General Planning Meeting 14 April 2011

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Adonis Musati Project General Planning Meeting 14 April 2011

Present: Gayle McWalter, Janice Sparg, Emily Westerlund, Joelle Holland, Gahlia Brogneri, Deo Katongole, Terry Hodson, Ronette ? Actio n JH/JS TH/F M

Meeting opened with Prayer 1. Acceptance of Previous Minutes 1.1 (4.2) Joelle and Janice to find out about Civvies day fundraisers at schools 1.2 (7.1) Terry and Fiona still need to feed back to Janice re. Interview forms 1.3 Joelle accepted, Gahlia seconded Admin/General 2.1 Newsletter Joelle to write a paragraph about time in Johannesburg To be ready to go out on the 4th May Gahlia to write an article on her New York trip when she returns 2.2 AGM Planning A date was set for Monday 20th June Suggestion made for the Observatory Community Hall Emily to email Finances 3.1 Gayle happy with project budgets 3.2 Everyone reminded to put date on ledger each week before emailing to Gayle Funding 4.1 New donors and future funding Good responses to the appeal 4.2 School sponsors Two new sponsors have come forward to sponsor a boy each (decided on Tafadzwa and Taurai for Y2K school) 4.3 AMP film screening at a Film Festival - all in agreement. Emily to follow up. Volunteers/Interns/Staff 5.1 Future interns a Zimbabwean girl coming in August. 5.2 Film makers and interviewers Decision made that policy be put in place prohibiting students to come and film or interview. 5.3 Gahlias New York trip preparations Powerpoint Deo and Savannah to help Wednesday 20th April committee members that can to meet at office at 1pm for practise/feedback Gayle to email Sally for contact details of technology person at convention Gayle to ask Kat to contact Gahlia to help Gahlia to have some business cards made Gayle to enquire with her friend who is a printer 5.4 Emily on leave in May - Gayle read out list of duties and who is responsible All advised not to send emails to emilys email address while she is away, Ronette will have a new one












Emily to give Ronette Louies contact details for newsletter website emergencies Emily to fill in pay slips before she leaves and give to Gayle Emily to email Janice and Joelle list of all sponsors and who they are sponsoring





Office 6.1 April holidays Last normal day, Thursday 21st April. No appointments to be made on Tuesday 26th April No school on Thursday 28th April 6.2 Barbara: Job book - Committee members can write in tasks for Barbara to do, and she can then tick off when they are done. Janice to continue working with Barbara to get the support group going again soon Refugee Outreach Project 7.1 Brief report back: Lots of medical problems this past week Gahlia using Augustine for translation for small renumeration Concern that AMP is not reaching the right people o Gahlia and Augustine to visit community in Retreat to find out what the needs are and to help them. To continue doing this in different communities 7.2 List of people we support regularly with food etc. There is a list of people who come once a month for food, for a certain period of months. Barbara to put this on the notice board Food parcels not used unless there are available ones, so foodbank food to be put aside for these people 7.3 TB/HIV Care Janice introduced this organisation that helps the clinics give better care for those with HIV. 7.4 Food parcels More needed. Emily to put a note in the newsletter and put bulletins in the local papers Wild Bean (Sea Point) have offered food and all the Kneads have offered bread, but volunteers are needed for driving. Gahlia to coordinate Janice to visit/contact schools for food drives Need to push for food, rather than money for school Joelle to speak to friend who works at Shoprite (Neil Harrower) Gahlia to contact all her friends Terry to contact the Constantia bulletin Deo or Emily to contact the local Observatory paper Other 8.1 Chipo Gayle to send everyone her CV to keep her in mind if we hear of any jobs. 8.2 Pamela ILP Programme 9.1 Goldman Joelle to visit Goldmans home to assess situation 9.2 Tafadzwa Joelle to visit Y2K school tomorrow for possible starting on Monday 9.3 Taurai Y2K an option? 9.4 Boys attitudes Deo to speak to boys about this with strict guidelines about when he is away. Boys are fully his







responsibility. Elphas still in Zimbabwe, decision made to just wait until AMP hear from him 9.6 Constantine Actively looking for a foster home for him as it is more likely he may be staying in South Africa 9.7 Janice talked about being fostering representatives in churches. All agreed to find out if their churches would be willing to host a fostering presentation by Janice Date for next meeting ?? 9.5

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