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Freedom is for All Personal freedom is for all irrelevant to any other may say Just because I or any

other don't agree doesn't make it wrong Love is love no matter if it is heterosexual or openly gay Just because I don't agree don't take my love away I'm along Freedom is the right to choose for you in this country anyway People will be people some ignorant or maybe it is jealousy I love my family n friends just as they are love never goes away Freedom is freedom it is what makes you, you and me, me Religion has nothing to do with love nor does evolution Even Atheist love they love not having to go to church Learning to agree to disagree is quite a simple solution So live and let live my family n friends don't even besmirch Freedom to me is the personal ability to think and be free Belittling or making others feel bad so you feel cool is banal We are all born free subject to none other than our own originality Life and love is as free as the dove remember Freedom is for All 2013 I.M. Nobody

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