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bio gas plant: ->biogas(mixture of ch4,co2) ->it s produced by the breakdown of organic waste by bacteria without oxygen(ana erobic

digestion or fermentation) ->generated bio gas can be used as a fuel for the energy source

working: ->the type of plant in our campus is floating drum plant. ->the sullage from the girls hostel is collected in the collection tank which is then sent to the digester. ->the following are also used as feed: 1.left over foods from canteen 2.left over straw nd crops frm farming 3.cow dung 4.agricultural residues ->MIXING TANK: all the substrates are fed into the digesters ,which are forced to enter into th e blending pump inside the conveyors. ->the substrate after fermentation, produces biogas which is collected in the ga s holder at the top of the digester. ->the temperature of the gas in the gas holder is +40 degree c. ->it is then directed to the refrigerator wherein the temperature of the gas is brought down to -12 degree c. ->the moisture removal filter and hydrogen sulphide filter removes the moisture and H2S . ->the extracted methane gas is used as a fuel for etp motor and for producing el ectricity. SPECIFICATION: 1)vol of biogas=600m3/day. 2)feed=10-12 tons calculation: 1 genset=>30kwA*0.8=24kwA ->if it runs for 1hour=22 units 2nd genset=>50kwA*0.8=40kwA ->1hr=35 units.

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