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1. Whatisthedrivingforcefor(a)heattransfer(b)electriccurrentflowand(c)fluid flow? 2. Whichoneofthefollowingisnotamaterialproperty? A. thermalconductivity B. heattransfercoefficient C. emissivity 3. What is the orderof magnitude of thermal conductivity for (a) metals (b) solid insulatingmaterials(c)liquids(d)gases? 4. What are the orders of magnitude for free convection heat transfer coefficient, forcedconvection andboiling? 5. Underwhatcircumstancescan oneexpectradiationheattransfertobesignificant? 6. An ideal gas is heated from 40C to 60C (a) at constant volume and (b) at constant pressure. For which case do you think the energy required will be greater? Explainwhy? 7. Apersonclaimsthatheatcannotbetransferredinavacuum.Evaluatethisclaim. 8. Discussthemechanismofthermalconductioningases,liquidsandsolids. 9. Namesomegood andsomepoor conductorsofheat. 10. Showthatheatflowlinesandisothermsinconductionheattransferarenormalto eachother.Will thisconditionholdforconvectionheattransfer?

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