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What is Health?

Health refers the condition of a person’s body or mind At the same time health includes social health too
when a person not affected by any disease or degeneration and problem free mind and having good
relationship with the society, he is a good healthy man. He should be fit enough by physically by doing
regular exercises and eating nutritious meals three times a day.

To get free from mental stress, he should plane his daily activities. When he plans his routine works he
can avoid the stress and the tension so he could get free from mental problems and it won’t affect his
physical health. When a person lives peacefully with his society, he will get all sorts of happiness.


Man is living in the modern world with high degree of automation and artificial comforts. Man is drifting
away from nature and there fore the harmony with nature is disturbed. Man lives with a stressful life. He
suffers from pollutions of all sorts’ air, water, foot and noise. Human body is weakened due to various
problems. When the infections attack the body, the organs of the body too affected.


Our body is a marvelous creation of nature; it is so complicated and difficult to understand that medical
science has jet not been able to resolve a number of queries.Our body is so simple and easy to
understand that even a common man easily understand how to take care of it from the diseases and
pollution. Our body needs food and water to do internal functions. Like other natural and artificial things
need food or fuel to perform various actions inside and outside the body. If we plan our daily routine we
no need to mess our body and we can lead a healthy and happy life.


There is a great proverb given by our anchesters . “Prevention is better than cure “If we keep our body
healthy and fit doesn’t require anything unusual to be done, if we include some common looking but
highly effective measures to protect health and fitness, we can prevent our health from illness. Morning
exercise is always important. Because our body gets fresh sunlight and the used particles of our body will
go out as sweating so the body will get much energy and hunger feeling too increase by this other than
regular exercise, sports and games too better. When a person engaged in sports and games he can get a
kind of relaxation from his stressful life.

So if we follow these features as Rule in our life we can make our future life better than the past.

What is Ganoderma?

The reishi mushroom is one of the most revered herbs in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine, with
a documented history of over 2000 years. There are more than 38,000 varieties of Mushrooms known to
mankind. Out of this, about 2000 varieties are fit for human consumption. In that, about 200 varieties
have medicinal properties. The predominant variety in this group is GANODERMA LUCIDUM. so many
useful medicinal constituents are available in a single product, which have a wide range of medical
Ganoderma Lucidum or Reishi is also known as King of Herbs. In order to be known as King of Herbs, it has
to have some qualities that aren’t commonly available in other herbs and because this has been found to
be true Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum is also called ‘King of Herbs’.

Ganoderma Lucidum is one of the most highly regarded medicinal supplements and is probably the best
choice when looking for a general health tonic to improve overall health and increase longevity. Modern
clinical research also supports many of the uses for this mushroom as described in traditional medicine. It
benefits immune health, cardiovascular health, and liver function. Because of its superior oxygenation
properties, Ganoderma Lucidum is also frequently used by mountain climbers to combat altitude sickness
and is contained in many of the performance-enhancing herbal formulas used by Chinese athletes.

Ganoderma Lucidum provides a whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals to our body. All these nutrients
are easily absorbed by our body system because they are naturally available in Rieshi Ganoderma

Rieshi Ganoderma is known to contain more than 200 active elements. Some are Nutritive and others are
Therapeutic in function.
NUTRITIVE: Proteins, Amino acids, Vitamins, Minerals and dietary Fiber. They are all essential nutritional
elements to build the body strong and healthy.
THERAPEUTIC: Five important active elements are noted for their therapeutic benefits. They are as
• Polysaccharides (PSP): They are excellent in activating the body’s immune system at all levels. Once
activated, the immune system CLEANSES the body of all toxic matters. These toxins include harmful
chemicals as well as harmful germs. Polysaccharides protect the cell wall. It increases the Oxygen
levels in the blood. It effectively reduces the tumor cells and prevents the spread of cancer.
• Organic Germanium (OG): DXN Ganoderma is one of the richest sources of Organic Germanium (6000
ppm) which is very rare. This OG is good in BALANCING the bio-chemical factors as well as bio-
electric factors in the body. Thus it balances the body functions. It improves oxygen supply to the
cells- particularly for the brain cells.
• Adenosine: It acts as a REGULATOR of all hormone functions in the body. It also improves blood
circulation, removes blocks in the vessels, Corrects acidity, controls cholesterol and reduces free-
fat. It reduces obesity. It enhances the energy levels. Reduces mental stress and thereby improves
work efficiency.
• Triterpenoids: There are more than 112 types of Triterpenoids in DXN Ganoderma, which is a rich
source. They are BUILDERS of the cells. They activate the inactive cells, improve all the digestive
functions, and strengthen the muscles of the Heart and the Liver cells. It is excellent in preventing a
wide range of Allergies. It improves the natural healing ability of the body.
• Ganoderic Essence (GE): It is a combination of various vegetable essences present in gano. GE is
known to take care of the health of skin. Internally, it acts like beta carotenes and other anti-
oxidants, thus preventing the cell degeneration. The ageing process is thus delayed, retaining the
youthfulness for a long period. It strengthens the immune system and keeps full alert against
infections attacking.

Research has demonstrated that Ganoderma Lucidum has several different active constituents.

Ganoderma Lucidum is inhibiting platelet aggregation and reduces blood pressure. In research of people
with hypertension, researchers found blood pressure was significantly reduced over two-week' time with
reishi supplementation.

Ganoderma Lucidum is commonly prescribed by practitioners for long-term immune system support. In
studies involving patients with advanced tumors, the patients were given Ganoderma Lucidum for thirty
days. Researchers found a marked immune-modulating effect as demonstrated by an increase in T
lymphocytes and decreased CD8 counts. Patients also reported reduced side effects due to chemotherapy
or radiation as well as postoperation recovery.
research had shown Ganoderma Lucidum to have a blood sugar lowering effect. Much of this activity
appears to be due to polysaccharides known as Ganoderans A, B, and C.

research shown that hot-water extracts of Ganoderma Lucidum have anti-inflammatory effects. One
research found that 50 milligrams of reishi powder had comparable effects to 5 milligrams of

Ganoderma Lucidum is commonly used for its hepatoprotective (liver protective) action. One research of
patients with hepatitis B and elevated liver enzymes (SGOT/SGPT) and bilirubin were given reishi for
three months. Significant reduction in SGOT and SGPT were noticed within one month. After three
months all values were within normal range.

one of the unique uses of Ganoderma Lucidum is for altitude sickness. Reishi appears to reduce altitude
sickness by oxygenating the blood. This benefit was studied in Asian mountain climbers that ascended
mountains as high as 17,000 feet with minimal reaction.
Company Background

DXN International was founded in 1993 by Dr. Lim Siow Jin in Malaysia as a local direct sales company
producing Ganoderma Lucidum and Ganoderma Mycelium with modern advanced technology.There are
actually 38,000 types of mushrooms available in the whole world. Of them only 2000 are edible types for
human consumption. Out of which only 200 have medical properties of which 6 types of mushrooms have
superior medicinal and therapeutic value.

It also worth noting that the effectiveness of DXN products has been proven. The testimony left by more
than 200, 000 multi racial members from various ethnic groups from many countries certainly leaves no
room for doubts. To date, DXN has encountered great success. This is not surprising as DXN product are
superior quality and have been awarded the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Therapeutic Good
Administration, ISO 9002, ISO 14001 and HALAL certificates.

DXN has built an in-house production line to process Ganoderma products combining advanced technology
with Dr. Lim's medical theory of Ganoderma.Bhd is an integrated factory of 28, 000 square feet. This
facility allows the quality maintenance and assurance under DXN's strict supervision of the entire
production procedure from cultivation, processing and packaging to market. DXN Pharmaceutical also
ensures high production capacity to meet DXN's ever-growing demand for products as its membership
growth accelerates worldwide. DXN's successful expansion globally is recognized internationally by its
vast growth of members worldwide.

DXN Concept

ONE DRAGON - Entire process from cultivation to marketing is solely handled by the company.

ONE MARKET - Distributors enjoy world – wide bonus single membership card.

ONE MIND - A Single minded venture of the company and distributors to attain a Common global

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