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Sani Deepam Worship & Procedure

1. I have been reading many remedies suggested by eminent astrologers of the Group to ward off the bad effects of Sani Peyarchi. 2. The remedy mentioned below is suggested in Tattvaloka magazine published from

3. It is very simple and would help the devotees to pray in their house itself and help them to focus their mind at a particular time with undivided attention. 4. What impresses me most is that the righteous actions and righteous deeds are important to protect ourselves from the bad effects. 5. According to me, the family members and well wishers of the affected persons should remain united and offer solace and prayers all the time and should remain in constant remembrance of the Lord. 6. Their prayers and help
would also

help the affected persons.

"The best way to please Sanisvara is through righteous thoughts and

righteous actions.
As a religious ritual,

Sani Deepa prayer is effective remedy against Sani's bad effects for those whose Sani is weak in the horoscope and for those who have 7 1/2 years Sani.


Brahma Vaivarata Purana

offers the remedy.

* Buy mud lamps for use one every week during the period Saturn is in Simha Rasi; use cotton wick, a mix of gingelly oil, coconut oil, and ghee in equal proportions. Place the lamp on a plank. * Bathe



feet, hands kumkum



* Wear sacred ash * Clean a plank




any other religious mark.

on it.

draw a rangoli

* Clean a mud lamp with wet cloth. * Decorate *

Put with

sandal powder



cotton wick

pour the oil mix.

* Light


with another lamp source. pm to

* Use a new lamp each Saturday. Time 6.45 * Sit before * Meditate

8.00 pm.

flame and look

at it

intensely. Ishta Devata.

for a and

few minutes on


* Offer milk

honey as Naivedyam. (Pooja offerings)

* Light agarbhathi and perform camphor arthi. * Distribute prasada

to family members.

lamp glow till all the oil burns up. If it has to be put out for any reason, use milk and honey on the flame. Let

lamps: The lamps may be discarded in a flowing river or the sea when 27 lamps are lit. If one is unable to light the lamp on a Saturday, next Saturday two lamps
of must be lit. If it is not Saturday. The be


possible on two Saturdays, three lamps must be lit the next


exemption is for two Saturdays. Beyond that, started all over again.


will have to


V. Seshadri
This important

message from Mr. V Seshadri has been converted in to a PDF file and is posted in the group by member kiritvvora, so that those who missed this message can retrieve it in future.

Thus is great mantra of Lord Shani Urumitra is the Seer of this great mantra of Saturn, Gayatri is the Metre, Saturn is the devata, Sham is the Bija, Nam the Shakti, and Mam the Kilaka, The application is towards Saturn's favour and power.

Hand Nyasa
Hail to the Slow Mover on the thumbs Hail to the Plodder on the index fingers Hail to the Low One on the middle fingers Hail to the Son of the Sun on the ring fingers Hail to the Dispeller of Anxiety on the little fingers Hail to the One with Stuck-Up Hair on front/back of hands

Limb Nyasa
To the Slow Mover in the heart Namah To the Plodder on the head Svaha To the Low One on the crest Vashat To the Son of the Sun on the armour Hum To the Dispeller of Anxiety in the three eyes Vaushat To the One with Stuck-Up Hair in the missile Phat The binding of the Directions is BhurBhuvah-Svar

Shani ashtottara shatanamavali (The 108 names of Shani)

Chanting names in Sanskrit, with translation in English available on side for reference readily, is something I have found to be more effective, so I have provided,
the following for all.
1. Salutations to Sanaiscara, 1. 2. 3. Salutations to Sarvabhstapradayin, the 3.

the One who moves

2. Salutations to Shanta,

the peaceful One. Fulfiller of all

4. Salutations to Saranya,

the Protector. the most excellent One. the Lord of all. the mild One. the One who is fit to be One who

4. 5. Salutations to Varenya, 5. 6. Salutations to Sarvesa, 6. 7. Salutations to Saumya, 7. 8. Salutations to Suravandya, 8.

worshipped by Suras.
9. Salutations to Suralokaviharin, the

9. 10. 11.

wanders in the world of Suras.

10. Salutations to Sukhasanopavista,

the One seated upon a comfortable seat. 11. Salutations to Sundara, the beautiful One.
12. Salutations to Ghana,

the solid One. the One with a solid One who

12. 13. Salutations to Ghanarupa, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Salutations to Manda, the 17. 18. Salutations to Mandacesta, 18.

14. Salutations to Ghanabharanadharin, the

wears an iron ornament.

15. Salutations to Ghanasaravilepa,

the One anointed

with camphor.
16. Salutations to Khadyota,

the Light of the sky. slow One. the slow moving One.

19. Salutations to Mahaniyagunatman, the 19.

One with

glorious qualities.
20. Salutations to Martyapavanapada, the One (the worship at) whose feet purifies mortals. 21. Salutations to Mahesa, the great Lord. 22. Salutations to Chhayaputra, the



Son of Chhaya.

22. 23. Salutations to Sarva, 23. 24.

the One who injures.

25. 26.

One who bears a quiver of a hundred arrows. 25. Salutations to Carasthirasvabhava, the One whose nature is to move steadily.
26. Salutations to Acancala, 27. Salutations to Nilavarna,

24. Salutations to Satatuniradharin, the

the steady One. the blue-colored One.

27. 28. Salutations to Nitya, 28. 29. 29. Salutations to Nilanjananibha, the One with the appearance of blue ointment. 30. Salutations to Nilambaravibhusa, the One adorned with a blue garment. 31. Salutations to Niscala, 31. 32. Salutations to Vedya, 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

the eternal One.


the steady One.

the One who is to be

known. One who has the form of the sacred precepts. 34. Salutations to Virodhadharabhumi, the Ground that supports obstacles 35. Salutations to Bhedaspadasvabhava, the One whose nature is the place of separation. 36. Salutations to Vajradeha, the One with a body like a thunderbolt. 37. Salutations to Vairagyada, the Bestower of nonattachment.
33. Salutations to Vidhirupa, the

38. Salutations to Vira, 38.

the Hero. the One who is free the Lord of

39. Salutations to Vitarogabhaya, 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Salutations to Kurmanga, 44. 45. 46. 47. Salutations to Gunadhya, 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

of disease and fear.

40. Salutations to Vipatparamparesa,

successive misfortune.
41. Salutations to Visvavandya, the

One who is fit to

be worshipped by all.
42. Salutations to Grdhravaha,

the One whose mount

is a vulture.
43. Salutations to Gudha,

the hidden One. the One with the body One with an unusual

of a tortoise.
45. Salutations to Kurupin, the

46. Salutations to Kutsita,

the One who is despised. the One abounding in

good qualities.
48. Salutations to Gocara, the One associated with the range of the senses (the field of action). 49. Salutations to Avidyamulanasa, the Destroyer of the root of ignorance. 50. Salutations to Vidyavidyasvarupin, the One whose nature is both knowledge and ignorance. 51. Salutations to Ayusyakarana, the Cause of long life. 52. Salutations to Apaduddhartr, the Remover of misfortune. 53. Salutations to Vishnubhakta, the Devotee of Vishnu. 54. Salutations to Vasin, the self-controlled One. 55. Salutations to Vividhagamavedin, the

Knower of


manifold scriptures.

56. 57. 58. 59.

56. Salutations to Vidhistutya, the One who is fit to be praised with sacred rites. 57. Salutations to Vandya, the One who is fit to be worshipped. 58. Salutations to Virupaksa, the One with manifold eyes. 59. Salutations to Varistha, the most excellent One. 60. Salutations to Garistha,

the most venerable One. One who

60. 61. Salutations to Vajramkusadhara, the 61. 62. 63. 64. Salutations to Jyesthapatnisameta, 64.

holds a thunderbolt-goad. One whose hands grant boons and remove fear. 63. Salutations to Vamana, the Dwarf. the One whose wife is Jyestha (the Devi of misfortune, elder sister of Laksmi). 65. Salutations to Srestha, the most excellent One. One with measured the Destroyer
62. Salutations to Varadabhayahasta, the

65. 66. Salutations to Mitabhasin, the 66.

67. Salutations to Kastaughanasakartr,

67. 68.

of an abundance of troubles.
68. Salutations to Pustida,

the Bestower of

69. Salutations to Stutya,

the One who is fit to


70. Salutations to Stotragamya, the One who is accessible through hymns of praise. 71. Salutations to Bhaktivasya,

70. 71.

the One who is subdued by devotion. 72. Salutations to Bhanu, the bright One.
73. Salutations to Bhanuputra,


the Son of Bhanu (the

73. 74.

74. Salutations to Bhavya, 75. Salutations to Pavana,

the auspicious One. the Purifier. One

75. 76. 76. Salutations to Dhanurmandalasamstha, the 76.

who stays in the circle of the bow.

77. Salutations to Dhanada, 77.

the Bestower of wealth. the Archer.

78. Salutations to Dhanusmat, 78. 79.

80. 81.

82. 83.

79. Salutations to Tanuprakasadeha, the One whose body has a thin appearance. 80. Salutations to Tamasa, the One associated with tamoguna. 81. Salutations to Asesajanavandya, the One who is fit to be worshipped by all living beings. 82. Salutations to Visesaphaladayin, the Bestower of the fruit of discrimination. 83. Salutations to Vasikrtajanesa,

the Lord of living beings who have accomplished self-control. Lord of

84. Salutations to PasunamPati (Pasupati), the 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. Salutations to Nirguna, 93.

85. Salutations to Khecara,

the One who moves the Lord of planets.

through the sky.

86. Salutations to Khagesa,

87. Salutations to Ghananilambara, the One who wears a dense blue garment. 88. Salutations to Kathinyamanasa, the


89. Salutations to Aryaganastutya, the One who is fit to praised by a multitude of Aryas. 90. Salutations to Nilacchatra, the One with a blue umbrella. 91. Salutations to Nitya, the eternal One.

the One without the One with

93. Salutations to Gunatman,

93. 94. 95.

94. Salutations to Niramaya,

the One who is free

from disease.
95. Salutations to Nindya,

the blamable One. One who is fit to be

96. Salutations to Vandaniya, the 96. 97.

97. Salutations to Dhira,

the resolute One.

98. Salutations to Divyadeha, 98. 99. 100. 101. 102.

the One with a celestial

99. Salutations to Dinartiharana, the Remover of the suffering of those in distress. 100. Salutations to Dainyanasakara, the Destroyer of affliction. 101. Salutations to Aryajanaganya, the One who is a member of the Arya people. 102. Salutations to Krura, the cruel One. 103. Salutations to Kruracesta,

the One who acts the Maker of

103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108.

104. Salutations to Kamakrodhakara,

desire and anger. the Cause of hostility of wife and son. 106. Salutations to Paripositabhakta, the One whose devotees are supported. 107. Salutations to Parabhtihara, the Remover of the greatest fear. 108. Salutations to Bhaktasamghamanobhistaphalada, the Bestower of the fruits that are desired in the minds of a multitude of devotees.
105. Salutations to Kalatraputrasatrutvakarana,

End of The 108 Names of Sani

Dasaratha Shani Stotra

* Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana (Saturn), who

when regularly remembered as (ten names listed in the first and second line of this verse) steals away the suffering (misfortune of the devotee).

by whose unfavorable position, gods, demons, celestial beings, celestial musicians, celestial masters of various wisdomteachings and even celestial snakes succumb to sufferings. * Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, whose unfavorable position brings agony to laymen, emperors, common animals, huge animals, forest creatures, insects, flies and humming bees (irrespective of their status).
* Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana,

* Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, whose

unfavourable position brings about suffering to countries, citadels, forests, war-camps, houses and cities. who is appeased by giving in charity things like sesame, paddy, black-gram, molasses, rice pudding, iron, blue cloth etc., and by chanting mantras on his own day (Saturday).
*Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana,

* Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who manifests

in subtle form before the yogis who meditate on him at any holy bank of prayag (confluence) of two rivers; Yamuna and Saraswati, or in a cave.

* Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who bestows

happiness to a person when He enters His own house (constellation); (though) when He leaves the house, does not return for a long time.
* Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who is the

creator of three worlds, who is the selfmanifested being, who is Hari the protector and Pinakin (Siva, bearer of the three pointed spear or pinaka), the destroyer, all in one, as well as the embodiment of the three-fold Vedas; Rig, Yajus and Saman.
* One whoever recites this Ashtaka stotra in the company of his family, pet/domestic animals, and friends, such a devotee is dear to Lord Shani, he blesses them with health, wealth and prosperity, and delivers them moksha in the end. * Recitation of above ten names relieves a devotee from sufferings of Seven and half years of saturnian influence (Sade Sati) and other evil influences. * The End of Shri Dasaratha Shani Stotra

Shani Vajra Panjara Kavacha stotram


Thunderbolt -Shield Protection Song for Saturn)

* Wearing blue clothes, with a blue body, seated on the Kiriti vulture, * he carries a bow and causes one to tremble with fear. * Let the son of the Sun who has four arms always be pleased with me; * so being pleased he might grant me boons. Brahma said: * Listen of rishis to this great [hymn] which takes away all the misery caused by the planet Saturn. * This armour of King Saturn, who is a scion of the Sun is the best of all armors. * This armor which is worn by Gods is called the Thunderbolt Shield. * It makes Saturn happy, so that he gives all good fortune. * Om. Let revered Saturn who is the beloved of the Sun protect my forehead. * Let he who was born from Chhaya, the shadow, protect my eyes; let the younger brother of Yama protect my ears. * Let the scion of the glorious sun protect my nose; let the one who belongs to the lineage of the brilliant illuminator protect my face. * Let he who has a soft agreeable voice protect my voice; let the one whose arms are great protect my arms. * Let Shani protect my shoulders; let the one who gives shining auspiciousness protect my hands. * Let Yamas brother protect my chest; let the one dark in color protect my belly.

* Let the lord of the planets protect my navel; let the one who moves slowly protect my hips. * Let the one who causes things to end protect my thighs; let the lord of death protect my two knees. * Let the one who moves very slowly protect my feet; let Pippala protect all my limbs. * Let the beloved of the Sun guard all my limbs and organs. * Thus, whoever recites this divine armor of the son of the Sun, no misfortune arises for him or her. * The one born from the Sun (Saturn) becomes pleased. * Whether Saturn is placed in the 12th house, the 1st house, the 2nd house or the 8th house [in the natal chart], * or when Saturn is in the 7th Nakshatra, Saturn is nevertheless always very pleased with the person who recites this. * And when Saturn transits the 8th house, the 12th house, the 1st house and 2nd house [of the moon], * one should daily recite this, no misery will arise for this person. * Thus this divine armor of the gods which was composed in ancient days always destroys all the faults which come from Saturn sitting in the 1st house, the 12th house and the 8th house in ones chart. * The Lord destroys all the faults and troubles arising from having Saturn sitting in the moons sign or in the rising sign. * The End of Shani Vajra Panjara Kavacha stotram

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