that commit and rebuilt as 7468

My builds contain ftpput and ftpget commands. ************************************************************ May 6 2011 - 1.28.7469 I've been trying to add a graphical client monitoring feature into the Tomato GU I for several weeks. I think It's ready for a test. MIPSR2 only at present, I have it running and tested only on an RT-N16. Look at the old "realtime" monitor, and you'll find a checkbox to enable monitor ing, and an entry box for the client's IP address. After saving, two new imq interfaces a re brought up to monitor incoming and outgoing streams from that client. The 24 hou r graph page will also show the same interfaces. I've also added a few extra mods which hopefully will bring up and take down the imq's of this and also the bw limiter mod when you exit. However, at present the 24 hour page remains the same, this needs a little more work. My builds contain ftpput and ftpget commands. Feedback - was positive. Released as v1.28.7469 on 6th May. ************************************************************ May 12 2011 - 1.28.7470 Fixed startup errors and made some cosmetic improvements. Much more pleasant to use now. ************************************************************ May 14 2011 - 1.28.7471 Fixed missing 24 hour graph interfaces Increased support to 16 imq's for both graphs Renumbered imq's and reserved imq0 for future QOS ingress development. Added 2 new themes, Cisco (Black) and brownlight (from thread). My builds contain ftpput and ftpget commands. ************************************************************ May 16 2011 - 1.28.7472

As 7471 but with NEW Captive Portal based on NoCatSplash This has been integrated by Ofer Chen and Victek, and is taken from Tomato RAF. Many thanks, guys, for your hard work! You may need to erase NVRAM and reconfigure. My builds contain ftpput and ftpget commands. ************************************************************ May 19-21 2011 - 1.28.7473 cpu clock select removed as this causes too many problems with some recent route rs. udp limit bug fixed in bwlimiter some minor fixes and cosmetic changes My builds contain ftpput and ftpget commands. NOTE "fix Mark" commit" which may be the cause of some unexplained BW Limiter problem s in Shibby's builds WAS reverted, just in case. However, it proved to cause real instability in many other areas. In this build, I've gone back to the way it was before wit h all of Teddy Bear's code right up to the present. I run with no CTF and no FAST NAT and everything w orks fine here. The Splash Portal is in my opinion not yet "polished". It starts and rstarts con tinually waiting for "other processes"and takes a lot of processor time on startup. It does not s eem to handle splash page stored on USB drive very well. Feedback to Victek would be helpful for him to resolve any problems. ************************************************************ May 23 2011 - 1.28.7474 This build reverts Fedor's code containing BCM Fast NAT by going back to previou s merge, and rebuilding, omitting anything to do with Fast NAT and CTF. My builds contain ftpput and ftpget commands. ************************************************************* May 27 2011 - 1.28.7475 May 28 2011 - 1.28.7475.1 May 30 2011 - 1.28.7475.2 The search for a stable build for everyone! Okay, I just went right back to use build 7466 as a base. A great many people se

em to think that version was good and stable. I have added all my mods and bugfixes since that da te and some important toolchain and build changes from Fedor. Plus a few usb and ipv6 tweaks that look useful and the E4200 mac address bugfix. There is no Captive Portal and I have t ried to keep BCM fast NAT and CTF out of it, as these two "features" seem to be responsible f or a fair number of problems. That brings us to Toastman-RT version 1.28.7475 - let's see if that one satisfie s a few more people. My builds contain ftpput and ftpget commands. * * *

We found one error already, bug "dnsmasq can't find etc/dnsmasq/resolv.conf" whi ch was fixed by a later commit which I did not include FYI - That original bug was fixed by: f24d71356699aa48f688bbeda02a13ba56a9b130 - rc: fix resolving IP addresses when n ot using Dnsmasq April 10 2011 Fixed in revision version 7475.1 * * *

CPU info method changed to Victek "sysinfo", CPU chipset, clock frequency, and a mount of NVRAM display added to Overview page. I have made another attempt to set the CPU frequency which should keep people ha ppy. There is now a wide selection of clock frequencies 188-266 MHz for the earlier routers, and 4 00-532MHz for the more recent and faster routers. Two parameters are set, for the WRT etc. leg acy machines they are CPU clock frequency and backplane frequency. For the later series routers su ch as the RT-N16 etc. they represent CPU clock frequency and memory clock frequency. The third (backpl ane) frequency isn't set bvecause it isn't necessary. This makes it possible to use just two pa rameters for all routers. The "default" setting sets no clock frequency in nvram, so the rou ter's default is not changed. Issue - 7475.2 Also added the NOCAT compiles to this version.

June 2nd - A bug that stopped the time and uptime from refreshing automatically has been fixed and new compile posted. *************************************************************

1.28.7475.3 Changed DHCP default: If NVRAM is lost due to power outages etc, the router's DHCP will be disabled by default when it restarts. This prevents it from issuing the wrong IP and gateway to clients. Changed at the request of admis of several large sites. Two new frequencies 300 and 354 NHz added to CPU clock selector WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ************************************************************* 1.28.7475.4 Tidying up the Nocat Portal start and logs WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ************************************************************* June 19 2011 - 1.28.7476-Beta Added experimental VLAN GUI by Augusto Bott. At present doesn't support many routers, will be expanded soon. WRT54 series is supported. New "Flame" Theme by BrandonC Added HDD spindown tool in K26 builds. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. THIS WILL BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE DOWNLOAD SITE AND REPLACED BY Toastman-VLAN-BETA -44xx BUILDS (Note the new branch "TOASTMAN-VLAN") ************************************************************* July 2 2011 - 1.28.7477.1-Beta This release updates the VLAN setup GUI. The VLAN GUI now checks for VLAN capability/support by looking for a specific fl ag set on NVRAM variable/bitmap boardflags (BFL_ENETVLAN, 0x0100) and should det ect properly a wider range of routers (previous versions checked for known board type values). Trunk-based VLAN support (802.1q) is still checked against known v alues for boardtype (currently: '0x0467' - WRT54GL 1.x, WRT54GS 3.x/4.x, '0x048e ' - WL-520GU, WL-500G Premium v2, '0x04ef' - WRT320N/E2000, '0x04cf' - WRT610Nv2

/E3000, RT-N16) . Still, the GUI allows the latter to be overriden, so the user can try/experiment with this feature (and eventually, report back about other bo ardtypes that could be included on the list above, 'known to support' 802.1q VLA N tagging). New on this version: initial/experimental handling of physical port ordering on selected models (tested only with WRT54GL v1.x and WRT54G v2). - Augusto Bott WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. THIS WILL BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE DOWNLOAD SITE AND REPLACED BY Toastman-VLAN-BETA -44xx BUILDS ************************************************************** July 27 2011 - 1.28.7475.5 New theme "Flame" by BrandonC added hdd spindown in K26 builds minor improvements to portal Unless you need VLAN-GUI, this is the preferred build. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ************************************************************** August 2 2011 - 1.28.7478 DLNA updated to 1.0.21 HFS/HFS+ Mac OS x read support by Victek SNMP integrated by Shibby New filters added to qos-ctrate page (soon will be in detailed page too). (Nice work by Teaman) WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ************************************************************** August 3 2011 Toastman-RT-1.28.7479 DLNA updated to 1.0.21 HFS/HFS+ Mac OS x read support by Victek SNMP integrated by Shibby New filters added to qos-ctrate & detailed pages (Nice work by Teaman) + cosmetics changes to many pages. This makes these pages extremely useful for monitoring purposes. Pages which may be used for realtime monitoring now have the ability to "hide" much of the extra setup entry boxes, leaving the page clearer for the lists.

WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ************************************************************** August 8 2011 - 1.28.7480 August 28 2011 - 1.28.7480.1 - a small revision which may improve web gui acces sibility. QoS/Transfer Rates page fixed for K24 builds + improvements for K26 builds QoS/Transfer Rates page working properly with K24 builds (qos-ctrate.asp). Memory allocation/handling code improved, additional sanity/safety checks fo r K26 builds (small/minor memory leak identified and fixed). *** Unless you need VLAN-GUI, this is the preferred build **** WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ************************************************************** August 22 2011 - 1.28.7481 August 28 2011 - 1.28.7481.1 - a small revision which may improve web gui access ibility. ############# ### NEW ### #############


Revised combined Static DHCP/ARP Bind and client / Bandwidth monitor allows realtime monitoring of multiple clients. Now both incoming and outgoing details are shown on the same graph! Thanks to Augusto Bott (Teaman). *** Unless you need VLAN-GUI, this is the preferred build **** WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** August 29 2011 - 1.28.7482 Various optimizations by Augusto to the Static ARP and BW Monitor BWCLIMON *** Unless you need VLAN-GUI, this is the preferred build WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT.

*************************************************************** September 1 1011 - 1.28.7482.1 To decrease build size, several themes have been deleted. Sorry if your favorite was one of them! September 6 2011 - 1.28.7482.2 Some bugfixes from Augusto: * fixes hostname-based resolution for hosts on the static DHCP list * extra chars were being appended to the hostnames on /etc/hosts.dnsmas q ('<0' or '<1') (caused by a bug introduced on the last commit, related to the new fie ld on dhcpd_static) * new format for nvram var dhcpd_static documented on rc/services.c * updated max length for posting dhcpd_static data on httpd/tomato.c *** Unless you need VLAN-GUI, this is the preferred build WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** September 6 2011 - 1.28.7483 A build to fix the nf-conntrack rtsp helper module. + I also added a special smaller build for WNR 3500L by Jason which has minimal th emes - it was built using the same git code. It's smaller than the other builds . WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. **************************************************************** September 9 2011 - 1.28.7483.1 & .2 re-issue. September 22 2011 - small modification to improve VPN (#define BUF_SIZE increase to 256) WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. Please erase NVRAM when you upgrade!

***************************************************************** February 14 2012 - 1/28.7483.3 Some people are using 7483.2 because they find it more stable esp. for WDS. In case it helps them, this version adds the improvements in QOS ingress to that build. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. Please erase NVRAM when you upgrade! ***************************************************************** ######## # NOTE # ######## DEVELOPMENT OF THE VLAN-GUI WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE TOASTMAN-VLAN BRANCHES PLEASE LOOK IN THOSE DIRECTORIES FOR NEW UPDATES.


***************************************************************** October 6 2011 Toastman-RT-1.28.7486-RT MIPSR2 K2.6 for RT-N16 etc. With Teaman Client Monitor (BWCLIMON). (Not the improved IPTraffic monitor, which you can find in the Toastman-VLAN builds, I hope to add that later). MiniDLNA 1.0.22: cvs 2011-08-25 Miniupnpd ver. 1.6 (20110725) Dnsmasq: 2.58 update Busybox 1.18.5 update radvd: 1.8.1 update ebtables: update to 2.0.10-2 (August 11th, 2011) Samba 3: security updates CVE-2011-2522 & CVE-2011-2694 ntfs-3g release 2011.4.12 IPV6 improvements BCM SDK: wireless driver PPP: single line MLPPP support Support for Belkin F7D3301/F7D3302/F7D4301/F7D4302/F5D8235v3 routers. Added support for USB led on E3000, WRT610Nv2, DIR-320, H-618B routers. Various optimizations backports and fixes from upstream 2.6 kernel. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET


***************************************************************** October 10 2011 Toastman-RT-1.28.7486.1-RT MIPSR2 K2.6 for RT-N16 etc. Fixes HFS file system (broken by 7481) More builds available. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** October 14 2011 Toastman-RT-1.28.7486.2-RT MIPSR2 K2.6 for RT-N16 etc. Added Wireless Multicast Forwarding to GUI Cosmetics - added some notes to several pages to assist in setting up QOS etc. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** October 22 2011 Toastman-RT-1.28.7486.3-RT MIPSR2 K2.6 for RT-N16 etc. Mod from Yaniv Hamo to fix GPT support for hard disks (EFI GUID) WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** October 26 2011 Toastman-RT-1.28.7486.4 MIPSR2 K2.6 for RT-N16 etc. Some small cosmetics changes Fixed wireless mitigation, WLAN AUTO with Noise Reduction setting NB - There is still a problem with the mitigation selection, which hopefully wi ll be fixed in the future. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *****************************************************************

October 20 2011 - Toastman-RT-1.28.7483.2 Brings that older, stable build up to date with some of the latest additions. I will be building this stable build upwards soon, adding IPTraffic monitor/csta ts v2. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** November 11 2011 - Toastman-RT-1.28.7487 Built on top of 1.28.7483.2 with previous wireless driver (Teddy Bear's latest commits are not included in this build. Hence any problems are probably due to something else. This should be a quite stable build). CHANGES: Reverts to older code without latest TomatoUSB/RT commits by Fedor. Latest IPTraffic monitor from Teaman, using cstats v2 WPA: revised nas startup code Cosmetics: Status - Overview SSID broadcast on status-overview.asp Hostname completeness (status-devices.asp) Fix startup of IPT Traffic and static ARP binding 'services' Status/Device List: don't assume any/all active DHCP leases are br0 Improved responsiveness when selecting IPs/tabs to hide/show IP Traffic: cstats V2 IPTraffic: bugfix on populateCache() WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** November 14 2011 - Toastman-RT-1.28.7488 Now merged with Fedor's latest udates from git. Single-Line PPP fixed MiniUPnP bugfix: - Fixed infinite loop in SendResp_upnphttp() (Syslog spammed with messages: min iupnpd[379]: send(res_buf): Broken pipe). - Consolidated CloseSocket_upnphttp() calls. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT.


***************************************************************** November 16 2011 - Toastman-RT-1.28.7488.1 IPV6 6in4 firewall config fixed WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** November 17 2011 - Toastman-RT-1.28.7488.2 To recap - Single-Line PPP fixed - Fixed infinite loop in SendResp_upnphttp() (Syslog spammed with messages: min iupnpd[379]: send(res_buf): Broken pipe). - Consolidated CloseSocket_upnphttp() calls. - Fixed missing IPv6 address in Overview/LAN - IPV6 6in4 firewall config fixed - Fixed missing IPv6 address in Overview/LAN WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** This markes a change to how I build these versions. VLAN versions are now built from the same branch as normal, but with VLAN=y flag set at compile time. Some builds will change their numbering. The first digit will show the different builds but the rest will allow an instant comparison between build numbers. 7488.2 0488 4488 2488 Normal RT build RT-N build for E4200 VLAN-RT build VLAN-RT-N build

WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** November 19 2011 - Toastman-RT-1.28.7489 New - from Jean-Yves Avenard - OpenVPN enhancements & username/password only authentication - PPTP VPN client integration and GUI (VPN Builds)

WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** November 20 2011 - Toastman-RT-1.28.7489.1 Fix PPTP when used over WAN setup using PPPoE WAN options were set using the system-wide pppd options file. the pppd process read the system-wide options file (in /tmp/ppp/options) before reading any other configuration. This meant that really, only one pppd process c ould run at a time. We now store the pppd options into /tmp/ppp/wanoptions and start the main pppd w ith: pppd file /tmp/ppp/wanoptions That way, we can start subsequent pppd process without conflicting options. (VPN Builds) WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** November 25 2011 - Toastman-RT-1.28.7490 1) Limit LAN subnet to 22 bits ( (1022 hosts in subnet should be enough). 2) Fix handling of DHCP IP ranges for big LAN subnets 3) Default MAC address calculation of virtual WL ifaces Default MAC address for guest/virtual wireless interfaces calculation changed to mimic the behaviour of static int set_wlmac() in router/rc/network.c somewhat related to 'nas' requirements when configuring multiple wireless networ ks secured with WPAx pointed out by tvlz - thanks! 4) Lan Access: revised filter_forward iptables rules creation order Creation of iptables rules regarding LAN access/isolation moved 'up' in the code , into the FORWARD chain LAN isolation iptables rules are now created before the wanin/wanout, restrictio ns, layer7_inbound and webmonitor chains are defined 5) Dropbear 0.54 update WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** November 28 2011 - Toastman-RT-1.28.7490.1 (not posted)

PPTP VPN fixes and improvements. 1) Simplify web setup, Redirect Internet traffic option will do the obvious. If uncheck allow to specify remote subnet/netmask - When used over PPPoE and we were redirecting all traffic, should the WAN connection drop or default route changed it would crash completely the kernel. Most likely a pptp kernel error. We don't f ix the bug but we prevent it from occurring 2) Set default for manual_boot_nv=1 WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** November 28 2011 - Toastman-RT-1.28.7490.2 Fix PPTP server IP check WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** December 2 2011 - Toastman-RT-1.28.7491 STABLE BUILD Dnsmasq 2.59 update VLAN-GUI: include WHR-G54S port mapping Revert "l2tp: backport Asus' l2tp driver" L2TP defaults to sync framing Fix column sorting on ipt-daily.asp, ipt-monthly.asp and ipt-details.asp Added "Route Modem IP" option (from Tomato/MLPPP) and finally - the most important change: Reverted Wireless Driver to in all RT builds This decision taken after exhaustive tests and reports from many people, the conclusion I came to is that this driver gives better performance an d less hassle than WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** December 4 2011 - Toastman-RT-1.28.7492 BETA with IPT Pie Chart Added CPU % usage to Status Overview page VLAN-GUI: include E4200 port mapping Improved readability of labels on IPTraffic graphics Udpxy v1.0-Chipmunk-build21 New Feature:

IPTraffic conn/BW ratios graphs * connections and bandwidth distribution per IP address * based on qos-graphs.asp * limited to 11 addresses WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************** December 6 2011 - 1.28.7492.1 BETA with IPT Pie Chart * Lan Access: reordering of FORWARD iptables rules creation * attempt to work around some undesired side-effects introduced by commit 72018b 408090cd82f4bf0529ff5f01de5d8fee52 * reported by TomatoE2000 - thanks! * Populate /etc/hosts with the IP address of all configured LAN bridges, includi ng all router IPs on /etc/hosts (besides localhost and primary LAN) * Fix different DHCP lease times for each LAN bridge WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ************************************************************** December 6 2011 - 1.28.7492.2 STABLE BUILD Exactly as the above but has the IPT Connections Pie Chart omitted. Some reporte d that this caused excessive CPU useage. If that happens to you then you can tr y this build instead. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ************************************************************** December 9 2011 - 1.28.7492.3 1) Revised CPU clock set, prevent CPU clock defaulting to 133 MHz 2) Fix issues with 'disappearing' WL ifaces (when not assigned as part of any LA N bridges) * related to assignments of VLANs, LAN bridges and WL interfaces on Advanced/VLAN (advanced-vlan.asp) * any existing WL interfaces not assigned as part of any LAN bridges would simply 'disappear' from any/all web admin/UI pages (after saving settings on advanced vlan.asp and

rebooting) * try to ensure any/all previously configured WL interfaces are still properly detected, even when not a member/part of a LAN bridge (therefore, available to be selected and/or re-assigned via the web UI) 3) IPTraffic: user interface/experience improvements * improved consistency/continuity for some of the user-set/dynamic preferences common between different IPTraffic pages/graphics (i.e. filtered/hidden IPs) * unified prefix/cookies storing most settings common to IPTraffic Real-Time and Last 24h graphics (i.e. active/hidden tabs, average calc, etc...) 4) Wireless Interface status in Overview page 5) Fixed default path - dropbear config WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT.

************************************************************** December 10 2011 - 1.28.7492.4 1) Fixed W/L interface status display 2) Revert dropbear 0.54 to previous version to resolve some problems NOTE - when I am satisfied that nothing else is responsible for reported problem s with ssh, or that there was no problem in the first place, I will restore dropbear 0. 54. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ************************************************************** December 18 2011 - 1.28.7493 1) Reinstate dropbear 0.54 update 2) Additional options to syslog (local file) * max size of file before rotation (default 50KB) * number of rotated message files to keep (default 1) 3) Web UI/httpd: improved checking of WL ifaces operational state (up/down) * consider flag IFF_RUNNING when detecting the current/operational state of

WL ifaces (in addition to IFF_UP) * cleanup afterwards (bugfix: close socket file descriptor) 4) Web UI: Advanced/Firewall * enable selecting between SNAT and MASQUERADE targets for WAN on advanced-f irewall.asp * reorganized firewall options in 3 groups: Firewall, NAT and Multicast sett ings 5) Attempt to prevent cstats/rstats datafile corruption at service shutdown * cstats/rstats: allow more time between SIGTERMs at shutdown * cstats: delay sending additional SIGTERMs if a there's a gzip process runn ing * cstats/rstats: wait for any gzip children to complete at shutdown * added syslog startup/shutdown messages for both services * wait for any helper processes complete at service shutdown 6) Hostname completeness: partial revert (cosmetics: 'too noisy') 7) VLAN-GUI: enforce config requirements for UPnP and IGMPproxy * UPnP and IGMPproxy services must be active in at least one LAN bridge to b e enabled WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ************************************************************** January 9 2012 - 1.28.7494 BETA -----------------------NEW - coded by Tiomo Incoming QOS class bandwidth pie chart IMQ based QOS ingress system This corrects the missing incoming overall bandwidth limit and lack of a proper ingress system that caused us to make poor use of our available bandwidth. For information on the development, see here: ------------------------

Updates from Teaman: - Static ARP: minor fix at service shutdown

- Static ARP: option to enable all known devices - IPTraffic: K24 ipt_account module updated to v0.1.20 * iptables rules creation moved to the 'firewall' service (inside /etc/iptab les on firewall.c) * merged the 'account service' into the firewall code (no sense to have a di stinct/separate 'service') * - httpd: increased limit for HTTP_MAX_LISTENERS * if there's lots of local addresses/interfaces, you might need more tha n 8 listeners (4 LAN * 2 (http/https) + WAN + others... > 8) - rc/firewall: add "Route Modem IP" iptables NAT rules first * create MASQUERADE rules before regular/wanout MASQUERADE/SNAT, * move iptables rules "up" in the firewall code to prevent issues when SNAT target is selected (instead of MASQUERADE) * related to commit 98e54097e54c1625bd10e7d0a8e842b5176d9595 - Added "Route Modem IP" option (from Tomato/MLPPP) - rc/firewall: reorg ipt_account rules creation - IPTraffic: realtime stats gathering fixes * less CPU used for gathering stats as we copy conntrack info to a tmpfile f irst * also helps improve reliability of the whole thing later on * missing fclose(conntrack_file) fixed - IPTraffic: get rid of nested loop for realtime conntrack counting * less CPU usage, replacing code on commit 7b95ad8c33256927220245597c9dddca8 634de65 * moved some of the iptraffic-related stuff out of httpd/bwm.c into httpd/ip traffic.[c|h] - Cstats: regular code maintenance * debug code clean-up/reorg * fixed possible issue handling nvram vars/settings (cstats_include/exclude) - Cstats/rstats: allow 'grace period' at shutdown * wait up to 15 secs for any child processes (gzip/cp) to complete... * ...before resume/continue sending SIGTERMs to cstats/rstats daemons... * ...(once a second, for up to another 45 secs = 1 min total)



January 16 2012 - 1.28.7494.2 Here are now both normal and VLAN versions, from now on they all use the same release number and the VLAN version is identified as such. This makes sense as b oth are now compiled from the same code. - fix outgoing QOS prios increase HTB prios to 10 change class prio assignment - nvram defaults now country=SG, txpwr=0 (auto) just an attempt to find some better defaults, SG has few restrictions, txpower of "0" or "auto" is safe for all router s. Change if you wish. - Revert "Static ARP: option to enable all known devices" - some display bugfixes WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT.

*************************************************************** January 22 2012 - 1.28.7494.3 - add RTMPT filter (rtmp over http) - thanks to Porter - increase HTB prios, missed in previous commit - route modem IP for Static IP - fix K2.4 makefile for WRT54 builds - update to Russian time zones WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT.


January 29 2012 - 1.28.7494.4 *** ADDITION OF MULTI-SSID GUI to VLAN BUILDS add 600Mhz cpu freq route modem IP - fix missed changes change default QOS rules

rc/firewall: reorg ipt_account rules creation (revert) WebUI: bugfix on forward/upnp page * Couldn't select any LAN bridges without first enabling "Inactive Rules Cleaning" first. Static ARP: minor improvement in the code IGMPProxy: ignore non-primary addresses on upstream VIF * Prevents issues when "Route Modem IP" is enabled and WAN is set to DHCP, etc... UDPxy: fixed symlink for udpxrec Update to some timezones EXPERIMENTAL Web UI for multiple virtual/guest WLANs MultiSSID: small web UI fix (only Access Point mode supported for non-primar y VIFs) MultiSSID: up to 4 WL VIFs per physical interface allowed on WebUI MultiSSID: web UI improvements * bugfix on the VIF table/list (max 4 VIFs per physical wireless interf ace) * commented out some debugging code left still in place * user can only hit the 'save' button from the 'overview' tab (helps imp roving validation of fields on other tabs) * revised 'notes' section * following-up commit d29774a513405c94249c0c310c7c3f9fe8066349 Fixed non-VLAN build errors introduced on recent merges from Teaman-ND Tools/System bugfix: command output was hidden inside the 'Notes' section' * fixes problem introduced on commit ed52e278ac78901def978730f38cb789135 dd8bc dnsmasq: fix DNS/hostname resolution on LAN bridges with DHCP disabled * dnsmasq should respond to DNS queries on all internal/LAN interfaces, even if DHCP is disabled on some of them WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** February 6 2012 - 1.28.7495.1 fix dhcp options for non-VLAN builds WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************

February 12 2012 - 1.28.7495.2 MultiSSID: fix saving settings for non-WPAx VIFs (open/WEP) * under some circumstances, saving settings on advanced-wlvifs.asp would fai l with error 'The field "wl_auth" is invalid' * i.e. when there were any VIFs secured with 'WEP' or with no security ('ope n') * see IP Traffic: when/if set to 'disabled', we 'really' mean it * when set to 'disabled' on page admin-iptraffic.asp, not a single iptables rule should be generated/created/loaded on rc/firewall.c (re: ipt-account rules) * also, there should be consistency throughout the web UI - therefore, any/a ll pages under the 'IP Traffic' menu on the web UI should behave accordingly: * a: show a warning about this particular feature being currently disabled a nd... * b: show the user a link to IP Traffic 'main' settings page (similar to wha t happens on most of the pages inside the 'Bandwidth' group/submenu) WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** February 14 2012 - 1/28.7483.3 Some people are using 7483.2 because they find this more stable. In case it help s them, this version adds the improvements in QOS ingress to that build. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. Please erase NVRAM when you upgrade! ***************************************************************** February 15 2012 - 1.28.7495.3 Fixed duplicated ipt_account(); (started twice) Removed an extra space from firewall.c line 1173 WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** February 27 2012 - 1.28.7496 MultiLAN: restrict LAN Access to IPv4 addresses on firewall rules MultiLAN: fix WOL when we have more than one LAN bridge (br0-br3)

MultiSSID: usability improvements/fixes * settings for primary VIFs can le * added a warning on the web UI * visual/usability improvements * fixed/missing 'special' NVRAM now be changed directly on the overview/main tab when Wireless Bridge or Client mode is selected when creating new WL VIFs variable (t_features)

VLAN-GUI: fix/load current settings when trunk_vlan_so is enabled (tagging) * NVRAM var trunk_vlan_so relates to PORT_VLAN_SUPPORT_OVERRIDE (experimental se tting) * s 3G modem support (from branch tomato-shibby) WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** March 5 2012 - 1.28.7496.1 - fixed typo in services.c - fixed QOS prios WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** March 9 2012 - 1.28.7496.2 - USB detection, old scheme first - Fix libusb error - Update miniDNLA to 1.0.24 WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** March 19 2012 - 1.28.7497 - Minor multiLAN/wireless bugfixes - MultiSSID: fixes saving WL VIF settings when net mode is 'n-only' (5GHz radios ) - Syslogd custom path improvements - rc: * preserve /var/log/messages if it's a file at syslogd restart * if we have a custom path set, check if it's a symlink (and remove/recreat e it if necessary

- PPTP Server for Tomato (Ext, VPN Builds) * this commit possibly introduces some bugs, but here we go! * this version allows up to 6 IPs/users/concurrent connections (ppp4-ppp9) * broadcast relay has been included on the webUI, but hasn't been thoroughl y tested * some references: * * ost-179904 * * * * ed_PPTP_Content.html * * * * * pport.26980/ - PPTPD: MPPE and compile bugfixes (batch #1) * attempt to fix some random decryption errors causing connections to becom e unusable * clients had to disconnect/reconnect manually to fix the problem once it s tarted to happen * the issue seems to be related with some parameters/settings being negocia ted between clients and the PPTP server * hopefully, these changes should prevent these problems from happening * see commit 3ef7e67858ecff04caf8197e381fa8b7c68c668e * also, this commit should fix some build/compilation issues when merging t his code into other branches - PPTPD: move webUI pages into 'VPN Tunneling' menu WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** March 19 2012 - 1.28.7497.1 - makefile changes to fix some builds - Don`t disable USB 3G box when storage checkbox is not checked - increase bwlimit max users to 80 WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT.

*************************************************************** April 15 2011 - 1.28.7498 3G Modem: Add ttyUSB1/3 to modem device list Some additions/changes to wireless interference mitigation / override Remove QOS/BWLimiter from all builds OpenVPN update to 2.2.2 OpenSSL 1.0.1 update

WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** April 22 2012- 1.28.7498.1 Samba security fix - "root" credential remote code execution. changes to makefile (Support quick firmware rebuild using 'make all') remove experimental wl setting configuration options for the WAN ICMP Rate limiting configuration options for SNMP custom port and remote access

WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** June 9 2012 - 1.28.7499 - IP Traffic: Fix JS error causing initial load delay when default nvram 'tomato ' skin - ash: fix execution of shell scripts without shebang - PPPoE Status Progress - overview page - add PPTPD to ext builds - dropbear: 2012.55 update - dnsmasq: 2.61 update - Reinstate BW Limiter, but presently with no default limits for unlisted client s. - Add SNMP configuration options for custom port and remote access - fixed "ug" bug WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** June 14 2012- 1.28.7499.1 - added help text on BWLimit page WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT.

*************************************************************** June 15 2012 - 1.28.7500 and variants - EXPERIMENTAL VLAN/VID mapping GUI - allows using full range/4k 802.11Q tagging on some models. IPTraffic: - change NVRAM defaults to 'disabled' - check/validate minimum size of LAN/subnets only when cstats is enabled - Fix JS error causing initial load delay when default nvram 'tomato' skin (MocRT-N) MultiSSID: - check/warn about any BSSID/MAC address discrepancies on WL VIFs (Advanced: Vir tual Wireless, advanced-wlanvifs.asp) - fix WL MAC filter to include all WL VIFs (Basic: Wireless Filter, basic-wfilte r.asp) - WPAx fixes - skip WPAx/nas restart (can cause problems with WAN as Wireless Cl ient) PPTPD: - fix/config dnsmasq to answer DNS queries on pppX interfaces - fix PPTP when used over WAN setup using PPPoE - allow specify 'custom' config/settings on webUI Firewall: allow DMZ-style forwarding to any LAN bridges (no longer restricted to primary LAN) VLAN-GUI: include E4200v1 (VLAN 802.1q support confirmed by users - see Issue #9 ) rc: syslogd custom path improvements (tries to preserve messages at syslogd rest art, recreate only if it's a symlink/custom path) WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** June 25 2012 - 1.28.7500.2 Fix overidden mac address not being saved make some builds smaller some small fixes big code cleanup

WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. ***************************************************************

August 15 2012 - 1.28.7500.4 - Add support for RT-N66 64K nvram (RT-N) - Fix nvram size for router with more than 32kB of nvram (not only 32/64kB) - Several fixes virtual wireless (MultiSSID) -Add "wireless" and "wl" optional services: wireless: stop/start the wireless service, re-initialising the interface s wl: load/unload the wl drivers and re-initalise the various wireless int erfaces -Rework virtual wireless configuration page, this commit fixes several issues: Couldn't delete an entry once it had been created Any changes made to an existing entry would never survive a reboot (nvra m commit wasn't run after clicking on save) Twice as fast to save and reconfigure (20s vs 10s using new wireless res tart service) - Restore static dhcp users = 250 (This got set back to 140 somehow) - IPP2P update to 0.99.16 WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** December 20 2012 - 1.28.7501 and variants fixed 6in4 memory leak some changes to nvram defaults 120 secs reboot timer rc: fix for E4200 MAC address IPTraffic bugfix Remove 22 bit netmask limitation ntfs-3g release 20121.1.15 3G support for Huawei E3131s-2 Switchable QOS pie chart Default for WMM is now "enabled" Asus WL330GE support Fix for excessive VPN logging "vpn client already running"

WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** January 10 2013 - 1.28.7501.1 and variants replaced by January 11 2013 - 1.28.7501.2 (fixes a few errors) Add new L7 filter for Youtube - thanks to Porter Revised QOS Classification rules - mainly changed the order Added TC-ATM overhead calculation for DSL - thanks tvlz for the patch! Cosmetics - Bandwidth Pie selector


*************************************************************** February 25 2013 - 1.28.7501.3 and variants Cosmetic changes to donate button in "About" page. WARNING - DHCP IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IT ON IF YOU NEED IT. *************************************************************** ADDITIONAL WARNING DO NOT FLASH 60K NVRAM VERSIONS ON TO ROUTERS OTHER THAN THOSE WHICH THEY ARE IN TENDED FOR. THEY WILL SHOW 60K IN THE DISPLAY BUT YOU WILL BRICK THE ROUTER IF YOU TRY TO AC TUALLY USE MORE THAN 32K.


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