Expenses Process: Action Points As at 2 October 2001

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Expenses Process

Overview The present Expenses system Captura was implemented in August 2001, it is now 80% operational. Captura is a web based front-end expenses system. It allows employees at the coal face to input their expenses; forward for approval electronically (hard copy claim together with receipts sent to Expenses department); receive electronic notification of where their claim is in the process flow. The result for the employee is one of feeling more involved in the process, together with the obvious time saving element due to the electronic approval/submission. It allows finance to spend less time on data entry and more on the scrutiny of the submission for audit purposes/company policy/P11D and the review of the frequency of payment runs. There still remain (20%) a number of employees who do not use Captura, their expenses are still submitted manually. The claims are inputted by the Expenses department to the old expenses system ADP. The reasons for this may be: Employees who are out in the field may not have access remotely. Those employees who do access remotely are experiencing IT issues. Have not been informed they should be using Captua Have never used or been shown how to use the new system Resistance to change

Action Points as at 2nd October 2001 Sue Coles to arrange by Wednesday 3rd October a breakdown of the number of claims processed in total for the accounting periods July, August and September 2001.Each monthly total should be subtotalled to show the split between claims processed on Captura and those claims processed manually into ADP. If practical I would like the totals for each month to be analyzed in order we can view the total submissions by each Business Unit/Department. Arrange a meeting with Ian Heggie to review the current process with regard to Captura. Clarify what issue stop all employees migrating to Captura. What steps can be taken by the expenses department to reduce the need for 100% auditing of Employees are professional and responsible individuals, if claims are reviewed by manager and business unit finance managers are responsible for their own numbers the onus should be one or retrospective action if necessary. Work with audit to define a procedure for the expenses department, which will allow Finance to agree on the required permanent headcount for expenses.

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