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Please write a very short Reflection Paper about the movie August Rush.

When I say Reflection Paper, I want you to simply provide your personal response to the movie youve seen, of course, guided by some questions. It need not be long, as long as youve clearly presented the main issue and be able to connect it with your personal experiences, thatll do.

The Reflection Paper should be in paragraph form, with proper margins and font size 12, Arial, English please.

GUIDE QUESTIONS: 1. What was the film all about? 2. What was the main issue presented in the film? 3. What was the significance of music in the film? Does it really have the power to connect people? If yes, how? If no, why? 4. What or who (in general) were represented by the characters in the story? a. Richard Jeffries (the Social Worker) b. Maxwell Wizard Wallace (the Fagin-like aging busker) c. Hope (the black girl) 5. Realizations about -- art, life and music.

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