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Expect a question related to WTO e.g : Why need WTO? What are its objectives?

What has been achieved in the various rounds of WTO so far?

World Trade Organization: Rounds

Rounds of GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations
No. 6 7 Years Name Accomplishments

1-5 1947-61
1973-79 Tokyo

Reduced tariffs
Tariffs + NTBs

1964-67 Kennedy Tariffs + anti-dumping

1986-94 Uruguay Tariffs, NTBs, Services, Intellectual Property, Textiles, Ag., Dispute Settlement, Created WTO
2001-? Doha 21 development subjects specially focused on developing countries

WTO today? Intellectual property rights and Trade related aspects of Intellectual property rights i.e TRIPS in India INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MIX 1) Effectiveness of international communications can be impacted by 2) Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning In International marketing 3) Marketing mix (4ps) + Nike pricing strategy

INTERNATIONAL ADVERTISING 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Reasons for the importance of international markets: why go international? How to communicate effectively with the world consumer? Constraints on Global Communications Strategies Methods of Setting the Global Advertising Budget Message Strategy When is Globalization Appropriate

10) 11) 12) 13)

Standardization v/s adapatapion Criteria for Choosing and ad agency Guidelines to Coordinating International Advertising (cont) Role fo public relations in global marketing Forms of communication in international marketing INTEGRATED BRAND PROMOTION

14) What are Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion? 15) Advertising as a Communications Process 16) The Role of Advertising in the Marketing Mix + The Role of Advertising in Brand Management + Advertisings Role in Revenue and Profit Generation 17) Types of Advertising 18) The Economic Effects of Advertising PITFALLS IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETING 19) National marketing v/s International marketing WORLD MARKETS 20) What hurdles might a company encounter when going abroad? 21) Is it possible for a company to standardize its products worldwide? 22) Is it possible for a company to standardize its marketing mix worldwide?

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