Acid and Alkali: Science Year 5

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Science Year 5

Acid and Alkali

By: Muhammad Faizeen Irfan Bin Mosnizat Class: 5 Arif

Properties of acid

-Sour taste -Turn blue litmus paper into red colour

Properties of alkali

-Bitter taste -Turn red litmus paper into blue colour

Properties of neutral substances

- Tasteless, sweet and salty - Do not change the colour of red or blue litmus paper

Examples of acid - Vinegar

Taste: Sour - Oranges

Taste: Sour

- Fizzy drinks

Taste: Sour

- Green apples

Taste: Sour

- Lemon juice

Taste: Sour

- Tomatoes

Taste: Sour Examples of alkali - Baking powder

Taste: Bitter - Bitter gourd

Taste: Bitter - Ginseng

Taste: Bitter

- Coffee

Taste: Bitter


Taste: Bitter

-Tooth paste

Examples of neutral substances -Sugar

Taste: Sweet


Taste: Sweet


Taste: Salty

-Salted egg

Taste: Salty

-Mineral water

Taste: Tasteless


Taste: Tasteless

Conclusion 1. If the blue litmus paper changes to red, So the chemical properties are acidic and have sour taste 2. If the red litmus paper changes to blue, So the chemical properties are alkaline and have bitter taste. 3. If the blue or red litmus paper not changes colour,

So the chemical properties are neutral and have sweet, salty or tasteless.

Thank You!

The End!

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