Banking Management System

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CLASS : XI 2011


CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1) Title page 2) Certificate 1(a) 3) Acknowledgement 4) Contents 1. Synopsis 2. Introduction 3. Scope of the Project 4. System Description 4.1 Problem Specification 13 4.2 Need for New System 14 4.3 Project Plan 5. System Analysis 6. System Analysis and Design 16 18 21 2 5 6 8 10 12 1

7. System Development Phases 8 . Processing Environment 25 9. System Requirement Specification 27


10. Salient Features of Project 39 11. System Testing 12. Security 13. Conclusion 14. Future Scope 15. Appendix 15.1 Function included 15.2 Source Code 42 15.3 Improtant Keywords of Code 104 15.4 106 16. References 107 User Interface and Output 31 33 35 37 39 40

We wish to convey our deep gratitude to Mr. Vikash Kaushik and Ms. Neha for his constant encouragement, unbridled support and constructive criticisms at every step of the project. I take this opportunity to express our deep and sincere gratitude to Our Principal Mam who has been kind enough to spare his valuable time, to provide guidance and motivation to make this study and the project a success. Finally we would like to thank all those who directly or indirectly helped me in completing this project.


In earlier days the uses of computers were restricted to only some of the fields such as science, foreign banking etc. But now a days, computer is used in almost every field whether it is schools, libraries, shops or large institutions like Banks. The main cause of this is because of the reason that Banks are growing larger and larger in size day by day and to keep record of all the customers is quite difficult with the use of stationery.

Thus this is our conscious effort to reduce and simplify the steps involved in records maintenance and providing various facilities at a keystroke away with the help of C++ language.

This package will surely serve the best for the Bank staff to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively.


INTRODUCTION A few years back almost all the work relating Bank management was done manually and it was out of peoples thought to think for software that could do every work as required and desired by the human being. Now a day with the help of software, every work what so ever, can be done by sitting at the chair by giving genuine and correct command to computer. No area has been left untouched with its scope. Out of so many areas through this project this is our effort to perform Bank management effectively at low cost of manpower along with speed, accuracy and timely information and also providing excellent customer service with the help of this technology. This software will provide important aspects like booking, cancellation, restaurant, bar, transport services, swimming and gym etc at a single keystroke away. Any person can book a room by giving his particulars. When he is booked, the room number, check-in information is automatically being registered by the computer. At the time of check-out the total bill will be printed including the restaurant and bar bill and by entering room number the booking service will also get automatically cancelled. In restaurant and bar a menu card will be provided to the customer and after selecting it the order will be placed automatically. Bank management provides taxi service, swimming and gym facilities only to the customers who are

there guest. For all these he has to access the computer for the command. From the above statement it is very clear how this project can save manpower, time, money and that too in a very effective and efficient way providing an excellent customer service. Thus it leads to another cumbersome and time-consuming task on the part of the staff to properly perform all the tasks effectively. The system should try to reduce the burden on the part of the employees so as to make them more efficient and effective.

The new system should be easily expandable and can be adopted by machine other than the one on which it has been developed. The data transfer from one machine to another should be easy by using other secondary storage disks.

While designing, it should be kept in mind that no unauthorized person should take advantage to the present system by providing proper barriers to those people.

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<process.h> #include<dos.h> class bank { public: void init(); void deposit(); void withdraw(); void display(); void pro(); char name[10],type[10]; int accno,balance; }; void bank::init() { cout<<"Enter the Name of Account holder"; cin>>name; cout<<"Enter the type of Account"; cin>>type; cout<<"Enter the Account number";

cin>>accno; cout<<"Enter the balance"; cin>>balance; } void bank::deposit() { int ammount; cout<<"Enter the ammount is to be deposit"; cin>>ammount; balance+=ammount; } void bank::withdraw() { int ammount; cout<<"Enter the ammount is to be withdraw"; cin>>ammount; balance-=ammount; } void bank::pro() { gotoxy(5,33);cout<<"Please wait The transuction is being proceed..............\n"; int i; for(i=0;i<80;i++) { gotoxy(i,35);

//delay(50); cout<<"|"; } } void bank::display() { clrscr();

cout<<"*************************************************************************** *****\n"; gotoxy(30,2);cout<<"STATE BANK OF INDIA\n";

cout<<"*************************************************************************** *****\n";

gotoxy(1,4);cout<<"NAME";gotoxy(20,4);cout<<"TYPE";gotoxy(40,4);cout<<"A/C No.";gotoxy(60,4);cout<<"BALANCE";

gotoxy(1,6);cout<<name;gotoxy(20,6);cout<<type;gotoxy(40,6);cout<<accno;gotoxy(60,6);cout<<ba lance;

cout<<"\n######################################################################### ######\n"; cout<<"press any key.............\n\n\n"; getch(); } void main() {

clrscr(); bank b; START: int tran; cout<<"Enter the option of following transuction\n"; cout<<"1.Enter the New Account"; cout<<"\n2.Deposit the Ammount"; cout<<"\n3.Withdraw the Ammount"; cout<<"\n0.EXIT\n"; cin>>tran; if(tran==0) { exit(0); } while(tran!=0) { switch(tran) { case 1: b.init();; b.display(); break; case 2: b.deposit();; b.display(); break; case 3: b.withdraw();; b.display(); break; default: cout<<"You have Entered Invalid option"; goto START; } goto START; } getch(); }

SR/NO. 1 2 3

TITLE An Introduction to Database System Software Engineering C PROGRAMMING

AUTHOR Bipin C. Desai Roger S. Pressman KANETKAR

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