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MM 5011 Knowledge Management and Innovation Group Assignment Pakistan: A Story of Technology, Entrepreneurs and Global Networks Lessons


Syndicate 2 X.46 (Great Leaders Syndicate) 29111311 Haidir Afesina 29111328 Hendra Winata 29111329 Mita Listyatri 29111338 Andek Prabowo 29111344 Aprian Eka Rahadi 29111384 Chairunnisa Mirhelina N 29111387 Franciscus Xaverius Kresna P 29111393 Agung Indri Pramantyo


Company Overview

ePlanet Ventures, a technology fund based in Silicon Valley founded by Asad Jamal. Asad is a Pakistani with Bachelor`s degree from the London School of Economics who spent most of his life overseas. He successfully developed business in the advertising, media, communications and wireless, computing software, consumer internet, and other market spaces. As a venture capitalist he always look for new horizons.


To be one of the first venture capital entrants enter Pakistan with its largely untapped market (the growth of middle class).

Doubt that Pakistan condition with its mere 60 years old will be sustainable for investor despite of their growing middle class.

Lesson Learned
Fact#1 Leadership President Musharaf`s policies appeared to invigorate Pakistan`s economy and stimulate entrepreneurship within the country regardless of uncertain political future. Lesson Learned 2002). Other Country Experience Taken from Dubai: A Star in The East by Balakrishnan (2008), it was His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai who has transformed Dubai into the number one investor destination in its region. Through his visionary leadership made the policy easier and be trusted for investors to invest in infrastructure and tourism. Fact#2 GDP Pakistan, the 6th most populated country in the world with GDP growth around 7% per year since 2002, had large market, cost-base and talent, and family connections dominance. Lesson Learned Higher GDP means higher buying power 1 High-populated country is an emerging market (Kertajaya, 2002) Country`s leader vision as dealmaker has to put as a consideration before entering the market Leadership is a vision to build hope, trust and optimism through opportunities for the future (Kouzes and Posner,

Other Country Experience Taken from Markplus Conference 2011, since 2010, Indonesia has becoming the most attractive destination for foreign investor because of its high rate consumption and huge resources. It can be seen from GDP annual increment stability followed by the increasing of FDI in end of 2011 (foreign direct investment) i.e. 11.5% ( Thus Fontera plans to invest in new Indonesian plant, Honam P builds cement factory for 45 trillion and China with South Korea to invest in straight bridge. Fact#3 Regulation According to the World Banks Doing business 2008 report, the country ranked highest in South Asia in categories such as Starting a Business and Protecting Investors because of its recent policy trends of liberalization and deregulation (Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds). Lesson Learned Good law enforcement attracts investor To attract FDI, a country needs resources, law enforcement and infrastructure (Salvatore, 2004). Other Country Experience Taken from Hermawan on Marketing by Kertajaya (2002), after its revolution, in 1970 China allowed investor especially multinational company to start their business by ensuring their safety and promising country politics and economy sustainability. Thus made China number one for FDI recipients in the world. A company such as SK-II built and developed its factory in China. Fact#4 Culture The culture was still one of family-owned businesses with limited professional management that made trusted management was hard to come by in Pakistan as the concept of equity and options were new in Pakistan. Lesson Learned New concept needs research, patient and collaborate with local business people To introduce new product and concept to the market, the need of local knowledge and influence are needed to gain people acceptance (Drummond, Ensor and Ashford, 2008). Other Country Experience Taken from Hermawan on Marketing by Kertajaya (2002), Wal-Mart failed its concept in Indonesia in 1998 as hypermarket that offered value of low price with product varieties. They failed to understand the local behavior, impatient and reluctant to adapt with the business system. Thus Carrefour that came after Wal-Mart was gain successful time with their understanding of Indonesian system. Fact#5 Labor Pakistans talent pool was generally 30-40% cheaper than India and China despite of expensive price of real estate, unreliable supply of electricity, water and other utilities. Lesson Learned Cheap labor is huge resources 2

To attract FDI, a country needs resources, law enforcement and infrastructure (Salvatore, 2004). Other Country Experience Taken from Chindia by Engardio (2007), many high-tech and manufacturing multinational companies chose to build their factory because of the availability of labor. People are low skill so that they need a job despite of getting low payment. Thus company will save lots of cost. In return, the investment drives China growth. Fact#6 Costumer Relationship Besides emerging of middle class in Pakistan, Ayuz ul Haque, Managing Director of ePlanet Ventures said what we look for in a company in a country like Pakistan is whether the business can survive and sustain itself in the local market. Lesson Learned Local middle class consumption The middle class at any country is at the forefront of consumption and leads important business trends (Drummond, Ensor and Ashford, 2008). Other Country Experience Taken from Markplus Conference 2011, many high tech foreign companies invest and launch their products in Indonesia because of its middle class high consumption. Steven Koeberle from World Bank said that 7 million people a year is the expanding rate of emerging middle class. Therefore Honda put Indonesia as their first priority for their product and their innovation project in Indonesia based on people preferences e.g. Scoopy. Fact#7 Knowledge Resources Friends, a sitcom created by Align technologies, was a training tool for employees with Master`s degrees and who were fluent in English. Lesson Learned Knowledge resources Investment in virtual learning software is one of the effective ways to develop knowledge management in the company regardless of the cost (Collison and Parcel, 2011). Other Company Experience Based on Fezi experiences at Hilton Bandung, there was hotel software called Hilton University. The program has various subjects from leadership, business and language. It created for different levels. The software is installed on every computer in cafeteria. The language program has become the most famous program for employees as it accessible at home. It helps the employees to practice both of writing and speaking. Fact#8 Promotion For access to markets, YouTube and Scrybe as promotion channel. Lesson Learned Internet media as effective promotion tool

Both of above the line and below the line communication are being used to either build brand awareness or drive sales (Gauri and Cateora, 2006). Other Company Experience Taken from YouTube and Video Marketing by Jarboe (2009), Tom Dickson, Blendtec founder, throws such items as marbles, running shoes, glow sticks, golf balls and iPhones into his companys blenders and flips the on switch. People love these crazy videos so much that Blendtecs YouTube channel has more than 200,000 subscribers. It resulted to the increasing of blentec`s blender products. Fact#9 Human Capital In technology space alone, Pakistan universities were producing upwards of 20,000 English-speaking Convent schools instilled neutral English accents, enabling better communication with their Western counterparts. Lesson Learned Human resources development In business world, the readiness of human capital starts with good communication (Mullins, 2007). Other Company Experience Based on Fezi experiences at Hotel Mulia, the company provided English teachers for employees. The courses are selected specializing in Hotel industries. For managerial level, the company collaborated with The British Institute to create modules that focus on business skills such as negotiation, contract and presentation. Fact#10 Organization OPEN (Organization for Pakistani Entrepreneurs) collaborate with MIT Entrepreneurship Center held the workshops, seminars and business competition in order to educate Pakistani-based entrepreneurs. Lesson Learned Activities to encourage entrepreneurship along with its development The collaboration of industries and academic institutions help to generate and stimulate new start up business along with to facilitate networking and opportunities to potential investor (Bessant and Tidd, 2011). Other Company Experience Taken from Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Bessant and Tidd (2011), MIT and Standford University had collaboration to build the academic entrepreneurship. They shared research result along with program development. They become a bridge to both of entrepreneur and investor.

Assad as many other venture capitalists are keen to provide funding for a venture with a proven track record and strong business plan. Bessant and Tidd (2011) argued that they are typically often requiring some equity or management involvement in return. Therefore some of them are prepared to go public to fund further growth.

Bessant and Tidd (2011) stated that studies consistently find that the age of company, educational level of founders, number of founders and starting capital all have a positive effect on venture success. Therefore the Authors analyze that the opportunity for ePlanet to expand their business and invest in Pakistan is huge. There are some considerations that ,the case given such as; 1. The emerging middle class in Pakistan is potentially profitable. Competition: Middle class is attractive to both existing and new players, the competition will be fierce, and therefore ePlanet need to define their direct competitor and differentiate their offering Customer : Middle class segment are too big as a target segments, ePlanet need to define a more specific segment and adapt their offering 2. Find a business model suited to the them for Pakistan (best fit in) Production and operation: improve capabilities in servicing middle class Marketing and sales: optimizing offline channels and online channels Post sales operation: build long-term relationship to increase buying power and build loyalty 3. Financial resources Venture assets and access to funding e.g. IPO 4. Management Recruit people with industry related market or sector experience. Size of the founding team has important role to bring diverse expertise to the ventures and help for better decision-making.

Corporate Entrepreneurship For most companies include ePlanet Ventures that its market already established, a change is costly. This condition make ePlanet limit its innovation to incremental one. To avoid this condition, ePlanet shall: a. Developing internal knowledge Create external network in Pakistan, such as make ventures, alliance or partnership with existing local company and supplier that will related to ePlanet Ventures business portfolio b. Have the appropriate resources, which covered: i. Decision Making; Because Pakistan still lack of top management skills, Asad Jamal shoul hire foreigner in the beginning of his start up business in Pakistan. ii. Empowered Teams; Employees who work in the company shall empowered and encouraged to improve their knowledge and skills to both of technical and management skills, especially for local employees. It is very important to the growth of Pakistani skills for the future in order to support its sustainability in human capital aspect of local people. Besides, it will also help the government to produce domestic professional labor. 5

iii. Skills and capabilities; In the beginning of business in Pakistan, Asad Jamal shall divide the employee in 2 groups. First, professional management worker who come from foreigner and local people. Second, technical expertise from local people. While running the business, local people in management side is ready to become professional, thus they ready to replace the foreigner accordingly. iv. Risk Tolerance; Any business always followed by risk. Although many uncertainty from politics, organization, culture, and human capital in Pakistan, there are some facts that GDP, GNI growth, number of human capital in IT, number of company in IT would minimize the uncertainty level. Thus Asad Jamal shall open the new venture in Pakistan. c. Asad Jamal must understand and analyze his existing strong capability and strategic assets to make new venture in Pakistan: the one that related to Pakistan condition and also to help improving the Pakistan condition. Then Asad Jamal should analyze of the new business in Pakistan through Corporate Venturing that is one of the Corporate Enterpreneurship types. Corporate Venturing models are: a. Internal corporate venturing b. Cooperative corporate venturing c. External corporate venturing Table of comparison Operating System model Vs New venture entities

From the table above, it is clearly said that Venturing Company as the best choice in terms of faster transformation and flexible environment in order to create or develop new innovation. The success history came from South Korea-based conglomerate Samsung. It transformed from an "infotainment" company to a "lifecare" one based on green technology and healthcare. They decided to make the tranformation as they believe that "lifecare" one based on green technology and healthcare has emerging market. However, this transformation is big strategic shift and arrived too late to dominate the business portfolio. 6

Fortunately, there is a way called Corporate Venturing. Samsung created Samsung Venture Investment Corporation which bring many investors from different business units in the group, such as Samsung Electronics.

Books: Balakrishnan, Melodena Stephens (2008) Dubai: A Star in The East, A case study in strategic destination branding", Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 1 Iss: 1, pp.62 - 91 Bessant, John and Tidd Joe (2011) Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2nd Ed), Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Collisson, Chris and Parcell, Geoff (2001) Learning to Fly: Practical Lessons from One of The World`s Leading Knowledge Company, Chichester: Capstone Engardio, Pete (2007) Chindia: How China and India Revolutionizing Global Business, McGraw Hill Drummond, Graeme, Ensor, John and Ashford, Ruth (2008) Strategic Marketing (3rd Ed), Oxford: ButterworthHeinemann Ghauri, P and Cateora, P (2006) International Marketing, New York: McGraw-Hill Education Jarboe, Greg (2009) YouTube and Video Marketing, Sybex Kertajaya, Hermawan (2002) Hermawan on Marketing, Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Kouzes, James M and Posner, Barry Z (2002) The Leadership Challenge (3rd Ed), San Francisco: Josey Bass Mullins, Laurie J (2007) Management and Organizational Behavior (8th Ed), Harlow: FT Prentice Hall Markplus Conference 2011, December 5th, 2011 Ritz Carlton Jakarta Pierantozzi (2007), Corporate Venturing Salvatore, Dominic (2004) Managerial Economics in Global Economy (5th Ed), Thomson Southwestern Internet: (Last accessed 22 Nov. 12 at 1pm) (Last accessed 22 Nov. 12 at 1pm)

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