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Second Semester 2013 Mrs.

Clearys Tiger Stars Lake Asbury Junior High School, 7-C Science Week10 March 11, 2013 Essential Question: How evidence has supported the Continental Drift Theory introduced by Wegener. Learning goals: Students will explain the theory of drifting continents, describe how the sea floor is spreading and describe how plate tectonics move. Schedule subject to change! Day Monday
March 11

Homework Chapter 5 Vocabulary. Study for test Wednesday.

Lessons Vocabulary and completion of Wengers Pangea Activity.

March 12

Study for Chapters 4 and 5 Power Point presentation. Test. Chapter 5 Concepts to know. TEST Chapters 4 and 5 Test. Introduction to lab activity time permitting.

Wednesday March 13

March 14

End of third quarter.

Early dismissal!

March 15

Teacher Planning Day / Student Holiday.

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